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Robert Moody, 52, is an experienced police officer. Much of his work involves dealing with drugs and gang problems in the schools of his community. Knowing that many kids often ______trouble, he decided to do something about it. So in 1991 he began to invite small groups of kids to go fishing with him on his day off.

Those fun trips had a______impact. A chance encounter in 2000 proved that. One day, while working security at a school basketball game, Moody noticed two young guys _______. He sensed trouble between them. _____, one of them headed toward Moody and gave him a hug. “I remember you. You took me ______ when I was in fifth grade. That was one of the ______days of my life.”

Deeply touched by the boy’s words, Moody decided to create a foundation that ____ teenagers to the basis of fishing in camping programs. “As a policeman, I saw where there was violence, drugs were always behind it. They have a damage ______ on the kids,” says Moody.

By turning kids on to fishing, he intended to present an alternative way of life, “When you are sitting there waiting for a _______” he says, “you can’t help but talk to each other, and such conversation can be very deep.”

“Talking about drugs helped prepare me for the peer(同龄人) pressures in high school ,”says Michelle, 17, who _______ the first program. “And I was able to help my little brother _______ drugs”

Moody faces retirement in three years, when he hopes to run the foundation full-time. “I’m living a happy life and I have a responsibility to my_____to give back,” Moody says. “If I teach a kid to fish today, he can teach his brother to fish tomorrow.”

1.A. ran into B. got over C. left behind D. looked into

2.A. immediate B. damaging C. limited D. lasting

3.A. quarreling B. complaining C. talking D. cheering

4.A. Slowly B. Suddenly C. Finally D. Secretly

5.A. fishing B. sailing C. boating D. swimming

6.A. quietest B. longest C. best D. busiest

7.A. connects B. introduces C. reduces D. commits

8.A. impression B. burden C. decision D. effect

9.A. solution B. change C. bite D. surprise

10.A. participated in B. worked out C. approved of D. made up

11.A. misuse B. avoid C. tolerate D. test

12.A. team B. school C. family D. community















试题分析:本文讲述了一位社区民警Robert Moody使用钓鱼教育法对社区里的吸毒青少年进行教育的事情。

1. 考查动词短语辨析。A陷入,遇见;B克服;C遗留,省略;D调查;由空格后的trouble,和句意可知此处是指“很多小孩陷入困境之中”。 故A正确。

2. 考查上下文串联。通过下文的例子,可以看出Robert Moody警官的钓鱼教育法有着“持久的”影响。故D正确。

3. 从下文的He sensed trouble between them.可以判断,那两个人是在“吵架”。故A正确。

4. 在Robert Moody警官意识到要出乱子的时候,“突然”发生了下面的事情。对Robert Moody警官来说有点意外。 故B正确。

5. 考查词义辨析。A钓鱼;B航海;C划船;D游泳;通过下文的例子,可以看出Robert Moody警官的钓鱼教育法有着“持久的”影响。所以这里表示带着去钓鱼。 故A正确。

6. 形容词词义辨析。A最安静的;B最长的;C最好的;D最忙碌的;既然记得那么清楚,说明那天对他来说很重要,所以用best。 故C正确。

7. 考查动词词义辨析。A联系;B介绍,引导;C减少;D犯错;做坏事;把青少年引导过来。故B正确。

8. have an effect on是一个固定短语,意思是“对??有影响”。上文37空出有这个短语。 故D正确。

9. C. 名词辨析。A解决方法;B改变;C咬;D惊讶;此处是钓鱼术语,等待鱼儿上钩。故C正确。

10. A. participated in是“加入,参加”的意思;worked out 的意思是“解出,制定,锻炼”等;approved of 是“赞同”;made up是“编造,组成”。本句表示参加第一个节目。故A正确。

11. 既然前面是help,应该是好的方面,所以用avoid表示“避免”。故B正确。

12. 考查上下文串联。A队伍;B学校;C家庭;D社区;第一段中提到his community。他认为自己对社区有责任,所以他才使用了这样的方法来帮助社区里的年轻人。故D正确。



科目:高中英语 来源:2014年外研版高中英语选修九模块5练习卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The works of Shakespeare and Wordsworth are “rocket?boosters” to the brain and better than the other self?help books,researchers will say this week.

Scientists,psychologists and the English experts at Liverpool University have found that reading the works of Shakespeare and other classical writers has a beneficial effect on the mind,catches the reader’s attention and triggers moments of self?reflection.Using scanners,they monitored the brain activity of volunteers as they read the works by William Shakespeare,William Wordsworth,T.S Eliot and other classical writers.

They then “translated” the texts into more “straightforward”,modern language and again monitored the readers’ brains as they read the words.Scans showed that the more “challenging” articles and poetry set off far more electrical activity in the brain than the modern versions.Scientists were able to study the brain activity as it responded to each word and record how it “lit up” as the readers came across unusual words,surprising phrases or difficult sentence structures.This “lighting up” of the mind lasts longer than the initial electrical spark,shifting the brain to a higher speed,encouraging further reading.

The research also found that reading poetry,in particular,increases the activities in the right side of the brain,an area concerned with “autobiographical memory”,helping readers to reflect on their own experiences in light of what they have read.The experts said this meant the classics were more useful than self?help books.

Philip Davis,an English professor who has worked on the study with the university,will tell a conference this week:“Serious literature acts like a rocket?booster (火箭助推器) to the brain.”

“The research shows the power of classical literature to shift mental pathways,to create new thoughts,shapes and connections in the young and the old alike.”

1.The author mentioned Shakespeare and Wordsworth in Paragraph One to________.

A.show their great achievements

B.attract our interest in literature

C.introduce the topic of the text

D.encourage us to read their works

2.According to the text,reading classical works can________.

A.help deal with some physical problems

B.benefit our mind and thinking

C.improve our reading skills

D.help learn more about history

3.The scientists and experts did the experiment by________.

A.scanning the readers’ brain activities

B.reading works of different writers

C.lighting up the activities of the brains

D.investigating the habits of the readers

4.We can learn from Paragraph 4 that reading poetry________.

A.is concerned with the right side of the brain

B.has the same effects as reading self?help books

C.helps you forget the things in the past

D.makes you more serious and objective

5.What might be the author’s purpose in writing the text?

A.To introduce some great writers in England.

B.To present a study on brain activities.

C.To introduce a research on reading classics.

D.To show the power of classical literature.



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届湖南浏阳、醴陵、攸县三校高三联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题

The history of Mother’s Day is pretty interesting. An early form of the idea may have originated in the 17th century England as “Mothering Sunday”, on which the servants, who generally lived with their employers, were encouraged to return home and honor their mothers. A special cake, called the mothering cake, was often brought along to provide a festive touch.

Mother’s Day, first suggested in 1872, is linked to the anti-war efforts of Julia Ward Howe. She hoped a day set aside to honour mothers would be a way to promote peace. In 1907 a woman by the name of Anna Jarvis took Howe’s idea a step further and began a campaign for a nationally recognized Mother’s Day.

After considerable effort, Anna Jarvis finally saw her dream realized. On May 9, 1914, President Woodrow Wilson made the official proclamation(宣布) that Mother’s Day would be an annual holiday on the second Sunday in May. And so it is to this day.

For those of us whose lives have been shaped and nurtured by loving moms, the day is a wonderful opportunity to say thank you. Unfortunately not everyone’s experience of family life evokes (唤起)gratitude. In the complicated maze of human existence, not all mother/child relationships are positive. Evoking the image of Mom for some can be an invitation down a painful memory lane.

There is also the reality that not all mothering figures are actually mothers. Hundreds of thousands of children have been raised by foster moms (养母)who never had children of their own, but who gave maternal (母亲般的)love to children that needed them. Aunts and older sisters have filled this role as well.

All I am saying is that it is complicated. We might wish that every family had an ideal balance of motherly and fatherly love, but that is simply not the case. There are many different ways that mothering happens. We may as well celebrate the ups and downs of our common life. For those whose childhood evokes praise and thanksgiving, let us give thanks. But for those whose childhood was marked by fear and loss, then let us offer healing.

In our world, there’s no reason why all experiences of family life, good and bad, can’t be included.

Title: ._____________



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届湖南浏阳、醴陵、攸县三校高三联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

He is really nervous. He ______back and forth all the night waiting for the results.

A. has been walking B. had walked

C. walked D. is walking



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届湖南浏阳、醴陵、攸县三校高三联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

_____he misunderstood my position on the problem was obvious from his comments.

A. Which B. Where C. That D. What



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届湖南娄底高中名校高三9月联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—How do you find Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban?

—Fantastic. J.K. Row Ling _________ each character in the novel impressive through lively dialogues and fascinating plots.

A. makes B. would make

C. will make D. had made



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届湖北黄冈蕲春第一高级中学高二下期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

In college, individuality is often emphasized, while in the workplace employers are looking for employees who __________the company’s culture.

A. put up with B. fit in with

C. come up with D. catch up with



科目:高中英语 来源:2014年外研版高中英语选修十模块1练习卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

A company ______profits from home markets are declining may seek opportunities abroad.

A. which B. whose C. who D. why



科目:高中英语 来源:冀教版(新课标) 选修10 题型:

有一批食品罐头,标准质量为每听454 g,现抽取10听样品进行检测,结果如下表(单位:g):


