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【题目】What do Richard Branson, Jack Dorsey, and Michelle Obama all have in common? Besides being 1(extreme) successful, each of them is known for2(wake) up very early. The three famous persons’ examples tell us how this habit can make a3(different) in life,4can help you ,too.

Early rising is helpful in more than one way. To begin with, it helps us to have good health. The air is never5fresh as early in the morning. Early rising gives you time to take exercise. Besides, early rising helps us in our studies. In the morning we learn more quickly and find6Easy to learn something by heart. At last, early rising makes people able7(plan) the work for the day. We can’t work well8a good plan. Just as a year’s plan starts with spring, the plan for the day ought to9(make) in the morning. Therefore, if you want to10(success),it’s a good idea to jump out of bed earlier.






5so / as


7to plan


9be made




2考查非谓语动词。be known for“因为……而著名”,此处空位于介词for之后,应使用动词ing形式。故填waking。

3考查词性转化。固定词组:make a difference“起作用,有影响”。故填difference。

4考查定语从句。此处为非限定性定语从句,先行词为this habit,连词在从句中作主语。故填which。


6考查形式宾语。动词搭配:find sth.adj.“发现某物是怎么样的”;分析句子结构可知,真正的宾语为to learn something by heart,意为“发现用心记东西是容易的”,此处应使用it充当形式宾语。故填it。

7考查非谓语动词。形容词able常与to do搭配,此处为“早起床能让人们计划一天的工作”。故填to plan。


9考查动词语态。根据语境可知,此处为“一天的计划应该在早上制定”,应使用被动语态,同时ought to为情态动词。故填be made。

10考查词性转化。动词搭配:want to do sth.“想要做某事”,此处应使用动词“成功”。故填succeed。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Energy independence. It has a nice ring to it. Doesn’t it? If you think so, you’re not alone, because energy independence has been the dream of American president for decades, and never more so than in the past few years, when the most recent oil price shock has been partly responsible for kicking off the great recession.

“Energy independence” and its rhetorical (修辞的) companion “energy security” are, however, slippery concepts that are rarely though through. What is it we want independence from, exactly?

Most people would probably say that they want to be independent from imported oil. But there are reasons that we buy all that oil from elsewhere.

The first reason is that we need it to keep our economy running. Yes, there is a trickle(涓涓细流)of biofuel available, and more may become available, but most biofuels cause economic waste and environmental destruction.

Second, Americans have basically decided that they don’t really want to produce all their own oil. They value the environmental quality they preserve over their oil imports from abroad. Vast areas of the United States are off-limits(禁止) to oil exploration and production in the name of environmental protection. To what extent are Americans really willing to endure the environmental impacts of domestic energy production in order to cut back imports?

Third, there are benefits to trade. It allows for economic efficiency, and when we buy things from places that have lower production costs than we do, we benefit. And although you don’t read about this much, the United States is also a large exporter of oil products, selling about 2 million barrels of petroleum products per day to about 90 countries.

There is no question that the United States imports a great deal of energy and, in fact, relies on that steady flow to maintain its economy. When that flow is interrupted, we feel the pain in short supplies and higher prices, At the same time, we derive(得到,获得) massive economic benefits when we buy the most affordable energy on the world market and when we engage in energy trade around the world.

【1】What does the author say about energy independence for America?

A. It sounds very attractive.

C. It will bring oil prices down.

B. It ensures national security.

D. It has long been everyone’s dream.

【2】Why does America rely heavily on oil imports?

A. It wants to expand its storage of crude oil.

B. Its own oil reserves are quickly running out.

C. It wants to keep its own environment intact.

D. Its own oil production falls short of demand.

【3】What is the author’s purpose in writing the passage?

A. To arouse Americans’ awareness of the energy crisis.

B. To stress the importance of energy conservation.

C. To explain the increase of international oil trade.

D. To justify(证明… 有理的) America’s dependence on oil imports.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:




删除:把多余的词用斜线( \ )划掉。




Last weekend, Tom and I paid a visit to the Summer Palace, that proved to be very interesting and rewarding.

We arrived at the entrance early in the morning and I introduced the history of the park for Tom briefly. The moment we entered the park, Tom attracted by the beautiful scenery and we walked along the beautiful lake happily. Soon, we noticed the elderly man practicing calligraphy on the ground, with a bucket of water aside. Held a big writing brush in his hand, he wrote the Chinese character for “longevity”. As well as other tourists, we couldn’t help but admiring his skills.

To our surprise, the elderly man invited Tom to have a try. With his help, Tom completed his first calligraphy task, the two Chinese character for “China”, quite successful. Before we left, we took a photo together to memorize this a valuable experience. In the picture, Tom held the writing brush and the elderly man smiled, with his thumb up.

I was such glad that I could help my foreign friend to learn about the art of the language we have been using for several thousand years. In addition, I rediscovered the charm of Chinese culture.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



现象:1. 一些同学不吃早饭,不喜欢吃蔬菜而喜欢吃一些高热量的食品;

2. 平时缺乏锻炼;

3. 部份同学的体重开始增加。

建议:1. 按时吃早饭;2. 多吃些健康食品;3. 加强锻炼; 4. 多参加团队活动注意:1. 可以适当加入细节;2. 词数100左右



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】School Activities

Our school activities are suitable for all ages and levels including primary, secondary and A-Level. We offer workshops, hands-on activities and a teacher support service to help you get the most out of your visit. All school services are free, but must be booked in advance.

Darwin Centre

Find out who you really are and where you come from in our interactive films about evolution, described by Sir David Attenborough.

Hands-on Activities

Get up close and personal with Museum in these hands-on activities, where you can handle real specimens from our collections. Hundreds of real, natural history specimens for students to touch and explore are in our hands-on science centre.

Self-led Activities

Pupils can engage with specimens through role-play in a self-guided explorer challenge through the Museum.

The Great Debate School Program

Students are introduced to the history of the debate during a lively tour. They are then divided into groups and use exhibits to prepare presentations representing the views of the debated key characters.


All school activities must be booked in advance by calling the schools booking line: 4420 7942 6666.

【1】If you’re interested in human evolution, you’d better choose ________.

A. Hands-on Activities

B. Self-led Activities

C. The Great Debate Schools Program

D. Darwin Centre

【2】Which of the following programs is the most suitable one for team work?

A. Hands-on Activities.

B. The Great Debate School Program.

C. Self-led Activities.

D. Darwin Centre.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:








Victor was traveling through a train for his parents. All the time he is glancing with joy at his new shoes what his father had bought for him. After some time, he removed his shoes to take him a nap.

After waking up, he found one of her shoes missing. He started crying unhappy. His parents tried to comfort him. His father told him it was no use cry and promised that after reaching home, he would buy him a new pair of shoes.

Victor got very excited on hearing his father's words that he threw other shoe out of the train.

Reaching the destination, he suddenly found his losing shoe in a basket. How he regretted it!


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



Mr. Luo,

I’m writing to you to share my opinions about the problem of heavy traffic every day after school at our school gate.


Best wishes!

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(), 并在此符号下面写出该加的词。


修改:在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。


2.只允许修改10处, 多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

I prefer my English classes to be taught in English only. What we all know, a good learning environment is of greatly importance if we want to study English well. Classes teaching in English provide students for a better environment. When English is an only language in class, students will have more opportunity to practise listening and speaking. However, there were problems with this method. Sometimes we may find difficult to follow the teacher and some slow learners may even give up learn English. In spite of these difficulties, but I believe practice makes perfect. With enough practice, we can overcome the difficulties and benefit from English classes in the long run.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】My name is Kenn Nesbitt and I’m a poet. I started writing poems as a hobby in 1994. At the time, I never gave any thought to publishing them; I just wrote for my own amusement. But it was so much fun that I ended up writing a lot of poems, which led me to the idea of creating a website, and at last writing books. If you want to write poems, I have some advice for you.

My ideas mostly come from my imagination. That is, I like to sit and daydream, and see what kinds of crazy things I can think up. For kids, I suggest that whenever you think of an idea, you should write it down, even if you don’t have time write them to create a whole poem from your idea. I have notebooks full of ideas that I haven’t written poems about yet. So I can always look through my notebooks and find something fun to write about.

One way to make poems interesting is to write about things readers can understand: school, family, food, pets, games, sports, and so on. To make a poem funny, I often ask myself, “What kinds of funny things might happen at school, or over dinner? What funny things might your pets do?” and it’s OK to make things up, such as having a pet elephant, or a pet that plays video games. Use your imagination and see where it leads. But the best advice I can give kids is not to just write one poem, it might be a great one, or maybe not so good. But if you write ten poems, you’ll probably find that, even though they aren’t all perfect, a few of them are much better than the others.

1Why did the author start writing poems at first?

A. To publish them. B. To entertain himself.

C. To contribute to a website. D. To kill time.

2What’s the main idea of Paragraph 2?

A. How to write poems. B. How to think up crazy things.

C. How to get ideas for poems. D. How to become creative.

3According to the author, what is the best advice he can give us?

A. Just write great poems. B. Write as many as possible.

C. Make poems as funny as possible. D. Try to make things up in your poems.

4Where does the author come from?

A. America B. China C. Germany D. not mentioned

5What’s the author’s purpose of writing the text?

A. To suggest some poems written by him.

B. To show writing poems isn’t that hard.

C. To tell readers how to write poems.

D. To explain how he writes poems.

