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() 34. David used to hamburgers in the USA. but he soon got used to pancakes in China.

   A. eat; eat   B. eating; eat

   C. eating; eating   D. eat; eating


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. 我今天上午实在太累了以至于在上语文课时睡 着了。



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


    Once there lived a (国王) in a small country. Every summer,the king went to his palace (宫殿) near a forest and then 36 to his palace in the city center in autumn.

     One afternoon the king went swimming in a river in the forest. He didn't tell anyone else where he had gone,so he was very happy 37 the peace and quiet as he swam. 38,he heard a loud noise. Looking around,he saw a big bear (coming at him. The king was very 39 . He jumped out of the water and ran away at once. He ran and ran 40 he was completely lost. Finally,hungry and tired,he saw an old house in the forest. He knocked (&) on the door and an old farmer 41 it. “I’m your king,” he said to the old man. “Ihungry. Bring me something to eat quickly!”

     The old man lived a poor life and his 42 was not good enough for the king. He had only four eggs,but since the king was so hungry,the farmer 43 the simple food and gave it to the king. The king ate the eggs and felt much better. “Thank you,good man ,” the king said. uHow much must I pay you 44 that?” “£19. ”

     “How 45 they are!Are eggs rare (稀罕的) here?”

     “No,” answered the old farmer, “but kings are!”

() 36. A. reached   B. shouted

C. pointed   D. returned

() 37. A. using   B. enjoying

C. drawing   D. describing

() 38. A. Luckily   B. Usually

C. Suddenly   D. Comfortably

() 39. A. afraid   B. bored C. relaxed   D. excited

() 40. A. if   B. until C. unless   D. because

() 41. A. painted   B. repaired

C. controlled   D. opened

() 42. A. family   B. house C. food   D. life

() 43. A. cooked   B. changed

C. imagined   D. bought

() 44. A. of   B. for C. through   D. without

() 45. A. big   B. small

C. cheap   D. expensive 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 64. Tom was so tired that he lay down and quickly.

   A. fell ill   B. stayed up

   C. got up   D. fell asleep


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



    I work as a dentist’s assistant(助理) and people often have “good” reasons why they can't come to see the dentist. When I hear them,I can't help laughing.

    Roland liad an 11 0’ clock appointment(预约) .He phoned at 12 0’ clock and said, “I'm sorry that I missed my appointment. My dock broke."

    And then there was Sally who said,“I’m sorry I couldn’t come yesterday for my appointment but my pet mouse died.”

    Colin,who always finds a good excuse (理由) notf to come for his appointment,rang and told me, “My sister called the police and said I had hit her. They asked me questions for three hours before they decided it was a joke!”

    One of the best excuses came from 12-year-old Tim who came about two hours late for his appointment. He said that an elephant had sat on a car in front of his bus!And this caused such a traffic yam (交通堵塞) that no cars could move for an hour.

    13-year-old Rachel Stuart rang yesterday. This is how that talk went:

    “Hello,Doctor Bowden's office. How can I help you?”

    “This is Mrs. Stuart. I'm afraid my daughter Rachel cannot come for her appointment this morning. She has to stay at home because she lost her voice (失声)

    “I see. And who am I speaking to,again?”

    “My mother."


() 46. What was Roland's excuse for missing his appointment?

    A He got up very late.

   B. His pet mouse got badly 

   C. He had a big fight with his sister.

   D. There was something wrong with his clock.

() 47. The underlined word “They” in Paragraph 4 refers to “”.

   A. Colin's parents,   

   B. The police 

   C. Colin's sisters   

   D. The doctors

() 48. From the passage,we can know that Tim.

   A. lost his voice in an accident

   B. went to see his dentist by bus

   C. saw an elephant in front of a car'

   D. was one hour late for his appointment

() 49. Who called to say that Rachel couldn,t come for her appointment?

   A. Rachel herself. 

    B. Rachel’s mother,

   C. Rachel's friend.

   D. Rachel's grandmother.

() 50. In the writer,s opinion,the excuses are all.

A. popular   B. funny 

C. creative   D. strange


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 22. We danced and danced a lot of the people at the party joined in.

   A. until   B. if   C. but   D. or


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 29. —Helen,when is the Hangzhou Art Festival?

—I remember you about that. How can you forget so soon?

   A. to tell   B. telling

   C. to share   D. sharing 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


    On Christmas Eve,Mrs. Clare was doing some shopping in the supermarket when she passed a stall (摊位) .The stall was selling tickets(彩票) . She decided to buy one for her son. As soon as she bought the ticket,she went home to Wrap (包装) her gifts and put them under the Christmas tree. While she was wrapping her son’s gift,she put the lottery ticket into the bag. And then she forgot all about it. On Christmas Day,her son and daughter came to her house. They all sat around the tree and opened their gifts. Mrs. Clare totally forgot about the lottery ticket. After her son opened his gift and thanked his mom,he threw the bag in the (垃圾箱) .

    A few days later,Mrs. Clare and her son Jack,were having coffee together in town. A piece of news came from the radio. It said the winning lottery ticket for the Christmas was sold in that supermarket. “Listen,” said Jack, “that is the stall where you usually buy your tickets. And the winning number is the same as my birthday!” Suddenly Mrs. Clare remembered her son's Christmas gift. “Oh no!” she cried and jumped out of her seat.

    She explained what had happened to her son on their way home. When they got home,Mrs. Clare and Jack ran to the bin an? started emptying it. Finally,they found it 一 the winning ticket!

() 56 Mrs. Clare bought the lottery ticket for her

   A. father   B. mother

    C. son   D. daughter

() 57. Wh?t does the underlined word “totally” in Paragraph 1 mean?

   A. Suddenly. B. Completely,

   C. Luckily   D. Hardly.

() 58. What was Mrs. ClareVdping when she knew she won the lottery ticket for the Christmas?

   A. Shopping. B. Driving,

   C. Drinking coffee. D. Wrapping gifts.

() 59. How may Mrs. Clare feel at the end of the story?

   A. Excited. B. Worried,

   C. Bored. D. Shocked.

() 60. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

   A. Mrs. Clare put the lottery ticket under the bed.

   B. The winning lottery number was Jack's birthday.

   C. Mrs. Clare didn't like shopping in the supermarket.

   D. It was the first time for Mrs. Clare to buy a lottery ticket.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


71. 有几位成员提出了自己的建议。

Several of the members their own advice.

