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It’s nice being nice to others; it’s also great to give people a hand. However, if you start to hurt yourself by doing so, then this is not so healthy. 1 If you fear that you might fall into this category, the following tips will help you to stand up for yourself and regain your self-confidence.


Although you may often stay silent if something is wrong or bothers you, it is better to speak your mind right away. You don’t have to be rude, but you do have to be firm and direct. Don’t do things for others if you don’t really want to. Speak up, and soon others will be seeing you in a whole new light.

Start small.

3 This will allow you to practice being brave and self-confident. Tell a person who has cut in line in front of you to move to the back of the line, or tell a salesperson to do that. Before long, you will be confident enough to stand up to your friends and family members.

Judge well.

When dealing with others, you have to exercise good judgment. 4 If a colleague isn’t doing his part, you should rightfully demand that he start doing so. However, if a taxi cuts you off in traffic, just let it go.

5 Rome wasn’t built in a day. If you want to get back again after having been a pushover(耳软心活的人), it’s best to take one step at a time.

A. Express yourself.

B. Regain your confidence.

C. Startspan> by speaking up for yourself with strangers.

D. Everyone has the right to live without being judged.

E. If you slip back into the pushover mode every once in a while, don’t blame yourself.

F. Sadly, some people are so easily pushed around that they come to be seen as pushovers.

G. It’s one thing to be confident, but quite another to forcefully say no to an unreasonable request.









【1】F项中的 "some people are so easily pushed around"与上文的"if you start to hurt yourself by doing so"相呼应,并且后一句中 "this category"指的就是F项中的"pushovers"。故选F项。

【2】根据下文中的"it is better to speak your mind right away"和"Speak up"可知,本段主要讲述的是要表达自己的想法,故A项正确。

【3】结合小标题"Start small"及空后的"This will allow you to practice being brave and self-confident"可知,C项"Start by speaking up for yourself with strangers(从跟陌生人说出你的想法开始)"符合语境。

【4】根据空后的"If a colleague isn’t doing his part, you should rightfully demand that he start doing so..."可知G项符合语境。

【5】根据"Rome wasn’t built in a day(罗马不是一天建成的)"可知,万事都是不可能"一蹴而就"的,因此"If you slip back into the pushover mode every once in a while, don’t blame yourself"符合语境。故选E项。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假如你叫张华,你们的英文校报“English Garden”向你约稿。请结合下列提示,就图书馆的情况给校长写一封信,说明新建的图书馆很漂亮,但存在一些问题。问题包括:1)阅览室的座位少;2)星期六、日不开放;3)无法知道有什么新书可看。最后对反映的问题提出自己的建议。
注意: 1)词数 120-150; 2)可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯,内容充实。
Dear schoolmaster,
That's all. Thank you!


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Fear of Puberty (青春期)

When young people Ret to puberty, it causes the physical and mental changes that can bring stress and even fear to them. Understanding your feelings better can make you a lot easier to deal with them.

Grief at the passing of childhood.

If you have had a happy childhood it’s natural to feel sad at the realisation that it’s coming to an end. Many aspects of adult life can be discouraging. 1

Stress about putting on weight.

Many people find themselves getting fatter during puberty and others’ reactions to this can be cruel. 2 Exercise and healthy eating will help you get rid of it sooner.


It can be disturbing to suddenly be seen in a sexual way if you don’t fed ready for it. Remember that you have a right to set boundaries and be treated with respect.

Feeling your body doesn’t fit you.

Sometimes bodies develop in a way that just doesn’t reflect the people inside them, and this can be very stressful. Getting help early can help reduce the problem or make you more able to deal with it. 4 Your doctor can provide support on body issues and you can insist on seeing the doctor alone if that makes it easier.

5 Most teenagers have to face them, too. And there are ways to deal with many of the specific problems puberty can cause. The sooner you seek help, the sooner it will get better.

A. You are not alone in your feelings.

B. Discomfort with how people treat you.

C Get into the habit of comforting yourself.

D. You should learn how to get rid of the fear.

E. The good news is that this fat is usually temporary.

F. You can turn to Childline at any time of the day or night.

G. But remember that you don’t have to face them all at once.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:










科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】根据短文理解,选择正确答案。Primary Source Holiday Shopping Night at Ten Thousand Villages
● Shop for your holiday gifts and give back to Primary Source at Ten Thousand Villages on Friday, December 4! 15% of all sales from 3:00 p. m.—7:00 p. m. that day will be donated to Primary Source. Join us for light refreshments and enjoy beautiful handmade gifts from artisans around the world. All are welcome!
Primary Source's Holiday Shopping Night
Friday, December 4, 2014
3:00 p. m.—7:00 p. m.
Ten Thousand Villages
226 Harvard Street, Brookline, Massachusetts (Coolidge Corner)
Download our flyer and tell your friends!
Ten Thousand Villages provides vital, fair income for the people from developing countries by marketing their handicrafts and telling their stories in North America. Learn more and preview toys, home decor, jewelry, and other gifts online.
● Can't join us on Dec. 4? At GoodShop, 30% of your spending will be given to Primary Source. The next time you're ready to make an online purchase(购物), visit www. goodshop. com and enter “Primary Source” in the space provided. Click “verify” and choose from more than seven hundred popular stores and sites, from Apple to Zappos. GoodShop is free and easy to use, and each purchase you make will help Primary Source provide global education materials for schools all over New England.
(1)What is Ten Thousand Villages?
A.A town
B.A website
C.A shop
D.An organization
(2)The underlined word “flyer” probably means ________.
A.a software
B.an e-book
C.a ticket
D.an advertisement
(3)If you pay $10 for a gift at GoodShop, ________ in the end.
A.7 dollars will go to GoodShop
B.3 dollars will go to GoodShop
C.7 dollars will go to Primary Source
D.10 dollars will go to schools in new England


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

The Parthenon(帕特农神庙) in Athens is a building with a long and complex(复杂的) history. Built nearly 2,500 years ago as a temple celebrating the Greek goddess Athena, it was for thousands of years the church of the Virgin Mary of the Athenians, then a mosque (清真寺), and finally a ruin. The building was changed and the sculptures(塑像) much damaged over the centuries. By 1800 only about half of the original sculptural decoration remained.
Between 1801 and 1805, Lord Elgin, the British ambassador to the Ottoman Empire(奥斯曼帝国), which controlled Athens, acting with the full knowledge and permission of the Ottoman authorities,removed about half of the remaining sculptures from the fallen ruins and from the building itself. Lord Elgin loved Greek history and transported the sculptures back to Britain. The arrival of the sculptures in London had a huge effect on the European public, greatly increasing interest in ancient Greek culture and influencing contemporary artistic trends. These sculptures were gained from Lord Elgin by the British Museum in 1816 and since then they have all been on show to the public, free of charge.
Since the early 1980s, however, the Greek government has argued for the return of all the Parthenon sculptures in the British Museum. They have also challenged the British Museum Board of Trustees' legal title to the sculptures.
The British Museum, however, insists that it exists to tell the story of cultural achievement throughout the world, from the dawn of human history over two million years ago until the present day. The museum considers itself an important resource for the world: the breadth and depth of its collection allows the world public to re-examine cultural identities and explore the complex network of interconnected world cultures.
It also says that, within the context of this unparalleled collection, the Parthenon sculptures are an important representation of ancient Athenian civilization. Each year millions of visitors admire the artistry of the sculptures and gain insights on how ancient Greece influenced — and was influenced by — the other civilizations that it came across.
(1)For most of its history people went to the Parthenon to ________.
A.admire the goddess Athena
B.pray to their god
C.search for sculptures
D.learn about its complex history
(2)What can we infer from the passage?
A.The sculptures introduced ancient Greek culture to the west.
B.Ancient Greek culture has greatly influenced world culture.
C.The British Museum has made much money from the Parthenon sculptures.
D.The British Museum is the most suitable place for protecting these sculptures.
(3)What can we learn about Lord Elgin from the passage?
A.He is greatly admired in Greece.
B.He worked for the Ottoman Empire.
C.He saved the Parthenon sculptures from being destroyed.
D.He had a deep interest in Greek culture.
(4)The author's main purpose in writing this passage is to tell________.
A.the history of the Parthenon and its sculptures
B.what people can see in the British Museum
C.why the British Museum refuses to return the sculptures
D.the influence of Greece on British culture


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

(1)On a typical night she gets home at midnight, completely e.
(2)Her eyes slowly grew (习惯于) to the dark.
(3)She has artistic (潜能) for music.
(4)Even in this small village, you can find some (典型的) British clubs.
(5)The two girls stood up (同时).
(6)The coffee (使…能够) me to keep awake during the dull concert last week.
(7)Luckily, the little girl has r from her illness.
(8)I u you to give up smoking, because it is bad for your health.
(9)U, you'll have to make the decision yourself.
(10)No one doubts her (能力) as a manger.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:







I am interesting in spiders (蜘蛛), so this summer I watched them for quite long lime. Spiders don’t look beautifully, but they have their own way of killing flying insects. They often build “bridges” between branch. They climb up a branch slowly, pulling some silk. Then they pull the silk towards another branch. When they built many “bridges”, they begin to form webs. As long as insects happen to touch the webs, no matter what hard they try, they can’t escape. One day, there was a stronger wind, and the webs were broken, but the spiders still went on to building their “bridges”. They are not afraid with difficulties. As students, we should learn from it.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
One afternoon, my son Adam asked me, “Are all people the same even if they are different in color?”
I thought for a minute, and then I said, “I'll explain, 1 you can just wait until we make a quick 2 at the grocery store. I have something 3 to show you.”
At the grocery store, we 4 some apples—red, green and yellow ones. Back home, I told Adam, “It's time to 5 your question.” I put one apple of each 6 on the table. Then I looked at Adam, who had a 7 look on his face.
“People are like apples. They come in all 8 colors, shapes and sizes. On the 9, some of the apples may not 10 look as delicious as the others.” As I was talking, Adam was 11 each one carefully.
Then, I took each of the apples and peeled (削皮) them, 12 them back on the table, but 13 a different place.
“Okay, Adam, tell me which is which.”
He said, “I 14 tell. They all look the same now.” “Take a bite of 15. See if that helps you 16 which one is which.”
He took 17, and then a huge smile came across his face. “People are 18 like apples! They are all different, but once you 19 the outside, they're pretty much the same on the inside.”
He entirely 20 it. I didn't need to say or do anything else.
(1)A.although B.so C.because D.if
(2)A.stop B.start C.turn D.stay
(3)A.expressive B.encouraging C.informative D.interesting
(4)A.bought B.counted C.saw D.collected
(5)A.check B.mention C.answer D.improve
(6)A.size B.type C.shape D.class
(7)A.worried B.satisfied C.proud D.curious(好奇的)
(8)A.ordinary B.normal C.different D.regular(规律的)
(9)A.outside B.whole C.table D.inside
(10)A.still B.even C.only D.ever
(11)A.examining B.measuring C.drawing D.packing
(12)A.keeping B.placing C.pulling D.giving
(13)A.on B.toward C.for D.in
(14)A.mustn't B.can't C.shouldn't D.needn't
(15)A.each one B.each other C.the other D.one another
(16)A.admit B.consider C.decide D.believe
(17)A.big bites B.deep breaths C.a firm hold D.a close look
(18)A.just B.always C.merely D.seldom
(19)A.put away B.get down C.hand out D.take off
(20)A.made B.took C.got D.did

