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16.[1]Tere is always a way to be friends with everyone. Don't be afraid to talk to people.meetitrangers is the best way to make new friends!
[2]If the group you want to be friends with is a shy group,and you're a little more sciable,never ask them"Why don't you talk?"or"Why are you quiet?"They hate that. It'srude. Don't do it.If you're shy and you want to get into a sociable gToup,then just try to get a little attention,but try not to overdoit.No one likes a show-off. And remember that each group will be different. Observe what is appropriate for each group,and act accordingly,but don't change yourself just to fit in.
[3]Always be outgoing,and going out.Be outgoing,and you will                    within a group:.Go out a lot so that you will hang out wkh different groups. Being friends with everyone is time and energy consuming,because you must be friendly,outgoing,and willing to hang out,leaving very little time to yourself.That is something you have to consider before go-ing and trying to be so popular.
[4]However,being friends with everyone can be difficult.You may feel tom between  friends;  who to hang out with ifit can't be done at once. And if for any.reason you cannot con-tinue with the demanding time schedule,friends will fade rapidly. Make sure to have a couple strong friends,or it may be possible for all of your friends to become just'acquaintances.
[5]Just remember:Don't forget who your real friends are. Don't become friends with  someone just because they are a cheerleader or reaily popular.
76.What's the best title of this passage?( Please answer within 10 words)How To Be Friends With Everyone/How To Make Friends (With Everyone)
77.Which sentence( s)  in this passage could be replaced by the following one?.
Though you should make some mecessary changes in making friends,you still stick to who you areObserve what is appropriate for each group,and act accordingly,but don't change yourself
just to fit in.
78.Fill in the blank in the third paragraph with proper words to complete the sentence.( Please  answer within 5 words)gain popularity/be popular/be welcome
79.What's your advice about making fnends with others?Why?( Please answer within 30 words )Always smile and have a positive attitude.When you meet someone or see them at work,
smile at them and they will think you're friendly and outgoing.
80.Translate the underlined sentence in the fourth paragraph into Chinese.务必要有几个亲密朋友,不然,你所有的朋友就可能只是相识而已了..

分析 本文介绍了如何与每个人交朋友,并提供了很多中方法.

解答 1.How To Be Friends With Everyone/How To Make Friends (With Everyone)主旨概括题.根据第一段的介绍可以知道,主要讲如何与每个人交朋友.
2.Observe what is appropriate for each group,and act accordingly,but don't change yourself
just to fit in.所给句子意思是虽然在交朋友时你可以做一些必要的改变,但要做自己,坚持自己不变.
3.gain popularity/be popular/be welcome 细节题.第三段告诉我们要Always be outgoing,and going out要乐观,开朗才能受到朋友的欢迎.
4.Always smile and have a positive attitude.When you meet someone or see them at work,
smile at them and they will think you're friendly and outgoing.概括题.根据全文的介绍可以知道,我们要保持微笑或者积极乐观的态度才能交到朋友.
5.务必要有几个亲密朋友,不然,你所有的朋友就可能只是相识而已了.在翻译时,注意make sure为确定,a couple of意为几个,acquaintance意思是名词熟人.

点评 考查学生的细节理解和推理判断能力.做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确选择.在做推理判断题时不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

参考词汇:普及:popularity  汉字:Chinese characters  
          养成…的习惯:form the habit of
Dear friends,
Let's take action now!


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

Dear Tom,
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:解答题

[1]E-mail may be the most important,unique method for communicating and developing relationships since the telephone.First of all,     .Anyone who can use a word processor can also write an e-mail message without difficulty.Secondly,it saves time and money.It costs nothing more than your time.No paper expense,no postage,no envelope expense.People find it familiar and safe because it is similar in many aspects to writing letters-but minus the annoyances of addressing envelopes,licking stamps and trips to the mail box.
[2]Of all the methods for developing relationships on the Internet,e-mail is the most common-and perhaps the most powerful.Although friendship may indeed begin in chat rooms,instant messages,blogs or other environments,these relationships almost always expand into e-mail as a way to deepen the communication.It is a more private,more reliable,less messy way to talk.Even when other online tools improve greatly by becoming more effectively visual and auditory(听觉的)-as in video tele-conferencing-e-mail will not disappear.Many people will prefer it because it is a non-visual and non-auditory form of communication.After all,we don't see people rushing out to buy video equipment to add it to their telephone,even though that technology has been available for some time.
[3]E-mail is not just an electronic mail sent via the Internet.It creates a psychological space in which pairs of people-or groups of people-communicate with each other.It creates a situation and boundary in which human relationships can unfold.

76.What is the main idea of the text?(within 10words)
E-mail is an important,unique method for communicating and developing relationships
77.Which sentence in the text can be replaced by the following one?
People like e-mail better because it enables them to communicate even without seeing or listening to each other.
Many people will prefer it because it is a non-visual and non-auditory form of communication.
78.Please fill in the blank in Paragraph 1with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence.(within 8words)
it is easy to use
79.Please list three other ways of communication.(within 15words)
①Telephones②Chat rooms③Instant messages
80.Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3into Chinese.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

11.Last Sunday I went to the teahouse where my father works.I was helping my father in the teahouse when a foreign (76)visitor entered.I greeted her with a warm smile and talked with her(77)inEnglish.
The young lady,(78)who called herself Judy,came from Canada.She told me that (79)it/that/this was the first time that she had been in China and so far she had (80)enjoyed(享受) her stay here.All the people she met in the country were(81)friendly to her.In the late afternoon I(82)showed her around our town.Before she left,Judy thanked me for my kindness.(83)Besides,she praised me for my spoken English.You can never imagine how(84)excited(兴奋)I was when (85)hearing(听到) what she said.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.Could your cellphone give you cancer?Whether it could or not,some people are worrying about the possibility that phones,powerlines and wi-fi (路由器) could be responsible for a range of illnesses,from rashes to brain tumours.
For example,Camilla Rees,48,a former investment banker in the US,moved out of her apartment in San Francisco because of the radiation coming from next door.Rees told the Los Angeles Times that when her neighbors moved in and installed a wi-fi router she lost her ability to think clearly."I would wake up dizzy in the morning.I'd fall to the floor.I had to leave to escape that nightmare,"she said.Since then,she's been on a campaign against low-level electromagnetic fields,or EMFs(低频电磁场).
And she's not alone.Millions of people say they suffer from headaches,depression,nausea and rashes when they're too close to cellphones or other sources of EMFs.
Although the World Health Organization has officially declared that EMFs seem to pose little threat,governments are still concerned.In fact,last April,the European Parliament called for countries to take steps to reduce exposure to EMFs.The city of San Francisco and the state of Maine are currently considering requiring cancer-warning labels on cellphones.
If these fears are reasonable,then perhaps we should all be worried about the amount of time we spend talking on our phones or plugging into wi-fi hotpots.
Some say there is evidence to support the growing anxieties.David Carpenter,a professor of environmental health sciences at the University at Albany,in New York,thinks there's a greater than 95% chance that power lines can cause childhood leukemia.Also there's a greater than 90% chance that cellphones can cause brain tumours.
But others believe these concerns are unreasonable paranoia (猜疑).Dr Martha Linet,the head of radiation epidemiology at the US National Cancer Institute,has looked at the same research as Carpenter but has reached a different conclusion."I don't support warning labels for cellphones,"said Linet."We don't have the evidence that there's much danger."
Studies so far suggest a weak connection between EMFs and illness-so weak that it might not exist at all.A multinational investigation of cellphones and brain cancer,in 13countries outside the US,has been underway for several years.It's funded in part by the European Union,in part by a cellphone industry group.
According to Robert Park,a professor of physics at the University of Maryland in the US,the magnetic waves aren't nearly powerful enough to break apart DNA,which is how known threats,such as UV rays and X-rays,cause cancer.
Perhaps it's just psychological.Some experts find that the electro-sensitivity syndrome seems to be similar to chemical sensitivity syndrome,which is a condition that's considered to be psychological.
Whether EMFs are harmful or not,a break in the countryside,without the cellphone,would probably be good for all of us.
Title:Could cellphones give you cancer?
Key pointsSupporting details
Cellphones are (71)dangerous to use●Some people think it (72)possible for cellphones to cause cancer.
●Camilla Rees got ill after his neighbor installed a wi-fi router.
●Millions of people have the (73)same problems as Camilla.
●Some evidence supports people's anxieties.
Cellphones are safe
to use
●Some believe that these concerns are just paranoia.
●So far,studies show that there isn't much (74)connection between EMFs and illness.
●Robert Park thinks that the magnetic waves aren't powerful enough to (75)destroy DNA.
●It's just for psychological (76)reasons that people feel ill when they use cellphones.
Attitudes and (77)suggestions●Some governments are (78)concerned about the safety of cellphones or EMFs.
●The author thinks that we should(79)reduce the chance of talking on the phone or spend more time in the(80)rural areas without cellphones.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

8.--What do you think of the new English teacher?
--____she is an elegant lady,she can be extremely difficult to work with.(  )
A.WhileB.WhenC.AsD.Even if


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

5.Many young girls were scared _______ stay outside after 19o'clock because they were scared _______ being robbed in the city.(  )
A.to; toB.to; ofC.of; toD.of; of


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

6.My friend jenny from Germany spent some time traveling in India,(61)While there,she stayed with leela,her friend who was Indian,Apart from the gazes that she got (62)as a foreigner,Jenny also had language problems.It was difficult for her to communicate in this new environment and culture,(63)which had so many diffevences from her own country.
One day,a strange thing happened,Along with Leela,she went to visit a kindergarten,all the children there were tiny,(64)They aged from fifteen days to one-and-a-half years old,
After some hesitation,Jenny  (65)slowly (solw) went to the kids and sat beside them,After some time,one of the kids smiled at her,She felt relaxed a little,and she immediately was (66)drawn (draw)towards that child.
She slowly held  (67)the child and started singing a rhyme in German,The small child continued to smile and started repeating after her,The words that escaped the little mouth were much different from  (68)those that Jenny sang,but the tune was the same.
(69)Wanting (want) to join in all the fun,another kid went up to Jenny,They shared a million smiles together.
Noticing leela's eyes on her,she thought  (70)happily/proudly to herself:"See,I don't have language problems here,We speak,we communicate!"

