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                            ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

           Mothers who angrily tell off their children when they step out of line may be making behavior problems worse,according to a study. The study by the London School of Economics (LSE) found that too much shouting and giving severe punishments were producing an opposite result. Ignoring naughty children also appeared ter lead to a decrease in discipHne standards.

           Researchers said that “reasoning with children” was more likely to have a positive zVwpacr (影响) on their behavior at a young age. But the study warned that it Was difficult to determine a direct link between one parenting style and its outcomes because of the effect of other causes.

           The latest study was based on an analysis of almost 19,000 children. Data was collected from parents just before their children's first birthdays,and then when iey turned three,five and seven. The study,led by Dr Laure De Preux,assessed the impact of various parenting styles on children.

           Researchers said, “Particularly excessive (过度的) shouting,punishing or ignoring a naughty child increases his behavior problems,and only reasoning doesn't negatively impact the child's behavior.”

           But the study also showed that a large number of other things such as economic conditions also impacted on children's development. The result suggested that wealthier families were able to create a whole environment that clearly benefited the child beyond simple effect of parenting. It said children in poor households in particular were affected by their mother^s parenting styles.

          “In this group,behavior problems are reduced when mothers read to the naughty children,and increased when mothers shout at them,take treats away,or ignore them,” it said.

           It is the latest in a line'of recent studies to assess the link between parenting and children's behavior.

           Two years ago,a report commissioned by the Department for Education found that severe and inconsistent discipline in the home was bringing up a generation of youfng children with anger management problems,poor attention and low levels of learning ability.

5. The underlined part “step out of line” in Paragraph 1

probably means.

   A. behave badly     B. lose confidence

   C. become excited   D. achieve success

6. Which may help solve children's behavior problems?

   A. Punishing them lightly.

   B. Talking with them reasonably.

   C. Ignoring them once in a while.

   D. Exercising strict discipline over them.

7. What did the research focus on?

   A. How mothers looked at their parenting role.

   B. Why many children had behavior problems.

   C. How parenting styles affected children's development.

   D. Why parents gave their children severe punishments.

8. What do we learn about the report in the last paragraph?

   A. Its subject is similar to that of the LSE's  study.

   B. Its findings go against those of the LSE's study.

   C. It shows the benefits of strict discipline.

   D. It has discovered new problems of children.

5. A 6. B 7. C 8. A



5. A.推理判断题。根据该词所在句中的behavior problems以及下一句内容可知,“step out of line”指“表现不好”。

6. B.细节理解题。根据第二段中的Researchers said that “reasoning with children” was more likdy j to have a positive impact on their behavior at a ; young age可知,跟孩子讲道理有助于解决他们的行为问题。

7. C.细节理解题。根据第三段中的The study,led by Dr Laure De Preux, assessed the impact of various parenting styles on children 可知,伦敦经济学校的研究关注的是父母教育方式对儿童发展的影响。

8. A.推理判断题。由最后一段可知,英国教育部委 托的研究报告与伦敦经济学校的研宄有着相近的主题。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高二新课程 > 第28期 2015-2016学年高二新课程


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


                           ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

          If you want another reason why residents of New York City have one of the highest costs of living in the U.S., compare babysitting(当临时保姆) wages with those of people who live in Colorado. According to UrbanSitter’s 2014 Childcare Rate Survey of nine large city areas,the average babysitting wage paid in New York City is $15. 34  per hour while in Denver it's $10. 84  per hour.

          Lauren Jimeson from New York City pays her babysitters about $20 an hour. She has three children aged 4 , 3  and an infant(婴儿), but she usually does not ask a babysitter to watch all three at the same time.

          Jimeson said she was surprised at how low the rates can be in another city during a recent family trip to Florida. aThey found a babysitter based on a friend's  recommendation. They only paid around $8 or $10 per hour. My husband and I looked at each other and said ‘Oh,my gosh’ because we pay double that for our kids,” Jimeson said.

          Lyz Lenz,blogger (博主) and write behind LyzLenz.com,said she pays her babysitters S8 to $10 an hour in Iowa. Lenz,31, has two children. One is 3 years old and the other is 10 months old. “It's pretty ridiculous since they are in the 9th and 10th grade and not

professionals,” Lenz said of the babysitters. “But we pay the going rate,and more for the babysitters we love,to keep them coming to us. When I was in high school I got paid just $5 an hour for three kids.”

         Here are the average hourly babysitting wages in some of the cities that UrbanSitter.com analyzed:

         New York City Area: $15. 34  for one child; $16. 76 for two; $18. 74 for three.

         San Francisco Area:  $14. 99  for one child; $17. 68 for two; $19. 46  for three.

         Washingtofi, D.C. — Baltimore Area: $13. 83 for one child; $15. 27 for two; $16. 95 for three.

         Greater Boston Area: $13. 64 for one child; $15. 66 for two; $16.77   for three.

5. What surprised Jimeson during a recent family trip to Florida?

   A. That it was easy to find a babysitter there.

   B. That babysitters were so ridiculous there.

   C. That babysitters didn’t  mind their wages.

   D. That babysitters charged such a low price.

6. Lenz pays more for some babysitters at times to.

   A. ask them to do more things

   B. prevent them from quitting

   C. help them become professionals

   D. keep up with the babysitters’ demands

7. Which of the following has the highest babysitting costs for three kids?

   A. San Francisco Area. .

   B. New York City Area.

   C. Greater Boston Area.

   D. Washington,D.C. — Baltimore Area.

8. What is the text mainly about?

   A. Ways to find babysitters in the U.S.

   B. Costs of living in the countyside.

   G. Some comments on babysitting.

   D. Babysitting wages in the U.S.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



          The Snowman is one of my all-time favorite pieces of animation (动画片) . Directed by Dianne Jackson and produced by Jonathan Coates,this film is truly filled with wonder. The music by Howard Blake,Walking in the Air,stays with me for days every time I watch this film. Based on the best-selling book by Raymond Briggs,this animation is true to the original story and one you can share with your family during the holiday season.

          In The Snowman,a young boy called James wakes up one morning and finds snow on the ground. Jle quickly gets dressed and runs outside. He then builds a huge snowman. He gives it eyes,a nose,a scarf and a hat. He. even gives it a big smiley face. After building the entire snowman by himself,it is time for James to go to bed. When he wakes up again he notices that the snowman has moved a little,so he runs downstairs and out of the door. He then notices the snowman is glowing,moves some more and then totally comes to life. The snowman and James introduce themselves to each other and become great friends. The rest,of the film shows the two flying around with so much^ fun and adventure throughout the day.

            The book,The Snowman,was adapted for the screen in 1982. It was (提名) for an Academy Award for best animated short film. The scenes of the animation are just amazing,bringing to life so many memories from the days of mowe 以(电影短片) .The Silence in the film,meaning that there is no dialogue,makes it even more beautiful and old-fashioned.

            I recommend this film to children aged 2 to 6. Parents will enjoy not having to worry if it is appropriate or not. I give the film 5 out of 5 stars.

1. The original story for the animation came from.

   A. Howard Blake      B. Dianne Jackson

   C. Raymond Briggs    D. Jonathan Coates

2. What is the animation mainly about?

   A. A snowman's winter adventures.

   B. A boy's happy time during the holiday.

   C. A boy's worries about losing a snowman.

   D. A boy's happy time with a living snowman,

3. From Paragraph 3 ,we know that the animation .

   A. is a pioneer animated short film

   B. has won an Academy Award

   C. begins with funny dialogues

   D. has very beautiful scenes

4. According to the text,the author.

   A. thinks highly of The Snowman

   B. doesn't enjoy Walking in the Air

   C. used to play with snow when he was young

   D. recommends kids to read the book about James


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



           The American Dream has been described as "a dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyoneThis dream became reality once in the United States,but are Americans today enjoying the standard of living that their parents and grandparents enjoyed in the post-war years?

           After the Second World War,many Americans became richer and their living standards increased as the economy grew. From 1945 to 1973,incomes increased by about 3% per year. From the mid-1970s to the mid-1990s,incomes rose very slowly,but then they increased sharply for five years between 1995 and 2000. Overall,incomes have been rising by less and less each year and now the annual increase is almost nothing.

            Job security and unemployment also play a role in the standard of living. Nowadays,factories and offices are closing,so jobs are less secure. Unemployment,too,is higher than it was in the past. The number of people without a job in the 1950s fell to around 2. 5%, but now this figure stands at around 9. 5%.

            Another measure of the standard of living is the health of the population. Life expectancy is an important measurement of the health in a country. Life expectancy has increased from 68 years old in 1950 to 78 today,but the United States is now behind Germany and the United Kingdom (80) , France (81) and Japan (82) . One reason for this problem with life expectancy in the United States is obesity,because this has an effect on the general health of the population. In the United States,35% of adults are obese now,compared wilh 10% in 1950. This increase is due to the consumption of fast food.

            Of course,most Americans own more things than in the post-war years such as TVs and phones. However,some economists would argue that the standard of living cannot be rising if people are becoming less healthy,or if they cannot afford to retire. It seems that although we think we have a better standard of living,this may not be the real picture. 

9. According to the text,which of the following is a measurement of the health in a country?

   A. Obesity rate.        B. Life expectancy.

   C. The food people eat. D. The exercise people do.

10. How does the author probably feel about the standard of living in America today?

   A. Hopeful.       B. Surprised.

   C. Dissatisfied.  D. Uninterested.

11. The author introduces American people's living standards mainly by.

   A. listing figures and making comparisons

   B. following the order of importance

   C. following the order of space

   D. giving definitions

12. Which of the following shows the structure of the text?

CP: Central Point       P: Point

Sp: Sub-point (次要点)  C: Conclusion


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



         Mathematical ability and musical ability may not seem to be connected on the surface,but people who have researched the subject and studied the brain say that they are. Research for my book Late-Talking Children drove home the point to me. Three quarters of the bright but speech-delayed children in the group I studied had a close relative who was an engineer,a ma.thematician or a scientist,and four fifths had a close relative who played a musical instrument. The children themselves usually took readily to mathematics and other analytical subjects or to music.

         Black,white and Asian children in this group showed the same patterns. However,it is clear that blacks have been greatly overrepresented in the development of American popular music and greatly underrepresented in such fields as mathematics,science and engineering.

         If the abilities required in analytical fields and in music are so closely related,how can there be this great discrepancy? One reason is that the development of mathematical and other such abilities requires years of formal schooling,while certain musical talents can be developed with little or no formal training,which has happened with a number of well-known black musicians.

         It is precisely in those kinds of music where one can acquire great skills without formal training that blacks have excelled(擅长) in popular music rather than classical music,piano rather than violin,and blues rather than opera. This is readily understandable,given that most blacks,for most of American history,have not had either the money or the leisure for long years of formal study in music.

          Blacks have not merely held their own in American popular music. They have played an extremely large role in the development of jazz,both traditional and modem. None of this presupposes any special (先天的) ability of blacks in music. On the contrary,it is perfectly consistent with blacks having no more such inborn ability than anyone else,but being limited to being able to express such ability in narrower channels than others who have had the money,the time and the formal education to spread out over a wider range of musie,as well as into mathematics,science and engineering.

9. What is the main idea of Paragraph 1 ?

   A. More people are good at music than mathematics.

   B. Most talented people are good at analytical subjects.

   C. Mathematical ability and musical ability are connected.

   D. Mathematical ability is more important than musical ability.

10. The underlined word “discrepancy” in Paragraph 3 probably means .

   A. purpose          B. difference

   C. innate ability   D. analytical ability

11. Blacks are extremely good at popular music because.

   A. they lack formal training ^

   B. they don't like classical music

   C. they lack strong analytical ability

   D. violin and opera are harder for them

12. Which of the following questions is the text mainly concerned with?

   A. What kinds of music require formal training?

   B. What contributions have black musicians made?

   C. Can kids’ musical ability and mathematical ability be influenced by their relatives?

   D. Why have blacks excelled in popular music in American history?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(∧) ,并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线(\) 划掉。


注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

             One day,my mother was inviting to a rich woman's home for dinner and I went with her. After dinner,the woman began to show us off her jewels. Look at the jewels,I said to my mother, “What beautiful they’re!” My mother said, “Yes. They,re truly beautifiil." The woman became proudly and asked my mother ,“Do you have any?” My mother doesn't have any jewels. I was afraid she’d get embarrassing,but she didn't. Instead,she took me to her side,saying with smile, “Yes,I have. My boy is my jewel." I knew how proud my mother was about me!T ve studied hard ever since then because I don't want to disappoint him.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1 . —When I got home,n was at home.

—Oh? Where did your parents go?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 33. —Grace plays the piano really well.

—Of course. She's more talented than student in her class.

   A. any   B. any other

C. other  D. the other


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

75. 这个国家人口稀少。

This country .

