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We need a logo that will be the perfect symbol of our new Wheelsville Skate Park. We would like those of you who are counting the days until the opening of the park to design a proper logo.
?Designs must be original and easy to recognize.
?They should include no more than two colors in addition to black and white.
?Artwork should be reproducible at different sizes from business cards to posters.
?The words “ Wheelsville Skate Park” must appear in the logo.
?Competitors are required to be 18 years old or younger.
?There is no limit to the number of submissions.
?The name and address of the designer must appear on the back of the logo design.
?Competitors need to include a one-page written explanation describing the key features of the design.
?All submissions sent to Wheelsville Skate Park will not be returned.
?All works must be sent to skateman4x@comlink.com no later than May 15.
?Files (文件) should be .jpg, .gif, .png, .pict, or Photoshop files.
?The winning design will be posted on our website at www.wheelsville.skatepark.com on May 20, one week before the opening celebration.
?First Prize: Digital camera, one-year pass to Wheelsville Skate Park, and two T-shirts with the prize-winning logo.
?Second Prize: Six-month pass to Wheelsville Skate Park and a T-shirt with the prize-winning logo.
?Honorable Mention: One free ticket to Wheelsville Skate Park and a T-shirt with the prize-winning logo to two competitors from grades 6–8, and two from grades 9–12.
?Among the judges are a professional designer, two technology teachers, four local skaters, and three members of Wheelsville Skate Park Board of Directors.
?The judges’ decisions are final.
1.In Paragraph 1, the underlined part “ counting the days” suggests a feeling of ________.
A. nervousness
B. amusement
C. excitement
D. uncertainty
2.Why does the following logo design show a misunderstanding of the rules?

A. It does not use the full park name.
B. It is not as big as it is expected.
C. It does not use three colors.
D. It just shows a skateboard.
3.As the top winner of the activity, you may ________.
A. win a camera and a free ticket to the park
B. get a T-shirt with your own photo on it
C. visit the park free of charge for one year
D. receive a half-a-year pass to the park
4.The text is probably a(n) ________.
A. news report
B. advertisement
C. lesson plan
D. travel guide


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年甘肃天水第一中学高二上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Chocolate is good for your heart, skin and brain. Usually, people think that chocolate is bad for their health. They describe chocolate as “something to die for” or say “death by chocolate”. Now they should bite their tongues! Evidence is showing that some kinds of chocolate are actually good for you in the following ways:

A happier heart

Scientists at Harvard University recently examined 136 studies on cocoa— the main ingredient in chocolate— and found that it does seem to strengthen the heart. Studies have shown heart benefits from increased blood flow. These benefits are the result of cocoa’s chemicals, which seem to prevent both cell damage and inflammation(炎症)。

Better blood pressure

If yours is high, chocolate may help. Jeffrey Blumberg from Tufts University recently found that people with high blood pressure who ate 3.5 ounces of dark chocolate per day for two weeks saw their blood pressure drop quickly.

Muscle magic

Chocolate milk may help you recover after a hard workout(锻炼). In a small study at Indiana University, people who drank chocolate milk between workouts did better on a tiredness test than those who had some sports drinks.

Better for your skin

German researchers gave 24 women a half-cup of special cocoa every day. After three months, the women’s skin was moister and smoother. The research shows that chocolate helps protect and increase blood flow to the skin, improving its appearance.

Brain gains.

It sounds almost too good to be true, but research suggests that chocolate may improve your memory, attention span, reaction time, and problem-solving skills by increasing blood flow to the brain.

1.What’s the meaning of “bite their tongues” in the first paragraph?

A. Stop talking. B. Speak up.

C. Think of it. D. Listen to it.

2.What’s the meaning of the underlined sentence in the fourth paragraph?

A. Sports drinks are better than chocolate milk.

B. sports drinks can make people easy to be tired.

C. Drinking milk can keep you energetic at work.

D. we should drink chocolate milk between times when we work hard.

3.What’s the best title for this passage?

A. Chocolate, a Healthy Food

B. More Chocolate, Less Health

C. Chocolate and Blood Pressure

D. Advice on Eating Chocolate


科目:高中英语 来源:2016年北京市朝阳区高三上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—Have you received a reply to your job application?

—No.I ______.

A. waited B. am waiting

C. have waited D. had been waiting


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山东淄博第六中学高三上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Tiny transmitters(发射机) fixed on the backs of the blue-green bees have allowed scientists to follow the insects as they fly for miles in search of rare flowers.

Working in Panama,scientists caught 17 bees of the common species and fixed a 300 milligram radio light onto the back of each.The signals they sent out were used to follow their movements in and around the forest where they lived.

Professor Martin,from Princeton University,US,and the Max Planck Institute for Ornithology in Germany,said,“By following the radio signals,we discovered that male bees spent most of their time in small centre areas,but could take off and visit areas farther away.One male even crossed over the shipping lanes in the Panama Canal,flying at least 5km,and returned a few days later.”

Researchers have struggled to follow the movements of bees before,following bees marked with paint or using radar which doesn’t work well in forests.

“Carrying the transmitter could reduce the distance that the bees travel,but even if the flight distances we record are the shortest distances that these bees can fly,they are impressive,long-distance movements,” said Dr.Roland Kays,from New York State Museum,a co-author of the research published today in the on-line journal.“This result helps to explain how these bees’ pollination(授粉) can be so rare.” Pollination by bees and other insects is the key to the diversity and continued growth of flowers and trees in some forests.

The new study is the first to use radio transmitters to follow bees in a forest.Similar research may now be carried in temperate forests,where bees also play a vital role.

1.The main purpose of the passage is to___

A. call on people to protect the bees for the environment

B. explain why the bees fly far away in search of flowers

C. introduce a modern way to follow the bees to readers

D. encourage the public to support the scientists' research

2.What was the problem when researchers tried to follow the bees in the past?

A. It was quite difficult to mark the bees

B. The radar itself didn't work very well

C. The bees weren't easy to be recognized

D. Environmental limits were hard to solve

3.What Dr.Roland Kays said implied that____

A. he didn't expect bees could fly so long a distance

B. The transmitter didn't have any effects on bees at all

C. He wanted to know how far bees could travel badly

D. The record was in fact as exact as he had thought

4.Researchers follow the movements of bees mainly to___

A. learn how far they can fly at most

B. discover how they affect the plants

C. correct some wrong ideas about bees

D. get to know where they enjoy living


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山东滕州第二中学新校高三上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

However,the Norman Conquest didn’t affect the English language___________ the Angles and the Saxons victory about 600 years earlier,which led to Old English ________ Celtic.

A. so much as;was replaced B. so good as;being replaced

C. as much as;replacing D. as well as;replaced by


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年北京市高三上学期第一次质量检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:七选五


1.People traveled in search of food and shelter or in order to flee from their enemies. Sometimes they were looking for gold or silver in order to become rich. On other occasions they were searching for rich farmland.

This is not to say that no one ever traveled just for fun. Even in ancient times, some pleasure travel occurred. During a typical season,700,000 tourists would crowd into the ancient city of Rome, where animals performed and magicians entertained them.2.__

3.International tourist arrivals alone reached as many as 546 million in 1994 and are forecast to rise to 937 million in 2010,according to the World Trade Organization.

4.Probably the most common reason for traveling is related to our physical wellbeing. Actually, traveling to sports events is one of the fastest growing types of travel. In our fast developing society where stress has become part of people's life, people can rest and relax by having a change of environment and activities.

5.No one seems to doubt that travel broadens the mind. In 18th century Europe, young men would go on a Grand Tour to various countries in order to complete their education. Today the desire to travel to different countries is encouraged by modern mass media. People who travel to other countries can at the same time learn more about their own country and culture.

A. Throughout history, most travel was not for pleasure.

B. But why do people like traveling so much?

C. So they travel to a lake for a swim or a park for a bike.

D. The improvement in transportation has also encouraged people to travel.

E. Wealthy Romans made trips to Greece to take part in the Olympic Games.

F. The growth of tourism has become a modern phenomenon experienced by all countries in the world.

G. Another important reason for traveling is to satisfy our curiosity about different places and cultures.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届浙江杭州五校联盟高三年级上学期第一次诊断考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—I’m worried about the coming test! —______, you can do it!

A. Don’t mention it B. come on

C. Well done D. Not likely


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年陕西西安曲江第一中学高三上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错








Once, a man got on a bus to New York. Because he did not want to pay, so he hid in the toilet. But a passenger saw her. A woman tapped the person in front of her on the shoulder and say, “There’s a bum(流浪汉)in toilet. Tell the bus driver.” The message was passing on from person to person. But somewhere along the way, it was changed. The bus driver told that there was a bomb in the toilet. He immediate stopped the bus and telephoned the police. When the police came, they told the passengers to get off the bus or stay far away. Then they closed the highway. As a result, a traffic jam of 15 mile long was soon caused. In the help of a dog, the police searched for two hours. Of course they found no bomb.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届辽宁锦州中学高三上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达








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Dear Peter,

With the development of the modern society and improvement of living standards, smart phones have brought great convenience to ordinary people. However,

