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20.Fruit or juice,which is nutritionally superior?This is almost the same as the age-old question:The chicken or the egg,which came first?
Usually,juicers remove the juice and some pulp (果肉) from fruits and/or vegetables.It takes a lot of fruit to make a container of juice.We do get all of the vitamins,minerals,beneficial plant chemicals and carbohydrates in juice out of a whole fruit.But we do not get much of the fiber,the part that aids our digestive process,fills us up,and may help protect us against heart diseases and certain cancers.
However,you may be surprised to discover that some juices actually contain more necessary nutrients (营养).For example,apples are not a good source of vitamin C,but many types of apple juice are fortified with vitamin C.
Juice has more calories than fresh fruit due to added sugar and less fiber.If calories are your primary concern,choose fresh fruit over juice and drink water if you are thirsty.We do not feel as filled up from juice because it does not contain any fiber.For many people,drinking a caloric beverage (饮料),such as juice,is not as satisfying as eating the same amount of calories in food.For those of us who need to increase caloric intake (such as athletes,children,or teens) juice is a GREAT choice.
Kids love the taste of pure fruit juice,and parents love it because it is a healthy source of nutrients.But avoid junk fruit beverages which are mistaken for juice blends that contain various fruits like grape,apple and pear.These juices do not have the natural levels of vital nutrients that 100percent pure juices like orange juice provide.
39.According to the passage,you'd better haveA to help prevent heart disease.
A.fruitB.juiceC.calories   D.minerals
40.What can we learn from this passage?
A.We can get out of fruit all the nutrients which aid our digestive process.
B.We can hardly determine which provides more nutrients,juice or fruit.
C.People may prefer juice to food in taking in the same amount of calories.
D.If you want more calories,fruit might be your better choice.
41.The underlined word"blends"in Paragraph5probably means"C".
A.containersB.productsC.mixtures       D.substitutes
42.The author writes the passage mainlyD.
A.to help people learn more about fruit and juice
B.to call on people to drink more juice
C.to remind people of negative effects of juice
D.to persuade people to avoid junk juice containing various fruits.

分析 本文是一篇科普类阅读,主要讲述了果汁和水果相比,它的优点和缺点.果汁虽然是由许多水果制成的,含有许多维生素,矿物质和碳水化合物,但是我们从中得不到纤维素,并且许多果汁不含自然的营养成分.

解答 39.答案:A.推理判断题.根据"It takes a lot of fruit to make a container of juice.We do get all of the vitamins,minerals,beneficial plant chemicals and carbohydrates in juice out of a whole fruit.But we do not get much of the fiber,the part that aids our digestive process,fills us up,and may help protect us against heart diseases and certain cancers"可知,虽然果汁是由许多水果制成的,含有许多维生素,矿物质和碳水化合物,但是我们从中得不到纤维素.故可以推测出,吃水果可以防止心脏病,癌症的发生.故选A.
40.答案:A.细节理解题.根据"But we do not get much of the fiber,the part that aids our digestive process"可知,水果中含有纤维素,可以帮助消化.故选A.
41.答案:C.词意猜测题.根据"But avoid junk fruit beverages which are mistaken for juice blends that contain various fruits like grape,apple and pear"可推测出,blens是混合物的意思.故选C.
42.答案:D.主旨大意题.根据全文内容,尤其是"But avoid junk fruit beverages which are mistaken for juice blends that contain various fruits like grape,apple and pear.These juices do not have the natural levels of vital nutrients that 100percent pure juices like orange juice provide"可知,作者写这篇文章的目的是劝说人们不要喝垃圾果汁.故选D.

点评 本文是一篇科普类阅读,题目涉及推理判断题,细节理解题,词意猜测题,主旨大意题,做题时应结合文章上下文内容并根据所给选项的含义进行分析,从而得出正确答案.切记胡乱猜测,一定要做到有理有据.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

10.My sister Lucy is _______ different from me in looks,although we are twins.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11.Dae Jon is the city in South Korea,where I was born and grew up.There was a public park there.It was a very popular place,and I have tons of precious (珍贵的) memories from times spent there.
Our teachers often took us to that park for a spring or fall picnic.When I learned martial arts (武术)-Tae Kwon Do,my master usually took us there to train us.There was a hill there which was not high,so I could reach the peak (山顶) within forty minutes even though I was very young.From the peak,I could see a lot of places if it was a sunny day.
There was a huge rock on the top called Eagle Rock because the shape of the rock looked like the head of an eagle.We spent lots of fun days there.We played hide-and-seek within the limited area,and we sometimes caught frogs and fish in the pond.When we felt thirsty,we enjoyed drinking cold spring water.
When I was a ten-year-old boy,I usually went to the park with my father to exercise early in the morning.It was quite dark,so I sometimes felt afraid,but after I got used to going there,I enjoyed breathing the fresh air and hearing the birds sing.
Recently,I went back to the park to remember my good times there.When I arrived at the entrance,I was surprised because it didn't seem to be the same as I remembered it.Everything has changed in the thirteen years since I last saw it,but the good memories soon came back.I could almost imagine a boy playing there with a slight smile and shaking hands with me.
56.The writer went to the park with his teachersB.
A.to read books   B.to have a picnic
C.to do morning exercises    D.to catch dogs
57.As a child,the writer did the following in the park EXCEPTC.
A.practicing martial arts    B.climbing the hill
C.swimming in the pondD.playing hide-and-seek
58.How long has the writer not been there?B
59.The writer went back to the park in order toD.
A.meet his old friends     B.play with his old classmates
C.exercise with his father D.remember his good times
60.The writer was surprised when he got to the park becauseA.
A.the park had changed a lot                     
B.his good memories didn't come back
C.he didn't see the boy with a slight smile          
D.he couldn't breathe the fresh air as usual.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

8.One of the treasures Canada has to offer is          beautiful scenery,especially in autumn,when maple leaves turn_____beautiful red.(  )
A.a;aB.a; theC.不填;aD.不填; 不填


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

15.A recent study suggests that teenagers who switch off the TV and sit down to family meals are less _______ to suffer eating disorders.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.My son and I were trying to sell the house we had repaired,but in the barn(谷仓)there were bats and they would not leave.The barn was their home.They told us so in their own way they hung for the season."Don't worry about it,Dad."Patrick said."They keep down the mosquitoes(蚊子)."
Unfortunately they also kept the buyers away.When we had asked a person to sell the house for us he had refused to show it because of the bats."Bats are popular,"Patrick comforted me."They are ecological.""Isn't there a machine you can buy that produces high-frequency sounds to keep bats away?""I don't know,"said Patrick."But I like bats,and whoever buys this house will probably like them too.'"Probably?"I hated that word."How many bats are there,anyway?""I counted about 90last night,"said Patrick."They were dropping out from under the edge of the roof.""You mean there are more------outside?""They're everywhere,Dad.But look at it this way.When the cold weather comes,they'll be off to Mexico.Maybe in the spring we can keep them out.Don't worry about it,"he said for the hundredth time."It's not a problem."
The bat expert I called was even more active than Patrick."I think you've got a large number there,"he said in wonder."I've been trying to attract bats to our house for 25years.A single bat ears up his weight in mosquitoes and black flies three times every night.You've a very lucky man."I offered to share my luck with him.He could take them away."Bats have a remarkable homing instinct(本能),"he said."They'd fly straight back even if I transported them 100miles.Once they have settled,you can't stop them from coming back."I was silent.
Finally we managed to rent the house to a young family,who were also interested in buying it."What about the bats?"I said to Patrick."Oh,they love the bats,"he said."No mosquitoes.No black flies.It's one of the things that attracted them.""Do you think they will really buy the house?""Probably?Well,if they do,I suppose I'll have to admit that I was wrong.""You mean you're going to eat your words?"
"Yes.I am."
63.What was the problem the author had with his house?A
A.Bats were living in the barn and wouldn't go away.
B.The author and his son couldn't sleep well because of the bats
C.The author and his son might be able to stay for the season.
D.The house was still badly in need of repair.
64.What did Patrick suggest the author should do to stop the bats living in the barn?B
A.Buy a high-frequency machine.
B.Close the barn in the spring.
C.Reduce the number of mosquitoes.
D.Move them one hundred miles away.
65.What happened to the house in the end?A
A.Some people agreed to rent the house.
B.The author failed to find anybody who wanted to live in the house
C.The bat expert made the decision to buy the house.
D.The bats left the house for Mexico in the spring.
66.Why did the author think he might have to"eat his words"?D
A.He felt sorry for the bats.
B.He was happy about selling the house.
C.He realized they might be wrong about the bats'actions
D.He might be mistaken about being unable to sell the house.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

12.The very genes that make cropsresistant( 有抵抗力的)to pests and disease could be harmful to animals.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.On the way to California,my family stopped for lunch.As we walked toward the entrance to the restaurant,a man with a dirty face jumped up from a chair,opened the door for us and greeted us in a friendly way.
Once inside,my daughters said in a low voice,"Mom,he smells."After we ordered our lunch,I explained,telling the kids to look beyond the dirt.Seeing this rudeness truly upset me,I wanted to set a good example to my children,but sometimes being a good example was difficult.When our meal arrived,I realized I had left the car-sick pills in the truck.With the windiest trip ahead,the kids needed them,so I went back to the car for them.
Just then,the"doorman"was opening the door for me,I said a loud"thank you"to him as I exited.
When I returned,we talked a bit.He said he was not allowed inside unless he bought food.I went back and told my family his situation.Then I asked our waitress to add one soup and sandwich.The kids looked puzzled,but when I said the order was for the"doorman",they smiled.When it was time to continue our trip,I noticed the"doorman"enjoying his meal.Upon seeing me,he stood up and thanked me heartily.He then lifted his hand for a handshake and I gratefully accepted.I suddenly noticed the tears in his eyes-tears of gratitude (感恩).What happened next drew great astonishment:I gave the"doorman"a hug.
Back in truck,I fell into deep thought.While we can't choose many things in life,we can choose when to show gratitude.I said thanks to a man who had simply helped open a door for me,and also said thanks for that opportunity to teach my children by example.
66.What attitude did the children show to the doorman at first?A
A.dislike         B.surprise           C.puzzle      D.interest
67.The author returned to the car for car-sick pills becauseC.
A.seeing the doorman made her sick
B.she wanted the doorman to open the door for her
C.the kids needed them for the windiest trip ahead
D.the kids were concerned about the restaurant's meal
68.For what purpose did the author say a loud"thank you"to the doorman?A
A.She wanted to give the children a lesson of gratitude.
B.She showed her real love for him.
C.She wanted to give the doorman a hand.
D.She just showed her polite manner.
69.It can be learned from the passage that the doormanD.
A.refused to accept the offer              
B.took the offer for nothing
C.gave the author a thankful hug           
D.was moved to tears for the kind help
70.What can we infer from the last paragraph?A
A.We should learn to show gratitude.
B.Life is difficult for those in trouble.
C.Don't judge a man by what he wears.
D.We should be polite to others.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.In October 2010,I left my hometown and family in Virginia and moved to Iowa so I could be coached by Liang Chow.I'd been dreaming of an Olympic gold medal since I was eight--but gradually,that dream seemed like a million miles away.
On January 2,2012,while Mom was visiting me in Iowa,I told her,"I don't like gymnastics anymore.I want to try dancing,or become a singer.I can get a job in Virginia.I just want to come home."
Mom's eyes narrowed and her expression turned to stone."You're breaking my heart Brie."She said."you've been doing gymnastics for ten years,and now you want to quit?Have you lost your mind?"
I hadn't lost my mind,but I had lost my fire.It's an entirely different thing to push toward that dream when you feel alone.
"I'm not trying to break your heart,Mom,"I said."I just don't want to do it anymore."
"I know you miss home.But you've signed a contract that says you will represent your country to the best of your ability.You've got a responsibility to your teammates.And now you just want to walk away?I will not let you be dishonorable.If you don't like gymnastics,then at the very least,you will finish the season."
The next afternoon as I dragged myself into Chow's gym.I thought of the efforts Mom had made in order to pay for my training.I thought of my two sisters:Arielle,who gave up ballroom dancing,and Joyelle,who stopped ice skating so that our single mom could afford to keep me in gymnastics.
For now,here's what you need to know:Exactly 210days before I ever attempted my first vault(跳跃)in the London Summer Olympics,my leap of faith came this close to ending in a crash of disaster.
66.The author wanted to give up gymnastics becauseB.
A.she thought she loved music more
B.she was overcome with homesickness
C.an Olympic gold was beyond her reach
D.the training for the Olympics was too hard
67.How did the author's mother feel on hearing her words?A
68.We can infer from the passage that the authorC.
A.was born into an athletic familyB.realized her Olympic dream
C.changed her mind in the end D.had a bad childhood
69.What would be the best title for the passage?B
A.A Dream Come True
B.My Leap of Faith
C.My Mother
D.A Quitter
70.Who will be interested in the passage?D
A.A medical student who will graduate from university.
B.A healthcare professional who will give a lecture on cancer.
C.A marketing professional who is looking for customers.
D.A gymnastic player who wants to give up competition.

