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     There are deserts in many parts of the world. Deserts are very dry places 41 there is so little rain. Most deserts have very hot weather during the day. 42,they can be freezing cold at night.

    People have always 43 in deserts. Many desert people are nomads(游牧部落的人) .They move from one place to another,to 44 food and water. In some deserts,there are oases (沙漠中的绿洲) where there is enough water for people to live. The people build 45 nearby. The houses have thick walls and small windows. In some deserts,people live under the ground. They dig 46 out of the rock. The houses are cool,and they are 47 from sand storms. Nomads who live in the 48 have tents made of goats,skins. When they move around,they take their 49 with them.

   In some deserts,people 50 goats for meat and milk. Many years ago,Aborigines in Australia spent most of the day finding 51 in the desert.  They hunted animals like kangaroos for meat. They 52 ate insects that they found among the roots of desert plants.

     Plants in the desert have to live with very little 53 . Some plants have 54 roots that find water under the ground. Some plants have leaves like needles (针) . Because of their 55 ,these leaves do not 56 as much water as flat leaves.

      Many desert animals live under the ground,away from the sun. Some of them 57 at night to feed,when it is cool. Many different insects,58 flies,wasps and beetles^ live in the desert. There are lizards(撕蜴) ,too. They eat insects,and hardly ever 59 to drink water.

       It is very hard to live in deserts,but people,plants,and animals have learned how to 60 .

41. A. because   B. so

   C. although   D. if

42. A. Besides   B. Therefore

   C. However   D. Rather

43. A. played   B. lived

   C. stopped   D. walked

44. A. store   B. find  

 C. share   D. prepare

45. A. bridges   B. roads

   C. walls   D. houses

46. A. windows   B. holes

   C. rooms   D. gardens

47. A. far   B. safe

  C. different   D. separate

48. A. desert   B. ground

   C. world   D. past

49. A. tents   B. goats

   C. rock   D. sand

50. A. sell 3. hurt   

   C. keep   D. train

51. A. plants      B woods 

  C. water        D.food

52. A. just   B. the  

   C. also   D. soon

53. A. sunliine   B. rain

   C. air   D. soil

54. A. thick   B. solid  

 C. wide   D. long

55. A. shape       B.size

   C. number   D. strength

56. A. hold   B. lose  

   C. enjoy   D. collect

57. A. come out   B. go back

   C. run oiT   D. pass by

58. A. next to   B. along with

  C. such as   D. instead of

59. A. fail   B. need   

  C. refuse   D. wait

60. A. move   B. work

  C. change   D. survive

41. A 42. C 43. B 44. B 45. D 46. C 47. B 48. A 49. A 50. C 51. D 52. C 53. B 54. D 55. A 56. B 57. A 58. C 59. B 60. D

41. A. 沙漠地区干燥是“因为(because) " 雨水少。

42. C. “白天非常炎热”和“晚上十分寒 冷”之间是转折关系,故填However。

43. B. 根据下文描述人们在沙漠中盖 房、寻找食物等可知,总有人在沙漠 “生活(lived) '

44. B. 根据该空前的move from ope place to another可知,人们四处漂泊 是为了“寻找(find) ”食物和水源。

45. D. 根据该空后的 The houses have thick walls and small windows 可知’ 人们在绿洲附近搭建“房屋 (houses) ”。

46. C. 根据下一句中的The houses are cool可知,有的人住在地底下,在岩 石中间挖出来可以入住的“房间 (rooms) ”

47. B. 有了房屋的庇护,因此可以“免 受(safe from) ”沙尘暴的侵扰。

48. A. 根据全文介绍沙漠的内容可知, 此处指住在“沙漠(desert) ”里的游牧人群。

49. A.根据上一句中的 have tents made of goats’ skins以及对游牧民族的常识了解可知,他们从一个地方到另一 个地方时会将“帐篷(tents) ”随身携带。

50. C.该空后的 for meat and milk 是有 的人“养(keep) ”山羊的目的。

51. D.根据下文中的They hunted animals like kangaroos for meat 和 ate insects可知,这些澳大利亚的土著居 民白天基本上都在沙漠里寻找可以 吃的“食物(food) ”。

52. C.这些澳大利亚土著居民猎杀诸 如袋鼠一类的动物吃,同时“也 (also) ”吃一些昆虫。

53. B.根据该段丰的find water和much water可知,此处填rain符合语境。

54. D.根据该空后的 find water under the ground可知,只有植物的根须足 够“长(long) ”才可以在地底下找到水。

55. A.上文中的 leaves like needles 和下 文中的flat leaves描述的均是叶午知 “形状(shape) ”。

56. B.根据常识可知,像针一样的叶子 比扁平的叶子更不容易“失去(lose) ” 水知。

57. A.根据该空前的 under the ground,away from the sun 和该空后的 when it is cool可知,有些动物只有在凉爽 的晚上才“出来(come out) ”觅食吃。

58. C.flies,wasps and beetles 属于昆虫 范围,因此用such as,表示举例。

59. B.根据上一句中的lizards和该空前 的hardly可知,蜥蜴很少“需要 (need) ”喝水。

60. D.联系全文介绍沙漠中生活的人、 植物和动物可知,尽管在沙漠里生活 不容易,但他们还是学会了如何在沙 漠丰“生存(survive) ”。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高一新课标 > 第47期2015-2016年高一新课标


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

                          Read More & Spend Less

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21. The “Tell-a-Friend” program encourages people to.

   A. take pleasure in reading with their friends

   B. help a friend form the habit of reading

   C. share the website with others

   D. read more but spend less

22. Who wrote the story about animals?

   A. Rob Elliott. 

    B. Giles Andreae.

   C. Dale Carnegie. 

    D. Robert Munsch.

23. Which book has a different kind of paper cover from the others?

   A. How to Win Friends & Influence People.

   B. Laugh-Out-Loud Jokes for Kids.

   C. Giraffes Can’t Dance.

   D. Love You Forever.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

      What's more important: Your employee or your customer? A popular business expression is, “The customer is always right." But you should never say “always."

     The owners of a restaurant in Alaska won international praise after protecting their autistic (自闭的) employee.

     When the employee delivered the wrong food to a customer's house,that customer reacted violently and unkindly. Even after the employee corrected the mistake,the customer continued to shout. And that same customer was even rude to the restaurant owners,daughter. So the owners “fired” the customer.

       Restaurant owners P.J. and Spiro Gialopsos have added the customer to the restaurant,s “Do N〇t Deliypr” lilt. That customer is now gm/a,Latin for “an unwelcome person."

      P.J. Gialopsos wrote on the restaurant's Facebook page, “you would think in the year 2015 the majority of the population would have learned or at least heard about autism."

      Gialopsos said, “The employee has worked at the Little Italy Restaurante in Anchorage,Alaska,for two years. He was very upset about the angry customer."

      Gialopsos describes the employee as a seriously gifted university student who is curious about the world. She adds that the employee also has aan amazing personality,great sense of humor and a strong work ethic(职业道德) .”

       “This employee is also one who will not have to deal with that rude customer anymore ,” added Gialopsos.

        Reached at home by reporters,Gialopsos said she is happy about the positive comments she and her husband are receiving. By Tuesday afternoon,her Facebook posting about the incident received more than 30 ,000 “Likes” and hundreds of positive comments. Comments and emails came from Australia,the United Kingdom,Ireland,Namibia and the United Arab Emirates.

        Gialopsos said she spent a couple of emotional days crying over the posts on the Facebook page. She adds that many parents from around the country who have children with autism wrote to her about the incident. “Their stories broke my heart/' she said. Another comment on Facebook that she found “striking” is a woman who thanked them for hiring someone who is “differently-abled. ”

6. The owners of the restaurant were praised  because they.

   A. would always put their customers first

   B. had a uDo Not Deliverw list in their restaurant

   C. fired a customer for hurting their autistic worker

   D. promised to deliver food to their customers’ house

7. What made the customer angry?

   A. The employee acted unkindly.

   B. He didn't get the food he ordered.

   C. The owners’ daughter was very impolite.

   D. He was considered as an unwelcome person.

8. We can infer from the text that the employee.

   A. began to work at the restaurant in 2015

   B. was difficult to get along with

   C. would leave the restaurant

   D. was an excellent worker

9. Why did Gialopsos cry when she read the posts on Facebook?

   A. Because she was moved by others,comments.

   B. Because nobody understood .what she had done.

   C. Because children with autism were thankful to her.

   D. Because stories on the Facebook page hurt her feelings.

10. Where is the text most probably taken from?

   A. A restaurant guide.     B. A personal diary. 

    C. A research paper.      D. A news report.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

用括号内动词的正确形式(包括动词-ing形式和不定式) 完成下面短文。

     It isn’ t 1. (surprise) that Jim Thompson isn't liked in our company. His job is

2. (manage) the sales department. He claimed to have worked in several different countries before he came here. But when we asked him where exactly,he kept 3. (change) the subject.

What he did was really 4.(disappoint) . When we walked past his office,we often heard him 5. (talk) to his friend on the phone. When we needed to discuss marketing plans with him,he was often busy with computer

games and kept us 6. — (wait) for a long time. Then one of my colleagues caught him 7.  (steal) some money from the cash box. Eventually,a group of us went to the Managing Director of the company and advised the MD 8. (have) Thompson dismissed. But he said that he couldn 't agree 9. (dismiss) his own son.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

      All animals produce waste. We call it awaste/' but we all know it can be very useful. In some parts of the world,animal waste,or poop,is collected,dried,and burned for cooking and heating. 36

      The Chengdu Giant Panda Breeding Center has an unusual way of using animal “waste." The center's 40 pandas produce about two tons of poop a day. This material is being turned into a new product called Panda Poop Paper. 37 After all,paper is made from plant fiber,which cannot be digested and simply goes through the body as waste.

     Since pandas eat nothing but bamboo,their “waste” is perfect paper material. 38 Their stomachs haven’t fully developed for their vegetarian diet,so their bodies make use of just 20% of what they eat. The other 80% comes out as poop: very high in fiber and perfect for paper. Once the poop is collected,it is cleaned with chemicals,crushed(碾碎) and put into frames (框架) to dry. 39. Because of its good quality as well as the worldwide popularity of the panda,gift products made from the paper sell well.

    40 They got the idea from the elephant dung(大象粪) paper made at the Elephant Conservation Center in Chiang Mai,Thailand. And Creative Paper Wales in the U.K. sells paper gifts made from sheep waste.

   A. It's not so strange!

   B. Where does the paper come from?

   C. What,s more,pandas have a special advantage.

   D. After these steps,it becomes very good,strong paper.

   E. But have you ever heard of paper that's made from poop?

   F. Farmers have been using animal and human waste for a long time.

   G. Surprisingly,the Chinese weren't the first to make paper from aftimal         waste.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. The hospital has to treat e such as car accidents.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

9. Swimming helps to get the blood (循环) through the muscles.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

7. We saw a quick film showing the stages in the (生产) of glass.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. My family     (很穷) in those days.

