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3. Wearing helmets gave cyclists a false sense of  (secure) and encouraged them to take risks.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:






注意:1.词数100左右(开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数) ;


Dear Sir or Madam,



                                                            Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


            Many doctors know the story of Mr Wright .In 1957 he was diagnosed(诊断) with cancer,and given only days to live. He heard that scientists had discovered a new medication, Krebiozen, which was effective against cancer and he begged the doctor to give it to him. His physician,Dr Philip West finally agreed. After Mr Wright had been given an injection on a Friday afternoon,the astonished doctor found his patient out of his “death bed”.

            Two months later,Mr Wright read medical reports that the medication was fake. His condition immediately got worse again. “Don’t believe what you read in the papers,” the doctor told Mr Wright. Then he injected him with what he said was “a new super-refined double strength” version of the drug. Actually,there was no drug,just a mix of salt and water. Later,Mr Wright was the picture of health for another two months until he read an official report saying that Krebiozen was worthless. He died two days later.

             This story has gone unnoticed by doctors for a long time and the idea that a patient's beliefs can make a disease go away has been thought of as too strange. But now scientists are discovering that the placebo effect(宽慰作用) is more powerful than anyone has ever thought. They are also beginning to discover how such unbelievable results are achieved. Through new techniques of brain imagery,it can be shown that a thought,a belief or a desire can cause chemical processes in the brain which can have powerful effects on the body. Scientists are learning that some body reactions are not caused by information coming into the brain from the outside world,but by what the brain expects to happen next.

              Placebos are “lies that heal”,said Dr Anne Harrington,a historian of science at Harvard University. “The word ‘placebo’ is Latin for ‘I shall please’ and it is typically a treatment that a doctor gives to anxious patients to please them,” she said. “It looks like medication,but has no healing ingredients whatsoever."”

25. After being injected Krebiozen for the first time,Mr Wright.

   A. got cancer    B. almost died

   C. felt better   D. gave up What caused

26. Mr Wright's death according to the story?

   A. The fake drug.

   B. His own beliefs.

   C. His damaged brain.

   D. The doctor's wrong diagnosis.

27. What's the purpose of Paragraph 3 ?

   A. To explore the biology of human brains.

   B. To explain why people get cancer.

   C. To analyse how placebos work.

   D. To question Mr Wright's story.

28. What does Dr Anne Harrington think of the placebo effect?

   A. It is limited.

   B. It is effective.

   C. It can cheat patients.

   D. It goes against science.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



1. 屠呦呦,女,1930年生于浙江;

2. 因在青蒿素治疗疟疾方面的突出贡献于2015年获得诺贝尔生理学 

3. 她是第一位获得诺贝尔科学奖项的中国籍科学家。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

参考词汇:青蒿素artemisinin 症疾malaria


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


       Single-sex schools are better than mixed schools                     Message 1 — posted by Jane,Amsterdam 

             I think mixed-sex schools are the only way for children to leam,because it's natural. In higher education and their working life,they will be mixed so it makes sense for them to be mixed at school. School should reflect the real world. 

             Message 2 — posted by Hans,Germany 

             My reaction to this is very clear. For me,single-sex schools are much better,and the statistics show that they get better exam results,particularly at secondary level. Anything which helps children pass exams must be a good thing. 

             Message 3 — posted by Bill, USA 

             Boys and girls learn in very different ways. I feel that they should be educated separately so teachers can focus on their different needs. The way I see it is that if you have a zoo,you dont put the lions in with the zebras!

             Message 4 — posted by Martin,London 

             My view on this is that it doesnt really matter. What is important is the curriculum (课程) , and keeping students interested. I was a teacher and we had a lot of truancy (逃学) to deal with,and problems with students missing lessons because they found them boring. Never have a timetable with Maths as the first class on Monday morning!

             Message 5 — posted by Emily,Sydney 

             I dont think there is any question that mixed schools are better. There is too much competition at single-sex schools,which often means that students don't make enough progress. I also think there is more bullying (欺凌) at single-sex schools, where children are picked on because of the increased competition. Single-sex schools lead to a “dog eat dog” situation.

32. What is Jane's attitude towards single-sex schools?

   A. Negative.  B. Favorable.

   C. Objective. D. Unconcerned.

33. Both Hans and Bill hold that.

   A. boys and girls should be taught separately

   B. teachers should meet students’ different needs

   C. schools should focus on students’ exam results

   D. mixed schools are better than single-sex schools 

34. Martin stresses the importance of .

   A. school management

   B. students’ time awareness

   C. training students to obey rules

   D. exciting students’ interest in courses 

35. Emily uses “dog eat dog” to show .

   A. her support for single-sex schools

   B. studentsdetermined effort to succeed

   C. the fierce competition in single-sex schools

   D. the better education results in single-sex schools


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. Write us a letter; it's always great to hearyou.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5. It was the largest map . I ever saw.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. What skills are needed to(操作) this machinery?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. You can s chicken for beef if you don't like red meat.

