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Everyone in the world experiences feelings of pressure or stress. No one can avoid stress completely, stress can be managed in healthy ways.

One way to manage stress is to BUILD your resistance(抵制). Building resistance will increase your to live with(忍受) stress, and it will the effect of stress on your life.

One way to your mental resistance is to you are in another place. Some people call this “taking a mental holiday”.

A man named Tobias lives in the city of Harare, Zimbabwe. As a boy, he most of his time on the Praia de Macuti coast in Beira, Mozambique. Now, he works many long hours at his office and his job is .

Tobias reduces his stress by remembering the he had as a boy. He the blue water and the waves rolling onto the sand. This mental helps Tobias calm his mind.

Another way to manage stress in your life is to CHANGE ---- change the way you feel about a stressful .

Carmelita lives in Mexico City, Mexico. Traffic problems are very there. Traffic can usually stop a car for hours. Carmelita finds this very stressful. She gets very when she sits in traffic. Carmelita the way she feels by using that time in a new way. Carmelita loves stories. So, she listening to recorded books in her . By doing something she traffic delays will no longer be a stressful situation for her. , it can be a chance for her to listen to her favorite recorded books.

You can never all the stress and pressure of life. But stress management can help you reduce stress in healthy ways.

1.A. or B. for C. and D. but

2.A. physical B. mental C. old D. common

3.A. right B. ability C. memory D. trouble

4.A. slow B. stop C. reduce D. increase

5.A. strengthen B. defend C. choose D. follow

6.A. forget B. show C. imagine D. say

7.A. wasted B. spared C. spent D. missed

8.A. steady B. unusual C. excellent D. stressful

9.A. job B. fun C. attitude D. toy

10.A. looks for B. thinks of C. turns to D. looks after

11.A. journey B. test C. appetite D. chance

12.A. position B. process C. situation D. competition

13.A. common B. harmful C. strange D. different

14.A. quiet B. tired C. confused D. angry

15.A. clears B. changes C. develops D. finds

16.A. refuses B. avoids C. continues D. starts

17.A. office B. car C. room D. bookstore

18.A. enjoys B. remembers C. admires D. minds

19.A. Anyhow B. Therefore C. Instead D. Otherwise

20.A. reject B. improve C. remove D. meet

























1.】考查连词。句意:没人能完全避免压力,但是可以用一种健康的方式处理压力,A. 或者 B. 因为 C. and和 D. but但是。选D。

2.考查形容词。根据下文的“mental resistance”和“a mental holiday”可知,应选mental。A.身体的 B. 精神的 C. 老的 D.普通的,选B。

3.考查名词。句意:提高你的抗压能力。A. 权利 B. 能力 C. 记忆力 D. 麻烦,选B。

4.考查动词。句意:也会减少压力对你生活的影响。A. 减缓 B.停止 C. 减少 D. 增加,选C。

5.考查动词。句意:下文要讲如何加强(strengthen)精神抗压(能力)。A.加强 B.防卫 C. 选择D. 跟随,选A。

6.考查动词。根据下文的“a mental holiday”和第一个例子可知,此处指想象(imagine)自己在另一个地方A. 忘记 B. 展示C. 想象D.说,选C 。

7.考查动词。句意:Tobias小时候在莫桑比克的一个海边生活了很长时间A. 浪费 B. 抽出C. 花费 D. 错过,选C。

8.考查形容词。句意:Tobias他的工作压力很大 A. 稳定的 B.不寻常的 C. 优秀的 D. 有压力的,选D。

9.考查名词。句意:回忆他儿时快乐的情景A.工作 B.乐趣 C. 态度 D. 玩具,选B。

10.考查动词短语。句意:Tobias经常会想起(thinks of)碧蓝的海水和轻击沙滩的海浪A.寻找 B.想起 C.转向 D. 照顾,选B。

11.考查名词。句意:这是一次精神上的旅行(journey),帮助他平静思绪。A. 旅程B.测试 C.胃口 D.机会。选A。

12.考查名词。根据19空前的“a stressful situation”可知应选situation。A.位置 B. 过程 C.情况 D. 竞赛,选C。

13.考查形容词。句意:交通拥堵问题在墨西哥市很普遍(common)。A.普遍的 B.有害的 C.奇怪的D.不同的 ,选A。

14.考查形容词。句意:面对拥堵几个小时的交通,Carmelita变得很生气(angry)。A. 安静的B.累的 C.困惑的 D.生气的, 选D。

15.考查动词。句意:Carmelita改变(changes)了自己看待问题的方式。A.澄清 B.改变 C.发展 D.发现 ,选B。

16.考查动词。句意:Carmelita开始(starts)试着在她的车(car)里听录音书来缓解交通拥堵给她带来的不良情绪。A.拒绝 B.避免 C.继续 D.开始 选 D。

17.考查名词。句意:Carmelita开始(starts)试着在她的车(car)里听录音书来缓解交通拥堵给她带来的不良情绪。A.办公室 B.汽车 C.房间 D.书店, 选B。

18.考查动词。句意:Carmelita在做她喜欢(enjoys)做的事情A. 享受B.记得 C.钦佩 D.介意,选A。

19.考查副词。句意:相反(Instead),它(交通堵塞)使得Carmelita有机会听她最喜欢的录音书。A.不管怎样 B. 因此C.相反 D.否则,选C。

20.考查动词。句意:我们永远不可能消除生活中的所有压力。A. 拒绝 B.提高 C.移除掉 D.见面, 选C。



科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年北京市昌平区高三下学期第二次统一练习英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Our English teacher often gets us _____ some famous films in the class.

A. watch B. watching C. to watch D. watched



科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年北京市东城区普通校高三3月联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

He seems too tired today, and I wonder _________ he got a good sleep last night.

A. whenB. thatC. ifD. where



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:单选题

Dear Guys,
I’d like to talk to you about the shame you subjected me to last night. Let me first refresh your memory: You, a group of fit, young men, were playing soccer on the field across from my apartment building. I, a better-than-average looking young woman, was walking along the sidewalk with my groceries. That’s when your ball came flying over the fence and landed in front of me.
One of you approached and asked politely if I would throw the ball back to you. Fighting the urge to drop my bags and run screaming down the street, I reluctantly (勉强地) agreed.
Before I continue, let me explain something that I didn’t have a chance to mention last night: I hate sports. More specifically, I hate sports involving balls. This results from my lack of natural ability when it comes to throwing, catching and hitting. I’m bad at aiming too. So you can understand why I’d be nervous at what I’m sure seemed to you like a laughably simple request.
However, wanting to appear agreeable, I put my bags down, picked up the ball and, eyes half-shut, and threw it as hard as I could.
It hit the middle of the fence and bounced back to me.
Trying to act casually, I said something about being out of practice, and then picked up the ball again. If you’ll remember, at your command, I agreed to try throwing underhand. While outwardly I was smiling, in my head, I was praying, oh God, oh please oh please oh please. I threw the ball upward with all my strength, terrified by what happened next.
The ball hit slightly higher up on the fence and bounced back to me.
This is the point where I start to take issue with you. Wouldn’t it have been a better use of your time, and mine, if you had just walked around the fence and took the ball then? I was clearly struggling; my smiles were more and more forced. And yet, you all just stood there, motionless.
Seeing that you weren’t going to let me out of the trouble, I became desperate. Memories of middle school softball came flooding back. I tried hard to throw the ball but it only went about eight feet, then I decided to pick it up and dash with ball in hand towards the baseline, while annoyed thirteen-year-old boys screamed at me that I was ruining their lives. Children are cruel.
Being a big girl now, I pushed those memories aside and picked up the soccer ball for the third time. I forced a good-natured laugh while crying inside as you patiently shouted words of support over the fence at me.
“Throw it granny-style!” one of you said.
“Just back up a little and give it all you’ve got!” another offered.
And, most embarrassing of all, “You can do it!”
I know you thought you were being encouraging, but it only served to deepen the shame.
Anyway, I accepted your ball-throwing advice, backed up, rocked back and forth a little, took a deep breath and let it fly.
It hit the edge of the fence and bounced back to me.
I surprised myself—and I’m sure you as well—by letting out a cry, “DAMN IT!!!” I then willed myself to have a heart attack and pass out in front of you just so I’d be put out of my misery.
Alas, the heart attack didn’t happen, and you continued to look at me expectantly, like you were content to do this all night. I had become a sort of exhibition for you. I could feel your collective thoughts drifting through the chain-link: “Can she really not do it? But I mean, really?”
Unfortunately for you, I wasn’t really game to continue your experiment. Three failed attempts at a simple task in front of a group of people in a two-minute period were just enough blows for me for one night. I picked up the ball one last time, approached the fence and grumbled, “Please just come get the damn ball.”
And you did. And thanks to you, I decided at that very moment to never throw anything ever again, except disrespectful glances at people who play sports.
Sincerely, Jen Cordery
【小题1】The writer agreed to throw the ball because ______.

A.she needed to have a relax carrying the heavy groceries
B.she wanted to refresh her childhood memories
C.she could not refuse the polite request from the young man
D.she had fallen in love with the young man at first sight
【小题2】Which of the following is closet in meaning to the underlined word “game”?
A.anxious B.brave
C.afraid D.curious
【小题3】Why did the writer mention her middle school memory?
A.To explain why she failed the attempts to throw the ball back.
B.To complain that she had not mastered the ball throwing skills.
C.To show how cruel those 13-year-old boys were.
D.To express her dislike towards softball.
【小题4】What the boys said before the writer’s third attempt actually made the writer ________.
A.inspired B.encouraged
C.awkward D.depressed
【小题5】 What happened to the ball at last?
A.The writer managed to throw the ball back.
B.The boy got the ball back by himself.
C.The writer threw the ball away out of anger.
D.The boys got angry and left without the ball.
【小题6】What’s the writer’s purpose in writing this open letter?
A.To express her regret over what she did the day before.
B.To announce that she would never play all games again.
C.To joke on her inability to throw the ball over the fence.
D.To criticize the young men for their cruelty to her dignity.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Hi, Daisy,
I am wondering why you haven’t showed up online for such
a long time. I’m sorry to know your mother has 【小题1】  ill in hospital
and that your father is struggling for a living. __【小题2】___ is no doubt thatwhat you are ____【小题3】____ (经历) affects your life greatly, making youunable to c  【小题4】    on your study. I understand how you are feeling at the moment and I truly wish that I could be __【小题5】____    any help. Life can be hard at times and we can never expect what lies 【小题6】 (前方). Life is a challenge. We had no choice but to meet it. __【小题7】____ happens,you need to 【小题8】      optimistic and try what you can to help your parents. It is by meeting difficulties and overcoming _____【小题9】___ that one learns how to survive. I hope your mother will be all right soonand it won’t be long _____【小题10】__ things turn better.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年贵州遵义航天高级中学高二上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Is your family interested in buying a dog? A dog can be a pleasant companion to your family, but if you choose the wrong kind of dog ,you will have a lot of troubles.

Families should sit down and thoroughly discuss the possible problems before buying a dog. Even if the children in your family are the ones who want the dog, the parents are the ones who are really responsible for seeing that the animal is properly cared for. If you don’t know much about dogs, it is a good idea to go to the library for books about different kinds of dogs, as well as books about how to train a young dog. In reading about the different breeds (种类) you should know that a dog described (描述) as very alert (机敏灵活的) may be too active. When a book describes a dog as an excellent hunting dog, it probably means that the dog won’t be happy living in a small house. Dog breeds vary (变化) in popularity as the years go by. One of the most popular dogs these days is the German shepherd. This is because it provides protection as well as companionship. The family should be warned that these dogs grow up to be very big, and may be too powerful for children to control. If space is limited, a toy dog may be a good choice. These dogs are very small and easy to train. They don’t need to be walked daily, since they can exercise in the home.

1.According to the passage, one can get information about different kinds of dogs .

A. by staying at home

B. by asking someone who has enough experience about different kinds of dogs

C. by buying a dog and training it

D. by reading books about dogs

2.The German shepherd is a popular dog .

A. because it is easy to train

B. because it is small and weak

C. because it is powerful and friendly

D. because it is alert and active

3.Which of the following statements is not true?

A. Don’t buy a hunting dog if your house is not big enough.

B. Dog breeds vary in popularity as the years go by.

C. The German shepherd is the most popular dog recently for it provides not only companionship but also protection.

D. You should have a discussion with your family before buying a dog in case it causes you a lot of troubles.

4.Which is the best topic of the passage?

A. The care and proper selection of dogs for families.

B. Different breeds of dogs.

C. Responsibility for seeing that dogs are properly cared for.

D. Different kinds of books about dogs.



科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年福建漳浦三中、漳浦四中高一上第二次英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

The captain of a ship and a merchant(商人)were friends.The merchant had a young son,who wanted to be a sailor(水手),so the captain took him for voyages in his____ .One day when the captain had come from a ___ with a lot of money,the merchant told him that the price of iron(铁) had_____ and suggested that he should buy some with his money.“I’ll ____ it for you in my storehouse _____you return from your next voyage,and perhaps you’ll get ____ money.” But while the captain was away,the price of iron went up _____ 60% ,so the merchant sold it and kept the money.When the captain came back,his____ friend told him that he was very sorry and the mice had____ all the iron. The captain knew that his friend was____ lies,but he stayed ____and said,“I knew that you had problems_____mice in your storehouse.” After a few days,the captain started _____ voyage,and when he returned home,he said to the merchant,“I’m very sorry,but _____our voyage a bird came down and carried your son away.” The merchant was very____ and said,“Birds cannot carry boys!” “And _____ can mice eat iron,” answered the captain.The merchant took the captain to a_____ ,who said,“The merchant must____the captain the money which he got when he ___the iron,and then the captain must_____ the merchant’s son back to him.”

1.A. car B. cart C. ship D. plane

2.A. voyage B. travel C. business D. visit

3.A. fallen B. raised C. widened D. risen

4.A. keep B. hide C. hold D. put

5.A. when B. since C. after D. until

6.A. many B. more C. a bit D. less

7.A. on B. in C. to D. by

8.A. dishonest B. honest C. real D. former

9.A. sold B. borrowed C. eaten D. drunk

10.A. talking B. making C. telling D. saying

11.A. friendly B. calm C. quiet D. angry

12.A. about B. in C. on D. with

13.A. another B. next C. the other D. other

14.A. while B. after C. during D. before

15.A. boring B. puzzled C. angry D. afraid

16.A. yet B. neither C. so D. either

17.A. lawyer B. manager C. child D. judge

18.A. return B. give C. offer D. lend

19.A. kept B. bought C. sold D. stole

20.A. bring B. fetch C. carry D. catch



科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年福建厦门第二中学高一上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

How many students are there _________ homes are not far from our school in your class?

A. that B. whom

C. which D. whose


