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10.I really hadn't meant to yell at them.But that grey afternoon saw it just as my son and daughter were making a terrible mess on the floor in the kitchen.
With a tiresome report to write,I felt bothered at my desk.Suddenly,it occurred to me that my kids were at fault.A voice inside me insisted that I do something quickly.
"OK,you two here,but what an awful thing you are attempting!"shouting angrily,I made for them,while it became evident that  the boy wanted no part of me."Get away from us!"he shouted back,there being expression of support from his sister.
All of a sudden,I found the fault in myself.Quickly I shaped my hands into pincers(蟹钳) and crawled towards them,"Crabby(似螃蟹的)Daddy is here.Ha,Ha,Ha,he likes to yell at children,and then eat them!"My son continued to keep me away,but now he was laughing and crying at the same time.My mission to repair the damage caused by my yelling seemed to work well.Still,I regretted not having controlled myself first in a right way that my children could do after.
Need I let them know how badly they were acting by blaming them?This is a lesson that lets me think twice.It only shows just how to get rid of something (ill-feelings,responsibility) by blaming others.It's not my"best self".
We have to search for our"best self"when with our children.They don't need perfect parents,but they do need parents who are always trying to get better.Here,I'm reminded of the words of a great thinker,"When a man lives with God,his voice shall be as sweet as the murmur of the brook…"Then,in our lifetime,couldn't we always speak to our kids in such a sweet voice since most of us consider them as the most precious in the world?And before we reach this level,what should we do when we come across various difficult cases with our children?

56.The author couldn't help yelling at his kids probably becauseB.
A.the weather was so unpleasant
B.he was tired of his boring work
C.he was ill-tempered
D.he felt it a father's duty to do so
57.What does"the boy wanted no part of me"in the third paragraph mean?D
A.The boy was angry after I yelled at them.
B.The boy was afraid because I was angry.
C.The boy didn't want to see me.
D.The boy didn't want me to join them.
58.Which of the following statements is TRUE?C
A.The author enjoyed playing with his children despite the mess they made.
B.The girl also shouted at his father in support of the boy.
C.The boy's yelling back made the author aware of his fault.
D.The boy welcomed the author to join them because of his funny behavior.
59.It can be inferred that the author willC in similar situation next time.
A.play a crab again like this time
B.apologize to kids in a sincere way
C.avoid blaming kids in a hurry
D.beat them up about such things
60.What will the writer go on to write about in the following paragraph(s)?A
A.How to behave ourselves properly when kids are at fault.
B.How to play with our children in a more interesting way.
C.How to deal with the housework with children around us.
D.How to persuade children to do what they are told to.

分析 作者因为工作的原因对孩子发火,但是孩子的反应让作者意识到他错了.从自己的经历得出一个教训,对待犯错的孩子不要去匆忙的责备他们.

56.B  细节题:从第二段的句子:With a tiresome report to write,I felt bothered at my desk.Suddenly,it occurred to me that my kids were at fault.可知作者生气是因为工作的原因.选B
57.D  词义猜测题 根据Get away from us!"he shouted back,there being expression of support from his sister.可以推断the boy wanted no part of me.意思是他不想让我加入,让我走开,故答案为D
58 C 细节题.结合文章中的"Get away from us!"he shouted back,there being an expression of support from his sister.All of a sudden,I found the fault in myself.可知孩子的反应让作者意识到他错了,答案C.
59.C 细节题.结合文章中的I regretted not having controlled myself first in a right way.可知作者下次遇到相似的情形不会匆忙的责备孩子,答案C.
60.A  推断题.文章最后提出了一个问题what should we do when we come across various difficult cases with our children?即如何对待犯错的孩子?由此可知下文应对此问题作出回答,选A

点评 阅读理解题测试考生在阅读基础上的逻辑推理能力,要求考生根据文章所述事件的逻辑关系,对未说明的趋势或结局作出合理的推断;或根据作者所阐述的观点理论,对文章未涉及的现象、事例给以解释.考生首先要仔细阅读短文,完整了解信息,准确把握作者观点.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.Every student can learn rope jumping.
You can jump alone or with your classmate.You can also help turn a long rope for many others to jump over,one at a time.If you jump alone,you will need a short rope and it will be just enough for your height.Try ropes of different lengths until you find a right one for your size.
A rope should be turned slowly.It must also be turned high enough to let you jump freely and safely.Turning the rope freely and safely needs careful timing.In rope jumping,timing means turning the rope slowly enough for you to jump over at the right time without its striking your feet.
When you jump rope,your heart beats faster and your face has a healthy color.But if you jump too many times at first,you will get fired.You must learn when to stop for a rest before you jump again,If you practice,you can increase the number of times without resting.
46.How many people can join in rope jumping?B
A.One alone.B.One or more.C.Two.D.Two or more.
47.The word"one"in the last sentence of the first paragraph meansD.
48.Before you do rope jumping,you mustC.
A.find a good player
B.stop to rest for an hour
C.try whether the rope will be right for you
D.try whether the rope will be strong enough
49.Which of the following is true?A
A.Careful timing is needed to turn a rope.
B.A rope must be turned as high as possible.
C.People can do rope jumping without resting.
D.A rope must be turned as slowly as possible.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.You wake up in the morning.The day is beautiful and the plans for the day are what you have been looking forward to for a long time.Then the telephone rings,you say hello,and the drama starts.The person on the other end has a depressing tone in his voice as he starts to tell you how terrible his morning is and that there is nothing to look forward to.You are still in a wonderful mood?Impossible!
Communicating with negative people can wash out your happiness.It may not change what you think,but communicating long enough with them will make you feel depressed for a moment or a long time.
Life brings ups and downs,but some people are stuck in the wrong idea that life has no happiness to offer.They only feel glad when they make others feel bad.No wonder they can hardly win others'pity or respect.
When you communicate with positive people,your spirit stays happy and therefore more positive things are attracted.When the dagger(匕首)of a negative person is put in you,you feel the heavy feeling that all in all,brings you down.
Sometimes we have no choice but to communicate with negative people.This could be a co-worker,or a relative.In this case,say what needs to be said as little as possible.Sometimes it feels good to let out your anger back to the negative person,but all this is to lower you to that same negative level and they won't feel ashamed of themselves about that.
Negativity often affects happiness without even being realized.The negative words of another at the start of the day can cling to(附着)you throughout the rest of your day,which makes you feel bad and steals your happiness.Life is too short to feel negative.Stay positive and avoid negativity as much as possible.
55.The purpose of the first paragraph is toA.
A.introduce a topic               
B.make a comparison
C.offer an evidence               
D.describe a daily scene
56.Some negative people base their happiness onC.
A.other people's pity for them           
B.other people's respect for them
C.making other people unhappy         
D.building up a positive attitude
57.According to the passage,to reduce negative people's influence on us,we are advised to.D
A.show our dissatisfaction to negative people     
B.change negative people's attitudes to life
C.make negative people feel ashamed of themselves
D.communicate with negative people as little as possible
58.What is the author's attitude towards negative people?B


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.College isn't high school.In college,when a professor has treated you unfairly,you can't turn to your mother and ask her to call the headmaster to complain.In college,you are either expected to A) take the disrespect,move on with your life and wish that the professor would still give you an A on your next test,or B) go to their office,stand your ground,and tell them exactly how they have wronged you.Both choices have their consequences,but it's up to you to tell the difference between action and inaction.I think students often forget that one of the main purposes of college is to prepare you to be independent in life.In college,you live off-campus,often in a different state or city,far away from your close family and friends.You choose your own schedule.No one forces you to go to class.The way some students deal with that sudden independence and freedom is very telling of how they end up performing in college.
    There is some argument whether academics(学业) are the main focus of college,I think social relationships should come first.I'm not just saying this because I'm lazy and have bad grades.You can get through high school without ever interacting with a single person---but in college,you can't,nor do you want to.Do you really want to enter the job market without a single friend?You don't want to stay alone in your dorm room for entire four years.Make a few friends---aside from your roommates.In my case,when I have had roommate problems,I've needed to turn to a separate group of friends that can turn me away from the trouble.Being part of clubs and sports is another great way to do this---not only will you be making friends,you'll also be gaining a new skill.
36.According to the writer,what college is different from high school is thatB
A.you can't complain the headmaster by calling your mother
B.you can only solve the problem by yourself
C.your mother can't call the headmaster
D.your mother can only solve the problem by calling the headmaster
37.What does the underlined phrase"stand your ground"in Paragraph 1 mean?A
A.Refuse to give in.
B.Stand on the ground.
C.Admit your mistake.
D.Apology for your opinion.
38.Your performance in college probably depends onD.
A.how hard you work at your studies
B.how independent you are in your studies
C.how free you feel at most time in college
D.how well you deal with your time in college
39.Which of the following statements is not true according to the writer?C
A.People don't agree on what is the main focus of college.
B.Social relationship is the most important thing in college.
C.Though I don't admit,I am lazy and have bad grades in college.
D.You have to interact with people before you go through your college.
40.The passage is mainly written toD
A.compare college and high school
B.advise us to deal with the professor's unfair treatment
C.advise us how to deal with the problems with roommates in college
D.tell us how to deal with relationships in college.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.As an English teacher,I've been lucky enough to travel to many countries all over the world.I've seen people celebrate everything from the arrival of new babies to the delivery of new cars.I've attended weddings,parties and religious celebrations in countries such as Argentina and Japan,and I've noticed that gold---the metal or the colour of it---is always part of cultural events,traditions and celebrations.
It makes me wonder:Why do people love gold?
For some people,gold seems to be a status(地位)symbol.Indian businessman Datta Phuge loves gold so much that he even bought a shirt made of gold at a cost of 250,000.I'mnotsureI'dspendsomuchmoneyonashirt,wouldyou?ButDattaPhugehashisreason.Heexplains,"SomepeoplewanttoownanAudioraMercedes.Ichoosegold."<br/>Forotherpeople,goldisaninvestment(投资).ThepriceofgoldgenerallyincreasesovertimeandinEuropeanmarkets,itreachedeven1,500 per ounce in 2011.
And for many people,a family heirloom(传家宝)brings together status and investment.My mother has a gold bracelet(手镯)that was given to her by her grandmother who,in turn,inherited it from her own grandmother.It's quite a heavy piece and probably worth quite a lot of money.But its mental value is greater than its value in dollars.It's a beautiful object that holds many family memories.When the time comes,my mum will give the bracelet to me,and one day,I'll pass it on to the younger generation.
Therefore,status and investment are good reasons to value gold.However,I think that the real reason why people love gold is that it can be made into beautiful objects.Think about Tutankhamen's death mask.Have you ever seen anything so beautiful?
People love gold because it holds their minds,their imaginations and,above all,their hearts.
56.The main idea of the first paragraph is thatD.
A.the author has traveled to many countries  
B.people celebrate almost everything
C.there are many ways to use gold         
D.people all over the world love gold
57.Datta Phuge bought a shirt made of gold becauseA.
A.gold is a status symbol to him          
B.he loves this kind of shirt
C.people there love gold so much     
D.he is a successful businessman
58.According to the passage,in Europe,gold could beCper ounce in 2010.
A.1,550           B.1,500          C.1,450           D.1,600
59.The gold bracelet is the heirloom for the author's family mainly becauseD.
A.it's worth a lot of money              
B.it brings status and investment
C.it's a beautiful object                
D.it holds family memories
60.In the author's opinion,the real reason why people love gold is thatB.
A.it is a status symbol to some people         
B.it can be made into beautiful objects
C.it can be passed on to the younger generation
D.it can bring people a lot of money.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.Going for Yoga Lessons
"Try and see inside your mind,a wide open blue sky and a vast green plain far away.Breathe in as you circle your hands high above your head,then bend back a little.Breathe out as you circle your arms back down to your sides…"
Following the yoga teacher's gentle instructions,Bai Yunuo,15,from the High School Affiliated to Beijing Normal University tried to get each of her poses correct.
Bai's school offered 24 elective courses for Senior 1 students this term and she chose two.It was her first yoga class.
"I'm happy that I can learn yoga at school.I love dancing but I have some injuries on my knees from when I was a kid.So I decide to try something soft.Simply stretching into different poses makes me feel free and quiet.And the music is quite comforting.The class is relaxing after a whole day's work,"Bai said.
Thinking like an adult
Liu Zehao,15,found his interest was Junior Achievement(企业经营模拟).The course brings students into the real world of business.In their first class,Liu and his group members named their company"Vision".Liu was elected as CEO of the company.
"Here we learn to think like an adult.We have to make our company gain the most profits with the least investments (投资).It's new and different from other courses,"he said.
Liu and Bai take their elective courses twice a week with students from other classes who share the same interest.The students will get two credit points (学分)from each course at the end of this term.They have to achieve eight credit points from electives to graduate from high school.
59.What is the first paragraph about?A
A.Instructions of the yoga teacher.
B.Advertisements of the yoga lessons.
C.Experiences of elective courses of the students.
D.A gymnastic lesson given to Senior I students.
60.Which of the following is NOT true about Bai Yunuo?C
A.She chooses two elective courses for this semester.
B.She can't dance because of the injuries in her knees.
D.She enjoys listening to the music when practicing yoga.
61.What can we infer from Bai's words?B
A.She has been crazy with yoga since she was very young.
B.Yoga is not as intense to the body as dancing.
C.Yoga can help heal the injuries in knees.
D.Yoga can always take the place of dancing.
62.Liu Zehao chooses Junior Achievement as his elective course becauseA.
A.he can learn to think like adults in this course
B.he can make some new friends with the same interest
C.he prefers to be CEO of the company
D.he is building a company in his spare time.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

2.Jim is the only one of the policemen in his office who __________ the award.(  )
A.have wonB.winC.has wonD.was to win


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

19.I feel so excited!At this time tomorrow,I ________ by camel with local guides in Northern Africa.(  )
C.will be travellingD.have travelled


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

20.I don't suppose they'll be seeing each other very often since she's accepted that job in London,
        ?(  )
A.don't youB.will theyC.do ID.hasn't she

