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13.Every country shares things (46)incommon:we value family and laughter,cherish food and health,and celebrate large (47)festivals (festival) and traditions.Yet within the similar things we share,there are unique parts of each country.One of characteristics that are famous of British people(48)is (be) their sense of humor,particularly self-mockery (自嘲).This is a type of humor that criticizes and undervalues oneself.For example,a fat person may joke:"I am on a new sea food diet.If I see food,I eat it."This is(49)awell-known self-mockery joke.It's difficult why self-mockery(50)is tied (tie) to the British people.But every nation's sense of humor comes from its culture and history.It could come from another British characteristic,modesty,(51)meaning (mean) not talking openly about your skills.This seems to be something that is similar to people in China,(52)wheremodesty plays a big part in daily life.It also acts as a defense of our self-respect by playing down our skills,this can(53)lessen (less) the chance of people criticizing us.Another possible reason is(54)thatthe British people do not take themselves too(55)seriously (serious).

分析 文章介绍了不同国家的相同点和不同点.重视家庭,珍惜健康,庆祝节日等是每个国家都有的,但每个国家又都有独特之处.英国人幽默,还喜欢自嘲.和中国人一样,英国人也很谦虚.这些都和历史文化有关.

解答 46.in 考查介词.incommon是固定短语,意为"具有共同点",故填in.
48.is 考查主谓一致.句中that isfamous是定语从句,主句的主语是One British characteristic,谓语动词要用单数;文章讲述的是客观事实,要用一般现在时态.故填is.
49.a 考查冠词.此处是用来限定名词joke,表示泛指,意为"一个笑话".表示"一"的概念时需用不定冠词,故填a.
50.is tied考查被动语态.tie与其逻辑主语self-mockery是被动关系,并且文章讲述的是客观事实,所以应用一般现在时的被动语态.故填is tied.
52.where 考查定语从句.句中modestyplays a big part in daily life是一个非限制性定语从句,从句结构完整,要用关系副词;先行词China表示地点,要用where来引导.故填where.
53.lessen 考查动词.句中less位于情态动词后作谓语,要用动词形式,less的动词是lessen.故填lessen.
54.that 考查连词.句中onaverage,the British people don't take themselves too…是作系动词is的表语,是一个表语从句;句意表达的是事实,所以用that来连接,且不可省略.故填that.
55.seriously考查副词.因为副词修饰动词,所以修饰动词take应用副词seriously,take sth seriously认真对待某事.故填seriously.

点评 语法填空是通过语篇在语境中考查语法知识的运用能力,在解题前应快速浏览短文掌握大意,在读懂短文的基础上,结合短文提供的特定的语言环境去逐句分析,逐题解答.扎实的语法功底加上准确的理解是解答语法填空题的关键.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

3.Michael Fish may soon be replaced as a weather forecaster by the shark (鲨鱼).
Research by a British biology student suggests that sharks could be used to predict storms.Lauren Smith,24,is close to completing her study on shark's ability to sense pressure.If her studies prove the theory,scientists may be able to monitor the behavior of sharks to predict bad weather.
Miss Smith had previously studied the behavior of lemon sharks in the Bahamas.
She then used their close relatives,lesser spotted dogfish,for further research at Aberdeen University.
Her work---thought to be the first of its kind to test the pressure theory----resulted from the observation that juvenile blacktip sharks off Florida moved into deeper water ahead of a violent storm in 2001.
Miss Smith said:"I've always been crazy about traveling and diving and this led me to an interest in sharks."
"I was delighted to have been able to research in the area for my degree.I know there's so much more we need to understand----but it certainly opens the way to more research."
It has been discovered that a shark senses pressure using hair cells in its balance system.
At the Bimini Shark Lab in the Bahamas,Miss Smith fixed hi-tech sensors to sharks to record pressure and temperature,while also tracking them using GPS (Global Positioning System) technology.
In Aberdeen,she was able to study the effects of tidal (潮汐的) and temperature changes on dogfish----none of which were harmed.She also used a special lab which can mimic (模拟) oceanic pressure changes caused by weather fronts.
She is due to complete her study and graduate later this year.She says she will be looking for a job which will give her the chance to enrich her experience of shark research.
72.The passage is most probably taken fromB.
A.a short-story collection
B.a popular science magazine
C.a research paper
D.a personal diary
73.What do we learn from the first four paragraphs of the passage?A
A.Sharks may be used to predict bad weather.
B.Sharks'behavior can be controlled.
C.Michael Fish is not fit for his job.
D.Lauren Smith will become a weather forecaster.
74.Lauren Smith conducted her research byD.
A.removing hair cells from a shark's balance system
B.measuring the air pressure of weather fronts
C.recording sharks'body temperature
D.monitoring sharks'reaction to weather changes
75.What is the passage mainly about?B
A.A popular way of forecasting weather.
B.A new research effort in predicting storms.
C.Biologists'interest in the secrets of sharks.
D.Lauren Smith's devotion to scientific research.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

4.At present,we have come to sense that creativity is _____ it takes to keep a nation highly competitive.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

1.The workers on strike (罢工) for a pay rise were all fired.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

There are different train ticket for people to choose from when traveled by train.They may want to buy a single ticket and a return ticket.A single ticket allows us to enjoy more freedom at their destinations while a return not only is cheaper but also saves them trouble of buying the ticket when they have decided to return.Some people prefer hard seats to soft ones.Young people would like to have hard seats because enjoying the company of other passengers is exactly when they need during a journey.Businessmen would not like to have soft seats.They wanted to have a good rest.When they get on the train,they are still energetic and can rapid go on to do their jobs.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

18.Although most of them have no doubt ________he will win the match,I still wonder________  he has been well prepared.(  )
A.if; thatB.that; whetherC.that; thatD.whether; if


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

5.Sometimes our emotions can seem to defeat us.When this happens,(61)it is  possible to give people the wrong impression or do something we regret.Learning to express your emotions effectively will allow you(62)to communicate (communicate) clearly and carefully,without hurting those around you or (63)making (make) the situation worse.So it's important to learn to express emotions.
Firstly,you need to learn how to express your angry feelings.Anger can cause you to say things you regret,(64)so sometimes you should control your angry feelings.If you're afraid of saying something that hurts someone,then try to think carefully before you speak.Also,you(65)can write down your angry thoughts as if you were shouting it out to the world.This allows you to express your anger.
(66)Secondly,it's necessary to learn to express sadness.Sadness is particularly hard to deal with,especially when people can see you are sad.But you needn't hide it.Instead,try talking about (67)what is making you sad.It doesn't matter if you cry,as it(68)has proved (prove) that crying can reduce stress.What's more,if you feel your secrets are safe in your dairy,then write down what is upsetting you.
Learning to express worry is also important.If you're worried about a friend or a loved one,(69)talk(talk) to them about your worry.This could give you some peace of mind.Also,you can choose an activity(70)that/whichyou are interested in and spend some time doing it.The less you think about the problem,the less you will worry.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

13.-Mary looks very excited.She _____ have got the first place in the race.
-I guess so.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

14.Make A Difference Day is the largest national day of community service in the USA,which takes place on the fourth Saturday of October.
Who takes part in Make A Difference Day?
Anyone!Young and old,individuals and groups,anyone can carry out a volunteer project that helps others.It might be as ambitious as collecting truckloads of clothing for the homeless,or as personal as spending an afternoon helping an elderly neighbor or relative.USA WEEKEND covers volunteers and their projects in articles and photos.
How do I get started?
Look around your community.Are people hungry,homeless or ill?Are parks or schools dirty or neglected?No matter where you live,there's a need nearby.And on Make A Difference Day,millions of Americans are expected to roll up their sleeves to help others.You can act alone or enlist your friends,family and co-workers.
You can also call the Make A Difference Day Hot Line,1-800-416-3824,for information.Or use the ideas on this website for inspiration.
What do I do after I've selected a project?
Tell others what you're doing and enlist help.Several weeks before the day,tell us about your plans in the Make A Difference DAYtaBANK,a national listing of local projects that will be viewed by interested volunteers,other people looking for good project ideas and news media looking for good stories to tell.It will only take a few minutes to post your plans in the DAYtaBANK hosted by HandsOn Network.
Do it!
Carry out your plans to help others on Make A Difference Day.Be sure to take lots of pictures and share them on the Make A Difference Day Photo Album.

56.Where does the text probably come from?B.
A.A magazine   B.A website   C.A newspaper    D.A festival brochure
57.Make A Difference Day.D
A.is celebrated every year all over the world
B.is a service provided by the community
C.is a celebration of helpful neighbors
D.is a national day of doing good in America.
58.It can be inferred from the text that volunteers.C
A.are chosen carefully by USA WEEKEND
B.need to dress up on Make A Difference Day
C.can get good project ideas from HandsOn Network
D.take pictures to send them to news media for money
59.The main purpose of the text is toD.
A.introduce the origin of Make A Difference Day
B.instruct people how to select a proper project idea
C.promote Make A Difference Day to other countries
D.encourage people to join in Make A Difference Day.

