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7.Happiness is not about what happens to us-it is about ______ we see what happens to us.(  )

分析 快乐不是关于发生在我们身上的事情-它是关于我们如何看待发生在我们身上的事情.

解答 答案:C.根据句意,它是关于我们如何看待发生在我们身上的事情,如何应用疑问词how,A.whether 是否,B.that 连词,C.what 什么,故选C.

点评 本题考查疑问词的用法,应根据句意来判断合适的疑问词.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.My favorite English teacher could draw humor out of the driest material.It wasn't forced on us either.He took Samuel Johnson's dictionary,Addison's essays,and many other literary wonders from the eighteenth century and made them hilarious,even at eight o'clock in the morning.The thing that amazed me most was that the first time I read these works on my own some of them seemed dead,but the second time,after his explanation,I couldn't believe that I hadn't seen the humor.The stories and poems and plays were suddenly filled with allusions(典故) and irony and hilarious moments.I learned more from him than from any other teacher.
My least favorite English teacher also made people laugh.Some students found him to be wonderfully funny.Many others did not.He assigned journals over a six week period,to be written in every day.At the end of the six weeks I had a notebook full of bits and pieces about my ideas,short stories,reactions to what we had read,and so on.Our teacher announced that we would be grading each other's journals.Mine was passed to Joe,that class clown,who always behaved in a funny or silly way.He saw it fit to make joke of and said,"This writing isn't fit to line the bottom of a birdcage."Our teacher laughed at that funny remark.It hurt me so much that the anger from it has driven my writing and teaching ever since.
So what makes the difference?Humor is one of the most powerful tools teachers or writers have.It can build up students and classes and make them excited about literature and writing,or it can tear them apart.It is true that humor is either productive or counter-productive and self-defeating.

59.The passage mainly discussesC.
A.teaching      B.literature     C.humor     D.knowledge
60.The underlined word"hilarious"in Paragraph 1probably meansA.
A.funny      B.tiring       C.inspiring    D.brilliant
61.With his favorite English teacher,the writer found it most amazing thatC.
A.his teacher was very learned
B.his teacher was very humorous
C.the works by Johnson and Addison were very humorous
D.few were able to find humor in works by Johnson and others
62.The English teacher the writer disliked mostB.
A.was not able to make students laugh
B.hurt his students'feelings
C.didn't let his students do the grading
D.had no sense of humor.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.Do you have a hobby-something you really enjoy doing in your spare time?Have you ever wondered what it would be like if you could spend more time on your hobby and less time at work?Maybe it's not an either/or situation.Perhaps you can do both at the same time.
When choosing a career,one of the things you must consider is your interests.Why then do so many people not even think about their hobbies when a hobby is,in fact,an interest?Perhaps it's because even Webster's Dictionary defines a hobby as"a pursuit (消遣,嗜好) outside one's regular occupation (职业)".Maybe this is a rule you should break.After all,no one ever said your hobby had to stay separate from your occupation.In addition people are usually very skilled at their hobbies.The combination of interest and skill is a very compelling (令人信服的) reason to choose a particular career.
"Who's going to hire someone who loves making beaded (串珠状的) jewelry?"you may ask yourself.Good question.Don't wait for someone to hire you.Start your own business.That may be the best way to combine your hobby with your career.Those with hobbies that involve creating things,i.e.jewelry,clothing,or pottery,may do well to sell those items on their own.Before you go forward with your plans,though,you should find out whether being an entrepreneur (企业家) is for you.
When you attempt to turn your hobby into a career,don't forget to do your homework.Even though you may have enjoyed training your 34parakeets (长尾鹦鹉) to sing the National Anthem,that doesn't mean you're cut out to be an animal trainer.Be sure to research your career choice completely.There may be aspects of it that just aren't for you.In that case,stick to your day job,as they say,and save your hobby for your free time.

46.Why does the writer ask two questions in the first paragraph?A
A.To lead in the topic of hobby and career.
B.To describe what can be a hobby.
C.To compare hobbies with work.
D.To explain what a hobby is.
47.We can infer from paragraph 2that many peopleB.
A.always mix their interest with their hobbies
B.often separate their hobbies from their jobs
C.daren't break a rule of choosing their jobs
D.don't know the true meaning of a hobby
48.What can we learn from the last paragraph?C
A.Doing one's homework may be a hobby.
B.A day job can't be a hobby in your spare time.
C.Not every hobby is suitable to become a career.
D.An animal trainer has a hobby of singing songs.
49.By writing this passage,the writer intends to introduceD.
A.how to choose a hobby for your free time
B.how to develop your own hobby
C.how to treat your job as a hobby
D.how to turn a hobby into a career.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.A funny thing happened on the way to the communications revolutions:we stopped talking to one another.
  I was walking in the park with a friend recently,and his cell phone rang,interrupting our conversation.There we were,walking and talking on a beautiful sunny day and…I became invisible(看不见的),absent from the conversation.
  The telephone used to connect you to the absent.Now it makes people sitting next to you feel absent.Why is it that the more connected we get,the more disconnected I feel?Every advance in communications technology is a tragedy to the closeness of human interaction.With email and instant messaging over the Internet,we can now communicate without seeing or talking to one another.With voice mail,you can conduct entire conversations without ever reaching anyone.If my mom has a question,I just leave the answer on her machine.
  As almost every contact we can imagine between human beings gets automated,we are now feeling more distant from one another.You can't even call a person to get the phone number of another person any more.Directory assistance is almost always fully automated.
  I am not against modern technology.I own a cell phone,an ATM card,a voice mail system,and an email account.Giving them up isn't wise…they're a great help to use.It's some of their possible consequences that make me feel uneasy.
  More and more I find myself hiding behind e-mail to do a job meant for conversation,or being relieved that voice mail picked up because I didn't really have time to talk.The industry devoted to helping me keep in touch is making me lonelier.
  So I've put myself on technology restriction:no instant messaging with people who live near me,no cell phoning in the presence of friends,no letting the voice mail pick up when I'm at home.
64.Which of the following would be the best title of the passage?B
A.The Advance of Communications Technology.
B.The Consequences of Modern Technology.
C.The Story of Communications Revolution.
D.The Automation of Modern Communications
65.The sentence"Now it makes people sitting next to you feel absent,"means thatC.
A.the people sitting beside you have to go away to receive a phone call
B.you can hardly get in touch with the people sitting beside you   
C.modern technology makes it hard for people to have a face-to-face talk   
D.people can now go to work without going to the office
66.The writer feels that the use of modern communications isD.
A.encouraging       B.disappointing    C.satisfying      D.embarrassing 
67.The passage implies thatA.
A.modern technology is separating the people     
B.modern technology is bridging the people.
C.modern technology is developing too fast
D.modern technology is interrupting our communications.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.I am one of those people who are terrible at saying no.I take on too many projects at once,and spend too much of my time doing things I'd rather not be doing.I get work done,but it's not always the best I can do,or the best way I could spend my time.
    That's why my newest goal,both as a professional and a person,is to be a quitter.
Being a quitter isn't being someone who gives up,who doesn't see important things through to the end.I am eager to be the opposite of that.The quitter I want to be is someone who gets out when there's no value in what he's doing,or when that value comes at the expense of something more important.
A friend of mine once told me,"I knew I was an adult when I could stop reading a book,even after getting 500 pages into it."Strange though it sounds,we all tend to do this.We get involved in something,realize we don't want to be a part of it,but keep on going.We say"Well,I've already invested so much time in this,I might as well stick it out."
I propose the opposite:quit as often as possible,regardless of project status or time invested.If you're reading a book,and don't like it,stop reading.Cut your losses,realize that the smartest thing to do is to stop before your losses grow even more,and quit.Instead of reading an entire book you hate,read half of a bad one and half of a good one.Isn't that a better use of your time?
Step back for a second.Let's learn how to say"no"at the beginning,or in the middle,and free up more of our time to do the things we'd like to be doing,and the things actually worth doing. Saying no is hard,and admitting a mistaken yes is even harder.If we do both,we'll start to make sure that we're spending our time creating value,rather than increasing our losses.Let's be quitters together.
59.The reason why the author wants to be a quitter is that heD.
A.hopes to improve his personality
B.wishes to have more time for relaxation
C.has found it hard to do several things at one time
D.expects to make more efficient use of his time
60.In what circumstances does the author suggest quitting is a good idea?A
A.When you realize what you are doing is not worth the time.
B.When you know a task cannot be finished.
C.When you meet with difficulties along the way in your life.
D.When you feel tired and need a rest.
61.If you stop reading a book you hate,the author might think thatC.
A.you should finish a book that you have started
B.it's a pity that you have wasted so much time
C.you are wise to cut your losses
D.you should regret choosing the wrong book
62.The message the author tries to deliver is toC.
A.create more value               
B.live your life to the fullest
C.learn to say no                     
D.stop doing many things at once.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

12."Cleverness is a gift while kindness is a choice.Gifts are easy--they're given after all.Choices can be hard."--Jeff Bezos.
I got the idea to start Amazon 16years ago.I came across the fact that the Internet usage was growing at 2,300percent per year.I'd never seen or heard of anything that grew that fast,and the idea of building an online bookstore with millions of titles was very exciting to me.I had just turned 30years old,and I'd been married for a year.I told my wife MacKenzie that I wanted to quit my job and go to do this crazy thing that probably wouldn't work since most start-ups don't,and I wasn't sure what to expect.MacKenzie told me I should go for it.As a young boy,I'd been a garage inventor.I'd always wanted to be an inventor,and she wanted me to follow my passion.
I was working at a financial firm in New York City with a bunch of very smart people,and I had a brilliant boss that I much admired.I went to my boss and told him I wanted to start a company selling books on the Internet.He took me on a long walk in Central Park,listened carefully to me,and finally said,"That sounds like a really good idea,but it would be an even better idea for someone who didn't already have a good job."That logic made some sense to me,and he convinced me to think about it for 48hours before making a final decision.Seen in that light,it really was a difficult choice,but ultimately (最后),I decided I had to give it a shot.I didn't think I'd regret trying and failing.And I suspected I would always be haunted by a decision to not try at all.
After much consideration,I took the less safe path to follow my passion,and I'm proud of that choice.For all of us,in the end,we are our choices.

25.What inspired the author with the idea of building an online bookstore?C
A.His dream of being an inventor.
B.The support of his wife.
C.The greatly increasing usage of the Internet.
D.Millions of exciting titles.
26.Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined sentence?C
A.The idea of not trying would keep coming to his mind and disturb him.
B.He would be very excited if he tried it out.
C.He would be always having a doubt if he didn't try.
D.The decision to not try the online bookstore would terrify him.
27.We can know from the passage thatC.
A.the boss thought the idea was suitable for the author
B.the author wanted someone else to try the idea
C.the author might not regret if he failed the idea
D.the author might go back to his boss if he failed
28.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?D
A.Cleverness and Kindness      B.The Starting of Amazon
C.Following My Passion         D.We Are What We Choose.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.Animals are a favorite subject of many photographers.Cats,dogs,and other pets top the list,followed by zoo animals.However,because it's hard to get them to sit still and"perform on command,"some professional photographers refuse to photograph pets.
One way to get a nice picture of a cat or a dog is to hold some delicious food above the camera.The animal's longing look toward the food will be captured (捕捉) by the camera,but the food won't appear in the picture because it's out of the camera's range.When you show the picture to your friends afterwards,they'll be impressed by your pet's loving expression.
If you are using fast film,you can take some good,quick shots of a pet by simply snapping (抓拍) a picture right after calling its name.You'll get a different expression from your pet using this technique.Depending on your pet's mood,the picture will capture an interested,curious expression or possibly a look of   annoyance,especially if you've awakened it from a nap.
Taking pictures of zoo animals requires a little more patience.After all,you can't wake up a lion!You may have to wait for a while until the animal does something interesting or moves into a position for you to get a good shot.When photographing zoo animals,don't get too close to the cages,and never tap on the glass or throw things between the bars of a cage; Concentrate on shooting some good pictures,and always respect the animals you are photographing.

61.Why do some professional photographers refuse to take pictures of pets?A
A.Pets may not follow orders.
B.Pets don't want to be bothered.
C.Pets may not like photographers.
D.Pets seldom change their expressions.
62.What is the use of food in taking pictures of a pet?A
A.To capture a nice look.
B.To create a special atmosphere.
C.To prevent the animal from getting hungry.
D.To keep the pet from looking at the camera.
63.The underlined word"annoyance"in Paragraph 3is closest in meaning toC.
A.joy   B.pain  C.anger   D.interest
64.In what way is photographing zoo animals different from photographing pets?D
A.You need to have fast film.
B.You need special equipment.
C.You need to stay close to the animals.
D.You need more time to watch and wait.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

16.A month after Hurricane Katrina,I returned home in New Orleans.There lay my house,reduced to waist-high rains,smelly and dirty.
Before the trip,I'd had my car fixed.When the office employee of the garage was writing up the bill,she noticed my Louisiana license plate."You from New Orleans?"she asked.I said I was,"No charge."She said,and firmly shook her head when I reached for my wallet.The next day I went for a haircut,and the same thing happened.
As my wife was studying in Florida,we decided to move there and tried to find a rental house that we could afford while also paying off a mortgage(抵押贷款) on our ruined house.We looked at many places,but none was satisfactory.We'd began to accept that we'd have to live in extremely reduced circumstances for a while,when I got a very curious e-mail from a James Kennedy in California.He'd read some pieces I'd written about our sufferings for state,the online magazine and wanted to give us ("no conditions attached") a new house across the lake from New Orleans.It sounded a good to her return,but I replied,thinking him for his exceptional generosity,then we to go back.Then the University of Florida offered to let him house to me.While he want to England on his one year,paid leave.The rent was rather reasonable.I mentioned the poet's offer to James Kennedy,and the next day he sent a check covering our entire rent for eight months.
Throughout this painful experience,the kindness of strangers has done much to bring back my faith in humanity.It's almost worth losing you wordy possessions to be reminded that people really when given had a channel.

44.The garage employee's attitude toward the author was that of.B
A.unconcern   B.sympathy   C.doubt   D.tolerance
45.What do we know about James Kennedy?C
A.He was a written of an online magazine
B.He was a poet at the University of Florida
C.He offered the author a new house free of charge.
D.He learned about the author's sufferings.
46.It can be inferred from the text that.A
A.the author's family was in financial difficulty
B.rents were comparatively reasonable despite the disaster
C.houses were difficult to find in the hurricane stricken area
D.the mortgage on the ruined house was paid off by the bank
47.The author learned from his experience that.D
A.worldly possessions can be given up when necessary
B.generosity should be encouraged in some cases
C.people benefit from their sad stories
D.human beings are kind after all.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

17.The two presidents agree with each other on the whole,but much remains ____ at the following meeting.(  )
A.discussingB.discussedC.to discussD.to be discussed

