精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情

—Is Bob still performing?

—I’m afraid not. He is said ____the stage already as he has become an official.

A. to have left    B. to leave

C. to have been left D. to be left



考查不定式的时态。根据下文he has become an official可知,离开舞台这个动作已发生了, 且leave与he之间是主动关系,故选A。


科目:高中英语 来源:广西南宁二中2011届高三5月月考英语试题 题型:001




1.How does John feel?




2.Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A.In a plane.

B.At an airport

C.At a hotel.

3.What do you learn about David?

A.He has always been a bad student.

B.He is a good student now.

C.He doesn't study very hard now.

4.What's the man doing?

A.He's going to the party.

B.He's asking about the party.

C.He's apologizing to the woman.

5.What does the man mean?

A.He doesn't like Japanese food.

B.He wants to ask Sue to pay the bill.

C.He wants to pay for the food.




6.What does the woman need to do before traveling?

A.Buy her plane ticket.

B.Change her plane ticket.

C.Fill in the travel form.

7.Why doesn't the woman want to give up her flat?

A.She doesn't have time to move.

B.She has paid her rent for the room.

C.She would have difficulty in finding another flat like this.


8.What is Ann doing right now?

A.Typing a letter.

B.Reading a book.

C.Writing her Paper.

9.Why is Mr.Smith looking for Helen?

A.He wants to talk with her.

B.He wants her to type papers for him.

C.He wants her to hand in her paper.

10.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A.Father and daughter.

B.Boss and secretary.

C.Teacher and student


11.What does Andy want to find out?

A.The name of an Art School.

B.Information about a course.

C.The location of an Art School.

12.What can you learn about the course?

A.It's suitable for everyone in this course.

B.It's only suitable for beginners.

C.Only the person who has got some skills in the field can take the course.

13.Which of the following is not mentioned?

A.The man's major is English, and he enjoys drawing.

B.The drawing boards and brushes will be provided in the course.

C.The man's roommate can work on using techniques.


14.For what did the woman borrow money from the man?

A.For seeing a film.

B.For watching a play.

C.For going to a concert.

15.How much money did the woman need?




16.Who is going to get the ticket tomorrow?


B.The woman.



17.What do you think the passage is?

A.A letter.

B.A speech.

C.A Lesson.

18.What is the passage mainly about?


B.The 21 st century.

C.New Technologies.

19.How many advantages has the woman mentioned?




20.Which should be the topic of the passage?

A.Technology Can Be Used to Purify Waste Water.

B.The Internet Is a New Technology.

C.What Can New Technology Bring US?


科目:高中英语 来源:山东省烟台市2012届高三上学期期末考试英语试题 题型:001




1.Where did tile 1Tlan find tile wallet?

A.In the grass.

B.In the laboratory.

C.At the parking lot.

2.What is the relationship between Jim and Bob?


B.Close friends.


3.What day is it today?




4.What does the woman's son want to be?

A.A lawyer.

B.A violinist.

C.A musician.

5.How was the weather at noon?







6.What does the man want to have?




7.Where does the mall decide to go tonight?

A.To Antonio's.

B.to tile Pizza House.

C.To Sally's Home Cooking.


8.Why does the woman have to look for a part-time job?

A.She has to earn some money to cover the expense.

B.Her parents are too poor to afford her education.

C.She wants to get some more extra money.

9.How much do the woman's parents pay for her tuition each term?




10.Where does the woman have her part-time job?

A.In a restaurant.

B.At a second hand store.

C.At a hotel.


11.HOW did the man find the flat for the woman?

A.He found it from the TV advertisement.

B.He found it ill the newspaper.

C.Some of his friends just moved out.

12.How much do they have to Pay per month?




13.Which of the following is a right description of the flat?

A.It's well kept.

B.It's near the woman's college.

C.It's in a noisy area.


14.When can the woman visit London Tower?

A.In the afternoon.

B.Right after lunch.

C.In the morning.

15.Which place will the woman visit first after lunch?

A.The museum.

B.The Westminster Abbey.


16.When will the woman be picked up for the tour?

A.At 9∶50.

B.At 5∶30.

C.Around 15∶00.


17.What do you learn about Mount Fuji according to the speaker?

A.It's the second highest mountain in Japan.

B.It's a volcano mountain.

C.It erupted occasionally ill recent years.

18.What will the tourists do in the rain forest of Brazil?

A.Hunt varieties of animals.

B.Visit some amazing people who live there.

C.Take a boat to fish on the river.

19.How will The tourists visit the Niagara Falls?

A.Looking down from a plane.

B.Looking up from a boat.

C.Standing by its side.

20.Where will the listeners go in the fourth week?

A.To the Mount Fuji.

B.To the Niagara Falls.

C.To Thailand.


科目:高中英语 来源:黑龙江省绥棱县第一中学2012届高三上学期11月月考英语试题 题型:050


  What's in the news? Here are some articles from the Winfield Daily News.

  Engaged to be married

  Mr.and Mrs.Eduardo Silva of Bogota, Colombia, are happy to announce that engagement of their daughter Cristina Ana Silva to Gino Antonio Leone.Miss Silva is studying art history at Winfield Community College and Mr.Leone is working at the Roma Restaurant.The wedding will take place at St.Mark's Church in Winfield on October 5th.The reception(接待)will be at the Roma.

  Black History Month

  Winfield Public Library is please to announce a special program to celebrate Black History Month.The well-known actor Albert Eaton will perform a one-man show named MLK:His life and Times.In the show, Eaton recreates(重现)the life and times of the late civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr., through music and drama.Performances are at 3∶30 and 7∶30, Thursday through Saturday.Admission free.Telephone:5365400.

  Benjamins have a daughter

  Mr.and Mrs.Leon Benjamin are proud to announce the birth of their first child, Andrea Jean.She was born at Winfield Hospital on June 9 at 11∶10 PM.


  High School-Parents Beat Students

  The parents’ football team beat the students 4 to 2 in a wild and exciting match yesterday at Winfield Stadium.It was the first win for the parents since the yearly event started five years ago.Adela Logan led the parents to victory with three goals.Her son, Bob Logan, scored the only two goals for the losing team, it was both a happy and a sad day for the Logan family!

  College-Winfield Community College Senior Wins State Tournament

  Ginny Lewis took the title away from defending state tennis winner, Susan Murray, yesterday in three straight sets, 6-1, 6-3, 6-4.This was the first time a Winfield student has played in the state finals.Ginny brought home a trophy(奖杯)and a $1000 prize for her studies at college.


What is the Benjiamins' announcement about?

[  ]


Their engagement.


A new-born Baby.


Black History Month.


A newly married couple.


Who's going to perform at Winfield Public Library?

[  ]


Albert Eaton


Eduardo Silva


Adela Logan


Martin Luther King Jr.


What do we know about the high school football game?

[  ]


It was held very five years.


It had a parent team for the first time.


The parents team won by 2 goals.


The Logans were very happy after the game.


Why is Ginny Lewis in the newspaper?

[  ]


She fought to the state final again.


She lost one of the 3 sets in the game.


She failed to get a college scholarship.


She won a game against Susan Murray.


科目:高中英语 来源:广西桂林中学2012届高三11月月考英语试题 题型:050


  What's in the news? Here are some articles from the Winfield Daily News.

  Engaged to be married

  Mr.and Mrs.Eduardo Silva of Bogota, Colombia, are happy to announce that engagement of their daughter Cristina Ana Silva to Gino Antonio Leone.Miss Silva is studying art history at Winfield Community College and Mr.Leone is working at the Roma Restaurant.The wedding will take place at St.Mark's Church in Winfield on October 5th.The reception(接待)will be at the Roma.

  Black History Month

  Winfield Public Library is please to announce a special program to celebrate Black History Month.The well-known actor Albert Eaton will perform a one-man show named MLKHis life and Times.In the show, Eaton recreates(重现)the life and times of the late civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr., through music and drama.Performances are at 3∶30 and 7∶30, Thursday through Saturday.Admission free.Telephone:5365400.

  Benjamins have a daughter

  Mr.and Mrs.Leon Benjamin are proud to announce the birth of their first child, Andrea Jean.She was born at Winfield Hospital on June 9 at 11∶10 PM.


  High School-Parents Beat Students

  The parents' football team beat the students 4 to 2 in a wild and exciting match yesterday at Winfield Stadium.It was the first win for the parents since the yearly event started five years ago.Adela Logan led the parents to victory with three goals.Her son, Bob Logan, scored the only two goals for the losing team, it was both a happy and a sad day for the Logan family!

  College-Winfield Community College Senior Wins State Tournament

  Ginny Lewis took the title away from defending state tennis winner, Susan Murray, yesterday in three straight sets, 6-1, 6-3, 6-4.This was the first time a Winfield student has played in the state finals.Ginny brought home a trophy(奖杯)and a $1000 prize for her studies at college.


What is the Benjiamins' announcement about?

[  ]


Their engagement.


A new-born Baby.


Black History Month.


A newly married couple.


Who's going to perform at Winfield Public Library?

[  ]


Albert Eaton


Eduardo Silva


Adela Logan


Martin Luther King Jr.


What do we know about the high school football game?

[  ]


It was held very five years.


It had a parent team for the first time.


The parents team won by 2 goals.


The Logans were very happy after the game.


Why is Ginny Lewis in the newspaper?

[  ]


She fought to the state final again.


She lost one of the 3 sets in the game.


She failed to get a college scholarship.


She won a game against Susan Murray.


科目:高中英语 来源:浙江华维外国语学校2009届高三一模模拟试卷、英语 地区通用 题型:053


  The people below are all looking for a place where they can enjoy themselves.After the description of these people, there is information about six parks(AF).Decide which park would be most suitable for the person mentioned in questions 61-65 and then mark the correct letter(AF)on your answer sheet.There is one extra paragraph about one park which you do not need to use.

    1  .Simon doesn't want to spend any money on entrance fees, but he still hopes to enjoy a nice day in a park.He lives near Kensington Palace and hates to take a bus or taxi to go to a faraway park.

    2  .Mathew is a person who has interest in all kinds of sports.He hopes to go to a park where he can take exercise.He needs to take his grandson, who is six, with him as well, so he needs a place where he can find something for the boy to do when he is taking exercise.As Mathew is a very successful businessman, money is not a problem to him.

    3  .The green grass is always an attraction for Timothy, who is also interested in photography.He hopes he can spend a weekend in a park where he can take some photos to show wonderful wild animals as well as excellent scenery.

    4  .Bob likes to enjoy the gentle wind in summer evenings while listening to music, as this can always remind him of his childhood which was spent in the neighborhood which was famous for its music tradition.

    5  .Victoria wants to take her children to a park this Sunday.She hopes the children can not only have a good time there but also learn something about the importance of protecting the environment.

  A.In the park, which is famous for its performance, you can have a night with all the fun of old music.Stars like Barry Cryer and Duggle Brown will make you laugh again at the old jokes and your favorite songs will bring back your best memories.Starting at 8 pm nightly in summer, the performance will surely not let you down.

  Telephone:020 7532 4890

  Opens:8 pm-11pm

  Cost:1 dollar for entrance fee; 3 dollars for performance

  B.Situated at 12 Camley Street, London, this park is one of 50 or so nature reserves managed by the London Wildlife Trust.At this park community events and environmental activities are held on a regular basis and there is also an educational program throughout term time.

  Telephone:020 7833 2311


  Weekends:11am-5pm(Summer), 10am-4pm(Winter).It is closed on Fridays.

  Cost:phone for information

  C.Charles II would often walk through this park in the early morning from St.James Palace and in 1667 he added it to the palace's park.In commemoration of Charles' early morning constitution walk, the road running north of the palace grounds was named Constitution Hill.

  Telephone:020 7930 1793

  Opens:Mon-Fri:8am-5pm.Weekends:11am-5pm(Summer), 10am-4pm(Winter).


  D.The Gardens were found from land taken from Hyde Park after William and Mary moved into Nottingham House, now Kensington Palace, in 1689.On the east side of the park is Kensington Palace which was the former home of Princess Diana.

  Telephone:020 7298 2100

  Opens:6am-5pm(Summer), 8am-5pm(Winter)


  E.You can find just about every kind of sporting and leisure activity here, so there is something for everyone.Call for details of specific activities and prices.

  Telephone:01992 702200

  Opens:10am-5pm(Summer), 9am-4pm(Winter)

  Cost:2 dollars for entrance fee; varies according to activity

  F.The park was enclosed as a hunting park by Charles I in 1637 and still retains many ingredients of a medieval deer park.Essential to its character is the rich landscape of semi-natural grassland and wild animals.

  Telephone:020 8948 3209

  Opens:The park opens at 7∶00 am in summer, 7∶30 am in winter and closes at dusk.


