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8.You probably hear it all the time-people telling you to"learn English".But does this mean children in English-speaking countries don't need to bother learning a new language?Not at all.In fact,an even larger number of young people will soon be taught foreign languages,thanks to the mental advantages of bilingualism.
Psychologists once thought that growing up bilingual might lead to verbal delays-a late or absent development of talking.But US magazine Scientific American has revealed that this is not true,and reported that children who speak more than one language"show greater mental flexibility,a superior grasp of abstract concepts and a better working memory."As the New York Times put it,"being bilingual,it turns out,makes you smarter."
In Europe,learning foreign languages is increasingly popular.A European report shows that from 2005-2010,the percentage of European students learning a foreign language rose from 67.5percent to 79.2percent.Most European kids start learning another language at age 6.In Belgium,it starts at 3.New reforms being introduced in the UK will mean all children could be taught a foreign language,such as Mandarin or Greek,from the age of 7.The most popular foreign language for European kids was English,followed by German and French.
In comparison,Americans don't  give a fig for learning foreign languages.Compared to 50percent of European adults who are bilingual,only 9percent of adults in the US are fluent in more than one language,according to a 2011report.American students are often not exposed to a second language until high school.
However,recent statistics show demand is growing in the US for people to become more bilingual.According to a USA Today chart released in July,21percent of US children speak another language at home.A number of institutions in the country are also pushing foreign languages in schools.Three school districts in Delaware will launch Chinese and Spanish programs next year.More people are learning Chinese,French and Spanish.

31.Psychologist used to believe that children who grow up bilingualB.
A.are more flexible mentally
B.are slow in the development of talking
C.have a poorer working memory
D.are smarter in understanding abstract concept
32.It can be inferred from the passage thatD.
A.Americans are more interested in learning another language than Europeans
B.British kids began to learn foreign languages at the earliest age
C.21% of US children study a foreign language in the school
D.not all schools in America are teaching foreign languages
33.What does the underlined phrase"give a fig for"in Paragraph 4mean?A
A.attach importance to
B.have talent for
C.invest money in
D.have demand for
34.Which are the most popular foreign languages in the US?C
A.Mandarin and Greek.
B.English,German and French.
C.Chinese,French and Spanish.
D.Chinese,German and Greek.
35.What is the main idea of this passage?C
A.Chinese is becoming more popular in western countries.
B.The benefits and advantages of growing up bilingual.
C.Western worlds are paying more attention to learning foreign languages.
D.The differences between bilingual education in Europe and USA.

分析 本文主要讲述的是西方人对于双语教学的重视,很多西方人都擅长2种以上的语言,美国人原来对于外语不够重视,但是最近已经有了很大的改变.

解答 31-35 BDACC
31  B  细节题.根据文章第二段第一行Psychologists once thought that growing up bilingual might lead to verbal delays-a late or absent development of talking.可知以前心理学家认为双语教学会导致儿童的发展缓慢.故B正确.
32  D  推理题.根据文章倒数第2段最后一句American students are often not exposed to a second language until high school.可知很多美国学生到高中的时候,才开始学习第二语言.也就是说在美国的初中和小学里是没有外语课的.故D正确.
33   A 推理题.根据本句In comparison,Americans don't give a fig for learning foreign languages.Compared to 50 percent of European adults who are bilingual,only 9 percent of adults in the US are fluent in more than one language,according to a 2011 report.可知根据2011年的一项调查,发现只有百分之9的美国成年人可以流利地讲另外一门语言,也就是说每个人对于学习外遇并不重视.故该词应该指A项语义.
34  C 细节题.根据文章最后一句More people are learning Chinese,French and Spanish.可知中文,法语和西班牙语是美国人最喜欢学的3种语言.故C正确.
35.C 主旨大意题  本文主要讲述的是西方人对于双语教学的重视,很多西方人都擅长2种以上的语言,美国人原来对于外语不够重视,但是最近已经有了很大的改变.

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科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.Body language has always been a hot topic of interesting dinner conversations.It is perhaps one of the most powerful forms of human expression or human communication!
Body language is a very important part of communication which can constitute 50% or more of what we are communicating to other persons.If you wish to communicate effectively,besides the words,you can use your body to say what you mean.
Body language can be used to discover all sorts of things such as,knowing  when someone is attracted to you,finding truth or lies,showing confidence,winning respect in any situation,and you can use body language to make people less nervous,make friends quickly,persuade and influence.
So what is body language?Body language is a term used to describe the method of communication using body movements or gestures instead of,or besides,spoken language or other communication.Body language also includes many movements that most people are not aware of,such as winking and slight movements of the eyebrows and other facial expressions.
Body language is one of the easiest ways for you to tell what's really going on in a conversation with another person.The body language that you observe from other people will tell you whether or not those people are telling you the truth,or whether there is something more that's not being said.Watch,look and observe.Sometimes you can tell more by a person's body language than the words he speaks.
56.The underlined word"constitute"in Paragraph 2probably meansA.
A.make up
B.set up
C.turn up
D.put up
57.From the third paragraph,we can learnC.
A.what body language is
B.how to use body language
C.body language is very useful
D.body language is very impressive
58.We are advised to observe the body language of other people toB.
A.to remember everything they say
B.understand the hidden meaning
C.draw their attention to them
D.show respect for them
59.Which of the following is NOT true about body language?D
A.It is a part of communication.
B.It helps us communicate more effectively.
C.It sometimes tells more than spoken language.
D.It's only needed when we have nothing to say.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.While income worry is a rather common problem of the aged,loneliness is another problem that aged parents may face.Of all the reasons that explain their loneliness,a large geographical distance between parents and their children is the major one.This phenomenon is commonly known as"Empty Nest syndrome".
In order to find better chances outside their countries,many young people have gone abroad,leaving their parents behind with no clear idea of when they will return home.Their parents spend countless lonely days and nights,taking care of themselves,in the hope that someday their children will come back to stay with them.The fact that most of these young people have gone to Europeanized or Americanized societies makes it unlikely that they will hold as tightly to the value of duty as they would have if they had not left their countries.Whatever the case,it has been noted that the values they hold do not necessarily match what the actually do.This geographical and cultural distance also prevents the grown-up children from providing response in time for their aged parents living by themselves.
The situation in which grown-up children live far away from their aged parents has been described as"distant parent phenomenon",which is common both in developed countries and in developing countries.Our society has not yet been well prepared for"Empty Nest Syndrome".
66.According to the passage,the loneliness of aged parents is mainly caused byD.
A.their earlier experience of living alone
B.the poor living conditions in their native countries
C.the common worry that they have not saved much money
D.the distance between where parents live and where their children live
67.Many young people have gone abroad,leaving their aged parents behind,toA.
A.realize their dreams in foreign countries  
B.seek a better place for their aged parents
C.live in the countries with more money    
D.continue their studies abroad
68.If young people go abroad,C.
A.they do not hold to the value of duty at all
B.they can give some help to their parents back home
C.they cannot do what they should for their parents
D.they believe what they actually do is right
69.From the last paragraph,we can infer thatB.
A.the situations in the developed and developing countries are different
B."Empty Nest Syndrome"has arrived unexpectedly in our society
C.children will become independent as soon as they go abroad
D.the aged parents are not fully prepared for"Empty Nest Syndrome"
70.The society discussed in the passage is most probablyC.
A.France         B.America          C.China          D.Britain.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

16.Dances are effective tools to convey messages.With the dance,music and well-designed actions,viewers can sway(摇摆)with what they hear and see.It's not just hearing an emotional tune or seeing some expressive movements,it is a way to get the soul.
More than strongly conveying a message,dances have a lot to offer us.Dances also allow us to express out feelings at certain moments.More than expression of strong emotions,dances are about a lot more things.We owe it to everyone to learn how to dance.Dances can unify people because they spend time together dancing.Every human culture develops some or other forms of dances to celebrate occasions.It also could be a suitable and inspirational form of entertainment.And it is leisure(休闲)with physical benefits.It takes us away from the hassle of normal life and allows us to relax while we have a dance,which is a good form of exercise.
The types of dances in the whole world are unlimited.There are the most commonly studied and performed types though.And probably the most widely known type of dance in the world is ballet.Jazz is a fun way to dance relying heavily on originality,improvisation(即兴)and bold dramatic expression.There is tap dancing with floor tapping with creative rhythmic patterns.Hip hop on the other hand came from the hip hop culture.There are many variations of hip hop.They are breaking and popping,to name a few.Removing the strictness of ballet,we have the modern dance.
If you want something worthwhile to do with your partner,learn how to dance swing.There are many kinds of dances based on the region such as the east coast and west coast swing.To find a local instructor online,you can use location specific keywords such as the west coast swing San Diego.
71.The dance combined with music and well-designed actionsB.
A.is very interesting sometimes
B.is a way to touch the soul
C.lets people feel it is wonderful
D.only shows feelings of dancers
72.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to Para 2?D
A.Human culture all comes from dance.
B.Different people like different kinds of dances.
C.You can send messages to your friends by dancing.
D.Dancing is a form of exercise with physical benefits.
73.What does the underlined word"hassle"in Para2 probably mean?C
A.Great achievement.B.Pleasant time.
C.Pressure or trouble.D.Excellent opportunity.
74.Which dance comes from the hip hop culture?A
A.Breaking.B.Ballet.C.Tap dancing.D.Jazz.
75.The author writes this passage mainly to tell readersD.
A.the history and kinds of dances
B.the form and development of dances
C.the meaning and origin of dances
D.the importance and types of dances.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

3.Americans use many expressions with the word"dog".People in the United States love their dogs and treat them well.They take their dogs for walks,let them play outside and give them good food and medical care.However,dogs without owners to care for lead a different kind of life.The expression"to lead a dog's life"describes a person who has an unhappy life.
    Some people say we live in a dog-eat-dog world.That means many people are competing for the same things,like good jobs.They say that to be successful,a person has to work like a dog.This means they have to work very,very hard.Such hard work can make people dog-tired.And,the situation would be even worse if they became sick as a dog.
    Still,people say every dog has its day.This means that every person enjoys a successful period during his or her life.To be successful,people often have to learn new skills.Yet,some people say that you can never teach an old dog new tricks.They believe that older people do not like to learn new things and will not change the way they do things.
    People who are unkind or uncaring can be described as meaner than a junkyard dog.Junkyard dogs live in places where people throw away things they do not want.Mean dogs are often used to guard this property.They bark or attack people who try to enter the property.However,sometimes a person who appears to be mean and threatening is really not so bad.We say his bark is worse than his bite.
    Doghouse provide shelter but they can be cold and lonely in the winter.Husbands and wives use this doghouse when they are angry at each other.For example,a woman might get angry at her husband for coming home late or forgetting their wedding anniversary.She might tell him that he is in the doghouse and treats him badly.However,the husband may decide that it is best to leave things alone and not create more problems.He might decide to let sleeping dogs lie.
    Dog expressions are also used to describe the weather.The dog days of summer are the hottest days of the year.A rainstorm may cool the weather.But we do not want it to rain too hard.We do not want it to rain cats and dogs.
66.The underlined expression"work like a dog"in Paragraph 2 meansD
A.become successful              
B.have an unhappy life
C.compete for the same things      
D.work very,very hard
67.If a man comes home late,his wife might say angrily,"D."
A.it will rain cats and dogs         
B.every dog has its day
C.you lead a dog's life              
D.you are in the doghouse
68."Leave things untouched"has the same meaning as"C".
A.lead a dog's life               
B.teach an old dog new tricks
C.let sleeping dogs lie                
D.make people dog-tired
69.It has been really hot these days,asB
A.it rains cats and dogs              
B.we are having the dog days of summer
C.we're leading a dog's life         
D.we're in the dog's house
70.What does the text mainly talk about?B
A.Expressions in American culture
B.Some expressions with the word dog
C.A  good way to learn English well   
D.Dog's influence on American culture.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

13.Many facts suggest that children are overweight and the situation is getting worse,according to the doctors.I feel there are a number of reasons for this.
Some people blame the fact that we are surrounded by shops selling unhealthy,fatty foods,such as fried chicken and ice cream,at low prices.This has turned out a whole generation of grown-ups who seldom cook a meal for themselves.If there were fewer of these restaurants,then probably children would buy less take-away food.
There is another argument that blames parents for allowing their children to become overweight.I agree with this,because good eating habits begin early in life,long before children start to visit fast food shops.If children are given fried chicken and chocolate rather than healthy food,or are always allowed to choose what they eat,they will go for sweet and salty foods every time,and this will carry on throughout their lives.
There is a third reason for this situation.Children these days take very little exercise.They do not walk to school.When they get home,they sit in front of the television or their computers and play computer games.Not only is this an unhealthy pastime,it also gives them time to eat more unhealthy food.What they need is to go outside and play active games or sports.
The above are the main reasons for this problem,and therefore we have to encourage young people to be more active,as well as steer them away from fast food shops and bad eating habits.

65.According to the text,what kind of children may eat more unhealthy food?B
A.Those who often take exercise.
B.Those who often watch television.
C.Those who often have meals at home.
D.Those who often walk to school.
66.The author thinks that children are becoming overweight becauseD
A.their parents often cook meals for them
B.they are too busy to go out and play
C.they can't choose what to eat
D.there are too many fast food shops around
67.The word"steer"underlined in the last sentence most probably meansB.
A.force         B.guide          C.expect          D.observe
68.The main purpose of the text is toC.
A.tell a story      B.provide facts
C.give advice       D.compare opinions.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.Nearly everyone is shy in some ways.If shyness is making you uncomfortable,it may be time for a few lessons in self-confidence.You can build your confidence by following some suggestions from doctors and psychologists.
Make a decision not to hold back in conversations.What you have to say is just as important as what other people say.And don't turn down party invitations just because of your shyness.
Prepare yourself for being with others in groups.Make a list of the good qualities you have.Then make a list of ideas,experiences,and skills you would like to share with other people.Think about what you would like to say in advance.Then say it.
If you start feeling self-conscious in a group,take a deep breath and focus your attention on other people.Remember,you are not alone.Other people are concerned about the impression they are making,too.
No one ever gets over being shy completely,but most people do learn to live with their shyness.Even entertainers admit that they often feel shy.They work at fighting their shy feelings so that they can face the cameras and the public.Just making the effort to control shyness can have many rewards.But perhaps the best reason to fight shyness is to give other people a chance to know more about you.

64.Where would this article probably appear?A
A.In a popular magazine
B.On the front page of a newspaper
C.In a science textbook
D.In a dictionary
65.The main purpose of the article is toB.
A.explain how shyness develops
B.tell people ways of dealing with shyness
C.persuade readers that shyness is natural
D.prove that shyness can be overcome
66.According to the author,the key to fighting shyness isD.
A.speaking up at parties
B.talking as much as possible with others
C.making a list of good qualities
D.developing self-confidence.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.Television will turn 86 years old on September 7,2013,and it has never looked better.In its youth,television was a piece of furniture with a tiny,round screen showing unclear pictures of  lowbudget programs.In spite of its shortcomings,it became well-received.Between 1950 and 1963,the number of American families with a television jumped from 9% to 92% of the population.
As the audience got larger,the technology got better.Television sets became more reliable through the 1960s.Both of the reception and the picture improved.The major networks started broadcasting programs in color.
Even greater improvements were coming according to Sanford Brown,who wrote an article for the Post in 1967.Surprisingly,just about every prediction he made in the article became a reality.For example:All sets in the notdistant future will be color instruments.He also predicted that TV sets would become smaller,simpler,more reliable and less expensive and may forever put the TV repairman out of work.Smaller sets do not,of course,mean smaller screens.TV engineers expect screens to get much bigger.However,today's 3D TV is even farther away,if it's coming at all.There is some doubt whether the public would be eager to pay for it,in view of people's cold reception given to 3D movies.
But the technology with the greatest potential,according to Brown,was cable television (有线电视),which was still in its early stages then.As he predicted,the future of cable television was highly interactive.It wasn't cable television that gave Americans their electronic connection to the world,however.It was the Internet.He even foresaw the future office:using picture phones,bigscreen televisions for conferences,and computers providing information,at the touch of a button.
Brown ever said,"The future of television is no longer a question of what we can invent.It's a question of what we want."
55.What can we infer about television sets in the 1960s?A
A.They were very popular with Americans
B.Their appearance remained unchangeable.
C.They showed blackandwhite pictures
D.Their pictures were of poor quality.
56.Which of the followings did Sanford Brown fail to predict?B
A.Television's good quality
B.The invention of 3D TV.
C.The more functions of TV
D.The potential of cable TV.
57.From the passage we knowD.
A.TV will certainly take the place of computers
B.There won't be further improvement on TV
C.TV repairmen will be out of work in the future
D.3D movies don't appeal to people very much
58.What is the text mainly about?C
A.The shortcomings of television
B.The advantages of television.
C.The development of television
D.The invention of television.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

18.(71)C This recreation promotes physical,mental and community health,and also wins points for what it doesn't offer.Here's everything you need to know before hitting the trail or sidewalk.
Bring water,a snack,and good comfortable shoes.A lot of pepole have unrealistic understanding of what comfortable shoes mean; actually hiking boots are very necessary.(72)D Experienced hikers recommend tailoring your route to fit an interest,like architecture,food or a view.
(73)F In modern urban city,you've kept away from trees and maybe birds most of the time.Although cool buildings,coffee shops and paths leading into handsome parks are your daily choices for trips,digging into a park can let your ears and eyes escape the urban environment.
Consider inviting company on your urban hike,starting with family. (74)AIt's so important that people understand this is not a foreign activity.
Organized hikes and walking clubs provide motivation and an opportunity to learn new routes and meet people.To help people find fellow walkers and nearby routes,the Website of the American Hiking Society offers searchable databases of clubs and trails.(75)BJust explore.That's what I've always done.

A.Children who walk outdoors are more likely to perform well at school.
B.But keep in mind that an urban hike is about the journey,not the planning
C.Urban hikes provide unexpected excitements
D.Once equipped,figure out where to go
E.Listen to music,watch TV or meet your friend at the cinema
F.Choose nature for the destination
G.Guides keep you informed of evens and activities.

