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Never before______ so highly successful in his attempts to forecast the weather accurately on a small scale.

       A.man has been   B.man is     C.has man been   D.will be man


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

       You either have it , or you don’t a sense of direction ,that is .But why is it that some people could find their way across the Sahara without a map ,while others can lose themselves in the next street?

       Scientists say we’re all born with a sense of direction ,but it is not property understood how it works .One theory is that people with a good sense of direction have simply worked harder at developing it. Research being carried out at Liverpool University supports this idea and suggests that if we don’t use it. we lose it .

       “Children as young as seven have the ability to find their way around.” says Jim Martland .Research Director of the project . “However if they are not allowed out alone or are taken everywhere by car ,they never develop the skills”

       Jim Martland also emphasizes that young people should be taught certain skills to improve their sense of direction .He makes the following suggestions.

       ●If you are using a map ,turn it so it relates to the way you are facing.

       ●If you leave your bike in a strange place ,put it near something like a big stone or a tree.

Note landmarks on the route as you go away from your bike .When you return ,go back

along the same route

       ●Simplify the way of finding your direction by using lines such as streets in a town,streams ,or walls in the countryside to guide you .Count your steps so that you know how far you have gone and note any landmarks such as tower blocks or hills which can help to find out where you are.

       Now you need never get lost again!

65.Scientists believe that        .

       A.some babies are born with a sense of direction

       B.people learn a sense of direction as they grow older

       C.people never lose their sense of direction

       D.everybody posses a sense of direction from birth


66.What is true of seven-year-old children according to the passage?

       A.They never have a sense of direction without maps.

       B.They should never be allowed out alone if they lack a sense of direction.

       C.They have a sense of direction and can find their way around.

       D.They can develop a good sense of direction if they are driven around in a car.

67.If you leave your bike in a strange place ,you should      .

       A.tie it to a tree so as to prevent it from being stolen

       B.draw a map of the route to help remember where it is

       C.avoid taking the same route when you come back in it

       D.remember something easily recognizable on the route

68.According to the passage the best way to find your way around is to     .

       A.ask policemen for directions

       B.use walls . streams , and streets to guide yourself .

       C.remember your route by looking out for steps and stairs .

       D.count the number of landmarks that you see .



科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年内蒙古巴市中学高二12月月考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:填空题

It seems that the Englishmen just can’t live without sports of some kind.【小题1】 ____ Whenever you go in this country, you will see both children and grown-ups knocking a ball about with a stick or something, as if in Britain men shall always remain boys and women girls! Still, it can never be bad to get exercise, can it?
Taking all amateur (业余的) and professional sports in Britain into consideration, there can be no doubt that football is at the top of the list.【小题2】 ___. The game originated (起源于) in Britain and was played in he Middle Ages or even earlier, though as an originated game, or “association football”, it dates only from the beginning of the 19th century.
【小题3】___. It is a kind of football played by two teams of fifteen players. In rugby, an oval-shaped ball is used which can be handled as well as kicked. It is a pretty rough game.
In summer, cricket is the most popular sport. In fact, is has sometimes been called the English national game. Most foreigners find the game rather slow or even boring, but it enjoys great popularity among the British.
【小题4】____. It was introduced into England from France in the 15th century, but it was from England that it spread to practically every country in the world.
Table tennis, or ping-pong, surely is not played on a great scale as it is in China or Japan. 【小题5】_____.Horse-back riding, swimming, rowing and golf all attract a lot of people.

A.It is called soccer in the United States.
B.The next is rugby, which is called “football” in the United States.
C.Tennis rated high on the list, too.
D.Basketball and volleyball were introduced into Britain during the late 19th century from America and are gaining popularity.
E.People often work out to build up their bodies.
F.Not everyone likes ball games.
G. famous French humorist once said that this is because the English insist on behaving like children all their lives.


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年山东高密教科院高三5月月考英语卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从36-55各题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上涂黑。


When I arrived in Hamburg Germany, my colleague who worked there arranged a welcome party for me in a  36  . We noticed a few customers including several old ladies, were having their meal. When a dish is  37  , the waiter would distribute the food for them, and they would  38  every bit of the food on their plates.

As I was hungry, my local colleague  39  much food for me. Since there were other things to do, we did not  40  much time dining. When we planned to leave, there was still about one third of  41  food left. When we were leaving the restaurant, we  42  someone calling us. When the old ladies spoke to us in English, we understood that they were  43  about us wasting so much food.

“We  44  for our food; it is none of your  45  how much food we left behind”, my colleague told the old ladies. They got angry, and one of them  46  made a call to someone. After a while, an officer in  47  arrived. Upon knowing what had happened, he issued us a 50-euro  48  . The officer told us in a stern(严厉的)voice: “order  49  you can consume. Money is yours,   50  the resources belong to the society. You have no  51  for wasting them.” Our face turned red. We all agreed with him in our  52  . My colleague took out a 50-euro note and repeatedly  53  to the officer.

My colleague copied the fine ticket and gave a copy to each of us as a souvenir. We all  54  it to remind us that we should never be  55  .

1.A. restaurant         B. company           C. family            D. bank

2.A. cooked           B. served              C. gathered          D. missed

3.A. desert            B. refuse              C. oppose            D. finish

4.A. kept              B. sold               C. ordered           D. made

5.A. save              B. spend              C. divide            D. find

6.A. undiscovered       B. undeveloped        C. unconsumed       D. undetermined

7.A. appointed          B. knew              C. realized           D. heard

8.A. curious            B. unhappy           C. nervous           D. optimistic

9.A. paid               B. asked             C. applied            D. accounted

10.A. matter             B. mind              C. question           D. business

11.A. immediately        B. passively           C. excitedly          D. regularly

12.A. rags               B. uniform            C. fashion           D. dream

13.A. award             B. food               C. fine              D. souvenir

14.A. how               B. it                 C. that              D. what

15.A. but                B. and               C. or                D. so

16.A. ability             B. problem            C. reason            D. power

17.A. words              B. hearts             C. faces             D. ears

18.A. apologized          B. accused            C. admitted          D. approved

19.A. stuck               B. broke             C. kept              D. threw

20.A. hopeful             B. grateful            C. merciful          D. wasteful



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届黑龙江友谊县红兴隆管理局第一中学高一月考英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Life is too short to waste a moment, so while you still have time, let your hair down, remove that “boring” tag in your so-called life and start making it worthwhile. Below are some tips that will help you live a wonderful life.

1. Keep a Positive Attitude. Enjoy what you have and work on getting the things you desire. Psychologists believe that optimism (乐观主义) is a good defense against unhappiness, so it is better to keep your optimism alive. Feeling sad about your life will only make you sadder, so be happy.

2. Don’t Be Afraid to Take Risks. Life is all about taking risks, and that’s the exciting part of it. Challenges and failure are part of life. Once you learn how to take risks, you’ll soon realize how good it feels not to let moments pass you by.

3. You only have one life, so make it worthwhile. Being unwilling to let the past go just keeps you away from the things you should be enjoying at the present.

4. List the Things You Want to Do. Stop lazing around and give yourself something to be busy with. Write down a list of all the things you want to do and make a timeline, not to stress you out, but to remind you of your goals. So don’t put limits to yourself because you’ll never know what may happen.

5. Try Out Something New. Getting into something or trying something unfamiliar to you may seem scary, but nothing can make you feel happier than being able to overcome your fear. Who knows? You might enjoy it! The world is a big place and there are still lots of things waiting to be explored by you. Go to a foreign place where you know no one.

1.From Tip One we know that we should _________ .

A.never be afraid to take risks               B.try something new every day

C.focus on the good things in life             D.get rid of all our former habits

2.What’s the best title for the third tip?

A.Enjoy Today and Let Go of the Past.          B.Never Think of Tomorrow.

C.Remember You Are the Best.               D.Never Change Your Mind.

3.The writer may NOT agree that _______.

A.feeling sad about your life does you no good

B.it’s good to keep yourself busy doing something

C.you shouldn’t go to a new place where you have no friends

D.you should enjoy the present instead of always thinking of the past

4.What is the writer’s attitude toward life?

A.Positive.          B.Negative.          C.Doubtful.          D.Indifferent.



科目:高中英语 来源:2014届浙江宁海正学中学高二下学期第一次阶段性测试英语卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错






注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

I was playing at my cousin house. Since his family was rich than mine, he had more toys than I did. There was one on particular I’d always wanted. I put into my pocket when she wasn’t looking. I guessed, even at that age, I would never be able to enjoy to playing with the toy or faced my cousin again; I would always know I’d done something wrong. Later on, my aunt drove me home. When she dropped me off, I pulled out the toy slow and gave it back. She knows what had happened, but she thanked me and ever mentioned it again.


