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6.One day a student was walking with his teacher in the countryside.As they went  along,they saw a pair of old shoes lying in the path.They were a pool farmer's,who was working in the nearby field.
The student turned to the teacher saying:"We will hide his shoes,and hide ourselves behind those trees,and wait to see what he will do"
"My young friend."answered the teacher,"we should never make fun of the poor.Why not put a coin in each shoe,and then we will hide ourselves and watch?"The student did so and they both hid themselves behind the trees.The poor man soon finished his work,and came across the field to the path where he had left his coat and shoes.
After putting on his coat,he put his foot into one of his shoes,and felt something hard.Then he bent (弯腰) down to feel what it was,and found the coin.Surprised,he looked at the coin,turned it around and looked at it again.He then looked around,but no person was seen.He put the money into his pocket,and continued to put on the other shoe.His surprise was doubled on finding the other coin.
He couldn't control his feelings and fell to his knees,looked up to the sky and expressed his thanks.Then he spoke of his wife,sick and helpless,and his children without bread.He said the help would save them from dying.
The student stood there deeply moved,and his eyes filled with tears."Now,"said the teacher,"Are you not much happier than if you had hidden the shoes?"
21.When the student saw the shoes,he wanted toB
A.steal them    
B.play a joke on the owner
C.find their owner 
D.give the owner some money
22.According to the passage,the teacher isB.
A.quiet and honest    
B.kind and friendly
C.patient and clever 
D.strict and careful
23.When the farmer saw the second coin,heC
A.was surprised and decided to find the owner
B.was worried and looked up at the sky
C.was very excited and grateful
D.spoke of his difficulties and asked for more help
24.What can we learn from the passage?A
A.True happiness comes from helping others.
B.All good things come to an end
C.Where there is a will,there is away
D.It is never too late to learn.

分析 文章主要讲述一对师生帮助了一位贫穷农民而从中获得了快乐的故事,并告诉我们真正的快乐来自于帮助别人.

解答 21-24 BBCA
21.答案 B 根据第二段中的We hide his shoes,and hide ourselves behind those trees,and wait to see what he will do.可知,这位学生一开始想把农夫的鞋子藏起来,捉弄他,看看他有什么反应,故答案为B
22.答案 B 根据第三段的We should never make fun of the poor.Why not put a coin in each shoe,and then we will hide ourselves and watch?可知老师的告诫是不能拿穷人开玩笑,还建议给农夫的每只鞋里面放上一个硬币,可以看出来老师心地很好,故答案为B
23.答案 C  根据倒数第二段第一句He couldn't control his feelings and fell to his knees,looked up at the sky and expressed his thanks.可知他无法控制自己的感情并且跪了下来,对着天空表达了自己的谢意,故答案为C
24.答案 A 文章最后一段are you not much happier than if you had hidden the shoes?点名了主旨,给农夫鞋里放硬币比把鞋子藏起来使这个学生更快乐,因此真正的快乐来自于帮助别人,故答案为A

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科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

16.I refuse to lie about it; it's against my_____.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.Our friendships are more important than we can ever imagine.Your smiling face can bring life to a friend that's feeling down.So never forget that you are an important part of someone's life.Someone needs you today.Here is such a story.
Hospital nurses thought that the 73-year-old James Wathen had reached the end of his road.He stopped eating,he could hardly speak,and he was very weak.But those all changed one day when he told a nurse that he missed his dog.James hadn't seen his one-eyed dog named Bubba after he was sent to the hospital weeks before.
So a wonderful team of nurses got together to find James companion,Bubba.They all held on the hope that this reunion(团聚)would make their patient come alive again.
They successfully found Bubba,but ever since Bubba was separated from James,he also became sick.The dog didn't know where James was,and believe it or not,they both stopped eating at about the same time.The team of nurses worked hard and planned a very special visit for James that weekend.
In their 30-minute visit,Bubba's eyes got real bright and he was like a different dog.James also became very bright,and he was a different man,too."He has done a complete turnaround.He is speaking,he is sitting up,and he is eating.He isn't like the same guy,"a nurse said."And the dog is eating and doing better now,too."
From the story we can see that friendships are really more important than we can ever imagine,even between human beings and animals.
24.What happened to James before seeing his dog Bubba again?B
A.Though he stopped eating,he could speak.
B.He was weak and dying.
C.He was too old to eat.
D.He missed his dog so much that he refused to live.
25.According to the passage,the nurses in the hospital wereC.
26.What can we learn from the story?D
A.Nothing is more important than friendship.
B.Everyone is special in his own way.
C.Every dog has his own day.
D.The power of friendship is much stronger than we know.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

14.A weak old man lived with his son,his daughter-in-law,and his four-year-old grandson.His eyes couldn't see clearly,his hands trembled,and his step was unstable.
The family would eat together nightly at the dinner table.But the elderly grandfather's shaky hands and failing sight made eating rather difficult.Peas rolled off his spoon,dropping to the floor.When he grasped his glass of milk,it often spilled clumsily at the tablecloth.
With this happening almost every night,the son and daughter-in-law became irritated with the mess.So they decided to do something with the old man-they set a small table at the corner.There,the grandfather ate alone while the rest of the family enjoyed their dinner at the dinner table.Since the grandfather had broken a dish or two,his food was served in wooden bowls.Sometimes when the family glanced in the grandfather's direction,he had a tear in his eye as he ate alone.Still,the only words the couple had for him were sharp warnings when he dropped a fork or spilled food.The four-year-old watched it all in silence.
One evening,before supper,the father noticed his son playing with wood pieces on the floor.He asked the child sweetly:"What are you making?"Just as sweetly,the boy replied,"Oh,I'm making a little bowl for you and mama to eat your food from when I grow up."The four-year-old smiled and went back to work.
These words so struck the parents that they were speechless.Then tears streamed down their cheeks.Though no words were spoken,both knew what must be done.That evening,the husband took the grandfather's hand and gently led him back to the family table.
For the rest of his days,the grandfather ate every meal with the family.And for some reason,neither the husband nor the wife seemed to care any longer when a fork was dropped,milk was spilled or the table cloth was soiled.

56.The underlined word"irritated"in the third paragraph meansA.
57.Why did the parents have tears in their eyes?B
A.They were sad at their son's cruelty.
B.They were regretful about their behaviors.
C.They were cheered up by their son's words.
D.They were excited at what their son had made.
58.Which is the right order of time of the story?A
a.The couple set a small table at the corner.
b.The family ate every meal together.
c.The grandson made a wooden bowl.
d.The old man broke a dish or two.
B.b,a c,d.
59.What's the best title for the passage?D
A.A Lonely Boy
B.A Cruel Couple
C.The Poor Family
D.The Wooden Bowl.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

1.How to get started
You might have more than one hundred channels on cable to choose; (71)F  However,the only real way to find idea is to get out there,see it and experience it.(72)A Children under two years old travel free,so there is no excuse.Ideally you should discover one new city or country a year.Go to as many places as you have pages in your passports.
The tourist can be very hard; the trick is to mix with the local people,respect their culture and the doors will open for you to explore.
(73)E.You can see what it looks like in the picture,but you don't know what it is like on the inside until you have taken a bite.Take a risk and find a new favorite.
Films and books are a great source of inspiration.The sound of Music will send you to Salzburg,Moulin Rouge to Paris; Picnic at Hanging Rock to Australia.(74)G While Brain Stocker's Dracula will pack you off to Pennsylvania.
You will,of course,need to know something special ahead of time.You need to know the culture of the country you are visiting.In some countries,such as Saudi Arabia,shoulders should be covered.In Japan it is considered the height of bad manners to blow your nose in the street.(75)C
If you still don't feel you've found the place you are looking for,you could cautiously ask to see a selection of your friends'holiday plans,or go to the tourism website to see what destination they have on offer.

A.Travel should start at an early age.
B.Adults may travel as much as possible.
C.It is worth checking things out before signing the deposit (保证金).
D.Everyone should visit the Mona Lisa in the Louvre in Paris at least once.
E.Picking a destination is like deciding which chocolate to Choose from a box.
F.You may be able to google any piece of information you like on the Internet.
G.If you are feeling a literary dip into Tess of the D'Urbervilles,you will head to Dorset.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

18.It is easy to lose patience with science today.The questions are pressing:How dangerous is air pollution?What about low-level radiation?When will that horrible earthquake strike California?And why can't we predict weather better?But the evidence is often described as"uncertain",forcing scientists to base their points of view almost as much on intuition(直觉)as on science.
When historians and philosophers of science listen to these questions,some conclude that science may not be able to solve all these problems any time soon. The unknowns can grow into riddles that are impossible to solve. Because of the unstable and changing state of the earth's atmosphere,for example,scientists have struggled for centuries to predict the weather with precision(精确) but failed.
The case is different for scientists of astronomy. For example,they think that the gravitational force of a nearby space vehicle,though tiny,is able to change the path of a much larger planet if the vehicle spends enough time close to it. With the aid of Newton's laws of gravitational attraction,ground controllers can predict the path of a planetary probe (探测仪)-or satellite-with incredible accuracy. They do this by calculating the gravitational force from each of the passing planets until the probe speeds beyond the edge of the solar system.A much more difficult task is to calculate what happens when two or three times of such force pull on the probe at the same time. Such procedures can,of course,be very difficult,but for experiments,they are effective.
This range of questions-from simple problems to those impossibly complex-has resulted in nicknames for various fields of study:"soft"sciences and"hard"sciences."Soft"sciences admit a great degree of uncertainty. Academicians tend to judge fields such as sociology,psychology,and political science as"soft"because they are assumed to be understandable,of unnecessary mathematical accuracy,and concerned with everyday affairs such as interpersonal relationships. However,"hard"sciences,such as astronomy and chemistry,are said to offer precise answers. Precise definitions for"hard"sciences vary,but the characteristics of"hard"sciences include:producing testable predictions; performing controlled experiments; relying on quantifiable data and mathematical models; a high degree of accuracy and objectivity; and generally applying a pure form of the scientific method.

67.We can learn from the passage thatD.
A.a large planet is able to change the size of a tiny planet
B.ground controllers can affect the gravitational force of planets
C.calculating the probe speeds beyond the solar system is possible
D.predicting the weather is more difficult than predicting the path of a satellite
68.According to the author,"soft"sciencesA.
A.allow for certain inaccuracy
B.focus on personal relationships
C.are based on controlled experiments
D.are rooted in data and mathematical models
69. What might be the best title for the passage?C
A. Science,a Long History?
C. Science,Accurate or Not?
B. Science and Its Functions
D. Science and Its Application
70. What is the author's attitude towards science in this passage?A
A. Objective. B. Sceptical. C. Disapproval.    D. Optimistic.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

15.Each of us may pass the entrance exam next year,        how hard we study.(  )
A.and depends onB.depends onC.to depend onD.depending on


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

16.It isn't quite ___ whether the Tibetan antelope is still being hunted.(  )

