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11.TOEFL stands for Test of English as a Foreign Language,which assesses the proficiency (熟练) of English language of a person in an academic setting.Various institutions,scholarship programs require this test as a trusted and effective indicator of a person's ability to communicate in English.
TOEFL is available in CBT----Computer-based Technology,PBT----Paper-based Technology and IBT----Internet-based Test formats(形式)to assess the proficiency of English Language.IBT TOEFL is a four-hour test comprising sections:Reading,Listening,Speaking and Writing.In areas where internet-based test is not available,a paper-based test (PBT) is given.PBT is a three-hour test comprising four sections:Listening,Structure and Written Expression,Reading Comprehension and Writing.
Taking TOEFL test opens many doors to get admission in foreign universities.More than 7500colleges,universities and agencies in more than 130countries rely on TOEFL test scores to check proficiency for English Language.It is very convenient to take this test and it is available in 165countries world wide.
It measures your academic skills that whether you are ready to study or train at under graduate or post graduate level in foreign universities or not.In the test candidates are provided with a passage from text books and questions based on lectures,and you can be asked to speak or write in response related to that passage.
As the test is made up of 100% academic questions,so many universities consider it the most effective test,while taking any admission.To take TOEFL test you should:
-----Improve your writing skills;
-----Improve your vocabulary;
-----Practice other reading passages on the TOEFL Test;
-----Be familiar with the format of the test;
-----Practice for listening test on the TOEFL test.
To take admission in World's famous Harvard University,the minimum TOEFL score required is 587on the paper-based test,240on the computer-based test,or 94-95on the internet-based TOEFL.

60.The underlined word"comprising"in Paragraph 2probably meansA.
A.including    B.forming      C.combining   D.explaining
61.Which section is Not included in IBT TOEFL?D
A.Reading.         B.Writing.
C.Speaking.        D.Structure and Written Expression.
62.According to the passage,many students are required to take TOEFL test probably because the test canB.
A.improve their academic skills
B.indicate their proficiency of English language
C.provide scholarship programs in many countries
D.decide your graduation from foreign universities
63.What would be the best title for the passage?B
A.Advantages of TOEFL test           B.Introduction to TOEFL test
C.Preparations for TOEFL test        D.Assessment of TOEFL test.

分析 文章是关于托福考试的说明文.文章介绍了什么是托福考试,托福考试的分类和如何备考等方面的内容.

解答 60.A 61.D     62.B      63.B
60.A  猜测词义题.根据"comprising sections:Reading,Listening,Speaking and Writing"可知,IBT TOEFL包含读、听、说、写四部分.因此划线词是"包含"的意思.故选A.
61.D  细节理解题.根据"IBT TOEFL is a four-hour test comprising sections:Reading,Listening,Speaking and Writing."可知,IBT TOEFL包含四部分,没有 Structure and Written Expression.故选D.
62.B 根据第一、二段的"Various institutions,scholarship programs require this test as a trusted and effective indicator of a person's ability to communicate in English.和to assess the proficiency of the English Language"可知,托福考试主要是评估人们熟练运用英语的程度.故选B.
63.B 文章分别介绍了什么是托福考试;托福考试的种类;托福考试的优势和怎样准备托福考试.文章是一篇关于托福考试的介绍.B项概括得最全面.故选B.

点评 本题主要考查学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.Nowadays,more and more people are unable to sleep due to various of reasons.
What will you do if you have trouble going to sleep?Try a glass of warm milk,still no luck?Try counting sheep,"one,two,three…"It is late but you are still awake.Are you supposed to take a sleeping pill?No,because if you take it,you will probably depend on the drugs.So you lie awake all night hoping that the new workday will arrive soon.
A new study has found that you might fall asleep quicker and stay asleep longer if you try"cerebral hypothermia."No,cerebral hypothermia is not a complex medical process.It just means cooling down your brain.Eric Nofzinger and Daniel Buysse of the University of Pittsburgh Medical School led the study.They examined 12people who had insomnia.Twelve others had no sleep problems.Each of them wore a soft plastic cap on their heads at bed time,which had tubes (管子) inside filled with water.
The first two nights of testing,the patients wore no water caps.During the next two nights,the caps were worn,but the water was not cooled.Then the researchers cooled the water a little for two nights.On the final two nights of the study,the temperature of the water was made much cooler.
The researchers found that the water caps did not help the insomnia patients until the temperature was about 14℃.Most of the patients fell asleep faster and slept better when the coolest water was moving around their heads.
Dr.Nofzinger and Dr.Buysse noted that this was only the beginning of the brain temperature study.But they believe they have discovered something important that needs more research.They presented their test results in June at a meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies in Minneapolis,Minnesota.

21.What do we know about the study?A
A.Half of the people studied had trouble in sleeping
B.The researchers wore the cap every night.
C.The caps were made of cloth.
D.The study lasted six nights.
22.The underlined word"insomnia"in Paragraph 2probably meansB.
23.Dr Nofzinger and Dr Buysse agreed thatC.
A.people can sleep better by wearing caps.
B.the water caps worked if the water was frozen
C.more research should be done.
D.the researchers finished the study in June.
24.What is the main idea of the passage?A
A.Cooling the brain may help people sleep.
B.Taking sleeping pills is not good for health.
C.Water helps people get up easily.
D.Many people can't sleep well at night.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

2.A.enhanced   B.obvious   C.feedback   D.primarily   E.head    F.increasingly  G.shared    H.consistent   I.capacity   J.impact   K.interact

Our world is changing,and the business world is on an evolutionary path that is virtually unstoppable.Knowledge base management is a very good example of such developments.With time the need to bring the customers closer has become even more
(41)B,and this has further resulted in companies taking measures to respond better to their customers.
When discussing trends in knowledge management systems,it is almost impossible to ignore the (42)J that cloud computing has had on it.The application of cloud computing has not only (43)A efficiency,but has further improved productivity.Through cloud computing,virtual offices are being operated almost everywhere around the globe.All it takes is the click of a button!As for companies,it is vital for them to hire professionals from all over the world.
For businesses that rely greatly on customer satisfaction and approvals,(44)C on their services is very important.Customers in particular are able to (45)K with the staff on the other end,and provide their feedback as to the quality of services that they have received.The role of most knowledge managers is to ensure that information is kept current,accurate and (46)H.Significant developments in the database management systems have made it easier to achieve this goal,and there can only be so much to look forward to as we (47)E into the future.
At the moment,(48)G information that passes through these systems can be run through different forms.There was a time when such information was (49)D document-
based.Today however,reports and other relevant information can be presented to the seeker through different media.
The most efficient knowledge base management systems in the market at the moment are built with the (50)I to handle all kinds of information.One of the other things that we cannot forget to mention is the mobile functionality of these programs.They are compatible(兼容的)with users across all platforms,and this makes them even more convenient than before.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.Nearly everyone is shy in some ways.If shyness is making you uncomfortable,it may be time for a few lessons in self-confidence.You can build your confidence by following some suggestions from doctors and psychologists.
Make a decision not to hold back in conversations.What you have to say is just as important as what other people say.And don't turn down party invitations just because of your shyness.
Prepare yourself for being with others in groups.Make a list of the good qualities you have.Then make a list of ideas,experiences,and skills you would like to share with other people.Think about what you would like to say in advance.Then say it.
If you start feeling self-conscious in a group,take a deep breath and focus your attention on other people.Remember,you are not alone.Other people are concerned about the impression they are making,too.
No one ever gets over being shy completely,but most people do learn to live with their shyness.Even entertainers admit that they often feel shy.They work at fighting their shy feelings so that they can face the cameras and the public.Just making the effort to control shyness can have many rewards.But perhaps the best reason to fight shyness is to give other people a chance to know more about you.
64.Where would this article probably appear?A
A.In a popular magazine
B.On the front page of a newspaper
C.In a science textbook
D.In a dictionary
65.The main purpose of the article is toB.
A.explain how shyness develops
B.tell people ways of dealing with shyness
C.persuade readers that shyness is natural
D.prove that shyness can be overcome
66.According to the author,the key to fighting shyness isD.
A.speaking up at parties
B.talking as much as possible with others
C.making a list of good qualities
D.developing self-confidence.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.America is growing older.Fifty years ago,only 4out of every 100people in the United States were 65or older.Today,10out of every 100Americans are over 65.The aging of the population will affect (影响) American society in many ways-education,medicine,and business.Quietly,the graying of America has made us a very different society-one  in which people have a quite different idea of what kind of behavior(行为)is suitable (合适)at various ages.A person's age no longer tells you anything about his/her social position,marriage or health.There's no longer a particular year in which one goes to school or goes to work or gets married or starts a family.The social clock that kept us on time and told us when to go to school,get a job,or stop working isn't as strong as it used to be.It doesn't surprise us to hear of a 29-year-old university president or a 35-year-old grandmother,or a 70-year-old man who has become a father for the firs time.Public ideas are changing.Many people say,'I am much younger than my mother-or my father-was at my age.'No one says‘Act your age'anymore.We've stopped looking with surprise at older people who act in youthful ways.

51.It can be learnt from the text that the aging of the population in AmericaC.
A.has made people feel younger
B.has changed people's social position
C.has changed people's understanding of age
D.has slowed down the country's social development
52.The underlined word‘one'refers toA.
A.a society   B.America   C.a place   D.population
53.‘Act your age'means people shouldB.
A.be active when they are old
B.do the right thing at the right age
C.show respect for their parents young or old
D.take more physical exercise suitable to their age
54.If a 25-year-old man becomes general manager of a big firm,the writer of the text would most probably consider itA.
A.normal  B.wonderful   C.unbelievable   D.unreasonable.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

16.Usually,when your teacher asks a question,there is only one correct answer.But there is one question that has millions of correct answers.That question is"What's your name?"Everyone gives a different answer,but everyone is correct.
Have you ever wondered about people's names?Where do they come from?What do they mean?
People's first names,or given names,are chosen by their parents.Sometimes the name of a grandparent or other member of the family is used.Some parents choose the name of a well-known person.A boy could be named George Washington Smith; a girl could be named Helen Keller Jones.
Some people give their children names that mean good things.Clara means"bright"; Beatrice means"one who gives happiness"; Donald means"world ruler"; Leonard means"as brave as a lion".
The earliest last names,or surnames,were taken from place names.A family with the name Brook or Brooks probably lived near brook(小溪);someone who was called Longstreet probably lived on a long,paved road.The Greenwood family lived in or near a leafy forest.
Other early surnames came from people's occupations.The most common occupational name is Smith,which means a person who makes things with iron or other metals.In the past,smiths were very important workers in every town and village.Some other occupational names are:Carter---a person who owned or drove a cart; Potter---a person who made pots and pans.
The ancestors of the Baker family probably baked bread for their neighbors in their native village.The Carpenter's great-great-great-grandfather probably built houses and furniture.
Sometimes people were known for the color of their hair or skin,or their size,or their special abilities.When there were two men who were named John in the same village,the John with the gray hair probably became John Gray.Or the John was very tall could call himself John Tallman.John Fish was probably an excellent swimmer and John Lightfoot was probably a fast runner or a good dancer.
Some family names were made by adding something to the father's name.English-speaking people added-s or-son.The Johnsons are descendants of John; the Roberts family's ancestor was Robert.Irish and Scottish people added Mac or Mc or O.Perhaps all of the MacDonnells and the McDonnells and the O'Donnells are descendants of the same Donnell.

67.Which of the following aspects do the surnames in the passage NOT cover?B
A.Places where people lived.
B.People's characters.
C.Talents that people possessed.
D.People's occupations.
68.According to the passage,the ancestors of the Potter family most probablyC.
A.owned or drove a cart              B.made things with metals
C.made kitchen tools or containers   D.built houses and furniture
69.Suppose an English couple whose ancestors lived near a leafy forest wanted their new-born son to become a world leader,the baby might be namedD.
A.Beatrice Smith            B.Leonard Carter
C.George Longstreet       D.Donald Greenwood
70.The underlined word"descendants"in the last paragraph means a person'sA.
A.later generations               B.friends and relatives
C.colleagues and partners     D.later bosses.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

3.Gingerbread Houses:A Popular,Classic Holiday Treat
You can cook with it.You can make candy from it.You can put it into drinks or take it as medicine.Ginger has many uses,but none as beautiful as when it is used in a gingerbread house.
Past and present
Ginger-he key part of gingerbread and the houses themselves-has a long history.It is believed that ginger was used as early as 2,000 B.C.in China.Gingerbread houses were first written about during the 15th century.But it was the 19'th century fairy tale"Hansel and Gretel"that started the trend.As European immigrants made their way around the world,so did gingerbread houses!
One example occurred in the town of Belleville in the 1850s.As large numbers of German immigrants moved there,many brought along their gingerbread house recipes.Today,during the holidays,Belleville hosts a"Gingerbread Walk"through its downtown area.Along the path,shop owners display beautifully-made gingerbread houses and other gingerbread creations.The event allows visitors and locals alike to enjoy Belleville's tastiest tradition.
The world's largest
In 2006,Roger Pelcher constructed the world's largest gingerbread house in Bloomington,Minn.Measuring over 60 feet tall,the house took Pelcher's team l,700 hours to complete.To achieve the world record,Guinness World Records said 95 percent of the outside had to be eatable.So Pelcher used 14,250 pounds of gingerbread and over a ton of candy on the house!
Winning houses
At Christmas time,people from Sweden to Seattle enter their creations in gingerbread house contests.Winners receive prizes for the most difficult to build,most creative,most beautiful as well as other categories.But winning contests isn't the main reason why making these houses is so popular.The wonderful smell as the gingerbread bakes and the joy of eating it are the real reasons!
Online directions and ready-to-assemble kits make creating gingerbread houses easier than ever before.You can make them as simple or as complex as you choose,Experience a"taste"of the holidays with your own gingerbread house this year!
45.We learn from the text thatB.
A.the fairy tale"Hansel and Gretel"made gingerbread houses popular in the world
B."Gingerbread Walk"has attracted people to enjoy Belleville's tastiest tradition
C.gingerbread houses were brought to Belleville by Asian immigrants
D.gingerbread house making started in ancient China
46..What makes gingerbread houses so popular?C
A.An interesting origin.
B.Extraordinary prizes to winners.
C.The smell and enjoyment of eating.
D.Creations in gingerbread-house contests.
47.What can we infer from this passage?C
A.Gingerbread houses are eaten by people only at Christmas.
B.We can book many kinds of gingerbread houses through the Internet,
C.Immigration played an import ant role in the spread of gingerbread houses.
D.The gingerbread house made by Pelcher failed to achieve the Guinness World Records.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.In most situations,light helps us see.But when it comes to looking at the night sky,light is actually a kind of pollution.It prevents our view of some of life's most striking sights:stars,planets,and even galaxies(银河系).
"When I was a little boy,I loved the night sky.I remember looking up and the sky was filled with stars.I became an astronomer because I was amazed by their beauty,"says Robert Gent,"Now in most big cities kids can't see the stars like I did."
      Normally,about 2,500 individual (单个的) stars are visible to the human eyes without using any special equipment.But because of light pollution,you actually see just 200 to 300 and fewer than a dozen from some cities.Only one in three Americans can see our own galaxy with the naked eyes.Those people live far away from the lights of big cities,office buildings,and shopping malls.
      Fortunately,there's an inexpensive and useful way.If we shine lights down at the ground instead of up into the sky,and use lower brightness levels,we can save big amounts of energy and keep the beauty of the night sky.Many cities and towns have passed laws limiting lights at night,making sure enough shine for safety without creating much light pollution.
      Light pollution affects more than our view of the heavens and can harm wildlife.Migrating birds(候鸟) sometimes fly over cities and become confused by the brightness,flying in circles until they drop from exhaustion.  Sea turtles need dark beaches for nesting and won't approach bright lights.Too much light at night may even affect human health.For all these reasons,researchers are working on ways to use lights only when and where they are truly needed.Everyone deserves to look up at the sky.
71.According to the text,using our naked eyes,A.
A.people in remote areas can see more stars than those in big cities
B.over one third Americans can see our own galaxy 
C.about one in three Americans in big cities can see our own galaxy  
D.Americans can only see 200 to 300 stars
72.Many cities and towns have passed laws limiting lights at night mainly toD.
A.save the electricity                        
B.make sure of migrating birds'safety    
C.let you count the number of stars             
D.avoid much light pollution
73.What does the fourth paragraph mainly talk about?B
A.The cause of light pollution
B.The way to reduce light pollution
C.The effect of light pollution.
D.People's attitude towards light pollution
74.The underlined word"exhaustion"in the last paragraph meansB.
A.air pollution        B.tiredness          C.breath      D.brightness
75.Which would be the best title for the text?A
A.Light Pollution   B.Seeking the Sky   C.Stars in the Sky      D.City Pollution.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.Nobody knows who first invented it,but the umbrella was used in very ancient times.Probably the first to use it were the Chinese,back in the eleventh century B.C.To use it seems so natural to put up an umbrella to keep the water off when it rains.But actually the umbrella was not invented as protection against rain.It was first used as a shade against the sun.
We know it was used in ancient Egypt and Babylon as a sunshade.And there was a strange thing connected with its use; it became a symbol of honor and authority.In the Far East in ancient times,the umbrella was allowed to be used only by royal people or by those in high office.
In Europe,the Greeks were the first to use the umbrella as a sunshade.And the umbrella was in common use in ancient Greece.But it is believed that the first persons in Europe to use the umbrellas as protection against the rain were the ancient Romans.
During the Middle Ages,the use of the umbrella practically disappeared.Then it appeared again in Italy in the late 16th century.And again it became a symbol of power and  authority.By 1680,the umbrella appeared in France,and later on in England.
By the eighteenth century,the umbrella was used against rain throughout most of Europe.Umbrellas have not changed much in style during all this time,though they have become much lighter in weight.It wasn't until the twentieth century that women's umbrellas began to be made in a variety of colors.

67.Which of the following statements is not true about the umbrella?C
A.No one exactly knows who was the inventor of the umbrella.
B.The umbrella was first invented to be used as protection against the sun.
C.The umbrella changed much in style in the eighteenth century.
D.In Europe,the Greeks were the first to use the umbrella.
68.The underlined word"authority"meansC.
A.being popular     B.being useful
C.being powerful    D.being enjoyable
69.In Europe,the umbrella was first used against the rainB.
A.in Rome         B.by the eighteen century
C.in Greece       D.during the Middle Ages
70.This passage talks mainly aboutD.
A.when and how the umbrella was invented
B.why the umbrella was so popular in Europe
C.the development of the umbrella
D.the history and use of the umbrella.

