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    I was seated in a comer of the classroom,feeling lost. My parents had removed me from my old village school to this boarding school. I missed my old friends. There was now no warm home to rush back to after class and no one to share tales with.

    Just then there was a loud cheer from my classmates — a tall,slim teacher in a shirt and a skirt came by and said that the maths teacher was absent (不在的) .She then suggested we do some activities on our own without making any noise. I soon learnt that this was Miss Thomas,better known as the Sports Miss.

    The girls soon crowded in small groups. Some chatted while others read books or wrote something. With nothing better to do,I pulled out a sheet of paper and drew hills aimlessly,covered with pa/ms (掠榈 树) ,the path that led to my old school and my teacher with her long hair. As I was devotedly drawing,I found Miss Thomas standing by my side. She quickly took the paper to the teacher s desk.

   “Girls,do you see this picture?” she asked. “We have a little artist among us!” I nearly died of shyness. She then made me describe my drawing. After waiting for a while,I managed that. “Now,everybody congratulates Suchitra ,” Miss Thomas told the class.

    Many of them then came forward,shook my hand and smiled at me. Immediately,I found the world was a much better place!Actually,my art was nothing special. But Miss Thomas’ s action broke the ice and gave me confidence that never left.

    To?ay,forty years later,my schoolmates from that school remain my closest friends. If I have achieved something in life,I owe it to my school,its loving teachers,especially Miss Thomas,a sports teacher who came to me by chance one morning.

1. When Suchitra studied in his village school,he

   A. had few friends

   B. liked telling stories

    C. didn't like his teachers

   D. went home after school

2. In the maths class,Suchitra

   A. read a book

   B. drew a picture

    C. wrote a short article   

    D. chatted with his classmates

3. Why did Suchitra feel shy when Miss Thomas : showed his work?

   A. He wasn't confident. 

   B. He was against school rules. 

    C. Miss Thomas laughed at him.

   D. His pictures were about Miss Thomas.

4. What probably happened after the maths class?

   A. Many students envied Suchitra.

   B. Suchitra decided to give up drawing.

    C. Suchitra made more and more friends.

   D. Miss Thomas began teaching Suchitra maths.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   It was the first time that I 21(take) part in a boxing competition. Like other participants I was 22(excite) about the event. In the first round I beat my opponent easily and went into the second round. I was watching every opponent's techniques so that I could be aware of their moves.

   I fought hard and got into the 此所诉似/ (半决赛) .My opponent injured me 23 accident,but I didn’ t give up. I fought back and got into the final. I knew that 24 (get) the gold medal was my dream.

   As I was 25 new face there were no supporters on my side. The crowd was screaming and cheering for my opponent. I could only hear my opponent's name.

   I knew 26 I couldn,t  make it that day,I would regret it. Therefore,I ignored the crowd's screams. I told myself no matter 27 strong my opponent was,I must do my 28(good) and fight well. 29(keep) this in mind,I adopted a uwait and attack" strategy.

   When the time was up,I was leading 3-0. I was so proud of 30(me) .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

            Don’t stop swimming!

    On September 2 ,2013,Diana Nyad became the first person to swim successfully the dangerous Florida Straits,a 177 km passage from Cuba to Florida,without the protection of a shark cage (鲨鱼笼) . She was 64 years old at that year.

    When she was in her twenties,Diana was already a famous long-distance swimmer,but she retired in 1979. During her early career,Diana had one unsuccessful swim: Her attempt(尝试) to swim .from Cuba to Florida in 1978 ended after 42 hours in the water. Although she went on with her life,this unrealized dream remained in the back of her mind.

    In early 2010,she turned 60 and decided it was time to pursue her dream again. She began training and,in August 2011,she entered the water to try again 33 years after she had first tried this challenging swim. However,this time she faced strong winds and sea currents and had to give up after 29 hours in the water.

    She tried again a month later,but still wasn’t successful. She waited until the following year for her fourth attempt,but pain from jellyfish?(海蜇) bites forced her to give up. Her fifth attempt began on 31st August,2013t After 53 hours in the water,she. reached Florida and set a new world record.

    It was an unbelievable achieve-ment,but in the words of Diana, “Find a way. Never,ever give up."

    Too many people never realize their dreams,listing all the reasons why they can not achieve them. But Diana N?ad’s story tells US that you should never give up and you’ re never too old to make your dream come true.

True (T) or False (F) :

1. Diana Nyad became a famous swimmer in 1979.()

2. Diana Nyad was faced with strong winds on her fifth attempt to swim from Cuba to Florida.()


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  I'm a teacher of fourth grade. I always expect .students to come into a grade level to be prepared for that 21,especially when it deals with 22 . I always asked students to read everything orafly in my 23

  We were reading the book Fourth Grade Nothings to take a break from the textbook since many students felt 24 with it. I had just gotten a 25 student. When it was his turn to read,I asked him to read a couple of paragraphs. He looked 26 and said, “I can't read." I 27 I had mistaken what he said,28 I asked him to read again. This time,I 29 the child could not even read any of the sight words. So I 30 over and stood beside him and helped him with the words that he could not pronounce. ,

  I taught him how to 31 words into syllables (*?~ 节) .When I couldn't 32 him,I asked another 33 to help him in his spare time. This child 34 so without question. The day he 35 his hand to read,I teared up. When he 36 and said, “Mrs. Newcome,I can read ,” I 37 like a child. He 38 not long after that for another county. Before his leaving,he 39 me and gave me a big hug,saying,UI will 40 remember what you have given me." I cried again.

21. A goal   B. plan    C. result   D. grade

22. A. spelling   B. listening

   C. reading   D. writing

23. A. class   B. house    C. office   D. studio

24. A. familiar   B. bored

   C. good   D. satisfied

25. A. new . B. smart    C. sick   D. lazy

26. A. confused   B. upset

   C. angry   D. relaxed

27. A. agreed   B. promised

   C. thought   D. proved

28. A. so   B. but    C. for   D. or

29. A. remembered   B. found

   C. said   D. imagined

30. A. went   B. looked

   C. dropped   D. stayed

31. A. move   B. express

   C. translate  D. break

32. A. raise   B. praise   C. help   D. comfort

33. A. worker   B. friend   C. volunteer . D. teacher

34. A. refused   B. did    C. guessed   D. forgot

35. A. picked up   B. put up

   C. set aside   D. gave up

36. A. finished   B. repeated

   C. prepared   D. compared

37. A. struggled   B. slept

   C. complained   D. cried

38. A. came   B. laughed

   C. left   D. appeared

39. A. caught   B. ignored

  C. thanked   D. followed

40. A. even   B. never   C. only   D. always


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   “It was a horrible situation,” said Theresa Benz. uPrincipal (校长.) Susan Jordan pushed two students out of the path of a school bus just before it struck and killed her. She's most certainly a hero."

   To Benz,whose sons attended Amy Beverland Elementary School,and many others,it came as no surprise that the Indiana principal acted selflessly to protect the lives of her students.

   Jordan died around 2:45 p.m. after a school bus suddenly sped up from a stopped position in the school parking lot,hitting and running her over. Two students,both aged 10,were also hit. But they were safe in the hospital.

   “We’ re thinking it's nothing more than an unfortunate accident,” said Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Sgt. Kendale Adams. “The bus driver said that she didn t  know why the bus sped up. But just before the crash she saw Jordan push two students out of the way. Up until the very end of her life,she was doing what she did,which was protecting the kids. She was so heroic."

   Jordan, *69,was principal of the school for 22 years and was referred to as a “legend” because of her great leadership and devotion.

   Wendy Osborne,whose kids attended the school several years ago,said Jordan wasn't one to stay in her office. Instead,she walked through the halls greeting students and spent many hours tending to the kids.

   One of Benz’s  sons,Adam,9, said that Jordan called him to the office recently,not because of a problem,but because she just wanted to celebrate his birthday and give him a card and a pencil.

  “She’ 11 always be my friend ,” he said, “even though she lives far away in heaven now."

1. Why was Jordan regarded as a hero?

   A. She used to help others in her life.

   B. She took injured students to hospital.

    C. She managed to avoid a traffic accident.

   D. She saved two children at the cost of her life.

2. What can we say about Kendale Adams?

   A. He felt Ditv for those children.

   B. He showed great respect for Jordan,

    C. He expressed deep anger at the driver.

   D.He disagreed with the bus driver's opinion.

3. By saying “Jordan wasn’ t  one to stay in her office ,”Osborne meant .

A. Jordan disliked her office   

B. Jordan worked in the halls 

C.Jordan often did sports outdoors   

D. Jordan tried to be close to children

4. Adam was called to Jordan's office because.

A. Adam was often late for school

B. Adam quarreled with his friend

C. Jordan wanted to give him a birthday gift   

D. Jordan wanted to answer his questions


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. Last month,I went to the computer museum with my parents. We enjoyed and learned a lot.

   A. us   B. ourselves    C. our    (2015 吉林)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. —Tom has a sore t and he has lost his voice.

—Ask him to drink more hot water with honey.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

1. 1 have a sore back. (改为一般疑问句)

 a sore back? 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 35. —Mark, ?

一No,my head feels hot.

   A. are you available   B. are you OK    C. do you enjoy yourself     D. do you mind it

