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Ever since I was old enough to dream,I have imagined myself soaring with the eagles.My love
of flying has shaped the way I live and the person I have become.Two years ago,that passion
rocketed to new heights when I had the opportunity to visit Embry Riddle Aeronautical University in Arizona.For a whole week I lived in a college dorm,roomed with a total stranger and---best of
all---I flew!
My group took part in activities ranging from learning about the history of aviation (航空) to
flying in state-of-the-art pilot training simulators (模拟装置).At least once a day,I devoted myself
to learning one of the world's best training aircraft,the Cessna 182.Not only did I receive thorough
ground instruction,but I also got to fly.In total,I flew five hours to receive my private pilot's license.In that one joyous and so-short week,my passion for aviation grew even stronger.Now,whenever I see a plane flying overhead,I feel a sense of pride thinking I've done that.
During my time in and above the Arizona desert,I learned not only about the mechanics and
techniques of aviation,but also about myself and how I see the world.As I floated in that seemingly
endless sea of air,I became aware of the variety and complexity of the humanity below.On the
ribbons of roadways,each tiny car carried people with hopes and dreams.I wondered if any of those people had ever wished to fly like an eagle.Then I realized that each must have his or her own
dreams and ambitions.That's what makes us unique.We try to respond to something special inside
us.I also realized that I was especially fortunate to be making my own dream come true.
Everywhere I go,I hear,"Do what makes you happy and you will be happy."It sounds like
standard advice,but I've really thought about it and taken it to heart.I couldn't care less about how
much money I make or what benefits I receive.I know that I am already in hot pursuit(追逐) of my
dreams.And,even if they change,even if they finally don't involve aviation,I'll always aim to fly
with the eagles.

24.Two years ago,the authorB.
A.was admitted to a university  
B.stayed in a university for one week
C.saw the launch of the rocket  
D.made good friends with an astronaut
25.Paragraph 2is mainly aboutB.
A.which aircraft the author got to fly      
B.how the author learned to fly
C.what the author learned about simulators  
D.why the author got a pilot's license
26.According to the author,C makes people unique.
A.flying like an eagle      
B.trying something special
C.having their own dreams  
D.learning unusual techniques
27.From the last paragraph,we can learn that the authorC.
A.cares a lot about money and benefits  
B.brings happiness to others
C.pursues his aims whatever happens  
D.offers advice wherever he goes.

分析 本文讲述了"我"在小的时候就梦想飞翔,长大后经过自己的努力终于实现了飞翔的梦想,并告诉我们无论何时都要追求我们的梦想.

解答 24.B  本题为细节题,定位原文第一段-Two years ago,that passion rocketed to new heights when I had the opportunity to visit Embry Riddle Aeronautical University in Arizona.For a whole week‖,B 为 在一个大学呆了一周,故答案选 B.
25.B 本题为段落主旨题.定位原文第二段-My group took part in activities ranging from learning about the history of aviation to flying in state-of-the-art pilot training simulators.‖我的小组参加了从学习航空 历史到最先进的飞行员训练模拟装置,均在说明 B 作者如何学开飞 机,故答案选 B.
26.C  本题为细节题.定位原文第三段-Then I realized that each must have his or her own dreams and ambitions.That‘s what makes us unique.‖此处 that 指代上文 dreams,所以对应 C.having their own dreams makes people unique.,故答案选择 C.
27.C 本题为主旨题.定位原文最后一段-Do what makes you happy and you will be happy.‖和-I‘ve really thought about it and taken it to heart.‖可知我认为做自己喜欢做的事就好,对应 C 无论发生什么追求 他的目标,故答案选 C.

点评 本文是一篇人物故事类的阅读题材,难度不大.考生在答题时,要重点弄清文章大意,要有较强的细节辨别能力.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

14.You'd betterattach(附加) the labels(标签) to the luggage so that it won't be mixed.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.The following passage is a healthy prescription (处方) of how we can approach life.It is not about being famous or being wealthy or about our good looks.Truly,it is all about love.There are times when we feel as if we are separated from the rest.This feeling creates a mental prison.Therefore,we should try to work hard to internally (内在地) liberate ourselves by widening our circle of pity to accept all living things.
"Open your heart to others and try to understand,
When someone reaches for you,hold out to them your hand,
Follow your heart,no matter what other people say,
Do things that make you able to smile throughout your day,
Treat other people,the way you would like them to treat you,
Do what you know is right and to your heart and self stay true,
Remember what life is all about,it is how you make people feel,
What you do,where you go,and making dreams become real,
Helping people through,in hard times of pain and strife,
What you do for others,is what is important in this life.
Look deeper and don't judge people by what is on the outside,
It is what is inside that counts and what people often hide,
Care,help,love,be honest,and be kind,
With purity and goodness within yourself,it is happiness you will find.
Do all you can in the time you have,you won't always be around,
Recapture the joy of little things,that once were easily found,
And if you can do all this and live a life of love,
You will be helped through life,by all those up above."
I will leave you with the inspiring words of our late genius,Albert Einstein:
"There are two ways to live life.One is as though nothing is a miracle (奇迹).The other is as though everything is a miracle"There are two ways to live life.One is as though nothing is a miracle (奇迹).The other is as though everything is a miracle."

60.The passage is mainly aboutA.
A.living a life of love                 B.helping those in need
C.taking back the joy of life           D.separating ourselves from others
61.According to the passage,which statement is true?C
A.Treating others the way others treat you is right for your life.
B.Making your dream become real is selfish in your life.
C.Judging people by what is inside counts.
D.Doing what you can makes yourself happy.
62.The underlined sentence in the last paragraph probably meansA.
A.Different ways of life lead to completely different results
B.Life is not always full of miracles
C.There are two kinds of miracles in life
D.Looking for miracles in life helps people find happiness.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

12.Lackingequipment(设备),we couldn't continue climbing the mountain.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.Thrift stores are a refuge (避难所) for countless items from landing in garbage piles.
Value Vitlage,for example,saves more than 650 million pounds of clothing from landfills(垃圾填埋场) each year!making it one of the largest recyclers of used garments in the world.
Their stores give a second life to 1.8 million pounds of clothes every day,which is equal to 600 mid sized cars.Almost 100 percent of clothing and textiles are recyclable,yet 85 percent of it ends up in landfills.It's estimated that the average person throws away 70 pounds of clothing a year.
Lindsay Coulter is the so called"queen of Green"with the David Suzuki Foundation,
educating people on how to live a greener life by making changes around the house.She says that donating and shopping at thrift stores is an excellent way to exercise all three of the three R's reduce,reuse and recycle.She says,"whether it's a purse or a pair of shoes,it's really worth considering going to thrift stores as another point of contact to help reduce your consumption."
Coulter points out that since landfills are air-tight,textiles take longer to break down.
"I'd imagine things like an old towel,a rag or an old-shirt will last a really long time,"
she says.The beauty of thrift shopping is that the supply is never-ending,so if you don't find what you're looking for one day,it's likely to show up in no time.
One person who knows this quite well is Jodi Jacyk,costume specialist in the theatre
and film department at the University of British Columbia.She says the majority of items for the university's productions are purchased second-hand.Because of her shrinking budget,items like clothing and shoes are thrifted from Value Village."We are constantly thrifting and we re-use costumes for many years.Thrift shopping is a much easier,cheaper way to do things."she says.
The next time you need to lighten your closet,take the opportunity to go thrift shopping to lighten both your carbon footprint and your financial burden at the same time.
32.What is a"thrift store"according to the text?B
A.It deals with daily garbage.
B.It sells second-hand items.
C.It exchanges new clothes.
D.It donates used items.
33.Why did Lindsay Coulter advise shopping at thrift stores?A
A.To be friendly to environment.
B.To make a change of lifestyle.
C.To reduce the cost of the family.
D.To collect money for the Foundation.
34.What do we know about Jodi Jacyk?C
A.She doesn't budget carefully.
B.She complains a lot about her job.
C.She is a fan of thrift shopping.
D.She is known as"Queen of Green'.
35.What is the author's attitude toward thrift shopping?D


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.Billy Wilder (1906-2002)was a Jewish Polish-born American filmmaker,screenwriter,producer.Many experts say that Billy Wilder changed the histroy of American movies.He is oftern called the best movie maker Hollywood has ever had.
Billy Wilder started law school in Vienna,Austria.Then he decided not to become a lawyer.Instead,he began reporting for a Vienna newspaper.Wilder became a screenwriter in the late 1920s while living in Berlin.After the rise of the Nazi Party,Wilder,who was Jewish,left for Paris,where he directed a movie The Bad Seed for the first time.He moved to Hollywood in 1933,and in 1939he had a hit when he co-wrote the screenplay for Ninotchka.In 1944,Billy Wilder made a film called Double Indemnity.Some critics said this movie established him as one of the greatest Hollywood directors.
As a director,Billy Wilder often violated Hollywood customs about social issues.For example,someone who drank too much alcohol had rarely been a movie subject.But Billy Wilder directed The Lost Weekend in 1945,whose subject was about alcohol.Reports at the time said manufacturers of alcoholic drinks tried to stop the movie.They did not succeed.The Lost Weekend also won the first prize of the Cannes Film Festival in Cannes,France.
In 1950,Wilder made Sunset Boulevar,which won three Academy awards.The movie marked the last time Billy Wilder and Charles Brackett wrote together.In 1954,Billy Wilder became an independent producer.The next year,Wilder's first movie The Seven Year Itch as an independent filmmaker was a huge success.In 1959,Wilder made a funny movie that was very popular.Billy Wilder continued to make interesting movies through the nineteen sixties and nineteen seventies.
In recent years,however,Billy Wilder received many more awards and honors.Critics praised his gifts to movie making.In 1987,he received the Irving G.Thalberg Memorial Award,which is the highest award a producer can receive.Wilder died in 2002.A current Hollywood producer said,"Billy Wilder dies.Nobody's perfect."
32.The author introduces Billy Wilder mainly byD.
A.giving examples  
B.comapring facts
C.following space order   
D.following time order
33.What does the text mainly talk about?B
A.The background of American movies.
B.Billy Wilder's achievements in American movies.
C.Billy Wilder's attitude to American movies.
D.The development American movies.
34.From the text,what can we learn about Billy Wilder's Double Indemnity?B
A.It met many critical challenges.
B.It was a major hit.
C.It won many awards.
D.It was his first works.
35.What can be inferred from what a current Hollywood producer said?B
A.Billy Wilder made lots of mistakes.
B.Billy Wilder received high remarks.
C.Billy Wilder was severely attacked by critics.
D.Billy Wilder was the greatest filmmaker.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

16.---I've got a headache.
---No wonder.You________in front of the computer too long.(  )
A.workB.are working
C.have been workingD.worked


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

17.假定你是李华,你的一位美国朋友Tom托你在北京给他找份工作.你看到《中国日报》(China Daily)上刊载了一则招聘启事,认为对他很合适.请用英文写一封短信,用e-mail发给Tom,告知此事,并征求他的意见.广告原文如下:
Foreign Teachers Wanted!
The Education Department of the Ladder Information Company is running an English course for children and adults.
Native English speaker
2.University degree in educational related field preferred
3.Foreign expert certification(证明).
If you are interested,please call us:
Beijing Ladder Information Company Limited
Dear Tom,
How are you doing?
Li Hua.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

18.Right after the Second World War,Germany was in ruins.Almost all the houses,factories and schools were destroyed.Plenty of people were homeless as well as jobless.Worse still,the supply of water and electricity was often cut off in the city.Two American journalists interviewed a German family living in the basement.The husband was disabled from the war and the wife was just dismissed from a clothing company.Worse still,there were bills for them to pay-four children to care for and food to buy.Life was hard for them at that time.
After the interview,the journalists chatted with each other on the way back to the company.
"Do you think the Germans could rebuild their homeland?"
"But I can't see any hope for the country at all.How can you be so certain about that?"
"Have you noticed what they put on the table in the basement?There was a vase of flowers.A nation,suffering at such moment,hasn't forgotten about flowers.It shows that hopes are not lost.They are still able to dream.A nation with hope can create miracles.They are sure to be able to rebuild their homeland."

