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1. Under no circumstances (children,should,be) allowed to drive.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


7. Someone is knocking on the door, ?

8. Turn down the volume of the stereo, ?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Your local grocery store is a psychological minefield E) , where even the bananas are ripe with mystery.

   1. Southpaws (左撇子) have an invisible (看不见的) advantage 

   You've probably seen that stores keep go-to items — produce,meats,dairy — on the outer edge. But did you notice that most of them are set up to make you run counterclockwise(逆时针) ?Ninety percent of us are right-handed,so we buy more when it's counterclockwise. You'11 also often find the dairy section in the back left comer: Because dairy is likely on your list,stores make sure you take the longest route to get there. In fairness,it's also a more convenient place to put a fridge.

   2. Everything is in its place 

   It's safe to say that nothing you see on a shelf is there by chance. The cookies on sale at the end of a passage are likely the result of smart product placement. More expensive items are usually placed at an adult's eye level,while colorflil treats and other products for kids are positioned lower — to catch the attention of children.

   3. Time goes by so slowly 

   Stores rarely have windows or clocks. With no reference to the outside world,customers can easily lose track of how long they,ve been there so that they can buy more. Grocery stores may use another trick to control your sense of time: small floor tiles (瓷砖) .

   4. Goods are an art form 

   Grocers know exactly what shade of banana you,re most likely to buy. To ensure the bananas on display are the closest to this shade,stores use a ripeness scale that ranges from one (all green) to seven (yellow with brown spots) . Some stores even use special lighting to make bananas look more appealing. As for the water sprayed on the other produce? It makes veggies look fresh,but keeping them wet actually makes them rot faster. It also makes produce heavier — and therefore pricier.

6. Why do stores usually put dairy in the back left comer?

   A. Because it is a quiet place.

   B. To make people buy more.

   C. To attract people's attention.

   D. Because most people are right-handed.

7. You are more likely to find toys.

   A. in comers

   B. on lower shelves

   C. at an adult's eye level

   D. at the end of a passage

8. Why are there usually no windows or clocks in stores?

   A. They are useless.

   B. There is no space for them.

   C. To make customers stay longer.

   D. To allow customers to enjoy themselves.

9. Stores use special lighting to make bananas .

   A. heavier   B. look fresh

   C. rot slower   D. more attractive

10. Which can be the best title for the text?

   A. Secrets of stores

   B. Advantages of stores

   C. How to shop in stores

   D. How to operate a store


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. John is still at school.  (当他离开时) ,he wants to go to university.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

7. Being honest is always appreciated,but you have to be careful about(你如何说事情) .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

10. Never (has,have) the weather been so bad in the months of June and July.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

6. Only when (Jane,has,arrived) can we start the party.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


3. I seldom leave my house so early.

my house so early.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

7. Harry did his homework,even though he (didn't want to,didn't want) .

