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16.This factory produces millions of cars every year,most of which are sold(其中大部分卖到)abroad.(sell)

分析 这家工厂每年生产几百万辆汽车,其中大部分卖到到了国外.

解答 答案:most of which are sold 考查翻译填空.前后是两个句子,要用连词连接,根据句意和结构,应是定语从句,先行词是cars,指物,要用关系代词which,cars与sell之间是动宾关系,要用被动语态,sell的过去分词是sold.故正确答案是:most of which are sold.

点评 考查翻译填空,准确地理解句子、翻译句子,然后根据句意及提示确定所填单词词性,正确写出单词完成句子,使句意更通顺.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.I was driving home the other day on a sunny afternoon.I had a smile on my face as I sang along to the songs on the radio.It was a beautiful day that I felt full of happiness.My good mood ended,however,when the radio station took a news break between songs.Then suddenly I found myself listening to yet another story of a rich famous man who had broken the law.I shook my head as I came to a red traffic light.
    As I pulled to a stop I noticed four leather-jacketed bikers.They were standing in the middle of the road with two on either side of the light.They looked rough and dangerous,but as I got closer I noticed each one was holding their helmet in their hands.I rolled down my window as one approached my car."We are the Brother's of the Wheel",he said."We are collecting money for a Christmas Toy Drive for needy children".As I pulled a dollar out of my wallet I looked past his beard and tattoos and into his eyes.They shined with a goodness and kindness that came right from his soul.I dropped the money in his helmet and waved to the other bikers as I drove off.My good mood had returned.My faith in mankind had been improved.And I had to remember again never to judge people by their appearance.
    Our society often judges books by their covers,but God reads what is written in our hearts and souls.Perhaps one day we will all learn to see t he world through the same eyes.Perhaps one day we will realize that looks matter little and actions matter much.
9.The writer's good mood ended whenA.
A.he heard news between songs
B.he had to stop at a red traffic light
C.he heard a rich man broke the law
D.he saw four leather-jacketed kids in need
10.What were four bikers doing at the traffic light?C
A.Having a bicycle race in the street.
B.Selling helmets to the passers-by.
C.Raising money to help kids in need.
D.Preparing for Christmas holidays.
11.The writer wants to tell us that we shouldB.
A.have faith in young people
B.judge others by their actions
C.change our attitude to society
D.manage to help others in need.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.The naughty boy should have been punished.You shouldn't let him          cheating in the final exam.(  )
A.keep away fromB.keep away withC.get away fromD.get away with


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

4.What makes a good school?
I'm a parent of two elementary students.The experience that my children are going through now in the elementary school is so different from mine when I was at their age.What I think of a good school is communication between teachers,students and parents.(36)DParent-teacher communication guarantees that a child is educated in the same way and in turn a child will build special bonds in communication between their teachers and parents.
(37)EMy children return home telling me that their teachers ignore their questions when they raise their hands and don't talk much.On the other hand,I feel the same when I write notes to school.(38)AThis is telling me there is a lack in communication from the school teachers nowadays as their life is so overwhelmed by the over-crowded schools we have in the US.
However,choosing a career in education is not just for a good job.A teacher should really have heart in touching every child's life.(39)FEven now,I still remember all my elementary school teachers'names.(40)CThe answer lies in the fact that they spent every minute of their precious time helping me and answering all my questions with patience.When you have teachers who are willing to spend time for any child and communicate with parents,it is what I consider a GREAT school for a child to attend,not just GOOD.
A.I don't get any response from the teachers to my questions,not even a one-word response.
B.There are different ways of communication,according to different cultures.
C.Why is that?
D.Strong communication is very important to a child's education.
E.I feel that schools nowadays don't communicate with parents enough and neither is involvement.
F.My elementary school teachers all touched my life.
G.What do you think of it?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11.The Great Wall travels______ deep valleys,_____ deserts and______ mountains.(  )
A.over; across; throughB.through; across; over
C.across; over; throughD.through; across; across


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.(36)E One of the best things you can possibly do is to start your own club.It's great fun especially if you are the sort of person who feels there's never anything to do during the school holidays.
The first thing you need to come up with is an idea for your club.(37)D Pets,clothes,pop music or dancing groups,sports,making things?The list is endless.
Next you need some friends to be in your club with you.(38)A.All you need is three or four other people who are interested in the same thing as you.
(39)F.You should all sit down somewhere together with lots of pieces of paper and write down every name you can think up.That'll keep you busy for ages.
At your first meeting you should make up a rule book.And the first rule should be no grown-ups or little/big brothers or sisters!The best clubs are always secret!
Now you have just about everything you need,except membership cards.These are very important and again you can spend a lot of time making them.(40)G Why not leave some space for a photo of yourself?That will make the membership card really look like it.
So there you are,get united!Once you get started you'll think of loads of more interesting things to do!

A.That's easy.
B.Enjoy your own club!
C.Invite a designer to join you.
D.What are you interest in?
E.Some vacation is just around the corner.
F.Then you need to pick a name for your club.
G.Use a bright thick pen to make a special design.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

11.最近,很多城市采取措施严惩乱穿马路的行人(Jaywalker).为此,学校就"中国式过马路(Chinese style road crossing )的原因"对100名学生进行了采访.请你根据表格中的采访结果为学校网站写一篇短文:



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

8.In 2009,the number of hungry people in the world reached one billion for the first time.It is difficult not to be shocked by the fact that more than one in seven people on the planet do not have enough to eat.By the end of this year,more than 35million people will have died as a result of_____.Hunger kills more people per year than AIDS and malaria (疟疾) combined.
The UN calculates that almost two-thirds of the world's hungry people are in Asia.More than a quarter are in sub-Saharan Africa.Almost all of the rest are in Latin America,North Africa and the Caribbean.In the richest regions of the world there are only a small number of people who don't have enough to eat.There are many reasons for world hunger. They include wars,droughts,floods and the overuse of farming land.All of them affect food production.But the most important reason is,quite simple,poverty-which has increased recently due to the economic effects of the financial crisis of 2008.
Although many people point out that there would be less hunger if the global population were smaller,few people would argue that there is not enough food to go around.The basic problem seems to be not a lack of food,but its distribution.In the last 50years,global food production has risen even more quickly than the global population and there are of course many areas of the world where people generally have more than enough food.Overweight is a far bigger problem than hunger there.

76.What's the main topic of the passage?(no more than 3words )World hunger
77.Where do most of the hungry people live?(no more than 3words)In Asia.
78.Fill in the blank in Para.1with proper words.(no more than 5words )hunger/not having enough to eat/a lack of food
79.What does the underlined word"they"(line 4,paragraph 2 ) probably refer to?(no more than 6words)The reasons for world hunger
80.What is the suggested way to reduce hunger in Paragraph 3?(no more than 8words )
A proper distribution of food around the world/
Distributing food around the world properly/
To distribute food around the world properly.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

9.Introduce different cultures to students _________ you may inspire their interest in the world.(  )

