精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情

Daily Telegraph - An enormous number of sardines (沙丁鱼) have been photographed as they swam in the formation of a dolphin (海豚).Steve De Neef photographed the fish near Cebu in the Philippines grouping together to protect themselves from larger animals.He said: "Getting the picture of the dolphin shape was just about being in the right spot at the right time, but it would be to their benefit if they could imitate (模仿) a larger animal."

Daily Mail - Black garlic - a sweet variety of the popular cooking ingredient that doesn't leave you with bad breath - is getting ready to hit the UK supermarket shelves.Black garlic tastes much sweeter than traditional garlic and enjoys twice the amount of anti-oxidants (抗氧化剂) and can last twice as long on the shelf.

BBC - Researchers in the United States have developed the first wirelessly controlled device (装置) that can supply a drug directly into the body.A small chip is implanted under the skin.It contains the medicine, which it releases at programmed times.The developers say the device could improve the lives of millions of people who take medicine for long-term illnesses and may one day free patients from having to remember to take their medicine, or give themselves injections.

VOA - Global warming could make humans shorter, warn scientists who claim to have found evidence that it caused the world's first horses to shrink nearly 50 million years ago.As temperatures went up their size went down, and vice versa (反之亦然); at one point they were as small as a house cat.The scientists say that the current warming could have the same effect on mammals, and even humans.

59.What information can we obtain from Steve De Neef's words?

       A.The sardines swim together to protect themselves from dolphins.

       B.The sardines will be in safety when meeting a larger animal.

       C.He took this rare picture of sardines probably by accident.

       D.It's easy to get the picture of the dolphin shape.

60.In comparison with traditional garlic, black garlic _____.

       A.will leave you much stronger breath

       B.is more popular in the UK supermarket

       C.can be kept fresh for a much longer time

       D.contains the same amount of anti-oxidants

61.Who will probably find the wirelessly controlled device most useful?

       A.Janet who is suffering a bad cold.         B.Sophia who had had an operation.

       C.Winfred who has been ill for long.       D.Lynette who has a poor memory.

62.The underlined word "shrink" in Paragraph 4 probably means _____.

       A.become smaller                                B.become weaker         

       C.grow bigger                                 D.grow stronger

59. B    60. D  61. D   62. C  


科目:高中英语 来源:设计必修五英语译林版 译林版 题型:022


A.An English secretary is needed by Xinxin Electric Company.

With more than two years’ secretary experience.

Salary:5000 yuan a month


B.An English Editor is wanted immediately by Tomorrow Daily.

Condition:with teaching experience

Salary:4000 yuan a month, 26 days’ working


C.An English teacher is needed with not less than 2 years’ teaching experience.

Salary:2600 yuan 26 days’ working a month,

Address:Suzhou Middle School


D.English guides are wanted by Rose Travel Company.He/She must speak English and Japanese as foreign language.

Male:more than 172 cm Female:more than 165 cm


Age:18-23 years old

E.Wanted:80 Holiday Camp Assistants for USA Summer Camps

Age:18-25 male and female

They must be able to do at least some of the following:

They will play a musical instrument, sing, play baseball/basketball/volleyball and swim.

Work is offered during the following periods:June 21-July 20, July 20-August 18, August 18-September 16

Address:Holiday Extra, PO BOX 2720, Denver, Colorado, USA

F.A cook is needed by The Great Hotel.

Male 20-30 years old

Salary:5600 yuan the whole month

Address:No.38 The People’s Road


Liu Hong

I’m a 2004 graduate of Foreign Languages of Beijing University, and I am working as a secretary in a factory.

I was born in 1982 and in good health.I love music and traveling.I can read and write very well in English and French.I can talk freely with foreigners in English.I want to do the same work in another company.

Address:1st.Peace Street, Xuanwu District, Beijing.

Telephone number is 4418116

Zhu Hai

My name is Zhu Hai.I am male, 23 years old.

I am an English teacher now.I can speak and write English very well.I want to serve as an English editor.

Address:P.O.Box 1378 Shijiazhuang

Ma Liang

My name is Ma Liang, a girl of twenty-five.I have been an English teacher for 3 years since I graduated from the English Department of Nankai University.I can speak and write English very well.I want to teach in a new school.

P.O.Box 1378 Shijiazhuang

Wang Meng

I’m 20 year old.I work hard and I can get along well with others.I can speak English, Japanese and German.I can talk to foreigners in Japanese freely.I want to work in a new company.

Address:No.28 Fenghuang Street Suzhou


Li Ming

I am 18 years old.I can play the violin and I like playing volleyball.And I am a good swimmer.Besides, I used to work in a summer training program, teaching the kids swimming and training the schoolgirls’ volleyball team.I went on some one-day school trips, during one of which I took a group of students to the seaside where they learnt to swim.


Email:liming @yeah.net

1.Liu Hong 2.Zhu Hai 3.Ma Liang 4.Wang Meng 5.Li Ming

A.An English secretary

B.An English Editor

C.An English teacher

D.English guides

E.Holiday Camp Assistants

F.A cook


科目:高中英语 来源:北京市丰台区2012届高三下学期统一练习(一)英语试题 题型:001



1.How will the woman go to the CKS Memorial?

A.On foot.

B.By bus.

C.By taxi.

2.What will the man buy?

A.Some milk.

B.A cola.

C.Some juice.

3.What does the man want to do?

A.Wash the shirt.

B.Ask for his money.

C.Change the color.

4,Who is the woman?

A.An operator.

B.A waitress.

C.A secretary.

5.Where are the two speakers?

A.In the post office.

B.At the barber shop.

C.At the booking office.




6.What is Fran'sjob?

A.Helping sick children take medicine.

B.Teaching sick children music.

C.Making sick children laugh.

7.What are the two speakers doing?

A.Making a survey.

B.Doing a radio program.

C.Having a job interview.


8.What is the apartment like?




9.What is the woman not satisfied with?





10.Which place is the tourists' favorite site?

A.Modern Bridge.

B.DB Tower.

C.Nice Avenue

11.What will the man probably do in Walter Square?

A.Enjoy folk music and dancing.

B.Buy some souvenirs.

C.Get a magnificent view of the city.

12.How does the man feel about the trip?

A.He is disappointed at it.

B.He feels unsure about it.

C.He is eager for it.


13.Why does the speaker watch birds in mornings?

A.Because it' s a good chance to exercise as well.

B.Because most birds are active and feed at that time.

C.Because birds stay in their natural habitat only in mornings.

14.What does the speaker do to find out the birds reproducing season?

A.Follow their travel routes.

B.Take note of the time of the year while watching.

C.Look carefully at their feathers and the way they behave.

15.What is the speaker doing?

A.Teaching a birdwatching lesson.

B.Explaining how interesting birdwatching is.

C.Describing his birdwatching experience.



Campus Daily Advertising Department


Name:Alice  Tele:NO.:  16  



Time:Advertising for a   19   Price:$   20   perad.


科目:高中英语 来源:重庆市2010年高考仿真试卷一(英语 题型:阅读理解

Dear Edward,
I have been very busy recently with some really exciting new developments.If you visit my main website you will see various new items there.
The first is a tab called Food for Thought.This is a short daily email which raises a question or makes a statement or provides something for you to think about.Some regular readers may find these emails quite basic.However, you would agree with me that there are many people who reject anything spiritual simply because it means venturing(冒险进入) into the unknown.
There is also a tab called Please Help Me.I will be hosting tele-discussions soon-yes, and I am really excited about that!
Here I ask you to propose topics for tele-discussions.If you are concerned about missing out, don’t worry.The proceeds will be recorded and made available as MP3 recordings.Please let me know what burning issues you have or what you are curious about. 
I am providing a free mystery gift to the value of £9.95 for each successful suggestion. And please don’t think your issue is meaningless-there may be a number of other people who may have the same issue.
You may not be aware that I have also published a number of guided meditations(思考) on-line.Please have a look at this website for a free guided meditation as well as an explanation of what meditation is about.
And watch this space for more exciting things to come in the next month.I am now in a space where my hobby has become my work-how lucky can a girl be!
I also want to thank you for your support and interest over the past years-you have helped me immensely on my own journey.
Love and Light,
64.What does the item “Food for Thought” mainly focus on?
A.How to eat reasonably.                            B.Ideas for people to think about.
C.Where to have enough food.                   D.Ways to enjoy adventurous journeys.
65.How can one get a free mysterious gift from Elsabe?
A.By offering acceptable advice.                          B.By sending as much email as possible.
C.By sending him £9.95.                                         D.By telling him what you are interested in.
66.What does Elsabe ask Edward to do?
A.Offer topics for the tele-discussion.
B.Record the content of the website.
C.Concern and participate about the issues on the website.
D.Help him find more people to help him.
67.What can we infer from the whole passage?
A.Edward doesn’t know Elsabe at all.                 B.Many people join in Elsabe’s program.
C.People are afraid to surf Elsabe’s website.    D.Everything on Elsabe’s website is free.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Dear Edward,

I have been very busy recently with some really exciting new developments.If you visit my main website you will see various new items there.

The first is a tab called Food for Thought.This is a short daily email which raises a question or makes a statement or provides something for you to think about.Some regular readers may find these emails quite basic.However, you would agree with me that there are many people who reject anything spiritual simply because it means venturing(冒险进入) into the unknown.

There is also a tab called Please Help Me.I will be hosting tele-discussions soon-yes, and I am really excited about that!

Here I ask you to propose topics for tele-discussions.If you are concerned about missing out, don’t worry.The proceeds will be recorded and made available as MP3 recordings.Please let me know what burning issues you have or what you are curious about. 

I am providing a free mystery gift to the value of ??9.95 for each successful suggestion. And please don’t think your issue is meaningless-there may be a number of other people who may have the same issue.

You may not be aware that I have also published a number of guided meditations(思考) on-line.Please have a look at this website for a free guided meditation as well as an explanation of what meditation is about.

And watch this space for more exciting things to come in the next month.I am now in a space where my hobby has become my work-how lucky can a girl be!

I also want to thank you for your support and interest over the past years-you have helped me immensely on my own journey.

Love and Light,


1.What does the item “Food for Thought” mainly focus on?

      A.How to eat reasonably.                      B.Ideas for people to think about.

      C.Where to have enough food.               D.Ways to enjoy adventurous journeys.

2.How can one get a free mysterious gift from Elsabe?

      A.By offering acceptable advice.            B.By sending as much email as possible.

      C.By sending him ??9.95.                       D.By telling him what you are interested in.

3.What does Elsabe ask Edward to do?

      A.Offer topics for the tele-discussion.

B.Record the content of the website.

      C.Concern and participate about the issues on the website.

      D.Help him find more people to help him.

4.What can we infer from the whole passage?

      A.Edward doesn’t know Elsabe at all.           B.Many people join in Elsabe’s program.

      C.People are afraid to surf Elsabe’s website.   D.Everything on Elsabe’s website is free.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Dear Edward,

I have been very busy recently with some really exciting new developments.If you visit my main website you will see various new items there.

The first is a tab called Food for Thought.This is a short daily email which raises a question or makes a statement or provides something for you to think about.Some regular readers may find these emails quite basic.However, you would agree with me that there are many people who reject anything spiritual simply because it means venturing(冒险进入) into the unknown.

There is also a tab called Please Help Me.I will be hosting tele-discussions soon-yes, and I am really excited about that!

Here I ask you to propose topics for tele-discussions.If you are concerned about missing out, don’t worry.The proceeds will be recorded and made available as MP3 recordings.Please let me know what burning issues you have or what you are curious about. 

I am providing a free mystery gift to the value of ??9.95 for each successful suggestion. And please don’t think your issue is meaningless-there may be a number of other people who may have the same issue.

You may not be aware that I have also published a number of guided meditations(思考) on-line.Please have a look at this website for a free guided meditation as well as an explanation of what meditation is about.

And watch this space for more exciting things to come in the next month.I am now in a space where my hobby has become my work-how lucky can a girl be!

I also want to thank you for your support and interest over the past years-you have helped me immensely on my own journey.

Love and Light,


64.What does the item “Food for Thought” mainly focus on?

       A.How to eat reasonably.                             B.Ideas for people to think about.

       C.Where to have enough food.                    D.Ways to enjoy adventurous journeys.

65.How can one get a free mysterious gift from Elsabe?

       A.By offering acceptable advice.                          B.By sending as much email as possible.

       C.By sending him ??9.95.                                         D.By telling him what you are interested in.

66.What does Elsabe ask Edward to do?

       A.Offer topics for the tele-discussion.

B.Record the content of the website.

       C.Concern and participate about the issues on the website.

       D.Help him find more people to help him.

67.What can we infer from the whole passage?

       A.Edward doesn’t know Elsabe at all.                 B.Many people join in Elsabe’s program.

       C.People are afraid to surf Elsabe’s website.    D.Everything on Elsabe’s website is free.

