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15.It was half an hour before midnight on December 24th last year.I was a ticket-counter supervisor(主管)for a major airline and was looking forward to the(16)A of my shift at Stapleton International Airport in Denver.My wife was waiting up for me at home so that we could (17)C our gifts for Christmas.
Just then,a very (18)D gentleman went up to me He asked how he could get to Cheyenne,Wyoming.He had just arrived from Philadelphia and (19)B his connecting flight.I pointed him to the ground transportation area,where he could rent a (20)D.And then I called my wife to let her know I would be home (21)A.
About fifteen minutes later,the gentleman (22)D and informed me that all the buses were full and there were no cars (23)C.I told him that he had to stay for a night at the airport.Hearing that,he burst into (24)B.
I tried to make him calm down.He explained that his name was Tom,and that his only son was (25)C ill at home and was not expected to (26)B  another year.He expected that this would likely be the (27)A Christmas with his son.
I told Tom to (28)D his luggage and wait for me at the gate.I was driving to Cheyenne.I called my wife Kathy,telling her about it and not to wait up for me.I drove fast (29)C and we arrived in Cheyenne around 2:30a.m.
Kathy was still (30)A me when I got home in the early morning.We traded gifts and then our conversation (31)C Tom.For Kathy and me,there was no (32)B that driving Tom to Cheyenne was the (33)B choice.
A couple of days later,I (34)A a Christmas card with a picture of Tom and his family.In it,Tom thanked me for the special (35)D he had received that holiday season,but I knew the best gift was mine.

29.A.for a whileB.all aroundC.all the wayD.from time to time
30.A.waiting forB.caring forC.thinking forD.depending on

分析 本文是一篇记叙文.主要记叙了在平安夜的晚上,作者期待着下班回家,作者的妻子等他回家互相交换圣诞节的礼物.这是一位先生错过了转接班机,他过来问作者怎样才能到达夏延.我给他指了指地上交通区域,在那里,他可以租一辆车.在那里,他可以租一辆车,在那里,他可以租一辆车.在那里,他可以租一辆车.他告诉我他唯一的儿子得了重病,估计孩子活不了一年了,他期待能和孩子度过很可能是最后的一个圣诞节,于是我决定开车把他送到夏延,对于我来说,毫无疑问,开车送Tom去夏延是我唯一的选择.几天后,我收到了Tom寄来的圣诞贺卡,附有他和家人的照片,通过本文旨在告诉我们:在别人患难时,我们应该无私地给予帮助,帮助别人,自己也会收获幸福.

解答 16.A   考查名词辨析.根据"It was half an hour before midnight on December 24th last year"可知,时间是平安夜的11:30,作者期待着下班回家."the end of my shift"指"我上班的结束",故选A.
17.C   考查动词辨析.根据第六段中的第二句"We traded gifts"是答案暗示可知,因为是平安夜,作者的妻子等他回家互相交换圣诞节的礼物,故选C.
18.D   考查形容词辨析.由下文"and informed me that all the buses were full and there were no cars"可知,这位先生错过了转接班机,他过来问作者怎样才能到达夏延,由此可推知,他应该很担心(worried),故选D.
19.B   考查动词辨析.根据"I pointed him to the ground transportation area,where he could rent a"可知,我告诉他在那个区域可以租到车回家,推断出,他来自费城,但错过了转接班机."miss sth    错过某物"故选B.
20.D   考查名词辨析.根据第二段中"and there were no cars"有提示可知,我给他指了指地上交通区域.在那里,他可以租一辆车(car),故选D.
21.A   考查副词辨析.根据第一段中的"My wife was waiting up for me at home"可知,妻子在等着我回家,因为我暂时要帮助这位错过转接班机的先生,所以我给妻子打电话,告诉她我完事后一会儿就回家.故选A.
22.D   考查动词辨析.根据"and informed me that all the buses were full and there were no cars"可知,这位先生没有能够租到车,所以大约15分钟后,那位先生又返回来了,"return 返回",故选D.
23.C   考查形容词辨析.根据"I told him that he had to stay for a night at the airport"可知,他只能在机场住宿一夜,说明所有的公交车已满,而且也找不到可租用的车,"available  可利用的,可得到的",故选C.
24.B   考查名词辨析.我告诉他,他只能在机场住宿一夜.听到这,他突然大哭起来.固定短语"burst into tears   突然哭起来",故选B.
25.C   考查副词辨析.根据后句中"and was not expected to…another year"可知,估计孩子活不了一年了,他唯一的儿子得了重病.seriously"严重地",故选C.
26.B   考查动词辨析.估计孩子活(live)不了一年了,故选B.
27.A   考查形容词辨析.根据"and was not expected to…another year",可知,他儿子得了重病,估计孩子活不了一年了,他期待能和孩子度过很可能是最后的一个圣诞节.故选A.
28.D   考查动词辨析.根据"and wait for me at the gate.I was driving to Cheyenne"可知,我决定开车送这位先生回家,让他在门口等我,可推知,应该是Tom去把他的行李取来.collect"领取; 接走",故选D.
29.C   考查介词短语辨析.根据语境"and we arrived in Cheyenne around 2:30a.m."及上文中"It was half an hour before midnight on December 24th last year"可知,凌晨2:30把Tom送到了夏延,说明我一路上开得很快,"all the way  一路上",故选C.
30.A   考查动词短语辨析.根据第一段中"My wife was waiting up for me at home"可知,第二天早上当我赶回家时,Kathy还在等我,"wait for…等候,等待…",故选A.
31.C   考查动词辨析.我们交换了礼物,然后我们谈到了Tom,"concerned  adj"有关的;关心的,涉及,与…有关"",故选C.
32.B   考查名词辨析.根据上下文的语境可知,这位先生急等着要乘飞机回家给病重的儿子送上最后的圣诞礼物,但是偏偏却错过了班机,在这种情况下对于我来说,毫无疑问,开车送Tom去夏延是我唯一的选择."There is no doubt that"表示"毫无疑问.",故选B.
33.B   考查形容词辨析.对于我来说,毫无疑问,开车送Tom去夏延是我唯一的选择.故选B.
34.A   考查动词辨析.根据"…a Christmas card with a picture of Tom and his family.In it,Tom thanked me for the special…"可知,几天后,我收到(received)了Tom寄来的圣诞贺卡,附有他和家人的照片,在信里对我表示感谢,故选A.
35.D   考查名词辨析.根据文章最后的"the best gift"可知,Tom感谢我并表示在圣诞前夕我给他的帮助是他收到的特殊礼物.故选D.

点评 解答此类题目可遵循以下步骤:第一步,通读全文,了解文章大意,获得整体印象,同时初选出一批较有把握的答案.第二步,边核对初选答案边补填留下的空格.如果短文难度较大,则可复读几遍,核对和确定答案.有些空一时决定不了,可作个记号,待复查时再确定. 第三步,复查定稿.从整体理解角度出发,仔细审核答案,确保意义上、语法上没有错误,同时对遗留下来的少数几个空格作最后选择.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

10.His plan _____ when it was put into practice because he had not given enough attention to details.(  )
A.broke downB.broke upC.broke outD.broke away


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11.When the question _____ at the meeting,no one could answer it.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

3.These homeless children need much care and attention in the course of their growth; ______ they need our love.(  )
A.in allB.above allC.after allD.at all


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

10.The young man,_____ in heavy traffic on the way,got home an hour later than usual.(  )
A.catchingB.caughtC.having caughtD.to be caught


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.These days we are all conditioned to accept newness,whatever it costs.Very soon,there is no doubt that Apple's tablet (平板电脑) will seem as a vital tool of modern living to us as sewing machine did to our grandparents.At least,it will until someone produces an even smarter,thinner and more essential tablet,which,if recent history is any guide,will be in approximately six months'time.Turn your back for a moment and you find that every electronic item in your possession is as old as a tombstone.Why should you care if people laugh just because you use an old mobile phone?But try getting the thing repaired when it goes wrong.It's like walking into a pub and asking for an orange juice.You will be made to feel like some sort of time-traveler from the 1970s."Why not buy a new one?"you will get asked.
And so the mountain of electrical rubbish grows.An average British person was believed to get rid of quite a number of electronic goods in a lifetime.They weighed three tons,stood 7 feet high,and included five fridges,six microwaves,seven PCs,six TVs,12 kettles,35 mobile phones and so on.Even then,the calculation seemed to be conservative.Only 35 mobiles in a lifetime?The huge number of electronic items now regularly thrown away by British families is clearly one big problem.But this has other consequences.It contributes greatly to the uneasy feeling that modem technology is going by faster than we can keep up.By the time I've learnt how to use a tool it's already broken or lost.I've lost count of the number of TV remote-controls that I've bought,mislaid and replaced without working out what most of the buttons did.
And the technology changes so unbelievably fast.It was less than years ago that I spotted an energetic businessman friend pulling what seemed to be either a large container or a small nuclear bomb on wheels through a railway station.I asked."What have you got in there?Your money or your wife?""Neither,"he replied,with the satisfied look of a man who knew he was keeping pace with the latest technology,no matter how ridiculous he looked."This is what everyone will have soon-even you.It's called a mobile telephone."
I don't feel sorry for the pace of change.On the contrary,I'm amazed by those high-tech designers who can somehow fit a camera,music-player,computer and phone into a plastic box no bigger than a packet of cigarette.If those geniuses could also find a way to keep the underground trains running on the first snowy day of winter,they would be making real progress for human beings.What I do regret,however,is that so many household items fall behind so soon.My parents bought a wooden wireless radio in 1947,the year they were married.In 1973,the year I went to university,it was still working.It sat in the kitchen like an old friend-which,in a way,it was.It certainly spoke to us more than we spoke to each other on some mornings.When my mum replaced it with a new-style radio that could also play cassette-tapes,I felt a real sense of loss.
Such is the over-excited change of 21st-century technology that there's no time to satisfy our emotional needs.Even if Apple's new products turn out to be the most significant tablets I very much doubt if they will resist this trend.
50.When you try getting an old mobile phone repaired,B.
A.you are travelling through time            B.you are thought to be out of date
C.you will find everything wrong             D.you have got to buy a new one
51.Throwing away so much electronic rubbish makes the writer feel quiteA.
A.lost and upset    B.unbelievably fast     C.broken or lost     D.regularly wasteful
52.The example of the businessman implies thatB.
A.the businessman mastered the latest technology    
B.mobile phones used to be quite big just years ago
C.the businessman was a very ridiculous person      
D.the writer failed to follow modern technology
53.The passage is organized in the pattern ofD
A.time and events       B.comparison and contrast    
C.cause and effect      D.examples and analysis
54.Which of the following is conveyed in the passage?D
A.The fast pace of change brings us no good.
B.We have to keep up with new technology.
C.Household items should be upgraded quickly.
D.We should hold on for new technology to last.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

7.近年来我市大力打造旅游产业,以此推动经济的发展.现请你根据表格内容,谈谈 你的看法并就此提出建议.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

4._____ a successful fish scientist,you need to have a curious mind and be able to work on your own.(  )
A.BecomeB.To becomeC.BecomingD.Having become


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

5.-What do you think made Tina so delighted?
-_______the driving test at her first attempt.(  )
A.As she passedB.Passed
C.Because of passingD.Passing

