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They drove along with all the car windows ________.

A.wound upB.winding onC.winded upD.wind up


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


After their business trip, John and Mary returned, eager to see their lovely children. As they drove into their home town feeling glad to be back, they noticed 21 , and they went off their usual route to see what it was. They found a  22 in flames. Mary said, “Oh, well, it isn’t our fire, let’s go home.”

But John 23 closer and screamed, “That home belongs to Fred Jones who works at the plant. He wouldn’t be 24 works yet, maybe there is something we could do. ” “It has nothing to do with us”, Mary 25 .

But John drove up and stopped and they were both horror-stricken to see the whole house in 26 . A woman on the lawn was screaming, “The children! Get the children!” John 27 her by the shoulder saying, “Get a hold of yourself and tell us where the children are!” “In the 28 ,” cried the woman, “down the hall and to the left. ”

In spite of Mary’s disagreement John 29 for the basement which was full of smoke and 30 hot. He found the door and two children. 31 he left he could hear some more sobbing(哭泣). He 32 the two badly frightened children into 33 arms and started back asking how many more children were down there. They told him 34 more and Mary grasped his arm and screamed, “John! Don’t go back! It’s 35  ! That house will fall down any second. ”

36 he ran into the smoke-filled hallway and at last he found both children. As he climbed up the 37 stairs, the thought went through his mind that there was something strangely 38 about the little bodies next to him, and at last when they came out into the  39  and fresh air, he found that he had just  40 his own children.

The baby-sitter had left them at this home while she did some shopping.

A.direction              B.mistake            C.danger             D.smoke

A.home                B.plant        C.store           D.kitchen

A.ran               B.walked           C.drove               D.rode

A.at                   B.off              C.to                   D.on

A.whispered       B.nodded           C.disagreed        D.required

A.ruins               B.pieces             C.flames          D.silence

A.pushed              B.seized              C.greeted          D.stopped

A.basement       B.department       C.house          D.hall

A.went                   B.reached         C.asked           D.rushed

A.heavily             B.slightly          C.partly             D.terribly

A.If                    B.As                 C.Since           D.Unless

A.comforted          B.delivered       C.recognized      D.protected

A.cheering            B.freezing        C.waiting           D.suffering

A.many                B.several        C.three         D.two

A.dangerous         B.foolish          C.practical        D.painful

A.Therefore         B.So                   C.Consequently   D.But

A.wide                    B.endless        C.final            D.dirty

A.particular       B.interesting        C.familiar           D.fortunate

A.car                 B.sunlight          C.crowd            D.arms

A.rescued           B.found             C.lost               D.missed


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:




The other day my brother Tom was beginning his               1. _______

    motorbike then our neighbor, Mary came out and asked        2. _______

    him if he was going near the station. So he offered her a lift.

    She got at the back of the motorbike and                     3. _______

    they drove away. Just before they reached to the station     4. _______

    a policeman waved to them to stop. "Excuse me, sir," he said.

    "You are not sitting on that motorbike properly."

"What's matter with the way I'm sitting?" my brother       5. _______

     asked in surprise. "Not you,sir. It's a young lady," said 6. _______

     the policeman. "In this country side-saddle(偏座) is not  7. _______

     permitted when one ride a motorbike." Mary made an excuse   8. _______

     that she was from Italy, where it isn't considering to     9. _______

     break the law when people take the side-saddle.

     The policeman shook head and drove away.                    10. ______


科目:高中英语 来源:重庆市万州二中09-10学年度高二下学期期中考试(英语) 题型:完型填空

第二节 完型填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分).
John and Mary had a nice home and two lovely children, a boy and a girl. John had a good   36   and had just been asked to go on a business trip to another city and it was   37   that Mary needed an outing and would go along too. They   38  a reliable woman to care for the children and made the   39   , returning home a little earlier than they had planned.
40   they drove into their home town, they found a home in flames (火焰). Mary said, “Oh well, it isn’t our   41  , let’s go home. ”
But John drove closer and exclaimed, “That home belongs to Fred Jones who works at the plant. He wouldn’t be   42   work yet, maybe there is something we could do. ”
John drove up and they were both   43   -stricken to see the whole house in flames. A woman on the lawn was in hysterics   44   , “The children! Get the children! They are in the basement. ”
45   Mary’s protests, John grabbed the water hose and soaked (浸湿) his clothes, put his   46  hand-kerchief on his head and dashed for the basement which was full of   47   . He found two nearly suffocated (窒息的) children and after carrying them to  48   , he asked how many more children were down there. They told him two more and Mary   49  his arm and screamed, “John! Don’t go back! It’s   50  ! That house will cave in (坍塌) any second!”
But he shook her off and went back by   51   his way down the smoke filled hallway and into the room. It seemed a long time   52   he found both children and started back and at last when they came out into the   53  and fresh air, he found that he had just   54   his own children.
The baby-sitter had   55   them at this home while she did some shopping.
(   ) 36. A. job                   B. family                  C. wife                         D. boss
(   ) 37. A. known                     B. believed                   C. decided                    D. hoped
(   ) 38. A. asked                B. hired                    C. begged                     D. paid
(   ) 39. A. preparations      B. mistake                C. decision                   D. trip
(   ) 40. A. Before                     B. As                           C. Once                        D. Since
(   ) 41. A. duty                 B. neighbor                  C. business                   D. fire
(   ) 42. A. off                   B. on                           C. out of                      D. at
(   ) 43. A. nerve                B. sorrow                        C. horror                 D. poverty
(   ) 44. A. coughing          B. screaming             C. waving                     D. crying
(   ) 45. A. Except for        B. In case of            C. Instead of          D. In spite of
(   ) 46. A. clean                B. soft                          C. wet                          D. large
(   ) 47. A. smoke                     B. darkness                   C. children                  D. danger
(   ) 48. A. entrance            B. ground                     C. rest                          D. safety
(   ) 49. A. pulled               B. took                         C. grabbed                    D. held
(   ) 50. A. dangerous         B. useless                     C. over                         D. stupid
(   ) 51. A. pushing            B. feeling                        C. jumping                   D. moving
(   ) 52. A. that                  B. when                       C. while                   D. before
(   ) 53. A. shade                B. sunlight                    C. open                        D. crowd
(   ) 54. A. helped                     B. found                   C. recognized            D. rescued
(   ) 55. A. left                   B. charged                    C. removed                   D. forgot


科目:高中英语 来源:2010-2011福建省师大附中高一下期末模块测试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

We were on tour a few summers ago, driving through Chicago, when right outside of the city, we got pulled over. A middle-aged policeman came up to the car and was really being troublesome at first. Lecturing us, he said, “You were speeding. Where are you going in such a hurry?” Our guitarist, Tim, told him that we were on our way to Wisconsin to play a show. His way towards us totally changed. He asked, “Oh, so you boys are in a band(乐队)?” We told him that we were. He then asked all the usual band questions about the type of music we played, and how long we had been at it. Suddenly, he stopped and said, “Tim, you want to get out of this ticket, don’t you?” Tim said, “Yes.” So the officer asked him to step out of the car. The rest of us, inside the car, didn’t know what to think as we watched the policeman talk to Tim. Next thing we knew, the policeman was putting Tim in the back of the police car he had parked in front of us. With that, he threw the car into reverse(倒车),stopping a few feet in back of our car. Now we suddenly felt frightened. We didn’t know if we were all going to prison, or if the policeman was going to sell Tim on the black market or something. All of a sudden, the policeman’s voice came over his loudspeaker. He said, “Ladies and gentlemen, for the first time ever, we have Tim here singing on Route 90.” Turns out, the policeman had told Tim that the only way he was getting out of the ticket was if he sang part of one of our songs over the loudspeaker in the police car. Seconds later, Tim started screaming into the receiver. The policeman enjoyed the performance, and sent us on our way without a ticket.
【小题1】The policeman stopped the boys to      .

A.put them into prisonB. give them a ticket
C.enjoy their performanceD.ask some band questions
【小题2】The policeman became friendly to the boys when he knew they       .
A.had long been at the bandB.played the music he loved
C.were driving for a showD.promised him a performance
【小题3】 The boys probably felt        when they drove off.


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届河南省焦作市高三第二次模拟考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

When looking back at the scary situation that happened to him on Saturday, Patrick Canney said he couldn’t still believe that it was true. It was a situation that could have ended with a tragedy for Patrick, his father and his sister. But it didn’t really happen thanks to Patrick.
That morning, Patrick’s father was driving down busy Interstate 95 in Peabody, Massachusetts. The car started going really slowly, which seized Patrick’s attention. And then he realized that something was wrong. At that point, Patrick found his father was having a seizure (中风).
“It was really scary,” he said. “It was unlike anything that had ever really happened to me.” But Patrick didn’t act scared. He took control of the situation and got behind the wheel of the SUV. He turned the key off and pulled the car over to the breakdown lane (车道). He then stopped the SUV, grabbed a cell phone out of his dad’s pocket and called 911 for help.
Patrick’s 9-year-old sister was in the SUV, too. He told his little sister not to worry about it. Then he opened the door and stood right next to the guard rail. Thanks to Patrick’s description of their location during the 911 call, Massachusetts State Police were able to locate the Canneys within minutes -- and get them all to safety.
“A 12-year-old boy’s clear thinking and decisive action actually saved this family from a tragedy,” said state police spokesman David. “That’s Patrick. He is cool and collected. I couldn’t imagine what would be the result if he were panicked (惊慌失措).”
Patrick’s father was expected to recover fully from the seizure. And thanks to Patrick, all of the Canneys are still alive. “The word hero may be overused in our society,” said David. “But Patrick is surely that -- and then some.”
【小题1】As soon as he found his father had a seizure, Patrick ________.

A.told his sister not to worryB.called the police for help at once
C.tried his best to save his fatherD.managed to take control of the car
【小题2】The underlined word “collected” in Paragraph 5 means “_________”.
【小题3】What did David think of Patrick?
A.Patrick should learn from real heroes in society.
B.Patrick was a cool boy who matched the word hero.
C.Patrick should be rewarded for his behavior.
D.Patrick should protect his family carefully in the future.
【小题4】Which of the-following best expresses the main idea of the passage?
A.A kid made every effort to survive in a car crash.
B.A kid turned into a lifesaver after his father was ill.
C.A kid learned how to become a hero by using his wisdom.
D.A kid saved his sister when they drove on a highway.

