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Look at the car. It is Mr Black's car. It doesn't work now. Mr Black is under it. He is repairing it. Mrs Black is near the car. She is helping Mr Black. A girl is in the car. She is Kate, Mr Black's daughter. Who is the boy in the car? He is Jim, Kate's brother. It is Saturday today. They don't work. They want to go to Zhongshan Park. They all look worried.
(1)Today is _____.
(2)Mr Black is ____ his car.
(3)Kate is ____ the car with her brother.
(4)They are going to a ____.
(5)What happens to the car?
A.It runs out of gas.
B.It doesn't work.
C.It was broken in an accident.
D.It is stopped by a policeman.

(1)D细节理解题。根据文章的介绍It is Saturday today. 可知今天是周六。故选D。
(2)C细节理解题。根据文章的It doesn't work now. Mr Black is under it. He is repairing it. 可知车现在坏了,布莱克先生在它的下面正在修车。故选C。
(3)B细节理解题。根据文章的A girl is in the car. She is Kate, Mr Black's daughter. Who is the boy in the car? He is Jim, Kate's brother. 可知女孩和男孩是在车里。故选B。
(4)D细节理解题。根据文章的They want to go to Zhongshan Park.可知他们是去中山公园。故选D。
(5)B细节理解题。根据文章首句Look at the car. It is Mr Black's car. It doesn't work now.可知车现在坏了,不工作了。故选B。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:









Dear Lucy,

I'm writing to tell you about the major I will choose in the university.








Best wishes.I'm looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:









科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Blind imitation (模仿)is self-destruction. To those who do not recognize their unique worth. Imitation appears attractive: to those who know their strength. Imitation is unacceptable.

In the early stages of skill or character development, imitation is helpful. When I first learned to cook, I used recipes (菜谱) and turned out some tasty dishes. But soon I grew bored. Why follow someone else’s way of cooking when I could create my own? Imitating role models is like using training wheels on a child’s bicycle; they help you get going, but once you find your own balance, you fly faster and farther without relying on them.

In daily life, imitation can hurt us if we subconsciously (下意识地) hold poor role models. If, as a child, you observed people whose lives were bad, you may have accepted their fear and pain as normal and gone on to follow what they did. If you do not make strong choices for yourself, you will get the results of the weak choices of others.

In the field of entertainment, our culture glorifies celebrities. Those stars look great on screen. But when they step off screen, their personal lives may be disastrous. If you are going to follow someone, focus on their talent, not their bad character or unacceptable behaviors.

Blessed is the person willing to act on their sudden desire to create something unique. Think of the movies, books, teachers, and friends that have affected you most deeply. They touched you because their creations were motivated by inspiration, not desperation. The world is changed not by those who do what has been done before them, but by those who do what has been done inside them. Creative people have an endless resource of ideas. The problem a creator faces is not running out of material; it is what to do with the material knocking at the door of imagination.

Syudy your role models, accept the gifts they have given, and leave behind what does not server. Then you can say,” I stand on the shoulders of my ancestors” tragedies and tory, and know that they are cheering on.

【1】 Imitation proves useful when you .

A. know you are unique

B. lose the balance of life

C. begin to learn something new

D. get tired of routine practice

2 To avoid the bad result of imitation, we should________.

A. forget daily fear and pain

B. choose the right example

C. ask others for decisions

D. stay away from stars

3 Acording to the author. The world moves on because of those who are .

A. desperate to intruence others with their knowledge

B. ready to turn their original ideas into reality

C. eager to discover what their ancestors did

D. willing to accept others’ ideas

4 The trouble a creator faces is .

A. the lack of strong motivation

B. the absence of practical ideas

C. how to search for more materials

D. how to use imagination creatively

5 What is the author’s purpose in writing this passage?

A. To highlight the importance of creatively.

B. To criticize the characters of role models.

C. To compare imitation with creation.

D. To explain the meaning of success.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

(1)Some (物种)of animals have become extinct because they could not adapt to the changing environment.
(2)The old man was one of the great (人物)in history.
(3)That building has been (转换成)into a school.
(4)We aim at (质量)rather than quantity.
(5)China (出口)things to many countries and regions.
(6)She is(才华横溢的)but her work lacks organization.
(7)Light travels in (直的)lines.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】When it comes to the Internet, passwords which people often use are under fire. 1 Research has shown that passwords are not a very good way to protect sensitive information.

People would use some random characters, numbers and symbols. Furthermore, a unique password would be used for every site or application the user uses. Unfortunately, the more complex they become, the more people are likely to forget their passwords. The longer the passwords are, the more easily forgotten they are. 2

Google is trying to kill off the password on Android devices by introducing the Trust API, which does what simple passwords cannot. It gives developers a framework for securing their applications using a number of security systems and metrics (指标)on the device. A Trust Score will be generated based on the metrics the device gathers. 3

The Trust Score will be generated based on both metrics like your device location, face scanning, fingerprint and so on. Taken one at a time, these metrics arc not secure. But taken together, these metrics will help define the real "you".

4 This summer, Google will be running tests with some banks to see if Trust API meets their needs before rolling out to all developers later this year. It may take another year for apps and popular sites to start using the Trust API.

This is a pretty exciting change. Passwords have been around for long and although the security of systems has been improved, the convenience of systems hasn't been improved much. 5 Maybe that never-ending conflict between security and convenience will be able to take a break once the Trust system comes out.

A. Google appears to have the best of them.

B. Actually it's been under fire for a long time.

C. People tend to care more about its advantages.

D. Google has already been testing this on the real world.

E. Google has proved that the system is more convenient.

F. Therefore, they use the same password for each application.

G. It'll allow or refuse your application based on your trust score.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】When Sarah Hansen first came to Bonnie Schlachte’s ballet studio, she jokingly called herself a “weeble-wobble,” telling her ballet teacher that when she tried to walk, she would fall. “She couldn’t walk across the room without holding on to something,” recalls Schlachte. “She would immediately fall.”

Hansen was only in middle-school, but a progressive neurological disease was hindering her ability to walk, let alone do ballet. But Hansen had a tenacious spirit and desperately wanted to learn ballet. Hansen joined in weekly group classes at Schlachte’s ballet studio called Ballet for all Kids, a studio that teaches children with disabilities. Soon after she began classes and private lessons, her family saw a vast improvement in her ability to move.

She worked tirelessly in the studio, focusing on what her instructor wanted from her. “At the time, her foot wouldn’t fully rest on the floor,” explains Schlachte. “That’s why she couldn’t stand on her own, there was no support.”

Schlachte pushed her student, explaining to Hansen that her brain has neuroplasticity(可塑性) so eventually it will receive the message.

As a mom, a classically trained ballerina, and holding a degree in psychology, Bonnie Schlachte was the perfect person to push Hansen to do her best. Schlachte put herself through college with dance and theater scholarships. After graduation, she came across an opportunity with children with developmental disabilities. She fell in love and chose to focus on jobs in that field.

Years later, Schlachte found herself watching and celebrating Hansen, who at one point could barely walk, was now moving across the floor on her own two feet. “One day, her ankle dropped, and she put her whole foot on the ground,” says Schlachte. “I was crying, her mom was crying, it was a great moment.”

1Why did Sarah Hansen call herself a “weeble-wobble”?

A. She met Bonnie Schlachte for the first time.

B. She had great difficulty in walking properly.

C. She could walk very fast carrying something.

D. She would stop herself from falling quickly.

2What kind of person was Sarah Hansen?

A. Determined and hard-working.

B. Energetic and confident.

C. Happy and generous.

D. Anxious and careful.

3What did Schlachte do to help Hansen walk?

A. She put Hansen’s foot fully on the floor.

B. She pushed Hansen in a wheelchair.

C. She asked Hansen to control her brain.

D. She paid the fee for her.

4What made Schlachte and Hansen’s mother cry?

A. Hansen’s degree in psychology.

B. Hansen’s dance and theater scholarships.

C. Hansen’s opportunity with children.

D. Hansen’s improvement in walking.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Sunday, October 5
Sunny, 66°F
My wife, Ellen, and I traveled by train from Paris to Strasbourg, where we met our driver and guide and the minibus which goes along with the boat. We stopped off in Barn for an hour on the way. Then we were taken to Nancy where the boat was kept.
After the other passengers arrived, we had our first dinner on the boat. After dinner we walked into downtown Nancy, a village with a large square and wooden houses.
Monday, October 6
Rained last night, cloudy in the morning, 69°F
We spent about two hours in Nancy, and then sailed on the Canal de la Marne au Rhine. Kind of a lazy day. Eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner, after dinner we watched a tape on Baccarat, where we will visit tomorrow.
It was pleasant to sit out on deck and watch the scenery go by at about 3 mph.
Tuesday, October 7
Light rain, 64°F
This morning we drove over to Baccarat and toured its museum and the church, which has this unbelievable lamp that is going on a world tour the next day. We did lots of shopping, and then walked across the bridge to see a very, very modern Catholic church with special Baccarat windows.
We drove to the top of the Voges Mountains and started down the eastern side. Later we drove to Sorrenbourg to see the 13th century church at the Cordeliers.
Wednesday, October 8
Cloudy, 65°F
Today we sailed from Schneckenbush to Saverne. We went through two caves, an extremely unusual part of the journey. This river scenery is very different. We were in a mountain valley with grassland on one side and a forest beginning to show some color on the other.
Thursday, October 9
Cloudy, 66°F
Our dependable minibus was waiting to load the luggage and take us to the hotel where everyone went their separate ways. Our boating days are over until next time.
(1)Where did the author get off the train?
(2)On which days did the tourists spend most of their time on the boat?
A.Monday and Tuesday
B.Monday and Wednesday
C.Wednesday and Thursday
D.Tuesday and Wednesday
(3)What does the author think of the tour?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

The best supporting actress(女配角演员)of 1959 was Shalley Winters. Shalley Winters,born in 1932,first played in comedies(喜剧)musicals on Broadway. She appeared in films from 1943 and attracted attention in A Double Life(1948). Shalley Winters impressed her audience with her performance in The Diary of Anne Trank for which she won an Oscar. By then she had become skilled in playing weak women whose youth was fading(消失)and who were losing their attention.
(1)Shalley Winters began her films career(生涯) .
A.in 1948
B.at the age of 11
C.on Broadway
D.by playing in comedies and musicals
(2)The Diary of Anne Trank was filmed
A.in 1943
B.in 1948
C.in 1959
D.in the 1960s
(3)By 1959 Shalley Winters
A.had become weak
B.had lost her attraction to the audience
C.had become much older
D.had become famous
(4)The best title for this passage is “”.
A.Oscar Winner
B.How Shalley Winters Won Oscar
C.A Story of Shalley Winters
D.Diary of Anne Trank

