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With large and small keyboards are everywhere,neither children or adults need to write much of anything by hand. That's a big problem. Study after study suggests that handwriting was important for brain development―helping kids learn to express and create ideas. Yet the time devoting to teaching penmanship in most schools has been cut up to just one hour a week. Is it time to give up handwriting? Have a look the link between the brain and penmanship,and you may get the answer. Studies shows that this is not only an English language phenomenon. Chinese and Japanese youths are also suffered. Sometimes they can remember how to write characters.

With large and small keyboards are.

everywhere,neither children or adults need to write 


 much of anything by hand. That's a big problem.

Study after study suggests that handwriting was 


important for brain development―helping kids learn to express and create ideas. Yet the time devoting to 


 teaching penmanship in most schools has been cut up to just one hour a week. Is it time to give up 


 handwriting? Have a look A the link between the


brain and penmanship,and you may get the answer. Studies shows that this is not only an English 


language phenomenon. Chinese and Japanese youths are also suffered . Sometimes they can remember 



 how to write characters.

题目来源:高考英语组合训练(阅读七选五+短文填词+短文改错) > 组合训练13


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

9. I was curious what may have motivated her to be        this challenge at her age.

   A. taking in   B. taking off

   C. taking on   D. taking out


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

More than any other American holiday,Thanksgiving celebrates family and home. On Thanksgiving,many people enjoy a long day of cooking,talking and eating. The traditional meal often includes a turkey with a bread mixture cooked inside.

Like other Americans,W. L. Stokes is excited about the holiday. 1       They include country ham,collard greens,and corn bread. Other foods commonly served on Thanksgiving are sweet potatoes,cranberries and pumpkin pie. 2       And many people eat more food at Thanksgiving than at any other time of the year.

3       All across the country,thousands of groups provide Thanksgiving meals for older adults,poor people and the homeless. Many Americans give turkeys or other food to these organizations;schools organize food collection drives for Thanksgiving. 4       Since becoming president,Barack Obama and his family have volunteered one day before each Thanksgiving at an organization that helps the needy.

5       And that travel can be pricey. The website Travelocity says the average price for a flight in the United States over Thanksgiving is around $ 400 this year. Gasoline prices can also increase around Thanksgiving. Last year,gas prices were especially high after Superstorm Sandy hit the eastern United States. But the American Automobile Association says trips by car were still responsible for nearly 90 percent of all Thanksgiving travel in 2012.

   A. Some people spend part of the holiday helping to prepare and serve meals.

   B. Because so many people visit their families over the holiday,Thanksgiving week is one of the busiest travel times of the year.

   C. Over the years,Americans have added traditions to their Thanksgiving celebration for entertainment.

   D. It says New York City remains a popular place to visit over the holiday.

   E. Thanksgiving is also a time when Americans share what they have with people who do not have as much.

   F. Mr. Stokes is looking forward to a big meal of turkey and some of his favorite foods.

   G. American supermarkets are reported to sell more food at Thanksgiving than at any other time of the year.

One day a hare met with a tortoise at the foot of a hill.

       2        3        4        5        


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Why do 33% of the households in the USA have dogs? And how do you explain why there is 16 million more pet cats than dogs? Yes,kittens are adorable (讨人喜欢的) .Yes,they can grow up to be good mousers and are very entertained to watch. And yes,cats are independently and don't require as much care so dogs. But research shows cats can't also be caretakers for us and our families,improve our healthy and teach us and our children to be kinder,gentler souls.

Theodora Wesselman is 94 and has being lived the past two years with her elderly cat,Cleo,at TigerPlace,a retirement community in Columbia. Their enduring friendship is a classic example to how humans and animals can become family and look down each other.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Your beliefs are very powerful and have the power to create or to destroy your life. In most cases,whatever you believe is what you will become. If you believe that you are a loser,that you never get a break in life,and that you can't accomplish anything,these things will be your reality. 1       that you can do anything you determined to do,and when you do,your accomplishments will know no bounds. You control your beliefs,and that is how you unlimitedly control your life.

This is a very important point. 2       Many of our beliefs come from our environment,the world we live in on a daily basis. If your environment is limiting your beliefs,then work very hard on changing it. If you are constantly around people who are negative and limiting,find other people to hang out with.

3      .

4       That is why it is so important to experience success on a regular basis. Set small,achievable goals,and then try your best to reach them. "I will finish this project by early afternoon.""I will make six calls on the phone in the next hour. " "I will exercise for 20 minutes tonight."When you start to experience success,then you start to believe in success,and that leads to more and bigger success.

5       The more you learn,the more things you will know to be possible. Always take advantage of opportunities to learn something new. It will bring new possibility into your beliefs and your life. Most importantly,you can develop new beliefs by setting and imagining goals for your life. Define your goals clearly and accurately. Then,in your mind,see yourself achieving them in all of their sensible details. Mentally live the experience,see the sights,hear the sounds,smell the aroma        (芳香) ,feel the feelings. Your broughtup beliefs will lead you to their reality.

   A. Beliefs come from knowledge.

   B. So how do you develop beliefs that will enable you?

   C. Contact with positive and successful people.

   D. Beliefs also come from past experiences.

   E. Never give up your dream and work hard to realize it.

   F. Believe that you are unlimited

   G. Don't let the positive surroundings influence you.

 1.                  2.                  3.         4.          5.         


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Recently a Beijing father sent in a question at an Internet forum asking 1       "PK" meant.

Like this 2       (puzzle) father,Chinese teachers at high schools have also been finding their students' compositions using Internet jargon (行话) difficult 3       (understand) .

A high school teacher from Tianjin asked her students to write up compositions with colloquial ( 口语的) language,but they came 4       a lot of Internet jargon 5        she didn't understand.

While some specialists welcome Internet jargon as a new development in language,teachers are worried 6        too much use of such language might lead students away 7        the "right" usage. Parents especially worry that their children might not do well in language tests 8       (because) the use of Internet language.

Such as those mixed feelings are,the conciseness and liveliness of Internet language continue to attract Internet users for making convenient communication.

If you do not even know what a Kong Long [ dinosaur,9       (refer) uglylooking female] or a Qing Wa is,then you will possibly 10        (regard) as a Cai Niaoj

1.         2.         3.                  4.          5.         

6. 7.         8.          9.          10.         


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

As a resident of Hubei Province which is called "the province with thousands of lakes", my heart hurts for the polluting South Lake. We should of course do something of it right now.

First,the environmental protection department should make strict laws. Then the fish owners must deal the dead fish in time. Third,the citizens who live near the lake must forbidden to pour pollutants into the lake. What's more,the government should educate the citizens the important of protected environment and put forward various ways to dealing with the problems which may be causing by our ignorance and indifference.

If everyone is responsible for the South Lake and do which is right,there is no doubt whether it will turn back to a pretty diamond of Wuhan.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

A Nepalese man,Khagendra Thapa Magar,was declared the world's shortest man at 26. 4 inches (67 centimeters) .

Today,a 72-year-old Nepalese man who is about the size of a toddler (学步的儿童) on Sunday became the world's shortest person ever 1         (record) and took over the title.

Guinness World Records official measured Chandra Bahadur Dangi to confirm his 2       (high) of 21. 5 inches. Guinness official presented Dangi with two certificates for being the world's shortest 3          (live) man and the world's shortest person recorded in Guinness' history. Since Dangi's village is so remote,4       recently did Dangi gain notice. A forest contractor met him and told local media.

"I am very happy. Now I want to travel 5        Nepal and to foreign countries, " he told reporters. He said he had no desire to get married,6 would like to meet the prime minister of Nepal soon. Before 7       (measure) in the capital,he had never seen a doctor and had never been seriously 8        or had any injuries. He has a normal sized head and regular shaves,but his body is small. He eats mainly rice and vegetables,and 9       (occasion) meat,but in small portions.

Dangi takes the shortest man record from Junrey Balawing of the Philippines,10       is 23,5 inches tall. He also beat the record of Gul Mohammed of India as the shortest adult human to have their height verified by Guinness.

1.                  2.                  3.                  4.          5.         

6.         7.             8.                  9.         10.         


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Are the school holidays too long? We asked children,parents and teachers whether the summer break should be shorter. 1       Ruby Mullin,nine This idea is mean. There's no other word for it. Children need to calm down and have a good holiday at the end of a busy school year. The long holidays give you time to do things you wouldn't otherwise get to do,like in my family we go to Ireland and see relatives and friends there. It might seem long to some people. 2       Anthony Seldon,head teacher of Wellington College in Berkshire If it hadn't been for the long summer holiday,I wouldn't have come into teaching. 3       Whether it's painting,hiking or,as in my case,writing books,it adds such a lot to what teachers have to give. And as for all these worries about pupils forgetting all they've learned,children have up to nine weeks in summer,and their exam results don't suffer. We all know that some of the most valuable learning experiences take place away from the classroom.

Nachelle Crowther,mother of three kids 4      The sixweek break seems designed for another age,when mothers didn't work and your mum lived round the corner to give you a hand. If I was able to take a sixweek holiday,great,I'd love it―but in the real world,that isn't possible. Instead,I end up spending a fortune―around £600―on childcare for each week when I'm working.

Sarah Radford,a primary school teacher at Botley school,Oxford

I've taught for more than 20 years,and summer is the only holiday when teachers can properly switch off from the intense work of planning and assessing (评估) .If it was shortened,the result would be an increase in teachers' stress levels and a harmful effect on our ability to teach. Children need that time for unstructured play,and to have time not being assessed,simply being themselves. 5      

   A. Should children have less time off school during the summer?

   B. However,time flies when you're having fun.

   C. It's important for teachers to do other things.

   D. A shorter summer holiday would be much better.

   F.   T have 9inreferenre for a lon^ cummer holiHav to have,fun

   F. A long summer holiday can also improve childrenparents relationship.

   G. And then school lessons will help their learning when they're back in school.

1.                  2.                  3.                  4.          5.       

