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 ______to carry out the plan in time,they will make careful preparations.

  A Determine  B Having been determined  C Determined   D Being determined



科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年江苏省沭阳县高二下学期期中调研测试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

In New Britain, Connecticut, a new official in charge of schools named Kelt Cooper wants to end high truancy (逃学) rates among public school students, and he’s suggesting financial punishments to get job done. A plan to fine students up to $75 for each day they skip school is now being considered by New Britain authorities.
The concept of fining kids for skipping school may come as a shock, but it’s not new. In Ohio, the parents responsible for a student guilty of habitual truancy can be fined up to $500 and/or be required to perform up to 70 hours of community service. Until recently, students in Los Angeles could be hit with a $250 punishment for each count of truancy; in early 2012 the law was changed and the heavy fines were removed, though a $20 punishment may still be handed out if a student truants for the third time.
Fines for truancy are also in effect overseas. In the UK, The Guardian reports, parents can be fined £50 (about $80) per skipped school day. The punishment doubles if it’s not paid within 28 days.
The question is: Do fines like this work? The vast majority of authorities in the UK said that, indeed, they do. The fines were believed either “very successful” or “fairly successful” by 79% in reducing truancy, according to a survey.
If the plan is passed in Connecticut, it’s unclear how effective the law might be, how to make parents and students obey the law and what might happen if they refuse to pay. However, local officials seem to be willing to give it a shot. According to the Hartford Courant:
“The mayor agrees that truancy is a real issue in New Britain schools, and what’s been done in the past hasn’t been working to reduce truancy.” said Phil Sherwood, assistant to Mayor Timothy O’ Brien.
And what do the students think? In the New Britain Herald, one 17-year-old entering her senior year called the plan “ridiculous” and predicted that the punishments will bring about negative effects on the court system. Besides, “I don’t see the point,” she said. “Kids will just try harder not to get caught.”
【小题1】 The passage mainly discusses whether __________.

A.schools have the right to punish students
B.authorities should consider protecting kids
C.students should be fined for skipping school
D.parents are responsible for children’s truancy
【小题2】 If a British kid skips two school days and fails to pay fines in a month, the punishment will be __________.
A.two hundred poundsB.fifty pounds
C.eighty poundsD.a hundred pounds
【小题3】 We can learn from the passage that ___________.
A.truancy is a serious problem in New Britain
B.Cooper’s plan has been passed in Connecticut
C.fining kids for truancy is a new idea in America
D.little has been done to reduce truancy in New Britain
【小题4】 The underlined part “give it a shot” most probably means _____________.
A.get used to itB.help improve it
C.try to carry it outD.fight against it


科目:高中英语 来源:2015届江苏省宿迁市高二上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题


The average human experiences a lot of dreams while they sleep at night. But what exactly do they mean? The following explanations deal with four most common dreams and some of the possible meanings behind them, according to experts. Please note that, while certainly interesting, dream analysis is a highly subjective(主观的) field of study.

         Dreams about being chased (追逐)

         Dreaming about being chased generally means you may be avoiding a person or something painful, annoying or fearful.

         It could be a reminder that trying to avoid the problem could lead to more such dreams. Most people dream about being chased at one point or another. It’s both common and natural.

         Dreams about death

         According to Jeffrey Sumber, a psychotherapist (精神治疗师) and author, dreams about death often indicate “the ending of something, whether that’s a job or a relationship”. He suggests a dream about death can also indicate attempts to remove anxiety or anger. These dreams don’t suggest a person will actually die, he explains.

         There are no tricks when it comes to avoiding such dreams. The only way is to do our inner work and make peace with it.

         People who have dreams about death tend to be those who are entering an uncertain period in their life. It could be a life-changing event that creates anxiety and fear of the unknown.

         Dreams about falling

         Dreaming about falling can have a physiological basis, according to Cathleen O’ Connor, Ph. D. As the body goes deep into sleep and the nervous system begins to be quiet, blood pressure and heart rate drop and this change can cause a falling dream.

         O’Connor says that dreaming about falling is the mind’s way of warning the dreamer of a situation in his or her waking life where they feel out of control.

         “If dreams of falling bring feelings of fear, you should realize that the goal is not to avoid them but rather to work with those dreams in your waking state and deal with the fear so you can regain your balance,” O’ Connor says.

         Dreams about celebrities (名人)

         “Celebrities carry some kind of message that’s associated with personal achievements or lack,” says Shelley Smith, founding director of the Yoga Health & Therapy Center. “A person dreaming about a celebrity is looking for inspiration … or some characteristic that is associated with that celebrity.

         “That’s one of the features of dream images, and they are not under our control,” Smith says. “Your experience while you’re sleeping is coming from a place that’s totally unconscious (无意识的).”

         “There is no one group that we can say has this particular dream more than another,” she says, “The image is energetic and specific to what the person’s need is. For example, accomplishment, health, and rising to the top --- whatever is associated with that celebrity.


Four common dreams and why we have them


Experts think that dreams may have possible meanings behind them, the analysis of which is1. _______ but subjective.



2._______ to deal with such dreams

About being3. _______after

Maybe you’re trying to4._______someone or something that is painful, annoying or fearful.

5.______ the problem bravely and realize that such dreams are natural and common.

About being dead

● You will6.______ what you are experiencing, such as a job or a relationship.

● Your anxiety or fear from a life-

changing event will be7._____from your life.

Do the inner work and make peace with it.

About falling

● It may result from the8.______ of the nervous system.

● You find something out of control.

Work with such dreams when you are  awake and 9._______ the fear.

About celebrities

Maybe you are looking for something you want to achieve or 10._______.

Let them alone, because they come out of unconsciousness.



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届江苏省高一下学期期中考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写

动词填空  (用动词的正确形式填空)(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)

1.Fear prevented him from moving when he heard the sound of footsteps _______(approach).

2.Both the driver’s carelessness and the bad condition of the road that day _______(lead) to the accident.

3.The housing price ______(rise) in the past several months.

4.Those of poor immunity(免疫力), especially children and old people, should go to public places less to avoid _______ (affect) by the bird flu.

5.I hope that you will keep us ______(inform) how you are getting on with the work.

6.No wonder she looked so tired today. She _______ (surf) the Internet at 11 o’clock last night.

7.The box which ______(weigh) as much as 20 kilos is too heavy for the little boy to carry.

8.______(reduce) the risk of getting burnt, you should stay away from fire.

9.By the time the soldiers arrived at the airport, their enemies _______(take) control of it


10.The child slipped(滑倒) and fell, _______ (hit) his head against the door.



科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年江苏省高三下学期期初考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The teacher was leaving the village, and everybody seemed sorry. The miller at Cresscombe lent him the small cart and horse to carry his goods to Christminster, the city of his destination, such a vehicle proving of quite enough size for the teacher's belongings. For his only article, in addition to the packing-case of books, was a piano that he had bought when he thought of learning instrumental music. But the eagerness having faded he had never acquired any skill in playing, and the purchased article had been a permanent trouble to him.

The headmaster had gone away for the day, being a man who disliked the sight of changes. He did not mean to return till the evening, when the new teacher would have arrived, and everything would be smooth again.

The blacksmith, the farm bailiff and the teacher were standing in confused attitudes in the sitting room before the instrument. The teacher had remarked that even if he got it into the cart he should not know what to do with it on his arrival at Christminster, since he was only going into a temporary place just at first.

A little boy of eleven, who had been assisting in the packing, joined the group of men, and said, ‘Aunt has got a fuel-house, and it could be put there, perhaps, till you’ve found a place to settle in, sir.’

‘Good idea,’ said the blacksmith.

The smith and the bailiff started to see about the possibility of the suggested shelter, and the boy and the teacher were left standing alone.

‘Sorry I am going, Jude?’ asked the latter kindly.

Tears rose into the boy’s eyes. He admitted that he was sorry.

‘So am I,’ said Mr. Phillotson.

‘Why do you go, sir?’ asked the boy.

‘Well—don't speak of this everywhere. You know what a university is, and a university degree? It is the necessary hallmark (标志) of a man who wants to do anything in teaching. My scheme, or dream, is to be a university graduate. By going to live at Christminster, I shall be at headquarters, so to speak, and if my scheme is practicable at all, I consider that being on the spot will afford me a better chance.’

The smith and his companion returned. Old Miss Fawley's fuel-house was practicable; and she seemed willing to give the instrument standing-room there. So it was left in the school till the evening, when more hands would be available for removing it; and the teacher gave a final glance round.

At nine o'clock Mr. Phillotson mounted beside his box of books, and waved his friends good-bye.

1.It seemed that the teacher _____.

A.was not getting on well with the headmaster

B.had lived a rather simple life in the village

C.was likely to continue to practice playing the piano

D.would get help in the city on arriving there

2.The motivation of the teacher’s moving lay in his _____.

A.ambition          B.devotion          C.admiration         D.inspiration

3.The boy named Jude may be described as _____. 

A.polite, generous and cheerful              B.active, modest and friendly

C.kind, bright and helpful                   D.calm, confident and humorous

4.In the passage the writer describes both the teacher’s _____.

A.love for music and his dislike for musical instruments

B.hard work in the village and his strong interest in city life

C.friendship with some villagers and also conflicts with others

D.eagerness to go to the city and his affection for the village



科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年贵州省高一上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

 Billy is fourteen years old and in the ninth grade. He has a  36  job which gets him  37  at five o'clock every morning. He is a  38  .

Each morning, Billy leaves the house at 5: l5 to go to the corner  39  the newspapers are. The newspapers are delivered (递)to the  40  by truck at midnight. He always takes a wagon (手推车) to carry them.

In  41  , it is still dark and cold when he gets up, but during the rest of the year it is bright and warm. Billy must deliver the newspapers to the houses of people on his route (线路) in all kinds of weather. He tries to put each  42  on the porch (门廊) where it will be protected from  43  , rain or snow. His  44   think he does a good job. Sometimes they give him  45  .

Billy  46  about $70 per month, and he is saving some of the money to go to college. He spends the rest  47  records and clothes. Once a month, he has to  48  money from his customers. Since many of them  49  during the day, Billy has to collect the money  50  . Sometimes, when Billy is   51  , his older brother has to  52  the newspapers. Once  Billy's father had to help as well.

Billy has seventy customers now,  53  he hopes to get more soon. Some day, if he gets many more customers, Billy might win a prize for being an outstanding(杰出的) newspaper boy. He wants to win a  54  to Europe, but he will also be happy  55  he wins a new bicycle.















B.newspaper boy


D.clever boy








































B.some bread

C.a new bike




























A.in the morning

B.at night

C.in the afternoon

D.at noon





C.at school



























