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18.People need to seek out new foods because the world has so many mouths to feed.As of
2015,there are more than seven billion people on Earth,according to the United Nations.
And by 2100 that number may double.Feeding all of these people means not only improving the way food is grown,but also finding new sources of nutrition.
And that quest is becoming ever more urgent.1f nothing changes,within 35 years,the
world's appetite will be greater than the amount of food produced.That's according to a report released last year.It was prepared by the Global Harvest Initiative,a private agriculture group based in Washington,D.C.
Global warming,too,is changing food production.Scientists predict that rising
temperatures will reduce the growth of important crops like wheat,corn and soybeans.Low-income developing countries will be hit the hardest.When harvests fall,crops become more expensive.And since those foods are also used to feed animals like cows and pigs,meat prices too,will rise.
All over the world,researchers are racing against the clock to figure out how best to feed more people in a fast-changing world.And some surprising ideas have begun to come up.WO years ago,scientists introduced the first burger made from meat grown in a lab.
the project cost more than $ 300,000,but it's a start.Other researchers are developing seeds that can survive high temperatures and drought.Still others are finding ways to improve the genes of meat animals so they produce more meat and can stand the heat.
gloomy (悲观的) forecast for the planet isn't the only reason to study foods for the
future.It P s a creative quest that will inspire people who can think in new ways about existing plants and animals even insects.These researchers have used their talents in ways that even they never would have predicted.
28.What do the underlined words"that quest"in paragraph 2 refer to?A
A.The research on food.
B.The increase of population.
C.The variety of nutrition.
D.The change of appetite.
29.How does global warming affect low-income developing countries?D
a.Increase meat prices.b.Raise the temperature.
c.Reduce the growth of crops.d.Lead to the high cost of life.
e.Cause a higher price for crops.
A.d→a→c→d→e           B.c→a→b→d→e
C.d→e→c→a→b           D.b→c→e→a→d
30.What is mainly talked about in Paragraph 4?C
A.New ways of farming.
B.Some great researchers.
C.Progress in food research.
D.Achievements in lab experiments.
31.What will be discussed in the following paragraph?A
A.Examples of successful food researchers.
B.Different opinions about the future food.
C.Methods of dealing with global warming.
D.Possibilities of feeding the present population.

分析 人们需要寻找新的食物,因为世界上有这么多的人要养活.截至2015年,世界人口已超过七十亿人,根据联合国的报告,2100年这个数字可能会翻一番.养活这些人不仅意味着提高粮食种植的方式,而且还可以寻找新的营养来源.

解答 28.A 词义猜测题.根据上文内容可知,人们需要寻找新的食物,因为世界上有这么多的人要养活.养活这些人不仅意味着提高粮食种植的方式,而且还要寻找新的营养来源.所以句中的"这个任务"应指关于粮食的研究,故选A.
29.D 细节理解题.根据第三段内容可知,气温上升将减少小麦、玉米和大豆等重要农作物的增长.低收入的发展中国家将受到最严重的打击,当收成下降,农作物变得越来越昂贵,因为这些食物也被用来喂养像牛和猪一样的动物,所以肉的价格也会上升.因此全球变暖引起气温上升,气温上升导致农作物减产,农作物减产引起粮食和肉价上升,最终导致低收入发展中国家高昂的生活成本,故选D.
30.C 主旨大意题.根据第四段的内容可知,两年前,科学家推出了第一个用实验室培育的肉做成的汉堡.其他研究人员在开发可以经受高温和干旱的种子.还有一些人正在寻找改善肉类动物的基因的方法,这样他们能生产更多的肉和承受高温.所以第四段主要讲了食物研究的进展,故选C.

点评 本文是政治经济类阅读,考查学生对细节的理解把握和推理判断能力,做题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确选择.在做推理判断题时不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

8.With(随着)the passing of time,the weather is getting colder and colder.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

9.For some time now,world leaders _____ out the necessity for agreement on climate change,the world economy and African development.(  )
A.had been pointingB.have been pointing
C.were pointingD.pointed


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

6.The Amber Room was also a treasuredecorated(装饰) with gold and jewels.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

13.Iguarantee(保证) that if you take this medicine,you'll soon get well.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

3.I grew up in London,a place where there are so many people of different nationalities and races.So when I left London to start university,it came as a surprise that the student community was so divided.Chinese students,especially,stood apart.They cooked Chinese food every day and only socialized with their Chinese friends.
At first I wondered"Why are Chinese students so eager to come to the UK,yet not willing to make friends with the local students and learn about their culture?"
But then I studied in China for a year,and I realized that all the foreign students there behaved in exactly the same way.They ate in foreign restaurants and only socialized with students from their own countries.It was a shock.Why were so many foreigners going to China if they didn't want to meet local people and learn about their culture?
Our natural instinct (本能) when we move abroad into an unfamiliar environment is to seek out the things we know and distance ourselves from those we don't.So we look for friends of the same nationality or race,and eat the food from our home country.
I was not different from other foreign students in the beginning,but I tried to change.So every day I played basketball with my Chinese peers after class,I had meals with them in the campus canteen and I joined a band with other Asian students.
Those are probably the three best ways to make friends when there is a risk of language or cultural barriers getting in the way:play together,embrace (欣然接受) each other's food and share your passions.

24.When the author started university,he was surprised thatD.
A.there were so many Chinese students studying in the UK
B.it was difficult to find a suitable student community
C.London was crowded with people of different nationalities and races
D.students mostly stayed with others of the same nationality or race
25.The reason why foreign students don't like to make friends with local people is thatB.
A.they want to stick to what they know
B.they look for the things they know and keep themselves away from those they don't
C.they don't want to be involved into the local community
D.the local people are not friendly
26.What is the best way to join the local community in the author's opinion?A
A.Sharing hobbies with local people.
B.Teaching local people how to play music.
C.Learning to cook local food.
D.Visiting local families frequently.
27.What is the best title for this article?
A.Ways to make friends
B.Respect cultural differences
C.Let's embrace the unknown
D.Difficulties in studying abroad.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

10.The doctors take turns at         the discussion.(  )
A.attending toB.participating in
C.joiningD.taking part


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

We are what we eat,so healthy eating plays an important role in our daily life.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

12.Adam West is known as Batman to many people in the United States,who played the role in the Batman television series in the 1960s.Adam West says that after the show was(36)B,he had a difficult time being less famous than he once was.But that period lasted just a short time(37)Ahe went on with another job.
"It's a(n)(38)Cof not really examining it.Just going along putting one foot(39)Athe other and not thinking too much about it.And,when work(40)D,think about the work.It's no(41)Cthing.It's easy.If you are lost in the past,there is(42)Bto go but down."
   Burt Ward played Batman's young helper Robin in the television series.Like Adam West,Burt Ward(43)Doften at fan conventions.Many people pay to see their childhood(44)B,and are happy to have their picture taken with them.
"Actually,the fame is there-it just takes a different(45)D.Some may think of our TV show being our(46)Btime,but when I meet people,they act just as(47)Aas when I was during Batman days.So,it's not that the people(48)A,but that the perception (看法) is different.Honestly,nothing has changed-I'm the same person as I was before."
   He says he has made a(49)Cliving over the past 45 years.(50)Bhe is paid for his work,that is all that matters.Being famous does not pay for food,housing and other costs,but(51)Ddoes.
   If people can(52)Athat this is just part of the job-all the publicity,all the press,all the compliments,they could(53)Ckeep a cool mind and not let it go to their heads.If they look at it as part of their personality and(54)Cpeople to bow to them everywhere they go,that's not going to happen!The early Christian philosopher St.Augustine said,"The desire for(55)Dtempts (诱惑) even noble minds,but I would rather have truth than money or fame."

39.A.in front ofB.on top ofC.away fromD.next to
40.A.comes aroundB.comes acrossC.comes apartD.comes along
50.A.As soon asB.As long asC.As far asD.As well as

