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【题目】据报道,在我国仍有很多山区的孩子因为家庭贫穷而上不起学。你们班就如何帮助这些孩子上学进行了讨论。假如你是李华,请你把你们的建议写成一封信寄给English Weekly,希望他们能够呼吁更多的人參与这項活动。


1. 收集旧课本和衣服;

2. 呼吁更多人帮助他们;

3. 你的建议,至少一条。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可追当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Editor,

I’m a senior high school student.







Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

【答案】Dear Editor,

I’m a senior high school student. It’s reported that in China many children in mountainous areas still can’t go to school as a consequence of poverty. Last week, our class held a discussion about how to help them to go to school and lead a happy childhood.

Here are our suggestions. To start with, some old textbooks and clothes can be collected and sent to those children so that they can be reused by them. In addition, it’s also of great significance to appeal to more people and social organizations to help and care for those poor children. As far as I’m concerned, we should save some of our pocket money and give it to those children in need. Above all, we should give them respect, never looking down upon them because they are poor.

We’ll really appreciate it if you can, through the English Weekly, increase public awareness of the poor children’s living conditions and call on more people to help them.


Li Hua

【解析】试题本次作文要求根据在我国仍有很多山区的孩子因为家庭贫穷而上不起学。你们班就如何帮助这些孩子上学进行了讨论。假如你是李华,请你把你们的建议写成一封信寄给Teens的编辑,希望他能够呼吁更多的人参与这项活动。要点包括:1. 收集旧课本和衣服;2. 你的建议, 至少两条;3. 呼吁更多人帮助他们。故既要完成任务,又要兼顾形式的要求。

写作亮点:本篇条理清楚,要点全面,结构连贯。其句式上的变化既使得文章生动而流畅,也体现了作者驾驭句式的能力。例如:it做形式主语It’s reported that in China many children in mountainous areas still have no access to school because of poverty. 非谓语动词never looking down upon them. it’s also very important to appeal toWe would appreciate it if you can句型,have no access toincrease public awarenesscall on等词汇及First and foremost, As far as I’m concerned, What’s more, Above all 等连接词。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1What is the basic purpose of the IQ tests?

A. To test who is brighter.

B. To test the ability in language and numbers.

C. To judge one’s talents.

2What makes so many unhappy parents in the world?

A. Their children being stupid.

B. Their children’s failing in the exams.

C. Their children’s abilities not being developed.

3Why do some children do badly in school exams?

A. They are poor in words and numbers.B. They do not study hard enough.

C. They are looked down upon by others.

4How can a person be happy?

A. Putting his/her skills to good use.B. Having a higher IQ.

C. Doing well in the exams.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1】【1How many rooms does the Ace have?

A. 8. B. 20. C. 35.

2】【2Which hotel is the cheapest?

A. The Ace. B. The Waterhouse. C. The Prince.

3】【3What is the Ace’s telephone number?

A. 60745. B. 81663. C. 25395.

4】【4Which hotel is closest to the city center?

A. The Moonlight. B. The Waterhouse. C. The Prince.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The sharing economy, represented by companies like Airbnb or Uber, is the latest fashion craze. But many supporters have overlooked the reality that this new business model is largely based on escaping regulations and breaking the law.

Airbnb is an Internet-based service that allows people to rent out spare rooms to strangers for short stays. Uber is an Internet taxi service that allows thousands of people to answer ride requests with their own cars. There are hundreds of other such services.

The good thing about the sharing economy is that it promotes the use of underused resources. Millions of people have houses or apartments with empty rooms, and Airbnb allows them to profit from these rooms while allowing guests a place to stay at prices that are often far less than those charged by hotels. Uber offers prices that are competitive with standard taxi prices and their drivers are often much quicker and more trustworthy.

But the downside of the sharing economy has gotten much less attention. Most cities and states both tax and regulate hotels, and the tourists who stay in hotels are usually an important source of tax income. But many of Airbnb’s customers are not paying the taxes required under the law.

Airbnb can also raise issues of safety for its customers and trouble for hosts’ neighbors. Hotels are regularly inspected to ensure that they are not fire traps and that they don’t form other risks for visitors. Airbnb hosts face no such inspections.

Since Airbnb is allowing people to escape taxes and regulations, the company is simply promoting thefts. Others in the economy will lose by bearing an additional tax burden or being forced to live next to an apartment unit with a never-ending series of noisy visitors.

The same story may apply with Uber. Uber is currently in disputes over whether its cars meet the safety and insurance requirements imposed on standard taxis. Also, if Uber and related services flood the market, they could harm all taxi drivers’ ability to earn a minimum wage.

This downside of the sharing needs to be taken seriously, but that doesn’t mean the current tax and regulatory structure is perfect.

1What is the positive thing about the sharing economy?

A. It is a global trend. B. It is beyond regulations.

C. It draws on spare resources. D. It brings in modest profits.

2What is the problem with Airbnb customers according to the passage?

A. They are not regularly inspected. B. They are likely to commit thefts.

C. They are allowed not to pay taxes. D. They can be noisy to hosts’ neighbors.

3What is the argument over Uber according to the passage?

A. Whether it guarantees customers, safety.

B. Whether it provides reliable services.

C. Whether it lowers customers’ expenses.

D. Whether it can compete with standard taxis.

4What will be talked about in the following paragraphs?

A. Existing regulations and laws.

B. Necessary improvements of current laws.

C. Further development of Airbnb and Uber.

D. More downsides of Airbnb and Uber.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1Let’s________(结合) my scientific knowledge and your business skills and start a company.

2We all let out________(叹息) of relief when we heard that they were safe.

3For the________(利益) of these people who arrived late,I’ll just go over the plan again.

4They were travelling at a speed that was double the legal________(限制).

5The little boy________(怒目而视) round the room as if expecting a challenge.

6He had enough money to pay off his father’s outstanding________(债务).

7He read quickly but did not________(领会) anything.

8It is impolite to________(窥探) others’ privacy.

9I will________(咨询) my lawyer.

10He________(谋生) his living by selling fruits.

11Food,such as rice,sugar,butter,oil and so on can give us e________.

12We should try our best to keep the b________ of nature or we’ll be punished by it.

13I’m t________ of this kind of food.Can’t we change a different one?

14Being an honest man you shouldn’t tell l________.

15In order to stay s________,she eats very little every day.

16Children’s ________ (好奇心) with everything plays an important part in their study.

17It may take a few weeks for you to build up your ________ (体力) again.

18It’s important to know your own strengths and ________ (缺点).


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1When does this conversation take place?

A. In the morning.

B. In the afternoon.

C. In the evening.

2What is the movie probably about?

A. Some little dogs.

B. Some interesting people.

C. An interesting love story.

3What happened to the woman yesterday?

A. She became ill for no reason.

B. She felt bad after eating some chicken.

C. She had to look after Jim at home.

4What's the weather probably like today?

A. Rainy. B. Foggy. C. Fine.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1She is so fat that she has made up her mind to go on diet to lose weight.

2Both of the two restaurants have their strength and weaknesses,so they decided to combine them together into a larger one.

3They stood there, glared at each other without a word.

4Knowledge can be of very benefit to everybody.

5China today is no longer that what she used to be thirty years ago.

6I’m very sorry to have had you wait for so long.

7—What do you think of the concert?

—I have never seen a more better one.

8His first memory seemed to be connecting with work.

9—Did you find the missing couple in the mountain yesterday?

—No,but we have been tried to get in touch with them ever since.

10There is no possibility whether he will keep his word.He is always telling lies.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Why does Rick want to buy a bicycle?

A. To train for a race.B. To join a bicycle club.C. To get some exercise.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


I seldom thought I had a passion. I would sit before the TV all day, thinking1nothing but the next shadow. It was not long ago that I first learned how important having a passion is to life.

One day I went with Mum to drop my sister off at the gym. Then,2Mum stopped at a red light, someone on the roadside caught my eyes. It was a man3(dress) in rags, homeless. That didn’t interest me, for I4(see) many like him before.

But he man wasn’t sitting down with a sad5(express). He had a radio in his hand and was dancing6(merry) to the music. The radio seemed to be the most precious thing7he had.

“Mum, why does that man have a radio even though he’s homeless?” I asked.

“He bought8,” she replied.

“But if he’s homeless, why doesn’t he use the money to buy food or clothes? He wasted it on something he doesn’t need.”

“Well, Sarah, sometimes food and clothes aren’t9only important things. We need happiness, too.”

“I see.” The man must care too much about music, so he bought a radio instead of food and clothes. I realized that happiness is the key to life.10it, there’s nothing to look forward to. A passion gives a person the happiness they need to keep going!

