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20.Theyagreed with(同意) you.

分析 他们同意你的观点.

解答 答案:agreed with.
分析句子的结构可知,所填空为句子的谓语部分,所以使用短语agree with,这是表达的某人的观点,所以可用一般过去时.故答案为agreed with.

点评 翻译填空题考查的是词汇的记忆和运用能力,平时要注意积累和运用.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达


参考词汇:公务员public servant;  图表chart
Dear Mr.Smith,
Thanks for your letter.It was wonderful to hear from you.
I hope it Call be of some use to you.
Li Hua.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

11.At the age of12,Swedish Alfred Nobel spoke five languages fluently.Nobel became an(1)inventor(invent)and businessman,and at the time of his death on December 10,1896,he had 355 patents worldwide(2)oneof them was the patent on dynamite(炸药).Furthermore,he had started 87 companies all over the world.According to(3)hiswill,Alfred Nobel's enormous fortune was to be used(4)to establish(establish) prizes to award those(5)whohad done their best to benefit mankind in the fields of physics,chemistry,medicine,literature and peace.The first Nobel Prizes were awarded in 1901,five years(6)afterNobel died.In 1969,another prize was added"The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel".
    The Nobel Laureates(获得者)(7)are announced( announce) at the beginning of October each year.A couple of months later,on December 10,(8)theanniversary of Alfred Nobel's death,they receive their prizes from the Swedish King--a Nobel diploma,a medal,and 10 million Swedish crowns per prize.All Nobel Prizes are awarded in Stockholm,Sweden,(9)exceptfor the Nobel Peace Prize,which is awarded in Oslo,Norway.When Alfred Nobel was alive,Norway and Sweden were united under one monarch(君主),(10)until1905 when Norway became an independent kingdom with its own king.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

8.I'm _______ to you for the chance to express myself.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

15.Welcome to the Science Museum,everyone!This stone axe _______ in South Africa and experts can't be exactly sure about its use.(  )
A.had been foundB.was foundC.has been foundD.would be found


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

5.She plays piano every day.piano前面加the.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

12.According to the new traffic regulations,under no circumstancesis drunk driving permitted.(permit)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

9.假如你是高一学生李华,你的美国笔友 Mike 本学期来华当交流生(exchange student),他感觉与同学用汉语交流很费劲.请你根据以下要点给他写一封建议信,帮助他快速提高汉语水平,同时,你也希望得到 Mike 给你英语学习的建议.
2.希望得到 Mike 学习英语的建议.
Dear Mike,
Li Hua.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.Two weeks later,I registered for my course and started going to lectures.It was really difficult to concentrate at first,and I could only really pick up bits and pieces.Over time though,as my Spanish improved,it became a lot easier and a lot more interesting.
I made friends with the other Erasmus students in my classes.It was difficult to get to know the Spanish students as most of them had already formed their own groups of friends and stuck to them.I did meet a few friendly Spanish people,but the vast majority of my friends were other foreign students.
I didn't really experience too much of a culture shock as I learnt a lot about the country through my major courses,but there were a few things that still took me by surprise,such asthe laid-back attitudeof the people.It meant life moved in general at a slower pace,which could be frustrating at times,but 1 soon grew to love it.
I didn't miss home too much as I kept in contact with family and friends online through Skype.It was also easy to get a cheap flight back for the weekend if I liked a weekend of home comforts.However,I was always so busy that I never really spared time for homesickness.My family came over a few times to visit and it was always good to have a fresh perspective(视角) on the city as they would appreciate things about Valencia I hadn't noticed or took for granted.
I have many fond memories of Valencia,especially the days spent on the sunny beach the brilliant food,the all-night party and the festivals.I'll definitely go back for a weekend with all the friends 1 met there and I hope to keep in touch with my Spanish friends too.I thoroughly recommend studying abroad,and although it may seem tough early on,the chances are you'll have a great time.
45.At first,the writer found it difficult to follow lectures becauseB.
    A.he showed no interest in them           B.he was poor in Spanish
    C.they involved difficult courses         D.they were badly organized
46 In Paragraph 3,the underlined phrase"the laid-back attitude"refers toD.
    A.the impolite behavior            B.the bad cultural atmosphere
    C.the interesting habit            D.the leisurely lifestyle
47.According to the passage,the writer's familyC.
    A.had many online friends                            B.well supported his study
    C.thought well of Valencia                           D.often traveled abroad
48.What can be inferred,from the passage?C
    A.Foreign students were not welcome among the Spanish ones.
    B.The Spanish culture challenged most foreign students.
    C.The writer has finished his study abroad.
    D.The writer has made many Spanish fnends.

