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   In my life,I have had a number of good teachers ,many common ones and a few who were truly exceptional. Many years before,I was a rule-obeying kid and lived a very peaceful life. I liked school but felt bored.

   And then I entered fourth grade. My teacher,;

Mrs. Gerlip,was a young woman who combined art,music,theatre and other forms of creative expression into a lively class. I blossomed. I formed a “Fun Club” with other girls in my class which was all about having fun. I wrote a book called Through the Forest about the adventures of Polly and Jack who disobeyed their parents. Much of the joy and self-confidence I experienced that year was owed to the great teacher whom I never forgot.

   So you can imagine my surprise when fifty years later I received a letter in the mail. A few days later ,reunion was planned at Mrs. Gerlip's home. Reconnecting with Mrs. Gerlip was a journey back in time. Five decades had passed,but my teacher still remembered eveiy student. She hadn' t forgotten the class (恃强欺弱者) who used to hit me on my way to school. In a time when bullying was considered nothing serious,Mrs. Gerlip put a stop to it.

   Now,in my mid-fifties,I appreciate even more the gifts I was given in fourth grade. I am deeply grateful. It' s never too late to reach out and express thanks to that extraordinary teacher in your life. I hope you are fortunate enough to have one,like Mrs. Gerlip,who not only develops your mind but your soul.

5. What do we know about the author before she entered grade four?

   A. She was outgoing.

   B. She was well-behax^d.

    C. She was an excellent,student.

   D. She came across a good teacher.

6. The underlined sentence “ I blossomed ’ in Paragraph 2 probably means that the author.

   A. lost her memory

   B. felt disappointed

    C. got tired of studying   

    D. found true happiness

7. When Mrs. Gerlip knew about student bullying,she

   A. tried to prevent it

   B. thought it was common 

    C. pretended to disagree

   D. had mixed feelings about it

8. What kind of teacher was Mrs. Gerlip?

   A. Friendly and brave.

   B. Kind and inspiring,

    C. Strict and determined.

   D. Hard-working and confident.

5.B. 细节理解题。根据第一段中的 I was a rule-obeying kid and lived a very peaceful life 可知,四年级之前作者是个遵守规矩的学生。 

6.D;推理判断题。根据第二段中的? Gmllub” W池 other girls …the great teacher whom I never forgot 可知,作者在认识了 Gerllp 老师之后找到了校园生活的乐趣。

7. A细节理解题。根据第三段中的in a time when bullying was considered nothing :erious ,I Mrs. Gerlip put.a stop to it 可知,Gerlip 老师阻止同学之间欺负弱小者事件的发生。 

8 B推理判断题。根据Gerlip 老师反对同学之间欺负可知,她是个善良的老师;根据第二段中 who combined art,music,theatre,and other forms of creative expression into a lively class 可知,Gerlip 老师是位能创造性地进行教学活动、启发学生的老师。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高一新课程36-43期答案 > 第40期2015-2016年高一新课程


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


               Volunteer teaching ?n Sur?n,Thailand

    Surin,the heart of Thailand,is well-known for its beautiful sight and friendly local people. To the north of Surin is the valley of the Mun River,and to the south is the great Dongrek mountains. For those who want to escape to a much simpler way of life,Sunn is the best choice.

    Our hands-on teaching volunteer experience gives you the chance to help children through teaching. You* 11 be given all the necessary training to have an exciting and educational lesson. Your working place will be in a Thai government school. The school day starts at 8:30 am and ends at 3:30 pm,which means that you’ 11 have plenty of free time in the evening to relax or explore the local area.


. Day 1 Arrive in Bangkok 

Touch down in Bangkok and head to your guesthouse on the famous Khao San road. Have a guesthouse on the famous Khao San road. Have a rest and then do some local exploring until you meet the rest of the volunteers in the evening.

. Day 2  Bangkok tour

Explore some of the city’ s  most famous places such as temples and palaces. Tour the Klongs of Bangkok on an exciting boat ride.

. Day 3  Go to Surin 

Take a train to Surin,live in yòur volunteer home and then get all the information about the volunteer project.

. Day 4  Meet the students

Yo? will get the chance to meet everyone an 4 introduce yourself to everyone at the school you will be volunteering at.

. Day 5-7 Teaching time,8. 30 am - 3. 30 pm,Monday - Thursday 

Teach English in a Thai government school and provide the children with valuable life skills and learn about Thai life at the same time. A truly interesting experience!

. Day 8-10 Free time in Surin 

Relax during your time off by exploring Surin or visiting nearby Cambodia on the weekend.

13. What do we know about Sunn according to Paragraph 1 ?

   A. It is a poor place.

   B. It is located in the south of Thailand,

   C. The local people live a simple life.

   D. There are many rivers and mountains there.

14. When may the volunteers travel around Surin during weekdays?

   A. At night. B. In the morning,

   C. At noon. D. In the late afternoon.

15. How will the volunteers explore the Klongs of Bangkok?

   A. By bus. B. By train,

   C. By boat. D. On foot.

16. On which day can the volunteers visit Cambodia?

   A. Day 1.   B. Day 3.

   C. Day 6.   D. Day 9. 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

         A  ★★★☆☆

    Teachers from Matthew Jago elementary school in Sewaren,New Jersey,took a group of students in the school's (自闭症) classes to Jose Tejas Restaurant on May 6 ,in honor of Teacher Appreciation Day.

    The 21 teachers and 26 children enjoyed a good meal. When it came time to pay the bill,the manager told them it had already been paid for by another diner. “We couldn’t believe it. We were all speechless the moment we heard the news,” said Jeannette Gruskowski,one of the teachers.

    The meal was supposed to be paid for by the teachers and the children's parents,and the group was impressed by the kindness of the complete stranger. The manager told US that she’s a grandparent of a child with special needs,” Gruskowski explained. And she was so touched by US being there with the kids on Teacher Appreciation Day.”

    The woman chose to remain anonymous. The teachers were told that the woman frequently visited the restaurant,so the group put together a heartfelt thank-you card in the hope that it would reach her.

    “we don’t know who you are. There are no words to express how grateful we are to you,” read the card. “Your act of generosity will forever remain in our hearts."

    Greg,manager at Jose Tejas., confirmed that the card was given to the anonymous woman. He said that she was very appreciative,but still insisted on anonymity.

    Gruskowski and the other teachers also sent a note to the kids’ families to let them know what had happened. “The parents were deeply touched,” she said.

1. Why was the group of children taken to the restaurant?

   A. To make new friends.

   B. To celebrate a special day.

    C. To help waiters in the restaurant.

   D. To make a meal for their teachers.

2. How did the teachers and students feel on hearing the manager's words?

   A. Surprised. B. Proud,

    C. Doubtful. D. Concerned.

3. The underlined word “anonymous” in Paragraph 4 can best be replaced by .

   A. calm   B. friendly

    C. nameless   D. selfless

4. What did the kids do after the dinner?

   A. They paid a visit to the woman.

   B. They made cards for their family,

    C. They repaid money to the woman.

   D. They expressed their thanks to the woman. 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Five of us went off to Amsterdam late last summer for a week. We finished our holiday jobs and thought we deserved a break. We got a cheap flight to Amsterdam,took a bus into town,and went to see the sights. .

   None of US knew the place,so it was a bit of an adventure,and we got completely lost at one point.

My friend Dave nearly fell into ? canal when we were crossing a bridge because he wasn,t looking where he was going!But we managed to find the Van Gogh Museum,where we had to queue for two hours. There were so many people!While we were waiting there,I met an old friend from school. The world is a small place!

   We stayed in a travellers’hostel(招待所) ,and met some friendly Italians who were staying there too. The hostel was cheap and clean. Ten people in one dormitory can be a problem!And for food,we generally ate in fast food restaurants. Did you know the Dutch have mayonnaise (蛋黄酱) with their chips? But on my birthday we had a special meal at an Indonesian restaurant.

   Anyway,public transport is good,so it's easy to get around the city. A lot of people rent bikes,but we preferred to go by bus. You have to be careful though. You get your ticket from a machine,not from the driver. When we were going to the Vondelpark on Friday,two of the boys didn’ t have any money to buy a ticket,and an inspector caught them. They had to pay five times the fare!They tried to say they were foreigners,but the man didn' t accept that. The rest of us just laughed. In the end,we all had a great time and would love to go back to Holland.

1. Why did the author decide to go to Amsterdam?

   A. To visit his friends.

   B. To find a holiday job. 

    C. To take a business trip.

   D. To enjoy a summer holiday.

2. What happened to the author after he arrived in Amsterdam?

   A. He fell into a canal.

   B. He came across his old friend.

    C. He had a quarrel with his friends.

   D. He couldn' t  find the Van Gogh Museum.

3. What was the author's problem according to Paragraph 3 ?

   A. There were too many people in one room.

   B. The local people were not very friendly.

    C. The meals in fast food restaurants were bad.

   D. He had to clean the room while living in a travelers,hostel.

4. What did the author think of his stay in Amsterdam?

   A. Boring.     B. Exciting.

    C. Tough.      D. Disappointing.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   In Brooklyn,New York,Chush is a special school. At a Chush fundraising (募捐) dinner,the father of a Chiish child made a speech. He cried, “All men were bom equal. But my child cannot understand things as other children do. I believe,to a child like him,the equality is in the way people react to him. ”

   He then told the following story about his son Shaya: One Sunday afternoon,Shaya and his father came to school just as his classmates were playing G?se^al?. Shaya's father thought most boys would not want Shaya on their team. But the father still approached one of the boys in the field.

   Would the team actually let Shaya bat and give away their chance to win the game? Surprisingly,Shaya was told to take a bat and try to get a hit. The (投球手) could easily have thrown the ball to the baseman. Shaya would have been out. Instead,the pitcher took- the ball and threw it far beyond the first baseman's reach. Everyone started yelling, “Shaya,run to first!Shaya,run to first!” Never in his life had ; Shaya run to first. As Shaya rounded third,the boys;from both teams ran behind him screaming,a Shay a,run home!Shay a,run home!” Shaya ran home,stepped on (本垒板) and all 18 boys lifted.him on their shoulders and made him a hero,as he had just hit the “gram/s/iww (大满贯) ” and won the game : for his team.

   “That day,” said the father whose tears rolled down his face, “those 18  boys showed that it is not only those who are talented that should be recognized,but also those who are less talented. They too are human beings,they too have feelings and emotions,and they too want to feel important."

5. What can be learned about Shaya?

   A. He is good at sports.

   B. He is a boy with a disability.

    C. He is on the school baseball team.

   D. He has difficulty getting on with others.

6. Shaya won the game mainly because of .

   A. his luck

   B. his determination 

    C. his talent for sports

   D. his classmates’ support

7. What was stressed Shaya’ s father in the last : paragraph?

   A. The importance of hard work.

   B. The meaning of being confident,

    C. The value of'respecting everyone.

   D. The necessity of trying to be perfect.

8. Which of the following words ean best describe the 18 students on the baseball team?

   A. Talented.       B. Polite,

    C. Hard-working.    D. Considerate.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Everything worked out so smoothly and everyone was so kind to me,an America girl,that I had the most wonderful time as a volunteer teacher there.

   I felt at home right away. Also my host family was amazing.  I really found ? secoiid family in Thailand and we got along well even without speaking the same language. My host mother made a great effort to leam some English and I did my best to learn a couple of Thai words .

   Teaching was great fun and also quite challenging because I taught many different classes at different levels of English. So I always had to first check and then quickly adapt to (适应) their levels of English.

   But luckily,all the former teachers kept a teacher’ s diary and wrote down their exp?riences with the students so I could check in advance what kind of games or exercises they had been doing. Its stress was on conversation. And this was best done through little games. Students loved the competition and teaming up against each other. It sometimes took a bit to involve them because they were often very shy. But once they warmed up it was so much fun. I must say I enjoyed all the classes.

   On Sundays I went to temple school to teach the little students together with other teachers from Prangku. All the teachers at Prajigku were willing to spend much of their own free time helping these students. And the students were so nice,polite and really eager to learn English.

  I want to share this experience with everyone who enjoys being with children,and with everyone who is interested in getting to know a new culture. This is really an unforgettable experience.

1. Living with the host family,the author .

   A. became part of the family quickly

   B. found what the family did was strange 

    C. was often misunderstood by the family   

    D. could talk with the family fluently in Thai

2. Why did the author consider teaching in Thailand a challenge?

   A. No teacher gave her a helping hand.

   B. Her students were too shy to speak English,

    C. She had difficulty dealing with large classes.

   D. Her students were at different levels of English.

3. According to the author,teachers,from Prangku

   A. recorded studentsJ activities in a diary

   B. thought highly of what the author did 

    C. had a strong sense of responsibility   

    D. were not good at organizing games

4. The author thinks her experience in Thailand is

   A. worthwhile   B. adventurous

    C. uncomfortable   D. doubtful 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   In the mid-1800s,two chance events occurred in the life of a young “gold rusher” that resulted in the creation of the world's first pair of jeans. Twenty-three-year-old Levi Strauss,a Bavarian immigrant (?? R.) working at his brothers,dry goods store in New York City,didn't join the gold rush. He wanted to sell diy goods to the miners.

   So in January of 1853,Levi Strauss began selling dry goods in San Francisco. Business went well for him and Levi became a wealthy man. Then the first chance event presented itself to Levi. Levi imagined that the gold miners would require denim(牛仔布) with which to build tents. He was wrong. Pleasant California weather persuaded miners to sleep directly under the stars. Levi would have to find another use for his yards and yards of brown denim. The first generation of jeans was bom. They were named “waist overalls”.

   Then the second chance event occurred. Jacob Davis,a Nevada tailor (^ invented a method of strengthening the trousers. He placed metal rivets 4t) at pocket comers. He didn't have the money to apply for a patent i'J) for his idea,so he sent Levi a letter. Perhaps Levi would be interested in paying for the paperwork so that the two men could apply for the patent together. Levi agreed and the second generation of jeans was bom. The term jeans was bom out of the name of an Italian city,Genoa,where denim could be bought.

   Jeans didn't change the life of Levi greatly. He and Jacob Davis did earn good money from their successful riveted denim trousers,but Levi was already a wealthy man. Denim jeans did greatly alter the lives of the rest of US. Today more than a hundred years later,Levi' s  jeans are still popular all over the world.

9. Before inventing jeans,Levi Strauss was .

   A. a rich man   B. a tent builder

    C. a famous tailor   D. a miner in California

10. What do we know about the second generation of jeans?

   A. It was made in Italy.

   B. It was not given a patent.

    C. It was called “waist overalls”.

   D. It was improved by Jacob Davis.

11. The underlined word “alter” in the last paragraph probably means.

   A. guide   B. ruin

    C. change   D. shape

12. What might be the best title for the text?

   A. A clever tailor

   B. The best trousers

    C. The invention of jeans   

    D. The process of making jeans


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5. Nowadays I can choose online courses and study by.

   A. I   B. me

    C. my   D. myself           (2015 上海)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5. You can't move the desk all by (your) .

