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3.Most people wrongly believe that when people reach old age,their families place them in nursing homes.They (57)are left(leave) in the hands of strangers for the rest of their lives.Their grown children visit them (58)occasionally(occasion),but more often,they do not have any regular visitors.The truth is that the idea is an unfortunate myth-an (59)imaginable(imagine) story.In fact,family members provide the most care(60)that elderly people need.Samuel Prestoon,a sociologist,has studied (61)how the American family is changing.He has reported that by the time the average American couple reach 40 years of age,they have more parents than children.Moreover,because people today live longer after an illness than before,family members must provide long-term care.More (62)psychologists (psychology) have found that all caregivers believe that they are the best people for the job.Social workers interviewed caregivers to find out why they took (63)on the responsibility of caring for (64)an elderly relative.Many caregivers thought they had obligation    9   (help) their relatives,stating that helping others make them feel more useful.Most hoped th at by helping someone,they would deserve care when they became old and dependent.Caring for the elderly and
(64)being taken(take) care of can be a mutually satisfying experience for everyone who might be involved.

分析 很多人担心老了会进养老院,但是事实上照顾和被照顾都是一种相互体验的过程.

解答 57.are left 考查被动语态.根据句意可知,老年人被留在了陌生人手中.
58.occasionally 考查副词.此处修饰动词visit时需用副词形式.
59.imaginable 考查形容词.imaginable意思是可想象的到的.
60.that 考查关系词.分析句式可知,that引导定语从句.
61.how 考查副词.根据句意,Samuel Prestoon研究美国家庭是如何变化的.
63.on 考查介词.take on 为固定短语,意为承担.
64.an考查冠词.an elderly relative意为一个老年亲戚.
65.to help 考查动词不定式.此处动词不定式表示目的.
66.being taken 考查被动语态.分析句式可知,此处做主语,需用动名词形式,还需考虑被动形式.

点评 语法填空题是考查学生的语言运用能力.解题时,要在理解文章的基础上,灵活运用语法知识,如词性,时态,名词单复数,连接词,代词,冠词等判断空白处应填写的内容.答完后,还要通读全文,核对所填单词形式是否正确,是否符合语境.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

13.The iPhone,the iPad:each of Apple's products sounds cool and has become a fad(一时的风尚).Apple has cleverly taken advantage of the power of the letter"i"---and many other brands are following suit.The BBC's iPlayer---which allows Web users to watch TV programs on the Internet---used the title in 2008.A lovely bear---popular in the US and UK---that plays music and video is called"iTeddy".A slimmed-down version(简装本) of London's Independent newspaper was started last week under the name"i".
In general,single-letter prefixes(前缀) have been popular since the 1990s,when terms such as e-mail and e-commerce(电子商务) first came into use.
Most"i"products are targeted at (针对)young people and considering the major readers of Independent's"i",it's no surprise that they've selected this fashionable name.
But it's hard to see what's so special about the letter"i".Why not use"a","b",or"c"instead?According to Tony Thorne,head of the Language Center at King's College,London,"i"works because its meaning has become ambiguous.When Apple uses"i",no one knows whether it means Internet,information,individual or interactive,Thorne told BBC Magazines."Even when Apple created the iPod,it seems it didn't have one clear definition(定义),"he says.
"However,thanks to Apple,the term is now connected with portability (轻便)."adds Thorne.
Clearly the letter"i"also agrees with the idea that the Western World is centered on the individual.Each person believes they have their own needs,and we love personalized products for this reason.
Along with"Google"and"blog",readers of BBC Magazines voted"i"as one of the top 20 words that have come to define the last decade(十年).
But as history shows,people grow tired of fads.From the 1900s to 1990s,products with"2000"in their names became fashionable as the year was connected with all things advanced and modern.However,as we entered the new century,the fashion disappeared.
71.People use iPlayer toC.
A.listen to music                        B.make a call
C.watch TV programs online               D.read newspapers
72.We can infer that the Independent's"i"is designed forA.
A.young readers                          
B.old readers     
C.fashionable women                 
73.The underlined word"ambiguous"means"B".
A.popular            B.uncertain            C.clear            D.unique
74.Nowadays,the"i"term often reminds people of the products which areA.
A.portable    B.environmentally friendly    C.advanced    D.recyclable
75.The writer suggests thatD.
A."i"products are often of high quality      
B.iTeddy is alive bear
C.the letter"b"replaces letter"i"to name the products
D.the popularity of"i"products may not last long.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

14.Since nobody gave him any help,hemust have finished(must finish) the research on his own completely.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

11.The researchto be carried (carry) out next month will mainly study the practical use of this medicine.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

18.The scientist has put forth a newtheory(理论) in his research field.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

8.Henry James wrote a famous novel called The Portrait of a Lady.It is about a beautiful young woman(76)who/thatthought she was going to be very (77)happy when she got married.
The young woman,Isabel Archer,is(78)broughtto England by her Aunt.She has already been (79)determined(决心)not to marry a rich American business man who held the(80)belief(相信)that she was going to marry him.Again,in England,she is not(81)willing to marry an English nobleman she comes across.While she is visiting Italy,she is (82)introducedby a friend to an American(83)living(居住)in Florence whose name is Gilbert Osmond.She marries him,(84)butshe soon realizes that Gilbert has only married her(85)forher money.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.A new report says there are now more obese people in the world than there are underweight people.Researchers from Imperial College London wrote the report.
The researchers examined health records from about 20million people for what they called the"world's biggest obesity study."For the study,the researchers compared the body measurements of almost 20million adults.They found that from=1975to 2014,global obesity rates for men increased from 3.2percent of the population to 10.8percent.For women,it rose from 6.4percent to 14.9percent.The study found that more than 2.3percent of men and 5percent of women are considered severely obese.A severely obese individual has a body mass index (or BMI) of over 35kilograms per square meter.BMI is a way to measure a person's height compared to their weight.The study also found that about 1percent of men and 2percent of women are considered"morbidly (病态地) obese."Such people have difficulty with simple activities because they are overweight.The researchers say there are now=55million morbidly obese adults worldwide.
Majid Ezzati is the chief writer of the report.He writes that"the number of people across the globe whose weight poses a serious threat to their health is greater than ever before.He adds that this epidemic (流行病) of severe obesity is too extensive to be dealt with just medications.He says coordinated global initiatives are needed to  tackle this crisis.These initiatives include looking at the"price of healthy food compared to unhealthy food,or taxing high sugar and highly-processed foods (深加工食品)."
The researchers warn if the problem of obesity worsens,18percent of men and=21percent of women will be obese by 2025.
(本文出处:VOA April 11,2016)(略有改动)

28.Which kind of people are considered to suffer from morbidly obese?C
A.Those who cannot go around on their own.
B.Those who like sugar very much.
C.Those who do some simple things with difficulty.
D.Those who are fond of processed foods.
29.The underlined word"tackle"in the 3rd paragraph probably has the same meaning asD.
A.pass through       B.result from       
C.contribute to      D.deal with
30.The method the author uses to develop paragraph 3is byA.
A.informing and explaining       B.examining and instructing
C.arguing and discussing         D.comparing and evaluating
31.In which column of a newspaper can we probably find the text?B
A.Culture              B.Lifestyle          
C.People               D.Technology.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

12.All Chinese people deserve equal opportunities to enjoy _________ prosperous (富裕的) life,see their dreams come true and benefit together from_________ country's development.(  )
A.a; 不填B.the; aC.the; 不填D.a; the


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

13.Earlier this year,the social media website Facebook announced that it would work with several news organizations-including The New York Times,The Guardian,and the BBC-to place news stories directly into users'personal Facebook webpage.Stories published using Facebook Instant will load more quickly and keep the style of the original publisher,who will keep all the advertising income the stories earn-at least for now.The deal shows how important social media has become to news organizations,and is a clear sign of how the world of news is changing-and has been for a while.
When Google News began in 2002,many saw it as the death of the newspaper.It had no human editor.Instead Google used,and still uses,a secret computer program that selects and displays news stories according to the reader's personal interests.More recently,Associated Press and Yahoo!have been publishing computer-written articles.Both use special software to automatically produce stories about company financial results and sports reports-areas where the quality of writing is felt to be of secondary importance to the accuracy of the data.
Should we be worried about such developments?I think we should.One concern is that facebook,Google and other social media websites see journalism as a sideline,a way of putting people in front of advertisements.It isn't their primary function-so if it stops making them lots of money,they're likely to stop doing it.
There's also a concern that computer-written articles are not actually journalism at all,because what a human news team produces is actually quite complex.A well-written news story puts information in context,offers a voice to each side of an argument and brings the public new knowledge.
Though economics and speed of delivery mean readers will probably choose a computer-written story over a carefully shaped article-at least for daily news-I don't think the computers will be writing any in-depth articles for a while yet.

32.What is the main purpose of the article?C
A.To report on a new computer service offered by Facebook..
B.To advise readers against reading computer-written news.
C.To express concern about recent trends in online news.
D.To describe the process of online news reporting.
33.Computer-written news reports have so far focused on sports and finance becauseD.
A.these are the most popular topics for online readers
B.there are fewer journalists specializing in these areas
C.information on these topics is more easily available
D.writing style is less important than accuracy in these areas
34.What does the underlined word"It"in Paragraph 3refer to?A
35.In Paragraph 4,which of the following is mentioned as a characteristic of a well-written news article?C
A.The information presented is up-to-date.
B.The author's opinion is clear.
C.Different views on the topic are presented.
D.The language used is vivid.

