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An old story goes as follows.King took another wife, who had a magic mirror. The queen often asked the mirror, “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of all?” The mirror answered “You, Queen, are the fairest of all,” and the Queen was content, because she knew the mirror could speak nothing but the truth.
Inspired by the fairy tale, a New York-based designer has come up with a mirror equipped with infrared (红外线的) technology that sends a live video to any cell phone, e-mail account or personal digital assistant (PDA) device selected by a shopper.
Christopher Enrich, chief technology officer for digital design company IconNicholson, said putting these mirrors outside store fitting rooms meant women could go shopping with their friends — even they are far apart.
“She could be in Paris, your mom, watching you try on your wedding dress(while you are in New York),” Enright told Reuters Tuesday as he exhibited the interactive (互动的)mirror at a  trade show.
Using the interactive mirror, a shopper’s friends can then text message back with comments about the clothes being tried on.
Shoppers can also use touch screens on the three-paneled (面板) mirror to choose matching shoes or accessories (配件), Enright said.
The left-hand panel has a touch screen that allows a customer to select a different suit from a database, and then see how it looks on her in the center mirror without physically putting the clothes on.
The right-hand panel has a screen offering more information about other shoes or accessories the shopper also might like.
Enright said teenagers were already using their cell phones to send pictures to their friends when they were out shopping.“This is ...adding technology to something we already do,” Enright said.
66.The interactive mirror mentioned in the text ______.
A.involves modern technology and great advantages
B.allows women shoppers to select clothes at home
C.was displayed and sold well at a trade show
D.spares people’s trouble of going shopping
67.Which is the most possible order according to the passage?
① Shoppers’ friends or relatives text message back with comments.
② Mirrors send a live video to any mobile phone, e-mail account or PDA.
③ Consumers make a final decision.
④ Shoppers try on the clothes.
A.①②③④        B.④③②①  C.②①④③    D.④②①③
68.From the passage we can conclude that ______.
A.the interactive mirrors will surely promote sales on a large scale
B.the designer of the mirror has profited a lot from the invention
C.the new shopping technology would cater to fashion hunters
D.the digital mirrors will replace all traditional fitting-rooms
69.Which of the following descriptions about the touch screen is true?
A.It enables a shopper to order a suit which is not available now.
B.It allows shoppers to “try on” chosen clothes without putting them on.
C.The touch screens are distributed on three more panels.
D.It provides information merely about shoes and accessories.
70.What is the text mainly about?
A.The great influence of a fairy tale.
B.The development of the interactive mirror.
C.Working principles of a digital product.
D.Technology added to traditional products.

66—70 ADCBC  



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The Great Fire of London started in the very early hours of 2 September, 1666. In four days it destroyed more than three-quarters of the old city, where most of the houses were wooden and close together. Over one hundred people became homeless, but only a few lost their lives.

The fire started on Sunday morning in the house of the King’s baker (面包师) in Pudding Lane. The baker, with his wife and family, was able to get out through a window into the roof. A strong wind blew the fire from the bakery (面包房) into a small hotel next door. Then it spread quickly into Thames Street. That was the beginning.

By eight o’clock three hundred houses were on fire. On Monday nearly a kilometer of the city was burning along the River Thames. Tuesday was the worst day. The fire destroyed many well-known buildings, old St Paul’s and the Guildhall among them.

Samuel Pepys, the famous writer, wrote about the fire, “People threw their things into the river. Many poor people stayed in their houses until the last moment. Birds fell out of the air because of the heat .”

The fire stopped only when the King finally ordered people to destroy hundreds of buildings in the path of the fire. With nothing left to burn, the fire became weak and finally died out.

After the fire, Christopher Wren, the architect (建筑师), wanted a city with wider streets and fine new houses of stone. In fact, the streets are still narrow, but he did build more than fifty churches, among them the mew St Paul’s

The fire caused great pain and loss, but after it London was a better place: a city for the future and not just of the past.

From the passage, we can learn that the fire began in ________.

A. a hotel              B. the palace          C. Pudding Lane   D. Thames Street

The underlined word “family” in the second paragraph means ________.

A. wife and husband        B. wife and children    C. home                  D. children

It seems that the writer of the text was most sorry for the fact that ________.

A. many famous buildings were destroyed

B. some people lost their lives

C. the birds in the sky were killed by the fire

D. the King’s bakery was burned down

Why did the writer cite (引用) Samuel Pepys?

A. Because Pepys was among those putting out the fire.

B. Because Pepys also wrote about the fire.

C. Because he wanted to give the reader a clearer picture of the fire.

D. Because he wanted to show that poor people suffered most.

How was the fire put out according to the text?

A. The King and his soldiers came to help.

B. Houses standing in the direction of the fire were pulled down.

C. All the wooden houses in the city were destroyed.

D. People managed to get enough water from the river.


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年湖北省沙市中学高二下学期第二次周练英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Last year, two days after Christmas, we kicked China out of the house. Not the country obviously, but bits of plastic, metal, and wood with the words “Made in China”. We kept what we already had, but stopped bringing any more in. because it had coated our lives with toys, and useless stuff. Sometimes I worried about jobs sent overseas, but price triumphed over virtue at our house. We couldn’t resist what China was selling.
But on that dark Monday last year, an unease feeling washed over me as I sat on the sofa. It wasn’t until then that I noticed a fact: China was taking over the place.
It stared back at me from the empty screen of the television. I spied it in the pile of tennis shoes by the door. It glowed in the lights on the Christmas tree and watched me in the eyes of a doll lying on the floor, I slipped off the couch and sorted gifts into two piles: China and non-China. The count came to China, 25, the world, 14. Christmas, I realized, had become a holiday made by the Chinese. Suddenly I wanted China out.
I persuaded my husband, and on Jan. 1 st, we started a-year-long household embargo on Chinese imports. The idea wasn’t to punish China. And we didn’t fool ourselves into thinking because we wanted to measure how far it had pushed in. We wanted to know what it would take in time, money, and worry to kick our China habit!
In the spring, our 4-year-old son started a campaign to support “China things”. “It’s too long without China,” he cried. He kept at me all day. I have discovered for myself that China doesn’t control every aspect of our daily lives, but if you take a close look at the underside of boxes in the toy department, I promise it will give you pause. “When we can buy China things again? Let’s never stop.” My son said.
After a year without China I can tell you this: You can still live without it, but it’s getting costlier by the day. And a decade from now I may not be brave enough to try it again.
【小题1】 The best title for the text could be _______.

A.China Free Living: A Trouble One
B.A Year without “Made in China”
C.Why I Choose “Made in China”
D.“Made in China”: Good or Bad
【小题2】 According to the passage, why did the author stop bringing in things “Made in China”?
A.Because she wanted to bring back job opportunities for her natives.
B.Because she has a strong sense of nationalism against “Made in China”.
C.Because she wanted to learn what life would be like without “Made in China”.
D.Because too much stuff made in China was take over her house.
【小题3】 The Underlined word “embargo” in the forth paragraph means ________.
【小题4】The writer’s purpose in writing this passage is ________.
A.to tell the readers an interesting experience
B.to describe the trouble facing a housewife
C.to explain the importance of Chinese goods
D.to show the difficulty without Chinese goods


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年山东省德州市乐陵一中高一3月月考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Academy of Fine Arts Museum
Although this is hardly the most impressive art collection in town, you will still find some excellent pieces and gain an interesting insight into art education of the past in St. Petersburg, Russia. A number of works by the Academy’s teaching staff and various paintings are related to the history of the Academy. After entering the building through the main entrance, go upstairs and buy your entrance ticket from the small booth.
Address: Universitetskaya Naberezhnaya 17
Open: Wednesday to Sunday, 11am to 7 pm
Closed: Monday and Tuesday
Telephone: +7 (812) 213-6496
Central Railway
This is undoubtedly the country’s best museum concerned with railways and the development of railways in Russia and the former USSR, from the very first Russian steam engine to the modern railways and engines of today. The Central Railway Museum also owns a collection of old cars.
Address: Ulitsa Marata 24-a
Telephone: +7 (812) 311-2549
+7 (812) 311-2547
Open: Wednesday to Sunday, 10 am to 5 pm (last admission 4:35 pm)
Closed: Monday, Tuesday and the last Saturday of the month
The Applied Art Museum
This is one of St. Petersburg’s best-kept secrets! The Applied Art Museum is little known and rarely included in a tourist routine. Yet the museum is a real treasure for anyone interested in the fine arts. Its collection of over 30 thousand exhibits includes various decorative arts and crafts, including furniture, porcelain, and carvings. As with most Russian museums, all visitors are asked to leave coats and larger bags in the cloakroom. Don’t be surprised to see dozens of students throughout the museum, busy sketching (画素描) the museum’s exhibits as well as the building.
Location: Solyanoy Pereulok 13-15   Open: Daily, 11am to 5 pm
Telephone: +7 (812) 273-3258
【小题1】You could call _____ for information if you are interested in art education of the past in St. Petersburg.
A.+7 (812) 311-2549 B.+7 (812) 213-6496
C.+7 (812) 273-3258D.+7 (812) 311-2547
【小题2】If you want to visit the Central Railway Museum, you can enter at ____.
A.9 am on Wednesday B.11 am on Tuesday
C.11 am on ThursdayD.4:40 pm on Sunday
【小题3】It is implied that ____.
A.the Applied Art Museum is well-known in Russia
B.students are allowed to practice drawing in the Applied Art Museum
C.there are only works by the Academy’s teaching staff in the Academy of Fine Arts Museum
D.you can see both old and new cars on display in the Central Railway Museum
【小题4】You may see all the following EXCEPT ____ in the Applied Art Museum.
【小题5】Why did the author write this passage?
A.To introduce three museums in Russia to us.
B.To tell us how to go to the finest museums in Russia.
C.To tell us the differences among these museums in Russia.
D.To give us a brief introduction to some artistic museums in Russia.


科目:高中英语 来源:2011—2012学年度湖北省武汉市部分学校高三新起点调研测试英语卷 题型:阅读理解

At the moment when looking round the world, all kinds of dance performances are being offered. There are competitions that claim to be a World Cup or World Championship, and the young dancer or the dance teacher who wants to enter his students might be quite confused. Which is which? Which is of high standard and good quality, and which is not worth going to? First of all it has clearly got to be distinguished between the different styles of dance and the purpose of such competitions. When a person wants to learn classical ballet, he or she would never dream of going to a ballroom teacher. Such a teacher might even have been world champion in his ballroom dancing, but he would definitely not be qualified in teaching proper classical ballet.
People in Britain and the USA are taking more interest in modern dance. Dance classes of all kinds are popular; the audiences going to watch modern dance companies are also larger. And perhaps the most popular modern dance company in Britain is the Ballet Rambert.
The Ballet Rambert is Britains’ oldest established dance company which began in 1926. In the 60 s the company lacked the money to go on staging big productions. The directors wanted to encourage new talent and to keep up their high standards. A change of direction was necessary. They decided to give the ballet a ‘new look” in 1966. The aim was to provide a chance for new talent – for musicians and designers as well as dancers – and to show dance as a contemporary art form. And although some of the company’s previous fans dislike the change, new audiences came to see the productions.
The modern dance pieces and modern music found unexpected popularity. In the 21 st century the Ballet Rambert was a great success in London’s West End. The company became a focus for new, progressive talent in the art.
Then, the Ballet Ramvert started to introduce young people to modern dance by giving performances at schools, which again, was a success.
The Ballet Rambert has managed to make modern dance popular while creating original and often avant – garde (标新立异) productions. It can claim to be the oldest dance company in Britain and at the same time one of the most modern!
【小题1】If a person wants to learn classical ballet, he or she will go to         .

A.the Ballet RambertB.a ballroom teacher
C.a world championD.a qualified school
【小题2】The underlined phrase “new talent” in Para. 3 probably means         .
A.new programsB.new audiences
C.avant – garde productionsD.skilled young dancers
【小题3】From the passage we know that the Ballet Rambert          .
A.has succeeded in making modern dance popular
B.wanted to become the oldest dance company
C.was once a popular dance company
D.changed old dance into new ones
【小题4】This passage is mainly about          .
A.the popularity of modern dance
B.the introduction to new modern dancers
C.the development of the Ballet Rambert
D.the high standard of dance performances


科目:高中英语 来源:0119 期中题 题型:阅读理解

     The Great Fire of London started in the very early hours of 2 September, 1666. In four days it destroyed
more than three-quarters of the old city, where most of the houses were wooden and close together. Over
one hundred people became homeless, but only a few lost their lives.
     The fire started on Sunday morning in the house of the King's baker (面包师) in Pudding Lane. The baker,
with his wife and family, was able to get out through a window into the roof. A strong wind blew the fire
from the bakery (面包房) into a small hotel next door. Then it spread quickly into Thames Street. That was
the beginning. 
     By eight o'clock three hundred houses were on fire. On Monday nearly a kilometer of the city was burning
along the River Thames. Tuesday was the worst day. The fire destroyed many well-known buildings, old St
Paul's and the Guildhall among them.
     Samuel Pepys, the famous writer, wrote about the fire, "People threw their things into the river. Many
poor people stayed in their houses until the last moment. Birds fell out of the air because of the heat."
     The fire stopped only when the King finally ordered people to destroy hundreds of buildings in the path
of the fire. With nothing left to burn, the fire became weak and finally died out.
     After the fire, Christopher Wren, the architect (建筑师), wanted a city with wider streets and fine new
houses of stone. In fact, the streets are still narrow, but he did build more than fifty churches, among them
the mew St Paul's.
     The fire caused great pain and loss, but after it London was a better place: a city for the future and not
just of the past.
1. From the passage, we can learn that the fire began in _____.
[     ]
A. a hotel   
B. the palace  
C. Pudding Lane  
D. Thames Street
2. The underlined word "family" in the second paragraph means _____.
[     ]
A. wife and husband  
B. wife and children 
C. home
D. children
3. It seems that the writer of the text was most sorry for the fact that _____.
[     ]
A. many famous buildings were destroyed
B. some people lost their lives
C. the birds in the sky were killed by the fire
D. the King's bakery was burned down
4. Why did the writer cite (引用) Samuel Pepys?
[     ]
A. Because Pepys was among those putting out the fire.
B. Because Pepys also wrote about the fire.
C. Because he wanted to give the reader a clearer picture of the fire.
D. Because he wanted to show that poor people suffered most.
5. How was the fire put out according to the text?
[     ]
A. The King and his soldiers came to help.
B. Houses standing in the direction of the fire were pulled down.
C. All the wooden houses in the city were destroyed.
D. People managed to get enough water from the river.

