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These monkeys are such quick thieves that they________your bananas when you realize what has happened.

A.will enjoy

B.are enjoying

C.have been enjoying

D.will be enjoying







科目:高中英语 来源:学习高手必修四英语外研版 外研版 题型:050


  There was one thing that I found rather strange on my first day to work at Monk’s House.The floors in the house were very thin.The bathroom was directly above the kitchen, and when Mrs.Wolf was having her bath before breakfast, I could hear her talking to herself.On and on she went, talked, talked, talked, asking questions and giving herself the answers.I thought there must have been two or three people up there with her.Later Mrs.Woolf explained that Mrs.Woolf always said the sentences out loud what she had written during the night.She needed to know if they sounded right and the bath was a place for trying them out.

  I was not allowed to make coffee at Monk’s House-Mr.and Mrs.Woolf came into the kitchen at eight o’clock every morning to make it.When we carried the breakfast trays to Mrs.Woolf’s room I noticed that there were pencils and paper beside her bed so that when she woke up she could work, and sometimes it seemed as though she had had very little sleep.

  Mrs.Woolf’s bedroom was outside the house in the garden.I used to think how inconvenient it must be to have to go out in the rain to go to bed.Her bedroom had been added on to the back of the house; the door faced the garden and a window at the side opened out on to a field.Because the writing room was small.Mr.Woolf had had a large one built for her at the end of the garden against the church wall.

  I can always remember her coming out of her writing room only for lunch each day.She used to walk down through the thin and very graceful, with large, deep set eyes.She wore long skirts in the fashion of the day, any silk jackets of the same color, which suited her well.I pressed her clothes and did any sewing that was necessary.

  Her cigarettes were made from a special tobacco called My Mixture.Mr.Woolf bought it for her in London, and in the evenings, they used to sit by the fire and make these cigarettes themselves.


At the time of this passage, the writer might have been ________.

[  ]


a friend of Mrs.Woolf


the assistant of Mr.Woolf


a reporter who was writing about Mrs.Woolf’s life


the housekeeper at Monk’s House


What was particularly unusual about Monk’s House?

[  ]


The floors were very thin.


The bathroom was directly above the kitchen.


Mrs.Woolf’s bedroom was outside the house in the garden.


The house was next to a church.


What was Mr.Woolf’s attitude towards his wife according to this passage?

[  ]


He lived a separate life from his wife.


He found her strange and difficult to get along with.


He helped with her writings although he didn’t understand much.


He tried his best to satisfy her needs.


According to this passage, Mrs.Woolf ________.

[  ]


spent most of her time on her own work


didn’t have a good taste of clothes


didn’t do any housework herself


was attractive but cold to others


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Have you ever heard a news reporter talk about DNA? Reporters talk about DNA found at the scene of a crime. They talk about police finding DNA “fingerprints.” Police sometimes use DNA as a clue to find out who committed the crime.

DNA is a substance(物质) that makes up genes. Everything alive has genes. Plans have genes. Animals have genes. You have genes.

Genes are the basic units of heredity(遗传). Heredity means all the characteristics you inherit from your parents. You get your genes from your parents. You inherit half of your genes from your mother. You inherit half of your genes from your father.

Genes are a kind of code. A tree’s genes tell what shape its leaves will be. A cat’s genes tell what color its fur will be. Your genes tell what color your eyes will be. Your genes tell what color your hair will be. Everything about you comes from the code in your genes.

Genes line up on strands(链) called chromosomes(染色体) in cells. Everything alive is made up of cells. Chromosomes are in the center, or nucleus, of cells.

Different parts of you are made of different kinds of cells. Your muscles are made of muscle celIs. Your skin is made of skin cells. The code in your genes tells your body to make different kinds of cells. The genes in each cell tell the cell how to work. They tell the cell when to make new copies of itself.

An Austrian monk named Gregor Mendel first saw inherited patterns in pea plants. He experimented with pea plants in the 1860s. One of the things, or traits(特质), Mendel studied was what makes some pea plants tall and some short. He said that the traits must come from units of heredity passed from the parent plants. These units were later called genes.

In the mid-1900s, scientists discovered that genes are made of DNA. In the 1970s, scientists learned how to change DNA with genetic engineering. Scientists also learned that problems with certain genes cause diseases. Muscular dystrophy, cystic fibrosis, and hemophilia are some genetic diseases-diseases caused by problems in genes. Today, scientists are looking for ways to cure genetic diseases by changing genes through a process called gene therapy.

What is DNA?

A. DNA is a kind of gene.

B.. DNA is a substance that makes up genes.

C. DNA is the basic unit of heredity.

D. DNA is a measure to protect crime.

Which of the following about genes is correct according to the passage?

A. Plants, animals and human beings have the same genes.

B. Half people inherit all genes from their mother, others from their father.

C. Genes decide the trees shapes, the cats’ fur color and our eyes’ color as well.

D. Genes will give you a code when you need them.

Where are genes?

A. Genes lining up on strands called chromosomes are in the center of cells.

B. Genes hide in everything alive in your body.

C. Genes can be nowhere but in your mind, controlling all your actions.

D. Genes travel in your body and help cope skin, muscle, and eyes.

An Austrian monk named Gregor Mendel         .

A. first saw inherited patterns in people

B. was interested in why plants were different

C. first called the units of heredity from parents genes

D. was the first who discovered genes

We can conclude that         .

A. scientists were less intelligent than monks in 1900s

B. some genes are bad and can cause diseases

C. we don’t need to worry about genetic diseases any longer

D. the discovery of genes may be of great help in our daily life


科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年江苏省苏州市高三1月调研测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题



??? One of the hottest buzzwords in China right now is no doubt tuhao, a sarcastic, light-hearted term referring to rich people of little education, bad taste or lacking self-awareness.

??? This is yet another example of smart Chinese Internet users applying their creativity to an aged phrase and giving it new life and meaning. The term, which literally means "country bully", has been around since ancient times, when it was used to refer to rich and powerful rural landlords.

??? However, the meaning of the word changed significantly when it was adapted a few years ago by Chinese players of the wildly popular computer game "World of Warcraft" to refer to rich players who spend big money buying powerful virtual weapons. Because they don't improve their skills by playing, these players are considered silly, uncultured, and unprofessional.

??? But that is not the end of tuhao's new life story. The renewed popularity of the term also coincides with(同时发生)the emergence(出现)of the Chinese "nouveau riche"a generation of businessmen and women, property owners and entrepreneurs who have rapidly accumulated large amounts of wealth in recent years.

??? Similar to the many rags-to-riches stories in human history, many Chinese billionaires who are on the global rich list do not come from well-educated or prestigious(声望很高的) backgrounds. Rather, they achieved financial success through powerful connections, smart investments, and by riding out China's economic boom. Many of them don't shy away from throwing their money around, yet we are often reminded of their lack of manners, taste and cultural sensitivity.

??? As a result, a term that was popularized in the gaming world has now also been introduced into daily conversation.

??? Trend-, young Internet users, who see themselves as the opposite of tuhaonot wealthy, but well-educated and culturedhave further popularized the term by using it in various comic situations. For example, the phrase "let's be friends, tuhao," became hot after it appeared in an online joke about a conversation between a rich young man and a wise monk `Vhen Apple released its much anticipated iPhone 5S in September, Chinese Internet users



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届云南楚雄州武定县第一中学高一下期期中考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

There are only about 1,000 Hawaiian monk seals(夏威夷僧海豹) left and its population is going down 4% a year. Hawaiian monk seals are found in the northwest part of the Hawaiian Islands. They spend a lot of time at sea. They are able to dive 600 feet deep, and can stay under water for up to 20 minutes. Adults grow up to seven feet long, and weigh between 400 and 600 pounds. They can live as long as 30 years.

These seals are born on land. Every year, usually in May or June, females find sandy beaches and give birth to a single baby. The female seals avoid beaches where the water becomes deep very quickly because this lets sharks swim close to land and catch the seals.

Mothers stay with their babies for six weeks. During that entire time, they do not leave the beach even to eat. Instead, they live off fat that they have stored up over the previous year and feed their babies with fat-rich milk. After six weeks, mothers go back to the sea. The young have to live on their own.

Human disturbance(打扰) has been regarded as the important factor in the decrease of the monk seals. In fact, if human come too near a mother seal too often, she will go out to the sea. Unfortunately, this usually means death for the baby. It is now against the law for people to come within 100 yards of a seal on a beach.

Recent research has shown that the decrease in the Hawaiian monk seal population is due to lack of survival of these seals at one of the most important breeding(繁殖) beaches at French Frigate Shoals. Also, seals often get trapped in fishermen and by changes in weather patterns. If these threats(威胁) were not enough, during the breeding season, males will attack females until they are badly injured or finally killed.

1.What can we learn about Hawaiian monk seals?

A.They are in danger of dying out.

B.They spend most of the time on the beach.

C.They are the largest animals on the Hawaiian Islands.

D.They can stay under water as long as they like.

2.According to the text, a seal baby______.

A.is born at sea

B.is fed on fat by the mother

C.stays with its parents all life

D.is looked after by its mother for 6 weeks

3.It can be inferred from the text that______.

A.sharks are a threat to Hawaiian monk seals

B.male monk seals fight each other for females in the breeding season

C.when disturbed by people, the mother seal will protect the baby seal

D.Hawaiian monk seals give birth usually in July

4.What are the last two paragraphs mainly about?

A.Ways to protect Hawaiian monk seals。

B.The struggle of Hawaiian monk seals to survive.

C.The reasons for the decline(减少) of Hawaiian monk seals.

D.The influence of climate change on Hawaiian monk seals.



科目:高中英语 来源:2010-2011学年山东省烟台市高三上学期模块检测英语卷 题型:阅读理解

Have you ever heard a news reporter talk about DNA? Reporters talk about DNA found at the scene of a crime. They talk about police finding DNA “fingerprints.” Police sometimes use DNA as a clue to find out who committed the crime.

DNA is a substance(物质) that makes up genes. Everything alive has genes. Plans have genes. Animals have genes. You have genes.

Genes are the basic units of heredity(遗传). Heredity means all the characteristics you inherit from your parents. You get your genes from your parents. You inherit half of your genes from your mother. You inherit half of your genes from your father.

Genes are a kind of code. A tree’s genes tell what shape its leaves will be. A cat’s genes tell what color its fur will be. Your genes tell what color your eyes will be. Your genes tell what color your hair will be. Everything about you comes from the code in your genes.

Genes line up on strands(链) called chromosomes(染色体) in cells. Everything alive is made up of cells. Chromosomes are in the center, or nucleus, of cells.

Different parts of you are made of different kinds of cells. Your muscles are made of muscle celIs. Your skin is made of skin cells. The code in your genes tells your body to make different kinds of cells. The genes in each cell tell the cell how to work. They tell the cell when to make new copies of itself.

An Austrian monk named Gregor Mendel first saw inherited patterns in pea plants. He experimented with pea plants in the 1860s. One of the things, or traits(特质), Mendel studied was what makes some pea plants tall and some short. He said that the traits must come from units of heredity passed from the parent plants. These units were later called genes.

In the mid-1900s, scientists discovered that genes are made of DNA. In the 1970s, scientists learned how to change DNA with genetic engineering. Scientists also learned that problems with certain genes cause diseases. Muscular dystrophy, cystic fibrosis, and hemophilia are some genetic diseases-diseases caused by problems in genes. Today, scientists are looking for ways to cure genetic diseases by changing genes through a process called gene therapy.

1. What is DNA?

A. DNA is a kind of gene.

B.. DNA is a substance that makes up genes.

C. DNA is the basic unit of heredity.

D. DNA is a measure to protect crime.

2. Which of the following about genes is correct according to the passage?

A. Plants, animals and human beings have the same genes.

B. Half people inherit all genes from their mother, others from their father.

C. Genes decide the trees shapes, the cats’ fur color and our eyes’ color as well.

D. Genes will give you a code when you need them.

3.Where are genes?

A. Genes lining up on strands called chromosomes are in the center of cells.

B. Genes hide in everything alive in your body.

C. Genes can be nowhere but in your mind, controlling all your actions.

D. Genes travel in your body and help cope skin, muscle, and eyes.

4.An Austrian monk named Gregor Mendel         .

A. first saw inherited patterns in people

B. was interested in why plants were different

C. first called the units of heredity from parents genes

D. was the first who discovered genes

5. We can conclude that         .

A. scientists were less intelligent than monks in 1900s

B. some genes are bad and can cause diseases

C. we don’t need to worry about genetic diseases any longer

D. the discovery of genes may be of great help in our daily life


