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“Confidence” is probably one of the most noticeable traits (品质) in the Americans. They show confidence in the way they talk, the way they smile, the way they dress and the way they walk. Living and competing with all these confident American students, I find it extremely important to be confident as an international student and instructor. As a student, being confident means you should never hesitate to raise your hand whenever a question or a point comes to your mind. Don't mind if it sounds simple or silly. Otherwise you will never get a chance to speak in class at all. What's worse, the professors may think you are not prepared for the discussion or you do not have your own opinion on the issue—this is the last comment any graduate would like to receive.

Being confident for me as a foreign instructor means calmly asking the student to repeat what he or she has said if I did not get it. Pretending to understand what you actually did not may just bring yourself embarrassment or even disgrace. But the time I most need to be confident is when my students come to my office and bargain about the grades I have given for their speeches. (The course I'm teaching here is Public speaking). Modesty is a trait highly valued in China, but it won't be of much help here if you want to survive and succeed in a good American graduate program.

66. To compete with American students it's very important to   .

A. be quite confident                     B. be polite and friendly

C. have more discussions with them          D. understand what they think about

67. A professor will have the worst opinion of a student who   .

A. gives a silly or simple answer        B. tries to seize any chance to speak in class

C. shows no interest in the course       D. is considered to have no opinion of his own

68. The author is most likely to feel embarrassed if    .

A. he asks a student to repeat what he has said

B. the students bargain with him

C. he pretends to know what he doesn't

D. he has to give a speech

69. We learn from the second paragraph that    .

A .we should also remain modest in America

B. modesty doesn't help you much in America

C. Americans also like modest people

D. modesty can help you through an American graduate program

70. What can we infer from the passage?

A. American students are ready to accept the grades from the teacher.

B. The writer teaches in Europe for a living.

C. Students are encouraged to present simple questions.         

D. One’s ignorance will give away in time.


科目:高中英语 来源:浙江省宁波四中2009-2010学年度高二第二学期期中英语测试卷 题型:阅读理解

Everyone should learn to apologize. Apology language do work. Have you ever tried to apologize, only to be refused? It may be that you were offering partial apology in a “language” that was foreign to your listener. The five languages of apology include:
Apology Language 1: “I am sorry.”
List the hurtful effects of your action. NOT “I am sorry if…”, but “I am sorry that…”. You might ask if they want to add any points that you have not recognized.
Apology Language 2: “I was wrong.”
Name your mistake and accept fault. Note that it is easier to say “You are right ” than “ I am wrong”, but the latter carries more weight.
Apology Language 3: “What can I do to make it right ?”
How are you now? How shall I make amends to you? How can I RESTORE YOUR CONFIDENC that I love you even I was so hurtful to you?
Apology Language 4: “I WILL TRY NOT TO DO THAT AGAIN.”
Engage in problem-solving. Do not make excuses for yourself such as: “Well my day just so …” Instead, offer what you will change to prevent yourself putting them in the same bad situation again.
Apology Language 5: “Will you please forgive me?”
Be patient in seeking forgiveness. They may need some time or greater clarification of your input from Apology Languages 1-4.
Finally, your apology may not be accepted, but at least you know that you have been faithful in offering a sincere olive branch of peace.
41. When offerring an apology, which of the following dose the author prefer?
A. “You are right .”                 B. “I am sorry if …”      
C. “I am wrong.”             D. “Well , my day was just so…”
42. In the last paragraph ,the author tells us even if your apology may not be accepted , at least __________ .
A .It is not your fault any more.               B. Your mind will be at peace.
C. your friend will make peace with you.       D. your apology is true to your heart.
43 .What does the passage mainly talk about?
A. Five tips for apology that work.            B. Five ways of refusing apology.
C. The function (功能) of apology language.   D. The importance of apology language


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


Everyone should learn to apologize. Apology language do work. Have you ever tried to apologize, only to be refused? It may be that you were offering partial apology in a “language” that was foreign to your listener. The five languages of apology include:

Apology Language 1: “I am sorry.”

List the hurtful effects of your action. NOT “I am sorry if…”, but “I am sorry that…”. You might ask if they want to add any points that you have not recognized.

Apology Language 2: “I was wrong.”

Name your mistake and accept fault. Note that it is easier to say “You are right ” than “ I am wrong”, but the latter carries more weight.

Apology Language 3: “What can I do to make it right ?”

How are you now? How shall I make amends to you? How can I RESTORE YOUR CONFIDENC that I love you even I was so hurtful to you?

Apology Language 4: “I WILL TRY NOT TO DO THAT AGAIN.”

Engage in problem-solving. Do not make excuses for yourself such as: “Well my day just so …” Instead, offer what you will change to prevent yourself putting them in the same bad situation again.

Apology Language 5: “Will you please forgive me?”

Be patient in seeking forgiveness. They may need some time or greater clarification of your input from Apology Languages 1-4.

Finally, your apology may not be accepted, but at least you know that you have been faithful in offering a sincere olive branch of peace.

1. When offerring an apology, which of the following dose the author prefer?

A. “You are right .”      B. “I am sorry if …” 

C. “I am wrong.”       D. “Well , my day was just so…”

2. In the last paragraph ,the author tells us even if your apology may not be accepted , at least __________ .

A .It is not your fault any more.                 B. Your mind will be at peace.

C. your friend will make peace with you.      D. your apology is true to your heart.

3 .What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. Five tips for apology that work.               B. Five ways of refusing apology.

C. The function (功能) of apology language.    D. The importance of apology language


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解



Everyone should learn to apologize. Apology language do work. Have you ever tried to apologize, only to be refused? It may be that you were offering partial apology in a “language” that was foreign to your listener. The five languages of apology include:

Apology Language 1: “I am sorry.”

List the hurtful effects of your action. NOT “I am sorry if…”, but “I am sorry that…”. You might ask if they want to add any points that you have not recognized.

Apology Language 2: “I was wrong.”

Name your mistake and accept fault. Note that it is easier to say “You are right ” than “ I am wrong”, but the latter carries more weight.

Apology Language 3: “What can I do to make it right ?”

How are you now? How shall I make amends to you? How can I RESTORE YOUR CONFIDENC that I love you even I was so hurtful to you?

Apology Language 4: “I WILL TRY NOT TO DO THAT AGAIN.”

Engage in problem-solving. Do not make excuses for yourself such as: “Well my day just so …” Instead, offer what you will change to prevent yourself putting them in the same bad situation again.

Apology Language 5: “Will you please forgive me?”

Be patient in seeking forgiveness. They may need some time or greater clarification of your input from Apology Languages 1-4.

Finally, your apology may not be accepted, but at least you know that you have been faithful in offering a sincere olive branch of peace.

41. When offerring an apology, which of the following dose the author prefer?

A. “You are right .”                   B. “I am sorry if …”      

C. “I am wrong.”              D. “Well , my day was just so…”

42. In the last paragraph ,the author tells us even if your apology may not be accepted , at least __________ .

A .It is not your fault any more.                B. Your mind will be at peace.

C. your friend will make peace with you.        D. your apology is true to your heart.

43 .What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. Five tips for apology that work.             B. Five ways of refusing apology.

C. The function (功能) of apology language.   D. The importance of apology language


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Everyone should learn to apologize. Apology language do work. Have you ever tried to apologize, only to be refused? It may be that you were offering partial apology in a “language” that was foreign to your listener. The five languages of apology include:

Apology Language 1: “I am sorry.”

List the hurtful effects of your action. NOT “I am sorry if…”, but “I am sorry that…”. You might ask if they want to add any points that you have not recognized.

Apology Language 2: “I was wrong.”

Name your mistake and accept fault. Note that it is easier to say “You are right ” than “ I am wrong”, but the latter carries more weight.

Apology Language 3: “What can I do to make it right ?”

How are you now? How shall I make amends to you? How can I RESTORE YOUR CONFIDENC that I love you even I was so hurtful to you?

Apology Language 4: “I WILL TRY NOT TO DO THAT AGAIN.”

Engage in problem-solving. Do not make excuses for yourself such as: “Well my day just so …” Instead, offer what you will change to prevent yourself putting them in the same bad situation again.

Apology Language 5: “Will you please forgive me?”

Be patient in seeking forgiveness. They may need some time or greater clarification of your input from Apology Languages 1-4.

Finally, your apology may not be accepted, but at least you know that you have been faithful in offering a sincere olive branch of peace.

41. When offerring an apology, which of the following dose the author prefer?

A. “You are right .”            B. “I am sorry if …”     C. “I am wrong.”   D. “Well , my day was just so…”

42. In the last paragraph ,the author tells us even if your apology may not be accepted , at least __________ .

A .It is not your fault any more.                B. Your mind will be at peace.

C. your friend will make peace with you.        D. your apology is true to your heart.

43 .What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. Five tips for apology that work.             B. Five ways of refusing apology.

C. The function (功能) of apology language.   D. The importance of apology language

