精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情
   Collecting coins (or numismatics to the more seriously minded) is one of the world’s popular hobbies. Although you can begin collecting coins at any age, most numismatists will recall their hobbies being stimulated in childhoodMy interest was kindled as a ten - year- old child when I was presented with a small tin of old coins by the boyfriend of an elder sister. I wasn’t rich all of a sudden but I was certainly impressed by possessing objects that were so many times older than myself. Such is the fascination of coins for old and young alike.

    Many people are astonished to heat that coins issued before the birth of Christ- representing sixty generations of human life- can be bought for just a few dollars. Owning something which has literally passed through the hands of so many of our ancestors (祖先) is instantly appealing. When such a coin is not only rare but beautiful, it is not surprising that collectors will pay thousands of dollars to own it. Australia’s own coins, although so much more recent than, say, Roman coins, can still be very valuable. For example, in March1992 an Australian 1920 sovereign was sold for$287,000 at a London auction.

    Coins speak to us from the past. If we care to study them we can learn more about how our ancestors used to think. But perhaps most interestingly, we can discover how people dealt with one another. Basically, coins represent the value put objects which we own and want to trade, now or at some future date. We can call this complex system currency(货币). Australia, like few other countries in the world can trace its history through its currency.

1. The word closest in meaning to was kindled as it is used in the passage is ________.





2. After receiving the coins as a young child, the author felt ________.

Asuddenly very rich

Ba desire to spend them all

Cmoved by owning very old objects

Dan overwhelming sense of discovery

3. If something is instantly appealing it is ________.

Awildly exciting

Bimmediately pleasing

Cinvariably interesting

Dstrangely curious

4. Australia’s coins can be valuable even though ________.

Athey have been passed down through generations

Bthey are not very old

Cthe currency has changed

Dthe currency system is complex

5. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?

ACoin collecting has always been an expensive hobby.

BNumismatics appeals to both children and adults

CCoins were not issued before the birth of Christ.

DAustralia is unique in that it can trace its history through coins.



1.       be kindled被引起,被点燃,选择A

2.       I was certainly impressed by possessing objects从这句话可以看出,这个钱币没有使我突然暴富起来,但是我却突然有占有钱币的欲望

3.       instantly立即,即刻,appealing吸引人的

4.       Australia’s own coins, although so much more recent than Roman coins尽管澳大利亚的货币比罗马年代要近得多,但仍然很值钱

5.       A集钱币并不需要花很多钱,C第二段第一句话,公元前就有货币,D澳大利亚并不是唯一能够通过钱币来追溯历史的国家



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:054

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1 ̄25各题所给的四个选项中,选出一   个最佳答案。

      We arrived 1 Spain for the first time 2 and I decided to buy a car   because we had sold 3 we had in England before leaving. Yesterday the   sales office rang us 4 the car was ready. I had tried out a model   5 it before but as I was 6 in this city, my wife did not   7 it on my own so we went together to 8 . We paid   9 and signed the papers. They told us that 10 us to a garage,    11 we could fill up. The 12 the office was 13 and we got there safely. But when I turned into the main road I   suddenly saw a lot of cars racing towards me. I got   14 15 by backing into the garage 16 and the man behind me shouted at me. "    17 problem to 18 on the right, isn't it?" my wife said. "Yes, if only I   19 a few lessons for practice," I replied, "You   20 go carefully 21 home," my wife said. "You'd be sorry if you had an accident   22 the first day, 23 " While we were talking, the man behind got out of his car and said in   good English "Would you 24 me when you are thinking of leaving? Or are   you going to sit in your car 25 day?"

(1)  A. to         B. in     C. at         D. on               [  ] (2)  A. few weeks since  B. since a few weeks   C. few weeks ago    D. a few weeks ago        [  ] (3)  A. that         B. which      C. the one      D. the one what           [  ] (4)  A. for saying     B. to say     C. for telling    D. to tell            [  ] (5)  A. as         B. like     C. the same that    D. similar            [  ] (6)  A. no longer used to driving     B. still not used to drive   C. not yet used to driving       D. already not used to drive               [  ] (7)  A. want me to collect   B. like me to collect   C. want that I collected    D. like that I collected                 [  ] (8)  A. bring it       B. take it    C. fetch it       D. carry it away         [  ] (9)  A. the car      B. the car for    C. for the car    D. how much the car        [  ] (10) A. there was enough petrol to take    B. there was enough petrol for taking   C. it was enough petrol to take     D. it was enough petrol for taking           [  ] (11) A. where at       B. there      C. there where    D. where             [  ] (12) A. nearest garage at  B. nearest garage to   C. garage most near   D. most near garage to       [  ] (13) A. at 100 yards away        B. at 100 yards far   C. about 100 yards away     D. about 100 yards far                 [  ] (14) A. away from their way      B. away from their road   C. out of their way       D. out their road                    [  ] (15) A. as fast as I could       B. so fast as I could   C. as fast as I may       D. so fast as I may                  [  ] (16) A. once more    B. one more time   C. one other time   D. another time          [  ] (17) A. It's so much   B. It's such a   C. That's such a  D. That's so much a        [  ] (18) A. remind to drive       B. remind driving   C. remember to drive     D. remember driving                  [  ] (19) A. would have     B. would have had     C. was having     D. had had             [  ] (20) A. had better     B. would better       C. had rather     D. would rather          [  ] (21) A. in the way to  B. on the way to   C. in the way     D. on the way            [  ] (22) A. in         B. on      C. at         D. by                [  ] (23) A. hadn't you?    B. shouldn't you?     C. wouldn't you   D. won't you             [  ] (24) A. mind to tell   B. object telling    C. mind telling   D. upset to tell           [  ] (25) A. every      B. each      C. all the      D. all               [  ]


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:054


  In the United States, boys and girls start school when they are five years oldIn some states they must stay in school   1  they are sixteenMost students are seventeen or eighteen years old when they   2  from secondary school   3  name for secondary school is high school

    4  children go to public elementary and secondary schoolsThe   5  of public school pupils do not have to   6 directly(直接) for their children's education because tax money   7  the public schoolIf a child   8  a private school his parents pay the school for the   9  education

  Today about half of the   10  schools' graduates(毕业生) go on to colleges(学院) and universities(综合性大学) that   11  tax money from the governmentA student at a state university does not   12  to pay very much if his parents live in the statePrivate colleges and universities are   13 , howeverAlmost half of the college students in the United States work   14  they are studying, When a student's family is not rich, he has to earn() money for   15  of his college expenses







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D.has been given







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D.ask for







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B.more expensive











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D.the number



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解



I’m a straight-A student and have been my whole life .When you come from a family of educators, it just seems  36  .

With high academic standards and a competitive  37 , I don’t just like losing and I also can’t  38 it. I need to beat the  39 students, perfectly in everything. I’ve even gone so far as to define myself by my  40 , saying how outstanding I am. If I don’t get the grade I   41 then I am lost.

  Today I was sitting in class trying to  42 the last minutes studying for a test in which I had to get full marks.  43 the girl behind me started talking to me, I tried to listen  44 while still glancing at my study sheet  45 .When I thought the conversation required it, I smiled, nodded and  46 . And then I found myself wishing she would be  47 so I could study .After a while, she said, “You know, you’re a really good  48  . You’re so easy to talk to.” I froze.

  I replayed the praise in my head before smiling and accepting it  49 . But inside, I knew it wasn’t true .She’d made every effort to have a conversation and I wasn’t even trying to  50 .

  I passed the test excellently despite my  51 of lost study time, but the one thing I needed to learn most wasn’t on that test. I had  52 being the best student so that I had failed at just being normal. So what  53 to me most? What I have is all about my personal  54  and about me being too self-centered. There can only be so many scholars, but there is  55 enough sympathy. I want that to be what matters to me --- sympathy.

36.     A. usual        B. helpless        C. unfortunate        D. natural

37.     A. spirit        B. sport          C. school            D. market

38.     A. take         B. recommend     C. stand            D. help

39.     A. ordinary      B. top           C. handsome         D. strong

40.     A. strength      B. appearance     C. grades            D. tricks

41.     A. invent        B. expect         C. copy             D. hide

42.     A. save         B. spend         C. collect            D. cost

43.     A. When        B. After          C. Because           D. Before

44.     A. rudely       B. bitterly         C. excitedly          D. politely

45.     A. in no time     B. on time C. for a long time D. now and then

46.     A. refused       B. worked        C. agreed           D. waited

47.     A. quiet        B. gentle         C. pretty            D. safe

48.     A. talker        B. listener        C. lecturer           D. teacher

49.     A. angrily       B. carelessly       C. disappointedly      D. gladly

50.     A. alarm        B. gather         C. participate         D. shout

51.     A. fear         B. joy           C. worry            D. possession

52.     A. given up      B. focused on     C. complained of      D. dreamed of

53.     A. happens      B. matters        C. appeals           D. devotes

54.     A. success      B. failure         C. depression         D. health

55.     A. always       B. ever          C. much            D. never


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

There was once a great war between two countries. The war had been going on for some time and the soldiers were starting to feel  21 the long battle.

    On a hot afternoon, a man was  22 past a small group of soldiers digging a huge pit(坑). The group leader was shouting orders and threatening 23 if the work was not completed within the hour. The man riding the horse  24 and asked,“Sir, why are you only shouting orders? Why cannot you help them yourself?”

    The group leader looked at him and replied, “What do you 25 ? I’m the leader. The men do as I 26 them to.” He then added,“If you feel so strongly about helping them, you are  27  to do so yourself!”

    The man got down from the  28 and started walking up to the soldiers at work. The group leader was simply  29 !The man took up the  30 and started helping the soldiers and worked with them till the job was  31 !

    Before leaving, the man 32 the soldiers on their work, and  33 the group leader. He said, “Next time your  34  prevents you from supporting your people, you should inform your  35 authorities, and I will provide a more permanent 36 .”

    The group leader was now completely surprised. Only now he looked  37 at the man and realized the man was the army general!

    The army general exhibited some of the key  38 that are important for a true leader. There are  39 people who are ready to really help get the work done. They    40 the status of the leader but not the state of the leader.

21. A. astonished at       B. tired of         C. frightened of     D. embarrassed at

22. A. walking        B. riding       C. driving           D. running

23. A. illness            B. battle           C. punishment    D. death

24. A. stopped        B. waited      C. stayed        D. doubted

25. A. remember     B. mean            C. express          D. imagine

26. A. remind        B. tell              C. beg             D. invite

27. A. sure             B. lucky       C. ready            D. welcome

28. A. horse            B. plane            C. car             D. bike

29. A. shocked          B. moved        C. encouraged    D. worried

30. A. tools            B. guns            C. clothes           D. bricks

31. A. improved         B. lost             C. finished          D. allowed

32. A. thanked B. rewarded         C. instructed D. congratulated

33. A. interviewed    B. answered         C. tested            D. approached

34. A. people        B. order            C. leader        D. status

35. A. richer        B. higher        C. cleverer          D. smaller

36. A. prize             B. solution          C. salary        D. experiment

37. A. frequently        B. closely        C. seriously         D. firmly

38. A. problems          B. courses          C. qualities          D. speeds

39. A. few             B. some            C. most            D. many

40. A. achieve          B. call             C. prepare          D. collect


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Tony was a young man different from the other people in the small village. He tried to  36 from the same old familiar routine, and looked around for new ideas. So people  37 at him and even his 38 felt ashamed for having “a black sheep” in their home.

But Tony didn’t care about their ugly 39 . He believed in his ability and held his head up high. One day as he 40 through the village, his shoes got stuck in the weed (杂草). Pulling them out from the weed, Tony was lost in thought. Then 41 , it occurred to him what he wanted to do in life.

He went around 42 the shoes of everyone in the village and pitied the sight of their worn-out footwear. The city shoes were too 43 for the poor villagers, so they wore shoes  44  no one could use it ever again.

Tony went to the city to collect information and resources on how to 45 shoes. He worked with a shoemaker and 46 home six months later, equipped with 47 and material. He made a pair of shoes for everyone in his family. Soon the villagers 48 Tony to make shoes for them, too. He set a(n) 49 they could afford, where his profits(利润)were included.

50 spread like fire and soon Tony had shoe projects he never dreamed of. He put 51 a board at his home. It read, “Tony Shoe Mart gives your feet some love.”

Soon Tony 52 many villagers in his factory, and everyone in his own family had a job that earned them more money than their regular jobs. Now Tony’s parents were 53 of their son because Tony became the village savior.

Always believe in yourselves and your  54 . Be proud and confident of yourself no matter how 55 a person you are.

36.A.learn               B.escape         C.wake               D.realize

37.A.pointed         B.stared          C.laughed       D.shouted

38.A.friends         B.workmates       C.parents       D.villagers

39.A.habits        B.looks             C.rules               D.words

40.A.walked         B.rode          C.drove              D.flew

41.A.suddenly         B.finally          C.fortunately      D.surely

42.A.choosing        B.appreciating    C.observing           D.seeking

43.A.cheap          B.expensive         C.nice          D.common

44.A.after            B.though         C.till            D.when

45.A.sell             B.clean             C.repair              D.make

46.A.returned        B.missed         C.owned        D.left

47.A.equipment          B.knowledge       C.energy         D.strength

48.A.demanded          B.forbade       C.ordered       D.asked

49.A.record          B.example       C.price               D.limit

50.A.Word              B.Lie           C.Note        D.Rumor

51.A.off           B.away           C.down              D.up

52.A.found          B.fired         C.hired               D.saved

53.A.proud          B.afraid            C.tired          D.jealous

54.A.judgments           B.decisions      C.opinions       D.abilities

55.A.famous         B.honest          C.small               D.kind

