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We humans are only born with one set of eyes, so it’s our job to take care of1(they) for our whole lives. The good news is that if we do a few simple2(thing) every day, we can protect our eyesight (视力) and reduce the risk of3(hurt) our eyes.

Almost all doctors keep telling us4(eat) lots of fresh fruit and vegetables so we can have good eyesight. Furthermore, we need to protect our eyes when we spend long periods5bright sunlight. The best way to do this is to wear sunglasses6have 100% UV protection. Besides, it is important to protect our eyes when we work with7( danger) chemicals(化学物质). For this reason we should always wear goggles (护目镜) in chemistry labs at work or at school.8(final), we should not spend too much time in front of the computer or television screen. That is why if we have to use a computer for a long time, doctors suggest we take9short break every fifteen or thirty minutes.

Having good eyesight10(be) important. As the popular English expression goes, "It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye.”





4to eat









1考查代词。句意:所以我们的工作是照顾他们一辈子。they是人称代词的主格形式,短语take care of后接宾语,应用人称代词的宾格形式,故填them

2考查名词单复数。句意:好消息是,如果我们每天做几件简单的事情,就可以保护我们的视力。a few意为少数几个,后接可数名词的复数形式,故填things

3考查非谓语动词。句意:好消息是,如果我们每天做几件简单的事情,我们可以保护我们的视力(视力),减少伤害眼睛的风险。短语 the risk of doing …意为“…的风险,在介词of后接动名词作宾语。故填hurting

4考查非谓语动词。句意:几乎所有的医生都告诉我们多吃新鲜的水果和蔬菜。短语tell sb. to do…“告诉某人做….”, 用不定式作宾语补足语。故填to eat

5考查介词。句意:当我们长时间在明亮的阳光下时,我们需要保护自己的眼睛。短语in the sunlight “在阳光下。故填in


7考查形容词。句意:当我们处理危险化学品时,保护我们的眼睛是很重要的。修饰名词chemicals,应该用形容词;danger 是名词,形容词是dangerous。故填dangerous


9考查固定短语。句意:医生建议我们每十五到三十分钟休息一次。短语take a short break “短暂休息一会。故填a

10考查主谓一致。句意:有良好的视力是很重要的。动名词短语Having good eyesight作主语谓语动词应该用单数;根据语境,句子说的客观事实,用一般现在时。故填is


To obey the law is everyone's duty. 遵守法律是每个人的职责。(不定式作主语)

Eating too many sweets has ruined your teeth. 吃太多的糖毁掉了你的牙齿。(动名词短语作主语)

Why he did it was very clear. 他为什么那样做还不清楚。(从句作主语)

如本题第10处错误,动名词短语Having good eyesight作主语,谓语动词应该用单数,be动词用is


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】What does the man want the woman’s cousin to do?

A.Move out.B.Get an extra bed.C.Stay for one more month.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 The cracked step four years ago was the start of it. That day, I awoke tired—the children were tiny and needing so much—and I had a golden afternoon of rest ahead, my mother stepping in to allow me to catch up on my sleep. I dropped them off and drove home—the sun shining and my bed signaling. As I was about to enter the house, I caught sight of a deep crack beneath my feet.

Without thinking, I turned around, walked back to the car and drove to a DIY store. Four hours later, I had all the tools, mixed my own cement, filled in the crack and repaired the foundation. Perfect. As I stood up to take a photo of my handiwork, I realized that I was trembling. I’d forgotten my shot at a nice long nap, and my children were already on their way home. That sleep... that promise to self was broken, because I had focused, instead, on the crack in the step.

Suddenly, everything started to hurt. My head, my throat, my back. I couldn’t stop shaking. What earned then is that when we break the promises we make to our bodies they will not be silenced. This is when we overwork and overthink to the point of breaking down. Ironically (讽刺地), for many of us, it is only when we have no choice— when we fall ill—that we learn to listen. For me, when that crack ended in a hospital stay which sent me to bed for two unmoving weeks when my body worked to clear two different infections, the lesson is ever present. I did it to myself—a whole twisted spin on DIY.

Sadly it took another two ridiculous DIY projects to finally get through. The cracks will never be fully filled. Focus, then, on your own inner core, the feeding of light, fire and strength.

1What made the author so sleepy in the first place?

A.Taking care of the kids.B.Asking her mother for help.

C.Driving to her mother’s houseD.Dealing with DIY projects.

2How did the author feel as soon as she finished her repair work?



3What can be implied from Paragraph 3?

A.Our health is ignored deliberately.

B.Our body will respond to what we do.

C.The author took her mother’s advice.

D.The author was infected before the DIY.

4What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?

A.To describe an unfortunate event.

B.To show the danger of DIY.

C.To stress the importance of sleep.

D.To encourage focusing on oneself.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1What's the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A.Teacher and student.

B.Executive and employee.

C.Doctor and patient.

2Where does the conversation probably take place?

A.At home.B.In a company.C.At a restaurant.

3How does the woman think of the dinner together this evening?



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1What is Sally doing?

A.Reading a letterB.Washing clothesC.Making a phone call

2Why does Tom ask Sally and John to call him?

A.He wants to meet them at the station.

B.He wants to invite them to dinner.

C.He wants them to visit his family.

3What is Tom’s telephone number?



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 When my husband and I moved back to the United States years ago, we had been living an adventurous life on a boat overseas. We moved to Maine and fell in love with a piece of land. It came with a huge farmhouse much larger than we needed. We went rapidly from living in an extremely small space on the water with only two bags to a life on land as a family of four in a big house jammed with stuff.

How did we end up with so much stuff? We just didn't see things piling up so quickly. It's an embarrassment of riches. It's an overabundance. And it's burying us.

A couple of weeks ago, going through a pile of books I’d organized, I found my late mother's now-twenty-year-old copy of “Simplify Your Life" by Elaine St. James. I’d read it a number of times, adding my own penciled notes and folding down more pages.

Wondering if St. James wrote other books on the topic, I began an Internet search that led me deeper and deeper into simplicity, and a concept that was new to me, zero waste. I sensed that what was missing from our life, from our home, was emptiness. My house can't breathe, it's no wonder I feel like I can't either.

Now, my husband and I have undertaken an experiment that we hope will lead to a major lifestyle shift for our whole family. I first started to declutter and downsize by cleaning my kitchen. I emptied out my cupboards and drawers. I put everything needed on our dining-room table. Everything else went into a huge bin for sale. My drawers are beautiful now and I’m content to take this step.

Like any new beginning, there are hesitations. But in a few months, we will move into a new house less than half the size of the one we have. Can my two kids adjust to the idea of reducing their two separate rooms to one small shared bedroom with just a few toys? I can see I'm still thinking about what I will lose. But what I hope becomes clearer is what we will gain by letting go.

1How did the author feel about the life back to the United States?

A.She enjoyed the new spacious house.

B.She loved the abundance of materials.

C.She complained about owning too much.

D.She desired a much richer life.

2Why did the author mention Elaine St. James and her book?

A.To show what a great influence James had on her.

B.To advise more people to read James's book.

C.To indicate how her late mother liked reading.

D.To explain why a simple life counts to everyone.

3What does the underlined word “declutter" mean in Para 5?



4What is the author doing according to the last paragraph?

A.Persuading her kids to live simply.

B.Reflecting her hesitations about letting go.

C.Questioning her sudden change on life.

D.Missing her life on the boat.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

Last year, a report by a committee of education experts said that a lot of American students cannot write well. The report noted the concerns of business leaders and teachers. The experts said that more students should have to pass a writing test 1 they can finish high school. They pointed out major college entrance tests are changing now 2 (include) a writing part.

Educators know that teaching students to write well is not easy. One problem is the amount of time needed to read through large amounts of work. So some companies 3 (develop) computer programs that can grade students writing more quickly than a person can. Writing tests can also cost 4 (little) to carry out by computer than paper-and-pencil. These computer systems, known as e-readers, use artificial intelligence to think in a way 5 teachers. For two years, both a computer and humans graded the student writing. Officials say there was almost no difference between the computer grades and 6 given by the human readers.

The entrance test commonly 7(use) by business schools, the GMAT, already uses e-readers. The GRE and TOEFL tests might start; officials are deciding.

Systems 8(use) to grade writing in college classes as well. The computers read a few hundred examples of student writing already graded by humans. Then the systems compare new writing against those already examined.

Some teachers say machines can never do the job as well as people can. A computer can find spelling and grammar mistakes, but it can never really understand 9 a writer is trying to say. Critics say a program cannot follow a thought or judge humor or understand a beautifully expressed idea.

But inventors of the programs say computer grading guarantees that each piece of writing is graded in the same way. They also say the systems 10(mean) to judge knowledge more than creativity.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】请根据以下要点以“My Best Friend”为题写一篇英语短文。

1. 简要描述你的朋友(外貌特征、性格等);

2. 简述你们是如何成为好朋友的。





科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Dr. Faisal Zawawi, an Otolaryngologist and member of the McGill Auditory Sciences Laboratory, notes that when a person is exposed to loud noises it can cause short-term hearing loss but that under normal circumstances the body typically is able to repair the loss of hearing within 72 hours. However, Zawawi warns that if symptoms are not reversed (倒转) in the first 72 hours the damage could become permanent. Due to findings in previous studies about it, Zawawi says that the team of researchers has suspected that something may stop this repair process; therefore, the team set out to determine if caffeine could be a contributing cause to hearing loss. According to the Medical Daily, the researchers tested what they suspected on female guinea pigs(FGP) (豚鼠).

To perform the test, 24 female guinea pigs were split into three equal groups with each group exposed in different levels to caffeine, and loud noises. The researchers found that the guinea pigs subjected to only sound had their full hearing recovered by day eight. However, the guinea pigs that were subjected to both caffeine and loud noise never fully regained their hearing. Thereforethe researchers concluded that caffeine is a likely contributing cause to permanent hearing loss.

“This research confirms that while a cup of coffee may seem appealing after a long night at a loud concert, drinking caffeine produces more of a risk than benefit when it comes to a person's hearing. Although further research is required to understand the effect on humans, the results are promising," says Zawawi. If the research proves successful, the removal of caffeine from your diet following noise exposure could prevent permanent hearing loss as the body will be more able to repair itself naturally.

1What caused the team to do the research?

A.Caffeine loving people suffering hearing loss.

B.The results about hearing loss found before.

C.The finding that FGPs are sensitive to noise.

D.The fact that many people drink coffee.

2What is Zawawi's view about temporary hearing loss?

A.Drinking coffee daily results in it.

B.Drink less coffee while suffering it.

C.Generally people can recover from it in 3 days.

D.The continuous noise exposure surely causes it.

3What can we learn about hearing from the text?

A.Coffee can stop it from recovering.

B.Coffee Can lead to quick hearing loss.

C.Hearing loss after noise exposure is normal.

D.Loud noise causes people to lose it forever.

4How does Zawawi assess the research?

A.It's controversial.B.It's unnecessary to carry it on.

C.It's not predictable.D.It's almost successful.

