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--- Tom, did Mr. Li join you in your discussion?

--- No, he _____, but he happened to have fallen ill.

  1. A.
    would like to
  2. B.
  3. C.
    was to have
  4. D.
    was going to join
本题考查时态。从上下文来看,询问的是过去发生的事情,因此先排除B。根据句意“他本来要来的,但碰巧病了”,was/were to have done表示计划、安排要做的事,而实际上并没有做,再看D,过去进行时表示的是过去即将发生的事,A如果是would like to have也就对了。表示“碰巧”的句型:sb. happens to do… =" It" happens that sb….

科目:高中英语 来源:2010湖南省长沙市一中高二第三次学业水平模拟考试(英语) 题型:阅读理解

Post your problems on the blog and get other bloggers’ advice!

My problem is my parents. They never stop going on about how I should keep my room tidy, keep my hair tidy and wear smart clothes. They even make me do the washing-up after dinner every night! What should I do?
Helen, USA
My best friend has suddenly become an ex-friend and I don’t know why! Last week we phoned each other every day and emailed too. But at school on Monday she didn’t look at me or speak to me. I don’t know what I’ve done.
Gimbya, India
Hi, Helen. I think you should do what your parents ask. You should respect them. It’s their house you live in and their money you spend.
Emily, New Zealand
Why do you think you’re the only one with parents like that? All parents are the same. They don’t understand that fashions have changed in the last 30 years! Tom, America
I feel sorry for you, Gimbya. My best friend did the same to me and I still don’t know the reason. Could you ask another friend to speak to her for you?
George, France
Helen, why should your parents do all the housework? You should help around the house. I think it’s OK for students to wear school uniforms. Teenagers should look like teenagers.
Simon, Scotland
Don’t worry about it so much! Phone your friend up as usual and she won’t be able to ignore(忽视) you. Everything will be fine.
Aisha, Nigeria
45. Helen’s problem is about her ______.
A. classmates             B. study            C. parents           D. room
46. ______ has the same problem as Gimbya.
A. George              B. Aisha             C. Helen                  D. Ali
47. ______ don’t agree with Helen. They think she should change her idea.
A. Tom and Emily                                 B. Emily and Simon                          
C. Simon and Tom                              D. Aisha and George
48. An ex-friend is a person who is ______.
A. gets along well with others
B. quite helpful when you have any problem
C. ready for asking you for help all the time
D. no longer a good friend as before 


科目:高中英语 来源:2010年江苏省启东中学高一上学期期中考试英语卷 题型:填空题

【小题1】 Keeping calm is the most important thing you should remember in time of e_______.
【小题2】 Tom d________ the gold medal in the speech competition as he had made so many efforts that hardly could anybody imagine.
【小题3】Medical teams were ________(准备)to leave Sichuan Province to treat the survivors(幸存者)from the earthquake.
【小题4】 He said that he p________ to stay at home rather than go with us.
【小题5】It’s going to be some time before I ______(恢复)my strength.
【小题6】Most parts of African countries have s________ from drought(干旱) in recent years.
【小题7】When I began to sing, he laughed and made me e____________.
【小题8】City people want to be outdoors on the weekend and do something ______(挑战性的)
【小题9】 He ______(赞成) the idea, and two years later I am in charge of the radio club as the oldest student member.
【小题10】Since teenagers have difficulty ________(平衡)these needs, they often question who they are and how they fit in society.


科目:高中英语 来源:广东省揭东一中2009-2010学年高一下学期期末考试试题(英语) 题型:填空题

Classes for beginners for 3 months.
Focus on grammar as well as writing and oral English.
3:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Small classes with maximum 8 students
Course fee: $300(10% discount for the first to enroll)
Tel: 22325445
Ring’s Cross Street, Halifax.
Oct. 10th –17th on Golden Pond by Emest Thompson.
This is a magical comedy about real people. A well-acted play for everyone.
Don’t miss it.
Performances:7:30 p.m.
Tel:3659 9988
Classes for foreign students of all levels.
3 months, 6 months, 9 months and 1 year course.
Focus on spoken language.
Open through all year from 8:00 a. m. to 5:00 p.m.
Small class with maximum 12 students.
Course fee for English for one year: $1,200
Discount at shorter period of study.
Tel: 22342381
Gallery of the Central Academy of Fine Art
A combination of Eastern and Western Art
8:00 am to 5:00 p.m. from January 3th to 19th
Admission:$2 for adults, $1 for students
China National Art Museum
European modern art, Chinese art and African ancient art.
Open from 7:30 am to 4:00pm from January 6 th to 20 th
Admission: $3 for adults, $1.5 for middle school students.
Oxford Street, Leeds.
Restaurant and Café.
Sept. 1-19
Admission: Tues-Thurs. $2-6; Fri. & Sat. $4-8
Sue Townsend’s musical play.
Performances: Evenings 7:45. October 10-17, at 2:30 p.m. No Monday performance.
All kinds of drinks offered
Tel: 52011611
然后请阅读下列Wendy 等人的信息,并匹配各人所需要联系的电话号码:
56. Wendy, a student who is interested in comedy and performing, happens to be free on Oct. 12th and wants to relax herself by enjoying some performances, but she has no more than $4.
57 Carol happens to be free on October 15th and plans to enjoy some performances while having a cup of coffee.
58. Jenny,a student who is a major in art is interested in Italian art as well as Chinese ,will be  free after school at 4:30.
59.Tom will go to study in the USA for a master’s degree. He wants to have a full-time special training for several months to improve his oral English.
60.Mark,a worker of an export company,needs to improve his writing and oral English. He can only go to the training class after work every day.
56. Wendy            A. 22325445
57 .Carol                     B. 3659 9988
58. Jenny                        C. 22342381
59.Tom                    D. 33569875
60. Mark                     E. 25545569
F. 52011611


科目:高中英语 来源:2014届江苏扬州扬州中学高三上期10月月考英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

________, I believe, and you will find him very outgoing.

A. Having a talk with Tom            B. Given a talk with Tom

C. One talk with Tom                                     D. If you have a talk with Tom



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届湖南邵阳石齐学校高一下期期中考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

I like movies, and _____

A.so Tom does                           B.nor Tom does

C.nor does Tom                          D.so does Tom


