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  Lawmakers in the United States have expanded an investigation into the use of location-tracking systems on mobile devices.The action follows recent reports about the storing of information on the Apple iPhone.Some people consider location tracking to be a threat to personal privacy and security.

  Allan Friedman, the research director, says, “All wireless companies do some location tracking as part of their networks.This information is usually stored by the companies, not the devices, and there are laws to protect it.Law enforcement(执法)agencies, for example, have to have a fairly high standard before it can access that data.And the phone company is also prohibited from selling that information.

  Now, two researchers report that location tracking information is being stored directly on Apple devices.They said Apple’s newest operating systems gather global positioning system and timestamp information.The information is stored on the device in a file that is also uploaded(上传)to any computer that the device is connected to.The researchers say the information is available to anyone who has access to the device or computer.

  Allan Friedman says, “This raises additional concerns.There’s the idea that because it’s on my phone and on my computer, rogue applications(恶意程序)that I pay for or that I’m tricked into downloading may be able to access this data and somehow misuse it.”

  Apple says it is “not tracking the location of your iPhone”.It is simply keeping a database of Wi-Fi hotspots and cellphone towers near the user’s location.This information is meant to help the iPhone quickly find its location when needed.

  Letters have been sent to some of the leading mobile device developers, including Apple and Google.The letters asked for more information about their location tracking systems.Allan Friedman calls this an important start to strengthening privacy laws.He says, “There aren’t strong controls over things like location information, what they are doing with it, how long they are keeping it.And perhaps the most important question is, is my location data with other facts about me?”


Why did American lawmakers investigate the use of location-tracking systems on cell-phones?

[  ]


Because the systems can store users’ information


Because many users have suffered loss after using them.


Because it is thought to threaten users’ privacy.


Because many reporters have shown the problem of the systems.


Allan Friedman believes that _________.

[  ]


wireless companies focus on personal privacy.


people are forbidden to get access to private data at will


phone companies may sell private information secretly


customers may ask wireless companies to locate their tracking


What do we know from Paragraph 3?

[  ]


Location tracking information is stored online.


Apple’s newest operating systems collect all kinds of information.


Location tracking information may be uploaded to any iPhone.


Apple’s newest operating systems may reveal the private information of users.


Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

[  ]


Apple denies that it tracks the location of users.


The researchers may misunderstand the Apple’s systems.


The global positioning system is to blame for rogue applications.


The iPhone can quickly find its location by using its user’s information.


科目:高中英语 来源:选修导学英语译林7 译林版 题型:050


  Real policemen hardly recognize any resemblance between their lives and what they see on TV.

  The first difference is that a policeman’s real life revolved round criminal law.He has to know exactly what actions are crimes and what evidence can be used to prove them in court.He has to know nearly as much law as a professional lawyer, and what is more, he has to apply it on his feet, in the dark and rain, running down a street after someone he wants to talk to.

  Little of his time is spent in chatting.He will spend most of his working life typing millions of words on thousands of forms about hundreds of sad, unimportant people who are guilty of stupid crimes.

  Most television crime drama is about finding the criminal:as soon as he’s arrested, the story is over.In real life, finding criminal is seldom much of a problem.Except in very serious cases like murders and terrorist attacks, little effort is spent on searching.

  Having made an arrest, a detective really starts to work.He has to prove his case in court, and to do that, he often has to gather a lot of different evidence.

  A third big difference between the drama detective and the real one is the unpleasant pressures:first, as members of a police force, they always have to behave absolutely in accordance with the law.Secondly, as expensive public servants, they have to get results.They can hardly ever do both.Most of the time, some of them have to break the rules in small ways.

  If the detective has to deceive(欺骗)the world, the world often deceives him.Hardly anyone he meets tells him the truth.And this separation the detective feels between himself and the rest of the world is deepened by the simple-minded-as he see it-of citizens, social workers, doctors, law-makers, and judges, who, instead of eliminating crime, punish the criminals less severely in the hope that this will make them reform.The result, detective feel, is that nine-tenths of their work is re-catching people who should have stayed behind bars.This makes them rather cynical.


A policeman has to be trained in criminal law because _________.

[  ]


he must work hard to help reform criminals


he must behave as professional lawyers do


he must be able to tell when and where a crime is committed


he must justify the arrests he makes of criminals


What is the most suitable word that describes the work of a policeman according to the passage?

[  ]










According to the passage, policemen spend most of their time and efforts _________.

[  ]


patrolling(巡逻)the street, rain or shine


tracking and arresting criminals


collecting and providing evidence


consulting the rules of law


Why do policeman feel separated from the real of the world?

[  ]


Because they do not receive due support from society.


Because they find people insincere to them.


Because they feel superior to the simple-minded people around them.


Because they are suspicious of the people around them.


科目:高中英语 来源:合肥市第七中学2009届高三第五次月考英语试卷(最新题型) 题型:050


  New York Time-A gunman killed eight people at a mall in Omaha this afternoon and then killed himself, setting off panic among holiday shoppers, the police said.

  “The person who we believe to be the shooter has died from self-inflicted gunshot wounds,”Sgt.Teresa Negron of the Omaha Police Department said at televised news.“We have been able to clear the mall,”she said.“We don't believe we have any other shooters.”The police said that at least five other people had been injured in the shootings.

  She did not give the shooter's identity.“We are still conducting the investigation,”Sergeant Negron said, adding that the city's mayor, who was out of town, was on his way back to Omaha.

  She said the police received a 911 call from someone inside the Westroads Mall on the west side of Omaha, and shots could be heard in the background.The first police officers arrived at the mall six minutes after the first call, she said, but by then the shootings were over.

  It is reported that the gunman left a suicide note that was found at his home by relatives.A law enforcement official who spoke on condition of anonymity(匿名)said the note indicated that the gunman wanted to“go out in style.”

  The shootings broke the usually banal routine of holiday shopping.The gunman was said by some witnesses to have fired about 20 shots into a crowd.Some customers and workers ran screaming from the mall, while others dived into dressing rooms to hide from the shooter.

  Shoppers and store workers were trapped inside the mall, which has roughly 135 stores.Others streamed out of mall exits with their hands raised.President Bush was in Omaha this morning to deliver a speech, but he had left the city by the time the shootings took place.


Where did the shooting first come out?

[  ]


On a newspaper


In the Internet


In TV news


In a police poster


What do the underlined words“go out in style”probably mean?

[  ]


go out of the mall in particular clothes


walk in the mall with everybody focused on


go to a socially event by fashionable means


stop his life in a impressive way


Which of the following is true according to the passage?

[  ]


Nobody knows why the shooter did so and nothing was found at his home.


The city's mayor happened not to be in the city when the shooting took place.


Police arrived at the mall before the shootings were over and rescued customers.


The official who showed what the note mean have no request of his own identity.


We can infer from the passage that ________.

[  ]


There is only one shooter in this event.


The shooting created fears among the customers.


An important holiday is coming soon.


President Bush came here for the shooting.


Which of the following can be the best title of the news?

[  ]


Gunman Kills 8 People, Then Himself at a Mall in Omaha


Shoppers in Great Panic before the Holiday


Bush Happened to Escape a Shot


Shooter Found Dead in a Mall on the west of Omaha


科目:高中英语 来源:吉林省长春市十一中2010-2011学年高二上学期阶段考试英语试题 题型:050


  To protect you and your fellow passengers, the Transportation Security Administration(TSA)is required by law to inspect all checked baggageAs part of this process, some bags are opened and inspectedYour bag was among those selected for inspection

  During the inspection, your bag and its contents may have been searched for items forbidden by law such as fireworks, fuels, gunpodwer,etcAt the completion of the inspection, the contents were returned to your bag, which was resealed(重新封口)with aspeciallock

  If the TSA screener was unable to open your bag for inspection because it was locked, the screener may have been forced to break the locks on your bagTSA sincerely regrets having to do this, and has taken care to reseal your bag upon completion of inspectionHowever, TSA is not liable for damage to your locks resulting from necessary precaution

  For packing tips and other suggestions that may assist you during your next trip, visitwww.tsatraveltips.us

  We appreciate your understanding and cooperationIf you have questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to contact the Transportation Security Administration Consumer Response Centre

  Phonetoll-free at(866)2899673


  Section 110(b)of the Aviation and Transportation Security Act of 2001,49



The leaflet(宣传单)is trying to ________

[  ]


introduce one of the security acts


persuade people to contact TSA


warn against the damage of locking the baggage


inform people of baggage inspection


The leaflet is most probably provided by TSA to those who ________

[  ]


had their baggage selected for inspection


refused to have their baggage checked


kept some damaged items in their baggage


left their baggage unlocked


The underlined wordliablemeans ________

[  ]


suitable by law


permitted by law


responsible by law


prepared by law


For packing tips and other suggestions, visit ________

[  ]






toll-free at(866)2899673


TSA Consumer Response Centre


科目:高中英语 来源:广东省汕头金山中学2010-2011学年高一3月月考英语试题 题型:050


  While everyone knows that NBA center Yao Ming will become a father this summer, the big buzz(流言)in China is about whether the baby will be an American.

  The Shanghai native's personal life is closely followed by his many fans at home, from his 2007 Shanghai wedding to fellow basketball player Ye Li to last month's reports the couple is expecting a baby girl in July.

  The 2.25-meter star, sidelined this season with a broken left foot, recently returned to the USA with Ye, encouraging speculation that the baby will be born there.

  Yao's baby would automatically be an American citizen if born in the US.

  However, Chinese law does not recognize double citizenship.

  A few say it would be a betrayal of China and that the Chinese team could be denied a future basketball star.

  But most support Yao and don't care which country claims the baby.

  “Yao Ming is individual, not a political tool,”said one comment on popular basketball Website Hoop China.

  “He has the right to choose where his child is born and what kind of medical care and education will be available to her.His child's citizenship has nothing to do with loyalty.”

  Yao and his camp have been tight-lipped on the pregnancy(怀孕)and have not issued any public statements on the matter.

  It is not clear if Yao and his wife are indeed planning to have the baby in the US or how they will handle any citizenship issues.

  Yao's spokesman Zhang Mingji refused to make notes on the baby, saying it was a private matter.

  Many Chinese famous persons-including actress Gong Li and director Chen Kaige-have in recent years been criticized for becoming naturalized citizens of other countries.

  Chinese are subject to strict visa requirements and some of the famous persons argued it was easier to travel internationally with passports from countries like Singapore or the US.


What makes the Chinese puzzled and interested in is ________.

[  ]


when Yao will have a baby


when Yaao will recover from his injury


what nationality Baby Yao will have


who looks after Yao since he is injured


The underlined word“betrayal”in paragraph 6 can be replaced by ________.

[  ]










For most fans of Yao they ________.

[  ]


are against his choice of claiming his baby for America


think it's Yao's freedom to choose his baby's nationality


are for Yao's decision of becoming an American at once


are not interested in his decision


From the passage we know Yao ________.

[  ]


has decided to give birth to the baby in America


has recovered and will return to the sports in a week


has decided to spend more time in film


hasn't expressed his clear idea to the public at all


Some famous people are being scolded(责骂)because they ________.

[  ]


care little about the environmental problems now


have become other foreign country's citizen


refuse to donate to the poor in China


decide to only make money in foreign countries


科目:高中英语 来源:福建省莆田一中2010-2011学年高一下学期第一学段考试英语试题 题型:050


  New York Time-A gunman killed eight people at a mall in Omaha this afternoon and then killed himself, setting off panic among holiday shoppers, the police said.

  “The person who we believe to be the shooter has died from self-inflicted gunshot wounds,”Sgt.Teresa Negron of the Omaha Police Department said at televised news.“We have been able to clear the mall,”she said.“We don't believe we have any other shooters.”The police said that at least five other people had been injured in the shootings.

  She did not give the shooter's identity.“We are still doing the investigation,”Sergeant Negron said, adding that the city's mayor, who was out of town, was on his way back to Omaha.

  She said the police received a 911 call from someone inside the Westroads Mall on the west side of Omaha, and shots could be heard in the background.The first police officers arrived at the mall six minutes after the first call, she said, but by then the shootings were over.

  It is reported that the gunman left a suicide note that was found at his home by relatives.A law enforcement official who spoke on condition of anonymity(匿名)said the note indicated that the gunman wanted to“go out in style”.

  The shootings broke the usually banal routine of holiday shopping.The gunman was said by some witnesses to have fired about 20 shots into a crowd.Some customers and workers ran screaming from the mall, while others dived into dressing rooms to hide from the shooter.

  Shoppers and store workers were trapped inside the mall, which has roughly 135 stores.Others streamed out of mall exits with their hands raised.President Bush was in Omaha this morning to deliver a speech, but he had left the city by the time the shootings took place.


Where did the shootings first come out?

[  ]


On a newspaper.


In the Internet.


In TV news.


In a police poster.


What do the underlined words“go out in style”probably mean?

[  ]


Go out of the mall in particular clothes.


Walk in the mall with everybody focused on.


Go to a socially event by fashionable means.


Stop his life in an impressive way.


Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

[  ]


Nobody knows why the shooter did so and nothing was found at his home.


The city's mayor happened not to be in the city when the shootings took place.


Police arrived at the mall before the shootings were over and rescued customers.


The official who showed what the note meant had no request of his own identity.


Which of the following can be the best title of the news?

[  ]


Gunman Kills 8 People, Then Himself at a Mall in Omaha


Shoppers in Great Panic before the Holiday


Bush Happened to Escape a Shot


Shooter Found Dead in a Mall on the west of Omaha

