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6.Neil Armstrong,the first man ever to set foot on the moon,is best remembered by his words"That's one small step for (a) man,one giant leap for the mankind".Once,in an interview with his son,he said it was difficult to watch a sci-fi movie with his dad,because Armstrong would keep complaining about how unrealistic their vision of space were.
In fact,even the Oscar-winning Gravity,described as"the most realistic space movie ever"by Forbes,is not 100 percent faithful to reality.Here is part of a former NASA astronaut-Garrett Reisman's movie review.
On the whole,it's a great movie.But the question that most people want me to answer is how realistic it was.
In general,sci-fi movies are usuallyfar-fetched.So it's amazing how many things Gravity gets right.The danger of space debris(残骸)is very real.There are currently more than 600,000 pieces of debris larger than 1 cm orbiting Earth and they pose a great risk to spacecrafts.However,in the movie,astronauts can see the debris coming and quickly seek shelter.In reality,debris can travel at 20 times the speed of sound,which means that if you can see it,it's already too late to hide.
Another huge error was-there was absolutely no reason for the male astronaut Matt Kowalski to sacrifice himself!!He lets go of the hand of his female partner,Ryan Stone,and drifts away into space.In reality,Kowalski wouldn't have flown away when Stone let go of his hand.Instead,he would have just stayed floating in that spot.
In the movie,Stone travels from the Hubble Telescope to the International Space Station and then to the Chinese Space Station Tiangong,where she finds an escape vehicle to take her back to Earth.But this is actually the biggest error in the movie.The Hubble,the International Space Station and a Chinese space station are not neighbors.Getting from one to the other requires so much energy that not even space shuttles had enough fuel to do it.In addition,space stations travel in different orbits,and they travel quickly.And it would be physically impossible to get from one to the other.
There are other,more minor details that are just unrealistic.For example,Stone doesn't wear a cooling garment(降温服)under her spacesuit to protect herself from the heat in space.
…Yes,I could go on and on about all the things Gravity got wrong.But who cares?All of these inaccuracies were done to help advance the plot or to add drama to the films.This is entertainment,not a documentary.
28.The purpose of the first paragraph is toB.
A.introduce the famous American astronaut Neil Armstrong
B.show that sci-fi movies are often considered unrealistic by astronauts
C.introduce why Gravity is the most realistic space movie ever
D.tell people not to believe everything they see in sci-fi movies
29.The underlined word"far-fetched"can best be replaced by"A".
A.unlikely to be true                    
B.difficult to understand
C.easy to mislead people                
D.unpopular with astronauts
30.Which of the following situations would agree with the laws of physics in space according to the passage?C
A.Astronauts collecting flying space debris
B.Astronauts wearing only T-shirts under their spacesuits
C.Astronauts staying afloat where they are after they part with a spaceship
D.Astronauts performing a space walk from the Hubble Telescope to the International Space Station
31.We can infer from the passage thatD.
A.Garrett Reisman doesn't think highly of the movie Gravity
B.directors of sci-fi movies usually don't care much about minor details
C.the shooting of space documentaries and sci-fi movies involve totally different skills
D.Garrett Reisman believes that sci-fi movies don't need to be totally faithful to reality.

分析 文章通过登月第一人Neil Armstrong讲述了太空的一些真实现象来反驳科幻电影的理论,但电影毕竟是娱乐而不是纪录片.

28   B   细节题.根据文章第一 段because Armstrong would keep complaining about how unrealistic their vision of space were. 可知科幻电影通常被宇航员认为是不真实的,故选B.
29    A    细节题.根据文章第三 段The danger of space debris(残骸)is very real. 可知太空中的残骸是非常危险的,你一旦看到残骸,躲避就太晚了,故选A.
30    C   细节题.根据文章倒数第三 段Instead,he would have just stayed floating in that spot.可知电影中Matt Kowalski在松手后远远的飘走到太空是错的,他只会在原地飘着,故选C.
31    D   推理判断题.  根据文章最后一 段All of these inaccuracies were done to help advance the plot or to add drama to the films.This is entertainment,not a documentary.可知电影毕竟是娱乐而不是纪录片.故选D.

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11.The most unforgettable moment for me was _____ I graduated from high school.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

12.Over the past half century,using chemical fertilizers have become very common in farming.have→has.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:解答题

14.Keeping an Eye on the Weather
Weather forecasters don't just look out of the window to prepare the report you see on TV or hear on the radio.They use a high-tech weather information network located all over-and above
-the globe.Satellites orbit Earth all the time.Planes and balloons go up daily to collect data.Weather stations in almost every country on the earth contribute data.

As you've noticed,forecasters sometimes make mistakes.A forecast is only a prediction.It is based on what's happening now.However,nature doesn't always follow a predictable pattern,so a forecast is only an educated guess,not a certainty.
Weather satellites remain in fixed positions 22,000miles above the equator (赤道).Together,their cameras can photograph the entire earth,except the poles.Other satellites follow north-south and south-north routes from pole to pole.
The long tails of weather balloons are equipped with radiosondes,which measure temperature,air pressure,and humidity in the atmosphere.Some balloons can reach as high as 90,000feet to collect data.

Weather monitoring equipment is attached to airplanes.These planes can fly directly into storms to take measurements.
About 10,000weather stations around the world send reports every three hours to 13weather centers operated by the World Meteorological Organization (世界气象组织).

Probably the most familiar piece of weather equipment is the weather vane.It's certainly one of the oldest.Weather vanes have been around since the ninth century.They indicate the direction the wind is blowing.
Radar equipment sends signals into clouds.These signals are then changed into images on radar screens,allowing meteorologists to track storms.
Other stations float at sea and send data to satellites.
64.Why do forecasters sometimes make mistakes?(不多于9个词)Because nature doesn't always follow a predictable pattern
65.What are measured by weather balloons equipped with radiosondes?(不多于9个词)
Temperature,air pressure and humidity
66.What does the weather vane indicate?(不多于6个词)The direction of the wind
67.What does the passage mainly talk about?(不多于6个词)Weather information network.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.As the new semester begins,millions of college students across the country are trying hard to remember how best to write a paper or,more likely,how best to delay that paper.
Procrastination is the thief of time and a lot of students suffer from it.They can spend whole days in the library doing nothing but staring into space,eating snacks,surfing the Internet,watching videos and looking at other students sitting around them,who,most likely,are doing nothing either.
Paralyzed by their habit to procrastinate,they write micro blogs about their fears,asking their online friends if they sometimes have the same issue.But this does nothing to break the spell(魔咒).
According to a recent report,95percent of us procrastinate at some point and 20percent of the world's population are always procrastinating.The figures are disappointing.Procrastinators are less wealthy,less healthy and less happy than those who don't delay.Procrastinators like to find excuses"to justify their behavior,but BBC columnist Rowan Pelling says they are all wrong.
Many procrastinators tell themselves they are perfectionists who work best under pressure.Pelling says this is nonsense,as work done at the last minute is more likely to have mistakes than work done on time.The behavior of procrastinators often makes them feel ashamed,inconveniences others and annoys loved ones.
Pelling also points out that procrastination feels particularly delinquent(过失的)in a society that thinks of swift action as admirable,and,at times,even as a moral good.
Fortunately,social scientists have thrown their weight behind efforts to understand this behavioral mistake and offer strategies to control it.Piers Steel,a Canadian social scientist and author of The Procrastination Equation,believes human is"designed"to procrastinate.Nevertheless,he suggests a couple of good ways to get through the task at hand.

41.From the first two paragraphs we can learn thatD.
A.procrastination is beneficial to many students
B.many students are under great pressure in their study
C.lots of college students are working hard to write good articles on time
D.many students are getting into the habit of delaying finishing their tasks
42.According to the passage,procrastination probably refers toA.
A.a bad habit 
B.a serious illness
C.a difficult task 
D.a form of entertainment
43.Which of the following statements is WRONG?B
A.Procrastination makes people waste their time.
B.Procrastinators usually complete their tasks perfectly.
C.Swift action is considered as a moral standard in the society.
D.Procrastination is common among people.
44.Which behavior belongs to procrastination?D
A.Never dream away the time.
B.Always complete the tasks ahead of time.
C.Never put off till tomorrow what should be done today.
D.Always wait to work until the"good mood"or"good time".
45.What is most likely to be discussed in the paragraph that follows?A
A.Measures to deal with procrastination.
B.Approaches to handling the study pressures.
C.More examples to illustrate procrastination.
D.Introduction to the book The Procrastination Equation.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11.Like many other small boys,I was fascinated by cars,especially because my oldest brother was a bit of a car guy and subscribed to cool magazines like Car and Driver and Motor Trend.Every so often,one of those magazines would run an article on the"Car of the Future".They featured unconventional things like small nuclear reactors as power sources.Yet,frankly,my car doesn't do anything that my brother's Studebaker didn't do.It goes,it stops,it burns gasoline.I still have to steer it,and it still runs into things if I don't steer it carefully.
But guess what?All of these things are likely to change in the not-so-distant future.It may not burn gasoline,I may not have to steer it,and it may be a lot better at not running into things.
Airbags aren't the be-all and end-all in safety.In fact,considering the recent news about people occasionally being killed by their airbags in low-speed crashes,they obviously still need some development.But they aren't going away,and in fact,you can expect to see cars appearing with additional,side-impact airbags,something some European car manufacturers already offer.
Better than systems to minimize injury in the event of an accident,however,are systems that minimize the likelihood of an accident happening in the first place?Future cars may be able to remove many of the major causes of accidents,including drunk-driving,and tailgating (与前车距离过近).Cars could be equipped with sensors that can detect alcohol in a driver's system and prevent the car from being started,for example.As early as next year,you'll be able to buy cars with radar-equipped control systems.If the radar determines you're closing too quickly with the car in front,it will ease up on the throttle(油门).
Scientists are now working on a system that can brake,accelerate and steer a vehicle down a highway on its own.Will cars eventually be able to drive themselves?

66.The author was fascinated by cars becauseB.
A.other small boys liked to own a car of their own,too
B.he read untraditional things about cars in his brother's magazines
C.his oldest brother loved to take him to places in his car
D.he often booked cool car magazines himself
67.By saying"my car doesn't do anything that my brother's Studebaker didn't do",the author means thatD.
A.my car is far better than my brother's
B.my car is not as good as my brother's
C.much improvement has been made in the design of cars recently
D.not much has changed in the performance of cars so far
68.Which of the following statements is true of airbags?B.
A.They are going to disappear gradually.
B.They are in need of further improvement.
C.They are a standard feature of European cars.
D.They kill people instead of protecting them in low-speed crashes.
69.According to the author,what will future cars do if the sensors detect alcohol in the driver's system?A.
A.They will not start.
B.They will ease up on the throttle.
C.They will brake automatically.
D.They will give a warning in advance.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

18.Mom promised to buy me a nice gift for my next birthday,______ beyond my imagination.(  )
A.whichB.thatC.somethingD.the one


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

15.I really don't like the weather in the north as it_______ be quite windy,especially in spring.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

16.Unseen Art wants to give the Mona Lisa and other world-famous artworks the 3D treatment so that they can be touched,making them accessible to the blind and visually impaired(受损的)."There are many people in the world who have heard of classical artworks their whole lives but are unable to see them,"say Marc Dillon,advocate for the project."Now they can experience them for the first time and create their own impressions and opinions."
The project is currently crowd-funding(大众筹资) on Indiegogo,offering 3D prints of the Mona Lisa for backers,which can be kept or donated to an organization serving the blind and visually impaired community.The money raised will be used to fund an online platform where the 3D files will be down-loadable for free,making 3D printable art available worldwide,anywhere there is a 3D printer.
The project strikes a personal chord(引起共鸣) with Dillon."I was born with one arm shorter than the other.All my life,I continually had to prove that I was able to do everything I wanted to,from playing guitar and riding motorcycles to life-guarding and weightlifting.I also had an uncle who worked as a mechanic(技工) and became blind in adulthood.I saw he was able to continue to do almost anything a seeing person could do."
To test the concept,Dillon took the first 3D print to the Blind Institute of Finland,"They were very excited to touch the Mona Lisa!"says Dillon.In a video for the project,one can see a blind woman experiencing da Vinci's masterpiece through touch.Just like countless others throughout history,she is interested in Mona Lisa's mysterious expression."It's a little bit…mysterious,"she says happily."She wasn't exactly a classical beauty!"
28.World-famous artworks are printed with 3D technology toA.
A.allow the disabled to experience by themselves  
B.raise money for an online platform
C.keep those works for future generation   
D.make money for themselves
29.How can the money raised be used?C
A.For any printing office.
B.Other similar projects.
C.For an online platform.
D.Other famous artworks.
30.According to paragraph 3,we can know thatB.
A.Dillon became blind in childhood  
B.Dillon's uncle was disabled too.
C.Dillon tried to become a mechanic  
D.Dillon's uncle created 3-D technology
31.After a blind woman experienced the printed works,she feltD.

