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A lot of people say math is not their strong suit. One New Jersey parent wants to help change that. Laura Overdeck grew up with numbers. She always helped measure ingredients when her mother baked, and she learned about angles from her father. She went on to major in astrophysics in college. Overdeck knew she wanted her own children to be good at math, too.

“And when our first child was about two, we just started giving her a math problem every night,” Overdeck said. The problem was usually a story, involving animals, cars or candies that let the kid count. “Our third child started, at age two, yelling that he wanted his own math problem because he saw his brother and sister doing it. And we thought, ‘Wow, we have a household where math is the popular thing at bedtime,’” Overdeck said.

In February, Overdeck launched Bedtime Math, an Internet website where she posts daily puzzles for children. Overdeck is particularly keen to hook children on numbers before they go to school. So why introduce little ones to math so early?

Sain Beilock, an expert on performance anxiety, says the more fun and familiar math is early on, the less likely children will feel nervous when they start to learn math in school. “My lab has shown recently that kids as early as first grade report feeling anxious about doing math,” Beilock said.

“You can hear totally educated adults say, ‘You know I’m just not that good at math.’ or ‘I’m kind of afraid of math.’ And that’s a totally acceptable thing for a well-educated person to say, but you never hear them say, ‘Well, you know, I’m just not that good at reading,’” Overdeck said. She wants children and their parents to become as fluent in numbers as they are in Harry Potter.

1.Overdeck majored in astrophysics because she _______.

A. was really fond of mathematics

B. hoped to change math education in the US

C. had an interest in physics

D. would like her children to be good at math

2.What can be inferred from Paragraph 2?

A. Toys can be used to encourage kids in solving math problems.

B. Math will become more popular in every household.

C. Math is enjoyable in Overdeck’s family.

D. The third child is cleverer than his brother and sister.

3.Beilock’s attitude towards Overdeck’s idea is _______.

A. agreeable B. puzzled

C. anxious D. critical

4.The unfavorable situation of the US in math ability is shown by _______.

A. the popularity of Bedtime Math

B. children’s performance anxiety in school

C. people’s response to math

D. adults’ great fondness for Harry Potter


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届辽宁沈阳市四校协作体高三上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

If you're not a fan of KFC's famous Double Down hot dog, don't worry! KFC in the UK is developing a new treat: an edible coffee cup.

The product is still in the trial stage and not yet available for purchase, but according to a KFC news report, the treat is made from a unique biscuit, wrapped in sugar paper, and lined with a layer of heat-resistant white chocolate, which helps keep the coffee hot. As you drink the coffee in the cup, the white chocolate lining will begin to melt slowly, and the biscuit begins to soften.

But it doesn't end there --- the cups are not only edible, they also have a pleasant smell. KFC partnered with The Robin Collective, an experimental food company, to make the cups with coconut sun cream, freshly cut grass and wild flowers scents. According to the news report, that's because the scents arouse the positive memories we associate with warm weather, sunshine and summer holidays. Sounds ... delicious?

A manager at KFC said, “We have been experimenting with the edible packaging in limited quantities to see if it could be a popular product in the market. We believe if our customers occasionally like to have their cake and eat it, why wouldn’t they want to have their cup and eat it instead! ”

The edible cups will only be available in the UK when it comes out. According to a spokesperson for KFC, there are at present no plans to bring it to the U.S. yet.

1.The cup is lined with a layer of white chocolate to_________.

A. make the cup smell delicious

B. prevent the heat giving off soon

C. help the cup look beautiful

D. keep the biscuit tasting soft

2.What does KFC do with the new product in its trial stage?

A. Promote it by adding different scents.

B. Sell it at a lower price in the US first.

C. Invite customers to eat it for free.

D. Test it in the market in small quantities.

3.Which statement is NOT true according to the passage?

A. The cup not only tastes good but also smells delicious.

B. The cup is developed with the help of The Robin Collective

C. Customers all over the world can soon try the edible cup.

D. The cup is made from biscuit, sugar paper and chocolate.

4.What is the best title for the passage?

A. KFC’s new product---Edible coffee cups

B. A new treat---Coffee cups and positive memories

C. Coffee cups made from biscuits and chocolate

D. The development of KFC company in the UK


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届江苏省盐城市高三上学期期中模拟练习英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—Can I use the telephone on the table,sir?

—Under no circumstances _________ to use the telephone in the office for personal affairs.

A. anyone is allowed B. nobody is allowed

C. is anyone allowed D. is nobody allowed


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届浙江三校等高三第一次五校联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

It is reported that more than half of ________ surveyed on the website say they are content with their current life.

A. whom B. them C. ones D. those


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届云南玉溪市高三第四次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

I love charity shops and so do lots of other people in Britain because you find quite a few of them on every high street. The charity shop is a British institution, selling everything from clothes to electric goods, all at very good prices. You can get things you won't find in the shops anymore. The thing I like best about them is that your money is going to a good cause and not into the pockets of profit-driven companies, and you are not damaging the planet, but finding a new home for unwanted goods.

The first charity shop was opened in 1947 by Oxfam. The famous charity's appeal to aid postwar Greece had been so successful that it had been flooded with donations. They decided to set up a shop to sell some of these donations to raise money for that appeal. Now there are over 7,000 charity shops in the UK. My favorite charity shop in my hometown is the Red Cross shop, where I always find children's books, all 10 or 20 pence each.

Most of the people working in the charity shops are volunteers, although there is often a manager who gets paid. Over 90% of the goods in the charity shops are donated by the public. Every morning you see bags of unwanted items outside the front of shops, although they don't encourage this, rather ask people to bring things in when the shop is open.

The shops have very low running costs, and all profits go to charity work. Charity shops raise more than £110 million a year, funding medical research, overseas aid, supporting sick and poor children, homeless and disabled people, and much more. What better places to spend your money? You get something special for a very good price and a good moral sense. You provide funds to a good cause and step lightly on the environment.

1.The author loves the charity shop mainly because of ______.

A. its convenient location

B. its great variety of goods

C. its spirit of goodwill

D. its nice shopping environment

2. The first charity shop in the UK was set up to ______ .

A. sell cheap products

B. deal with unwanted things

C. raise money for patients

D. help a foreign country

3. Which of the following is TRUE about charity shops?

A. The operating costs are very low.

B. The staff are usually well paid.

C. 90% of the donations are second-hand.

D. They are open twenty-four hours a day.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届辽宁实验中学分校高三12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达



1、 低碳(low-carbon)生活对我们的好处。

2、 日常生活,我们可以做些什么(如居家,出行,在校或购物等时候)。

注意:1. 词数100左右。

2. 可以适当增减细节,以使行文连贯。

3. 文中不得透露个人姓名和学校名称。


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届辽宁省大连市高三12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The idea of being able to walk on water has long interested humans greatly. Sadly, biological facts prevent us ever accomplishing such a thing without artificial aid--we simply weigh too much, and all our mass pushes down through our relatively small feet, resulting in a lot of pressure that makes us sink.

However, several types of animals can walk on water. One of the most interesting is the common basilisk. Basilicus, a lizard (蜥蜴) native to Central and South America. It can run across water for a distance of several meters, avoiding getting wet by rapidly hitting the water's surface with its feet. The lizard will take as many as 20 steps per second to keep moving forward. For humans to do this, we'd need huge feet that we could bring up to our ears in order to create adequate "hitting. “

But fortunately there is an alternative: cornflour. By adding enough of this common thickening agent to water (and it does take a lot), you can create a "non-Newtonian" liquid that doesn't behave like normal water. Now, if the surface of the water is hit hard enough, particles(微粒) in the water group together for a moment to make the surface hard. Move quickly enough and put enough force into each step, and you really can walk across the surface of an adequately thick liquid of cornflour.

Fun though all this may sound, it's still rather messy and better read about in theory than carried out in practice, if you must do it, then keep the water wings handy in case you start to sink--and take a shower afterward!

1.Walking on water hasn't become a reality mainly because humans _______.

A. are not interested in it

B. have biological limitations

C. have not invented proper tools

D. are afraid to make an attempt

2.What do we know about Basilicus from the passage?

A. It is light enough to walk on water.

B. Its huge feet enable it to stay above water.

C. It can run across water at a certain speed.

D. Its unique skin keeps it from getting wet in water

3. What is the function of the cornflour according to the passage?

A. To create a thick liquid.

B. To turn the water into solid.

C. To help the liquid behave normally.

D. To enable the water to move rapidly.

4.What is the author's attitude toward the idea of humans' walking on water?

A. It is risky but beneficial.

B. It is interesting and worth trying.

C. It is crazy and cannot become a reality.

D. It is impractical though theoretically possible.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届黑龙江大庆铁人中学高三上学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Dolphins(海豚) live in a dark underwater world. It’s often impossible to see each other or anything else around them, so sound plays an important role in their survival. To communicate with each other, dolphins produce all kinds of sounds.

Only other dolphins understand what the sounds mean. Scientists haven’t uncovered their secret communication, except for one kind of whistle. It might last less than a second, but this whistle is a big deal. Why? Because these whistles are actually names of dolphins - and every dolphin has one. Scientists call these sounds a “signature whistle.” When other dolphins hear the whistle, they know which dolphin is calling.

Dolphins often hunt by themselves but still need to stay connected to the group. Since they can’t always see each other, dolphins use their signature whistles to check in with other dolphins hundreds of yards away. “In coastal areas, dolphins exchange whistles even when they’re a third of a mile apart,” says Greg Campbell, who studies animals. That means dolphins shout out to group members that might be nearly five football fields away.

What’s amazing is who names the baby dolphin. Not the mother. Not an auntie dolphin or another group member. Scientists believe the baby dolphin itself comes up with the signature whistle. Like human babies, a baby dolphin plays with sounds throughout its first year. While testing its sound skills, a baby dolphin is doing something amazing. It’s creating or figuring out its signature whistle. How or why it chooses its signature whistle is not clear. Studies show that most of the time the signature whistle is nothing like its mother’s or group members’ whistles.

When the baby dolphin is about a year old, its signature whistle is set. It repeats it often so the other dolphins learn to recognize it.

Deciphering(破译) dolphin names is just the beginning of figuring out what dolphins communicate about. Do they chat about sharks? Discuss the tides? Maybe they even have a name for people. Someday scientists are to decipher the rest of dolphins’ communication.

1.Sound is important for dolphins because of ______.

A.their poor sense of direction

B.their living environment

C.their strong enemies

D.their big groups

2.The dolphin’s signature whistle ______.

A.lasts along time

B.can travel long distances

C.is especially helpful in hunting

D.can be recognized by other animals

3.The author writes the text mainly to _____.

A.encourage readers to study dolphins

B.tell readers how dolphins communicate

C.show how lovely and clever dolphins are

D.introduce a special sound made by dolphins

4.A baby dolphin gets its name ______.

A.soon after it was born B.according to its size

C.all by itself D.with the help of its group


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届江西上高县第二中学高三上学期第二次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空



Just Do Something

The winter weather was icy cold and a strong wind blew heavily. I stopped behind several cars in a crossroad. Ahead of me a young woman stood alongside the street. To keep __________ she rubbed her bare hands; ________ ,she danced in place. Beside her rested a sign that________ , ”I have a baby and no food.”Obviously, she was ________ financially.

Homeless and unemployed people are a common_________ in many of our larger cities, and most motorists drive by without ________assistance. Maybe they've been taught that giving money may encourage them to ________a dependent lifestyle, or the ready cash may be used to purchase alcohol or another thing ________ the food. Like me, they may have been taught that one should give money to a local charity or a church, as these institutions can help those in ________ far more effectively.

As I waited for the light to ________ ,I felt conflicted about that young woman. Whether or not I should give money, she was obviously in need. And whether or not she actually had a baby really didn't seem to ________ . I gave up ________ people's motives and analyzing their stories long ago.

What should I do? Give her money? What was the best?

I was wondering with these questions ________ the window rolled down from the car in front of me. A hand ________ out holding a warm pair of gloves. The driver took her own gloves off and gave them to the poor woman. I saw the young woman mouth the words “Thank you" as a broad smile ________ up her face.

As I ________ ,somebody else acted. As I tried to decide the BEST way to ________ , somebody else ________did what she could. As I did nothing, she did something.

I made myself a ________ that I'Il always do SOMETHING. Whether it is big or small, just do something. Something is almost always better than ________

1.A. warm B.cool C.healthy D.calm

2.A. however B.meanwhile C.instead D.therefore

3.A. wrote B.marked C.read D.tied

4.A. working B.managing C.operating D.struggling

5.A. sight B.concern C.idea D.step

6.A. receiving B.offering C.finding D.rejecting

7.A. change B.quit C.develop D.explore

8.A. more than B.apart from C.rather than D.or rather

9.A. surprise B.return C.doubt D.demand

10.A. turn B.replace C.fix D.stop

11.A. matter B.affect C.differ D.happen

12.A. answering B.guessing C.noticmg D.expressing

13.A. as B.before C.while D.when

14.A. reached B.picked C.sent D.hroke

15.A. turned B.lit C.set D.swept

16.A. helped B.quarreled C.hesitated D.appeared

17.A. obtain B.operate C.share D.assist

18.A. quickly B.frequently C.naturally D.slowly

19.A. promise B.comment C.choice D.deal

20.A. anything B.something C.nothing D.everything

