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12.The unemployment rate has decreased _____ 2% to 5.4%,compared with 7.4% last year.(  )

分析 与去年的7.4%相比,今年的失业比例已经下降了2%至5.4%.

解答 答案是A.本题主要考查介词辨析.英语中表示"上涨或下降"的词都常常与to/by连用:强调最后的结果用"to"表示"上涨或下降到…";强调变化的差距用"by",表示"上涨或下降了…"; 根据句意和介词搭配判断,去年是7.4%,所以今年"下降了2%至5.4%",用"decrease by",所以答案选择A.本题容易误选B;看成是from…to的搭配,如果用from,表达的意思是"从2%下降到5%",很显然比例在增长,而非下降,逻辑错误;

点评 介词辨析要在掌握各介词的基本用法和固定搭配的基础上结合语境做出符合逻辑、常理的推测.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

3.---You seemed to be deeply struck by his skill.
---Not exactly.It was his courage ________ his skill that really struck me most.(  )
A.other thanB.as well asC.but alsoD.apart from


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

3.---Your car doesn't work properly.
---Yes,I should sell it _____ it still runs.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

20.My new coat is similar ______ yours in color.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.The hotel is ______ easy reach of the town centre.It's only a tenminute trip.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

17.What a beautiful picture!
It's years ______ I painted a picture as beautiful as this one.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.Spending a term abroad can be one of the most thrilling experiences of your college career,but it's challenging to adapt to a new culture,especially when you don't speak the native language.The following are top tips of the experts on improving your time abroad.
Set specific goals.
"Set goals for yourself when going abroad so that you can bring experiences back home with you,"says Harrison,the Outreach Manager of GoAbroad."Whether you want to learn to cook a traditional recipe from your host family or pack for the long-term,these lessons of daily life can translate back home.How you choose to learn from your experiences,or even apply them as transferable job skills,will make all the difference."
"Make at least one local friend,"says Matthew,co-founder of Students Gone Global."Join a club,community service group,or a sports league-it will help you form a network and find people you click with.Go out of your way to talk to students in your classes."
Sign up for classes that allow you to explore.
"Take classes that are interesting and related to the local culture."says Matthew."I highly recommend classes with field trips because your professor can show you a side of the country you never would have seen on your own."
If you're staying with a host family,do get to know them.
"When living with a host family,be mindful of their lifestyle and try your best to adapt to it,"says Lauren,a member of GoAbroad's Conten & Outreach Team."Have a conversation about rules and customs right away to be sure you know what your host family expects of you.Join yourself in their way of life-try every meal that is offered to you at least once,and ask them to teach you how to play their favorite sport or game."
51.Harrison advises overseas students to set specific goals toA
A.bring experiences back home     
B.1earn to cook a traditional recipe.
C.gain some job skills.                  
D.get along well with the host family
52.What may be the second tip given by experts?C
A.Join a club.          
B.Join a sports league.   
C.Befriend the locals.     
D.Talk to your classmates.
53.Why does Matthew highly recommend classes with field trips?B
A.Because you can find people you click with.   
B.Because you can know better about the local culture.
C.Because the trips are thrilling and challenging.  
D.Because the trips can help you out of loneliness.    
54.Which of the following is stressed by Lauren?B
A.Showing respect to your host family.
B.Trying to know your host family.
C.Paying attention to table manners.
D.Being mindful when talking with your host family.
55.What's the purpose of the writer writing this text?D
A.To introduce some culture differences.   
B.To advertise for some foreign universities.
C.To recommend some lessons to students.   
D.To give some advice to overseas students.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

1.It was pretty cold last Thursday when we were taking the final exam.But I was dressed _____ it,so I didn't mind.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

2.Some of the wild species will die out sooner or later              we do something to protect them.(  )

