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—Well, my daughter takes great interest in most of the food on the menu.


—Salad, fried fish and orange juice, please.

A.Shall I take your order? B.At your service.

C.What to follow? D.With pleasure.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年黑龙江哈尔滨第六中学高一下期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


Patricia Blues, 29, has a new aim in life: to keep drivers’ hands on their steering wheels and off their cell phones. On November 2, 2007, Blues lived through a horrible experience. A motorist dialing a cell phone drove through a stop sign at 45 miles per hour and ran into the side of Blues’ car. Blues’ 2-year-old daughter was killed immediately in the crash.

Blues has since devoted her time top pushing for laws that would prevent this type of tragedy from happening again.

Cell phones are not the only distractions(分神) that cause accidents. Eating, changing CDs, reading maps, talking to passengers, and just reaching for an object on the floor can be dangerous. Therefore, the emphasis should be on educating drivers to avoid all distractions. However, talking on cell phones might be easier to regulate than eating or changing music. At least 34 states have already passed laws to restrict cell phone use in moving cars. No state has banned it yet, but several US. cities. Worldwide, 13 nations, including Australia, England, Germany, Japan and China have banned drivers’ use of cell phones in moving cars.

To date, no scientific evidence has been published showing that talking on the phone affects driving safety. But according to a test by some high school students, “driving while on the phone does affect safety and probably shouldn’t be done”.

1.What happened to Patricia Blues on November 2, 2007?

A. She was seriously injured in a car crash.

B. She lost her daughter in a road accident.

C. She broke the traffic rules at a bus stop

D. Her vehicle was destroyed by a motorbike.

2.The tragedy was caused by ________.

A. Blues’ lack of driving experience

B. the motorist’s failure of seeing the stop sign

C. Blues’ poor car conditions

D. the motorist’s absence of mind while driving

3.Patricia Blues’ new goal of life is to persuade the government ________.

A. to forbid the carrying of cell phones in cars

B. to educate drivers to avoid all distractions

C. to ban talking on cell phones while driving

D. to study harmful results of using cell phones

4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?

A. Using cell phones while driving is easier to be controlled by law than other distractions

B. It is more important to make laws than educate drivers to be aware of driving safety.

C. Driving while on the cell phone is firmly against only by some students from high schools.

D. It is extremely urgent for the cities with a large population to restrict using cell phones


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年湖南衡阳八中高二上第一次月考英语卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


Stealing? I guess we were stealing. But in our 13-year-old brains the matter of ownership _________ occurred to us. We just wanted to _________ some strawberries in Mr Jordan’s backyard. So we went _________ into his backyard.

When we started _________ his strawberries, all of a sudden Mr Jordan came outside.

“What are you boys doing out here?” he _________ and tried to grab one or two as my friends rushed past him, but they were too _________ for the older gentleman to seize, and all the boys except me disappeared within seconds.

Speed was never my _________. So I could just stand there and _________ whatever punishment would surely come my way from Mr Jordan.

He marched me to my house and my mother criticized me. My friends gathered to celebrate their _________and observe my capture. They _________ me about it for days afterwards, while all I could do was complain to my father about how _________ it was.

“I don’t think so,” Dad said. “You got the punishment you _________.”

“But what about other guys?” I asked.

Dad said, “You can’t _________what happens to other people. You can only _________ what happens to you. You picked Mr Jordan’s strawberries that night, and you were punished for it. To me, that is completely fair.”

Then I couldn’t _________my father’s words. _________through the years I knew what he talked about. We didn’t come to earth with a _________ that life would treat us fairly.

Like Dad said, the _________ thing we can actually _________ is what happens to us. How we choose to respond to what happens to us is truly the _________ by which the quality of our lives will be measured whether or not we think it happens fairly.



















19.A.look atB.deal withC.dream ofD.take away



科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年重庆南开中学高一下学期期末测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.There are many l_________ about the lake, one of which is that it was formed by the tears of a goddess.

2.Weather in England is u_________ —it can change in an instant.

3.The operation can p_________ his life at least by three or four years on condition that he is taken good care of.

4.D_________ with lung cancer, he never gave up on himself.

5.In Wales, the red dragon on the flag is a positive symbol, i_________ strength and a sense of national identity.

6.The wasteland used to be a pleasant, _________(肥沃的)spot, well wooded and rich in various fruits.

7.Having had a good night’s sleep, we were rowing _________(顺流而下) towards the sea.

8.In many ways, my _________(残疾) has helped me become more independent and grow stronger psychologically.

9.Easter is an important _________(宗教的) festival for Christians around the world.

10.At the current rate of decline, many rainforest animals could be _________ (灭绝) in less than 10 years.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年重庆南开中学高一下学期期末测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—I am thinking of going back to school to get another degree.

—Sounds great! _____

A.Go for it B.Never mind

C.Well done D.That was good news


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年重庆南开中学高一下学期期末测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

By law,no party _____ give away the contents of the contract to the third party.

A.may B.can

C.need D.shall


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年重庆第一中学高一下学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.He was sitting by the window with his head b____ (埋) in a book.

2.The workers on s____ (罢工) for a pay rise were all fired.

3.We received a number of c____ (抱怨) from customers about the lack of parking places.

4.The small village, which is l____ (位于) at the foot of the mountain, has become a holiday resort.

5.An ancient philosopher in China argued that everyone must be treated e____ (平等地).

6.He is one of the most i____ (有影响的) people in the politics.

7.To be great, you must be smart, confident, and above all, h____ (诚实的).

8.His parents didn’t earn much money so he dropped out of school because of p____ (贫穷).

9.The man n____ (勉强地) escaped death when he crashed his car against the wall.

10.An enormous amount of energy and resources went into the c____ (建设) of those houses.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年宁夏高一下期末考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


Every day, I drive home along Colorado Blvd, a wide street with four lanes on each side of the median (中央分隔带护栏).I always notice a homeless man standing on the corner of Colorado Blvd, ______ for spare change with a sign in his hand.

Last Monday, when I was ______ him, he suddenly threw down his sign and rushed into the middle of the street. At this time I ______ a car moving across the 3 lanes of traffic and heading for the median.The ______ man ran to the side of the car and attempted to push the car back in the right ______. He also knocked on the window of the vehicle, but all ______ Immediately, he ran across the small median into four lanes of oncoming traffic, ______ madly for the cars to stop. Thankfully, all speeding cars ______ to stop just in time to ______ hitting him. The car which was out of ______ came Moving across the median and the four lanes of traffic, where just seconds ago cars had been traveling with ______ speeds.

The homeless man jumped back in front of the ______ to attempt slowing it down again. By this time, we were able to ______ and help the man stop the car ______ it ran into a supermarket on the other side of the road. As it ______ out, the woman driver had a heart attack while driving and became ______ in the front seat.

The homeless man is indeed a hero. He spends every day getting ______ by people who are trying not to make ______ contact with him so that they don't feel bad not giving him money. Yet he didn't even hesitate to risk his life to save this lady and other drivers who would have ______ into her. He didn't think of his safety, nor did he expect anything in return. Heroes do exist in the most ______ places.

1.A. waiting B. begging C. standing D. answering

2.A. greeting B. leaving C. attacking D. approaching

3.A. heard B. saw C. sensed D. smelled

4.A. wealthy B. poor C. handsome D. cruel

5.A. direction B. condition C. communication D. situation

6.A. in place B. in particular C. in vain D. in common

7.A. smiling B. dancing C. acting D. signing

8.A. managed B. pretended C. intended D. decided

9.A. delay B. admit C. avoid D. risk

10.A. sight B. danger C. date D. control

11. A. slow B. top C. strange D. normal

12.A. driver B. beggar C. car D. bike

13.A. pull over B. pull out C. pull down D. pull through

14.A. since B. until C. unless D. before

15.A. takes B. picks C. turns D. points

16.A. uneasy B. unconscious C. unnecessary D. unfortunate

17.A. unnoticed B. admired C. changed D. punished

18.A. body B. face C. eye D. hand

19.A. looked B. broken C. checked D. crashed

20.A. unsafe B. unlikely C. unfair D. unwilling


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年甘肃甘谷一中高二上学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The role of a newspaper is to present and comment on the news. It is vital for keeping people well-informed on current affairs. In most Western countries, journalists try to shape the ideas and opinions of their readers, since in Western countries all newspapers are independent of the government. Some newspaper owners support liberal ideas including economic policies that help poor people. Other owners want policies such as lower taxes for rich people and less money to be given to poor people. You can almost judge the political ideas of a person in the West by looking at the newspaper he reads.

All newspapers report national and international news. They give the facts but also provide opinions on controversial issues in the editorials and columns of opinion. The readers of the newspaper can also comment on these editorials or articles. There are many informative articles too as well as reviews of new films and books, etc. These are very important, for if a film or book gets good reviews it will often become more successful.

All these articles require many journalists who are experts in different areas of life. All these articles come together and are checked by the chief editor of the newspaper. When he or she has made a decision on the articles, the newspaper is prepared for printing. All this work means that the journalists must work together as a team because there is a lot of pressure when you work in a newspaper office. There are constant deadlines and articles have to be fitted round advertisements, photographs and much, much more.

1.What does the underlined word “be fitted” mean?

A. be suitable B. be put

C. be read D. be measured

2.What articles comment on controversial issues?

A. Editorials and opinion columns.

B. News stories.

C. Some of the informative articles.

D. Jokes and humour.

3.Which is true about the journalists in Western countries?

A. There’s no time limit for their report articles.

B. They have no right to influence the readers’ opinions.

C. A newspaper can come out with just a journalist working individually.

D. Journalists must submit their articles before the due date.

4.Why are good reviews important to books?

A. Good reviews are excellent introduction to books.

B. Readers especially favour books with good reviews.

C. Good reviews can make readers feel relaxed and comfotable.

D. Good reviews can bring a large circulation of the books reviewed.

