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A dog has a horse. The horse was beautiful and also it had many good qualities.   61    It especially wanted to become the most beautiful horse in the world.
One day the horse said to the god, “You have given me beauty. You have given me other good qualities.62    But how I wish you could make me more beautiful! I would be extremely, extremely grateful if you could make me more beautiful.”
The god said, “I’m more than ready to make you more beautiful.  63  ” Then the horse said, “My neck is too short .If you can make neck a little longer, my upper body will be more beautiful. And if you can make my legs much longer and thinner, then I will look more beautiful in my lower body.”
Then immediately the god made a camel appear in place of the horse. The horse was so sad that it started to cry, “Oh, no, I do not want to become a camel.   64 As a horse, everybody appreciated my good qualities. Nobody will appreciate me as a c I’m more than ready to amel.”
The god said, “This is exactly  what you asked for. You have become a camel.
65   if you cry for a longer neck and legs, this is what will happen. Each thing in my creation has its own good qualities. The camel is not as beautiful as you are, but it carries heavy loads and has a great sense of duty.”

A.I’m so grateful to you.
B.Why not remain a horse?
C.I wish you to change me into a horse again.
D.Tell me in what way you want to be changed.
E.     But it wanted to be more perfect in every way.
F.      Never try to receive more than I have given you
G.    I am glad to know that you feel good with yourself now


【小题2】根据上文上帝已经给予了马这么多以及下文I would be extremely, extremely grateful if you could make me more beautiful.,故马应该感激上帝。故选A。
【小题4】上文提示“Oh, no, I do not want to become a camel.我不想变成骆驼,我希望你再把我变成一匹马可知选C。
【小题5】根据Each thing in my creation has its own good qualities.,可知选F,不要奢求更多。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

When you take a walk in any of the cities in the West, you often see a lot of people walking dogs.    48    is still true that a dog is the    49    useful and faithful animal in the world,    50    the reason why people keep a dog has changed. In the old days people used to train dogs to protect themselves against animal attacks. And later they came to realize that a dog was not    51     useful for protection but willing to obey his master. But now people in the city need not protect themselves against attacks of animals.    52  

do they keep dogs, then? Some people keep dogs to protect themselves from robbery. But the most important reason is    53    companionship. A dog is his best friend for

   54    child when he has no friends to play with. For young couples, a dog is their child when they have    55    children. For old couples, a dog is also their child when their real children have grown up.


科目:高中英语 来源:2010—2011学年浙江省杭师大附中高一第一学期期末英语卷 题型:完型填空

Animals perform many useful and amusing jobs. Dogs are particularly valuable in guiding the blind,   31  property(财产), finding   32  people, and hunting criminals(犯人). Horses are used in guarding herds(牧群),carrying men in lands where there are no roads, and helping farmers work their land. Pigeons(鸽子)  33  to carry messages. Wild animals from the jungles, forests and seas are very popular performers in   34  and motion pictures(电影). People realize that,   35  animals may not have the same intelligence(智慧) as   36 , they are clever enough to learn certain things.
The first thing a dog is taught is to  37 . It should not  38  too 1ong for him to learn commands. Simple orders, such as “sit, lie down,stay there, come here, ” can  39 be taught by a child.
Training a dog to be a watchdog often produces unexpected results. Some dogs quickly learn the difference   40  unwanted people and friends. This is   41  their masters welcome friends and invite them into their houses. However, some dogs will always   42  the postman who comes to   43  letters. One explanation for this behavior is that, although the postman comes to the house often, he never   44  the house. Therefore, the dog thinks the postman is someone   45  is not wanted, but keeps   46  back anyway.
Dogs are extremely useful as   47  for blind people. When a dog has been properly trained, he will lead his blind master in the right direction and keep him   48   danger. For example, seeing eye dogs   49  a busy road when cars are coming,   50  their masters command(命令) them to do so.

A.have long usedB.have long been used
C.have long been usingD.are long being used
A.children B.human beingC.human beingsD.students
A.obey B.orderC.doD.study
A.because of B.due toC.whyD.because
A.entersB.enters intoC.getsD.arrives to
A.comeB.to comeC.from comingD.coming
A.companiesB.companions(同伴) C.menD.colleagues(同事)
A.out fromB.outC.out ofD.out by
A.learn never to acrossB.learn to never cross
C.never learn to crossD.learn never to cross
A.evenB.ifC.even ifD.because


科目:高中英语 来源:2010—2011学年西藏拉萨中学高二第一次月考英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

If you are in a town in a western country, you'll often see people walking with their dogs. It is still true that a dog is the most useful animal in the world. But the reason why one keeps a dog has changed Once upon a time, a man met a dog and wanted it to help him in the fight against other animals, and he found that the dog listened to him and did what he told him to. Later people used dogs for the hunting other animals, and the dogs didn't eat what they got until their master agreed. So dogs were used for driving sheep and guarding chicks. But now the people in the towns and cities do not need dogs to fight other animals. Of course they keep them to frighten thieves, but the most important reason is that people feel lonely in the city. For a child, a dog is his best friend when he has no friends to play with. For a young wife, a dog is her child when she doesn’t have her own. For old people, a dog is also a child when their real children have grown up and left. Now people do not have to use a dog, but they keep it as a friend, just like a member of the family.
【小题1】_______are more useful than a dog in the world.

A.No other animalsB.Some animalsC.Many animalsD.A few animals
【小题2】In the past people kept dogs because dogs _________.
A.could fight against other animalsB.met the people
C.did not eat other animalsD.helped and listened to people
【小题3】Now people keep dogs in the cities because dogs_____.
A.fight other animalsB.are lonely
C.are like their friendsD.are afraid of the thieves
【小题4】A dog can be _____.
A.a child's friend onlyB.a young woman's son
C.old people's real childD.everybody's friend
【小题5】So a dog will __ in a family.
A.always be usedB.not be useful
C.still fightD.always be a good friend


科目:高中英语 来源:2015届河南省高一第三次考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

If you are in a town in a western country, you'll often see people walking with their dogs. It is still true that a dog is the most useful animal in the world. But the reason why one keeps a dog has changed Once upon a time, a man met a dog and wanted it to help him in the fight against other animals, and he found that the dog listened to him and did what he told him to. Later people used dogs for  hunting other animals, and the dogs didn't eat what they got until their master agreed. So dogs were used for driving sheep and guarding chicks. But now the people in the towns and cities do not need dogs to fight other animals. Of course they keep them to frighten thieves, but the most important reason is that people feel lonely in the city. For a child, a dog is his best friend when he has no friends to play with. For a young wife, a dog is her child when she doesn’t have her own. For old people, a dog is also a child when their real children have grown up and left. Now people do not have to use a dog, but they keep it as a friend, just like a member of the family.

1._______are more useful than a dog in the world.

A.No other animals                        B.Some animals

C.Many animals                          D.A few animals

2.In the past, people kept dogs because dogs _________.

A.could fight against other animals            B.met the people

C.did not eat other animals                  D.helped and listened to people

3.Now people keep dogs in the cities because dogs_____.

A.fight other animals                      B.are lonely

C.are like their friends                     D.are afraid of the thieves

4.A dog can be _____.

A.a child's friend only                      B.a young woman's son

C.old people's real child                    D.everybody's friend



科目:高中英语 来源:湖南省高考适应性测试英语 题型:填空题

When you take a walk in any of the cities in the West, you often see a lot of people walking dogs.    48    is still true that a dog is the    49    useful and faithful animal in the world,    50    the reason why people keep a dog has changed. In the old days people used to train dogs to protect themselves against animal attacks. And later they came to realize that a dog was not    51     useful for protection but willing to obey his master. But now people in the city need not protect themselves against attacks of animals.    52  

do they keep dogs, then? Some people keep dogs to protect themselves from robbery. But the most important reason is    53    companionship. A dog is his best friend for

   54    child when he has no friends to play with. For young couples, a dog is their child when they have    55    children. For old couples, a dog is also their child when their real children have grown up.


