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根据对话内容,从方框中选择当的选项补全对 话,其中有两项多余。

A: Good morning. (46) .

B: Doctor,my ear hurts.

A: I see. Which ear is it?

B: My left ear.

A: (47)

B: Oh,about two days ago.

A: (48) Hmm,yes,it's a bit red in there. I think you’ve got (感染) .

B: Oh,is it serious?

A: No. (49)

B:OK。I will

A: (50)

B: OK. Thank you. Goodbye.

A: Goodbye.

   A. Take this medicine — four times a day.

   B. Do you have a fever?

   C. What seems to be the problem?

   D. If it isn’t any better by Friday,come back and see me.

   E. When did it start?

   F. My brother hit me on the ear.

   G. Well,let me have a look at it.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

    The U.S. high school rate (辍学率) has fallen in recent years,with the number of dropouts decreased from 1 million in 2008 to about 750,000 in 2012,according to a study. The number of dropout factories”,high schools in which fewer than 60% of freshmen graduate in four years,decreased greatly during the same period.

   “Clear progress is being made,” said Bob Wise,a former West Virginia governor. “it's not a total success yet. So we shou?dn’ t,take a victory iap. But we can at least st?rt warming up."

    Education Secretary Ame Duncan has said the improving graduation rate serves as evidence that the nation's public schools are making progress. But there* re many reasons that graduation rates can rise. And not all of the reasons have to do with stronger schools preparing more students for life after high school.

    Alabama,for example,made great progress in 2014. Its graduation rate jumped more than six percentage points,the second-biggest increase in the nation. But the increase agreed with a policy change that took in the same year: Alabama students no longer had to pass ? high school exit exam to earn a diploma  (毕业文凭) .

   It also isn’ t  clear how many students are graduating with the skills they need for the workplace or for college. Graduation requirements vary widely across states,and many states offer different levels of diplomas with different requirements.

    Arizona students can earn a standard diploma that requires four courses in math,four in English and three in science. But they also can earn a “Grand Canyon” diploma,which requires just two courses each in math,science and English — less than many colleges’ requ?ement for admission.

9. The good news about a newly released study is that

A.there’ re few dropouts in u.s. high schools   

B. the U.S. high school dropout rate has fallen 

C. the number of “dropout factories” has increased   

D. the number of high school students is increasing

10. The underlined phrase “take a victory lap” in Paragraph 2 means .

A. lose confidence

B. stop working

C. become too excited  

D. get embarrassed

11. Why does the author mention Alabama?

A. fo prove Alabama's education develops very fast.

B. To show graduation rate doesn't mean everything.

C. To advise students to try to get different diplomas.

D. To warn the U.S. education is not successful.

12. What do we know about the “Grand Canyon”

diploma in Arizona? 一

A. Students need to put more efforts into it.

B. It's much required for colleges in Arizona.

C. Students who get it won’t necessarily be admitted by colleges.

D. It's more difficult to get than a standard diploma.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. This young man is in danger of d .

Doctor,please try your best to save him.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 25. It must be true that Helen is leaving because she told me so

   A. herself   B. myself   C. hers   D. mine 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 32. Helen,we have money,so we can't take a taxi to go home.

   A. taken out   B. taken out of    C. run out   D. run out of 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

67. I had a really bad (head) ,and couldn’t go to work.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

74. 我得先休息一下喝杯茶。

I have to for a cup of tea.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5. I feel much (lonely) here than I was in Taiyuan.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 35. —We should try ouf best to help those in need.

. To help others is to help ourselves.

   A. You’ re welcome   B. You’ re right   C. Lucky you   D. It's up to you

