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14.play a part in在…中起作用,在…中扮演某角色.

分析 在…中起作用,在…中扮演某角色

解答 答案:在…中起作用,在…中扮演某角色

点评 play a part in 与…有关,对…有影响
The books you read as a child can play a part in the job you have later in life.你在童年时读过的书,对终生的职业选择产生一定的影响.
This is the person who chooses who is going to play a part in the movie.这个人会去选择谁来饰演电影中的角色.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

She will tell us about her choiceafter she makes up her mind.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.Friends and Buddies
This program is planned for teenagers who have special needs with the goal of meeting within a community with other peers(同龄人).The purpose of the grogram is that it will lead to a better understanding of friendships.Gym,Swim,Surprise Guest,and Pizza are included.Ages 12-18,numbers of members are limited.Contact:Gloria Bass.This program is held 2Fridays per month.Fees:﹩65/﹩85
Club Saturday Swim
This program is available to anyone aged 5-14who is challenged by mental,physical,or emotional trouble.The program will be held each Saturday afternoon,12:00-12:10pm or 12-30-1-00pm.Fees:﹩136/﹩260
Sibshops (Ages 10-13)
Sibshops is a program for siblings (兄弟姊妹) of children with challenges.It includes group activities and talk treatment ways with the locus on improving sibling relationships and whole family happiness.Location:Hope Church.Wilton CT.Wednesday:4:00-5:00pm.Fees:﹩50/﹩65
Banana Splits
Banana Splits is an educational support group for children in family trouble.Children aged 9-13will have the opportunity to meet other children whose parents have separated or divorced,learn to recognize feelings,think of healthy coping skills and have a place to share,their struggles through verbal(语言的),physical,and artistic experiences.Location:Hope Church.Wilton CT Tuesday:4:30-5:30pm.Fees:﹩50/﹩65

64.It you have free time only on Saturday,you can go toB.
A.Friends and Buddies                B.Club Saturday Swim
C.Sihshops(Ages 10-13)D.Banana Splits
65.Activities on how to lead to a better understanding of friendships are heldA.
A.2Fridays per month
B.12:00-12:30or 12:30-1:00,Saturday afternoon
66.If you go to Sibshops (Ages 10-13),you canC.
A.meet with other peers                  B.solve your mental problem
C.improve sibling relationships          D.think of healthy coping skills
67.Which of the following is TRUE according to the four passages?D
A.They are all in the same place.      B.They are all free of charge.
C.They all hold activities each week.  D.They are all intended for children.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

2.come(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

9.leather(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.Not long ago,I faced an enjoyable yet formidable(难以对付的) challenge.I was returning to my old neighborhood in the South Bronx to speak the students of my old school,Morris High.As we drove down streets where my friend Gene Norman and I used to race bicycles,I thought of the problems awaiting the kids living here,the drugs,the temptations,and the crime.What could I say to encourage them?
As we passed the hamburger place that I used to haunt,I remembered my growing-up years here,the joys,the sorrows,and the choices.Even then kids faced choices.There were drugs in my neighbourhood and a youngster could gain easy access to them if tempted.But in my family,the decision was simple:You just didn't do it.We knew it was stupid and the most self-destructive thing you could do with the life God had given you.
At age of 17 I found a summer job in a local soft-drink bottling plant at 90 cents an hour.I was thrilled.On my first day of work,having joined the ranks of other newly hired teenagers,I was full of enthusiasm.The bottling machines caught my eye,but only the white boys worked there.I was hired as a porter and the foreman handed me a mop(拖把).I decided to be the best mop user there ever was.Right to left,left to right.
As our car rolled on,our driver's voice broke my thought."We are here,General."I looked up at my old school; it hadn't changed much.As I walked up its familiar stone steps I remembered racing up them to beat the bell.The setting for my talk to the student body was the gymnasium.
"I remember this place",I told the students."I remember it all.I remember running through Van Cortland Park with the track team,the victory I used to take each day from my home to Kelly Street to school."
"I also remember,upon occasions,experiencing the feeling‘you can't make it'",I continued."But you can.When I was coming up,opportunities were limited.But now the opportunities are there to be anything you want to be.But wanting to be isn't enough,dreaming about it isn't enough.You've got to study for it,work for it,fight for it with all your heart energy and soul so that nothing will be denied you.
I wanted them to make the right choices,to work hard and not lose sight of a dream.And I wanted them to know that someone is always watching.
41.Why does the author say that he faced an enjoyable yet formidale challenge?BecauseC
A.he was very much afraid of returning to his old neighborhood
B.his old neighborhood is problematic with drugs,temptation and crimes
C.he was going to make a speech to schoolboys and schoolgirls of Morris High
D.there are problems on the road his car was driven on and this worried him
42.The author thinks it wasDfor kids to face choices when he was young.
A.very exciting                       
B.only natural
C.very easy                          
D.really a sad thing
43.According to the author,the stupid and the most self-destructive thing you could do with the life God had given you isC.
A.to get easy access to choices           
B.to hang around the hamburger place
C.to get addicted to drugs               
D.to resist the temptation of drugs
44.Which statement is TRUE according to the article?A
A.The author went back to his old school as a general
B.The author was the best mop user there ever was
C.The author was very excited about his first job
D.The author believed that you can become anything you want.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.The United States of America was founded in 1776after the 13independent American states rose up against the ruling British,defeated them in the American Revolutionary War,and signed the Declaration of Independence,the document which declared the creation of the new country.
The men who led the revolution,drafted the Declaration of Independence,and wrote the first American laws are known as"founding fathers".Benjamin Franklin,whose picture is on the US 100-dollar note,was appointed to prepare the Declaration that was eventually signed by the other founding fathers.
Franklin was born in 1706in Boston to a soap maker named Josiah Franklin.His father could not afford full schooling for all his children,but Benjamin loved books and worked in his elder brother's printing business before starting a newspaper called the Pennsylvania Gazette in 1729.He wrote and drew cartoons for the newspaper.In addition,he worked to improve living conditions in the city:introducing street lights,cleaning the roads and building libraries.In the 1740s,Franklin retired from his newspaper and turned to science with great success.He was a very smart man and his work on electricity,including the"kite experiment"which confirmed the nature of lightning,made him famous throughout the world.
Franklin earned the title of the"First American"for his efforts to unite the 13American states,and to win their independence.This part of the story starts in London.He was sent to the city to persuade the British to treat the American states more fairly.It was here that he began interacting with important political thinkers and activists of the time and developing his own political ideas.
Following his return to America in 1761he became much more active in American politics and in the battle against British rule.
After the United States of America was established,Franklin held several important positions such as the first United States Postmaster General,Ambassador to France and President of Pennsylvania.He is also famous today for his wise sayings,including"a penny saved is a penny earned"and"an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure".
24.What is the article mainly about?B
A.The American Declaration of Independence.
B.Franklin's contributions to American society.
C.The American War of Independence.
D.Benjamin Franklin's early life.
25.How did Franklin begin developing his own political thinking?A
A.By discussing ideas with political activists in Britain.
B.By persuading the 13American states to unite.
C.By fighting against British rule in America.
D.By writing articles for his own newspaper.
26.What can be inferred about Franklin from the article?C
A.His most important contribution was in science.
B.He was th e leader of the"founding fathers".
C.He was successful in many different areas.
D.He came from a very wealthy family.
27.What is the correct order for the following events from Franklin's life?B
a.He started a newspaper business.
b.He carried out the kite experience on electricity.
c.He worked for his brother in a printing company.
d.He was appointed the Ambassador to France.
e.He helped write the Declaration of Independence.
f.He visited England to discuss independence.
A.e,c,a,b,f,d           B.c,a,b,f,e,d
C.a,c,f,b,d,e           D.f,d,a,b,c,e.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

The law requires equal treatment for all,regardless of race,sex or origin.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

I'dappreciate it if you would show little concern for my personal matters.

