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4.I prefer to work in a company _____ people work as a team instead of fighting against each other.(  )

分析 我更喜欢在一个团结合作而不是彼此斗争的公司工作.

解答 答案A.考查限制性定语从句.空格前为名词a company,可以确定"people work as a team instead of fighting against each other"作定语从句.在该从句中,主谓宾齐全,句子结构完整,考虑用关系副词引导.先行词a company为地点,用where引导定语从句,并在从句中充当地点状语.

点评 考查定语从句的题,首先要找先行词,再分析从句的句子成分,确定使用关系代词还是关系副词.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

14.Four common bad habits combined-smoking,drinking too much,inactivity and poor diet-can age you by 12years,sobering new research suggests.
The findings are from a study that tracked nearly 5,000British adults for 20years,and they highlight yet another reason to adopt a healthier lifestyle.
Overall,300people studied had all four unhealthy behaviors.Among them,90died during the study,or 30percent.Among the 400healthiest people with none of the four habits,8percent of them died.
The risky behaviors were:smoking tobacco; downing more than three alcoholic drinks per day for men and more than two daily for women; getting less than two hours of physical activity per week; and eating fruits and vegetables fewer than three times daily.
These habits combined substantially increased the risk of death and made people who engaged in them seem 12years older than people in the healthiest group,said lead researcher Elisabeth Kvaavik of the University of Oslo.
The healthiest group included never-smokers and those who had quit; teetotalers,women who had fewer than two drinks daily and men who had fewer than three; those who got at least two hours of physical activity weekly; and those who ate fruits and vegetables at least three times daily.
"You don't need to be extreme"to be in the healthy category,Kvaavik said."These behaviors add up,so together it's quite good.It should be possible for most people to manage to do it."
The US government generally recommends at least 4cups of fruits or vegetables daily for adults,depending on age and activity level,and about 2hours of exercise weekly.

60.What problem may you have,if you smoke often and eat few fruits and vegetables?C
A.You would have difficulty in walking.   B.You would feel tired,lack of energy.
C.You may look older than you really are. D.You may face the risk of death of cancer.
61.How many of the 400healthiest people with none of the four habits died?A
A.32.      B.24.            C.56.            D.120.
62.What does this text mainly talk about?B
A.Suggestions to smokers.        
B.The results of four bad life habits.
C.The findings of a new research.         
D.The recommends from the US government.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

15.The Mississippi
         The Mississippi is a great river whose relationship with man goes way back beyond its discovery in the 16th century.The River Indians used it as a highway and as a source of food,and it was they who gave it its name-"misi"meaning"great"and"sipi"meaning"water".When the length of its branch,the Missouri,is added to it,the Mississippi becomes greater(71)C..From the source of the Missouri to the tip of the delta (三角洲),it is 2,480 miles long.
         Great rivers are likely to suffer floods.In 1927 the Mississippi flooded 26 thousand acres,sweeping away farms,towns,everything in its path.In 1938 its floods drowned or killed 200 people and made millions homeless.Today the river has largely been controlled.(72)B.
         Industries have spread down some of the waterways of the delta,but otherwise the delta is a remote place,the homeland of a little colony of French Canadians that the British drove out of Nova Scotia in the 18th century.They still speak French,mixed with English,Indian,Spanish and Negro idioms.They keep to themselves,fanning the rich soil of the delta.(73)G.
        (74)D.Pioneers who first reached its banks wondered not only where it went,but what lay beyond.In 1764 the French founded a city on the right bank of the river,and named it after their king,Louis XV.This city,named St.Louis,became the jumping-off place for the adventurous men and women who opened up the Great Plains,and the way to the Far West.
         Some 40 years earlier,at the beginning of the 18th century,the French had founded another city just above the Mississippi delta,New Orleans.(75)A.New Orleans is one of the great ports of the world,and one of the greatest terminals for both sea and river traffic.

A.It was the Mississippi that made the city what it is
B.Levees,high banks built of earth,hold back the flood waters
C.Therefore,as we know,it's the third longest river in the world
D.It is known that the"Great Water"has also been a frontier river
E.However,they paddled up and down the Mississippi in their boats to seek their fortune
F.The"Great Water"always remains a thread,for the streets of the city are below the level of the river
G. They call themselves Cajuns,who have actually been leading fairly primitive lives and  preserving their own traditions.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

12.She hoped to get a job on the local newspaper and eventuallyworked for"The Times".


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

19.Whether you like it or not,you've got to open your eyes to face thereality(现实).


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

9.I was born in a small village,(41)wherethe people lived a simple life.There were five hundred families(42)intotal in my village.They concentrated(43)onwhether their children could stay(44)healthy(health).They were(45)delighted(delight) to be free(46)fromthe pollution most big cities were faced with.Although the villagers lacked the(47)latest(late) technology,they were content.I studied in a school(48)founded(found) in 1964,(49)whichwas(50)theonly school in my village.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

16.There ______quantities of apples in the basket and there was ______milk in the bucket.(  )
A.were; a number ofB.was; quantities of
C.Was; a good manyD.were; a quantity of


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

13.It was raining lightly when I (61)arrived (arrive) in Yangshuo just before dawn.But I didn't care.A few hours9 62 )before/earlier,I'd been at home in Hong Kong,with( 63).its (it) choking(窒息的) fog.Here,the air was clean and fresh,even with the rain.
I'd skipped nearby Guilin,a dream place for tourists seeking the limestone mountain tops and dark waters of the Li River (64)that/which are pictured by artists in so many Chinese (65 )paintings(painting).Instead,I'd go straight to Yangshuo.For those who fly to Guilin,it's only an hour away (66)by car and offers all the scenery of the better-known city.
Yangshuo (67)is (be) really beautiful.A study of travelers( 68 )conducted (conduct) by the website Trip Advisor considers Yangshuo as one of the top 10destinations in the world.And the town is fast becoming a popular weekend destination for people in Asia.Abercrombie & Kent,a travel company in Hong Kong,says it (69)regularly(regular) arranges quick holidays here for people (70 )living (live) in Shanghai and Hong Kong.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

Friendship is very importance.Everyone needs friendship.In all our lives we can't live without friendship just as we can't live without air or water.Friendship makes us getting on well with one another to go ahead under different kind of difficulties in front of us.But real friendship is no easy to come by.True friendship must be sincerely and be based on understand each other but not on benefits of each other.A good friend can always be a good teacher to us.By his advices we are persuading to go the right way.Therefore more friends we have,the better we can to improve ourselves.

