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9.We weredelighted (高兴)you're coming to work with us.

分析 我们很高兴你们来和我们一起工作.

解答 答案:delighted

点评 翻译填空题考查的是词汇的记忆和运用能力,平时要注意积累和运用.同时还要注意区分近义短语.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

19.I'll come to pay a visit to you if _______ this weekend.(  )
A.you're convenientB.it is convenient for you
C.you feel convenientD.it is convenient with you


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

20.You can't imagine how happy we were!The exciting moment we had been looking forward to _______ at last.(  )
A.comeB.having comeC.cameD.coming


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

17.Susan __________ for our newspaper any more.She has been hired by a fashion magazine.(  )
A.doesn't workB.wouldn't workC.didn't workD.hadn't worked


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

4.Waiting ______ to be reunited with the son he had not seen in 13years,Phil Baker took a stroll along tee beach with his wife to ease his nerve.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

14.It seemssurprising (令人惊奇)that at my age I am still fit enough to cycle 20kilometers a day.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.As we discussed last week,there have been a lot of reports that boys are in trouble in American education.Some people say efforts to improve education for girls,especially in math and science,have resulted in a crisis for boys.That belief has led to what a new report calls a growth industry of experts advising how to make schools more"boy friendly".
Yet that report,released this week,suggests that the truth is far different from what people might think.It says American boys in most cases are doing better than ever."But girls have just improved their performance on some measures even faster,"it says.As a result,girls have narrowed or closed differences with boys in some areas and moved farther ahead of them in others.
The report does agree that some groups of boys are in trouble.It says this is true especially of blacks and those from poor families.But it says closing racial and economic differences would help them more than reducing diff erences between boys and girls.
Another concern is the large number of boys with learning and emotional disabilities.Also,the report says policymakers now recognize the need to reform public high schools,which should help boys as well as girls.But the report questions what it calls"simplistic"proposals to fix problems for boys in American school.One example given is expanding single-sex schooling.Findings on the success of the idea have differed.
The Education Sector report calls for more study into the differences between boys and girls and into the culture of schools.It says the research will help better understand why gains for boys are not rising as fast as for girls.But the report also advises the public not to worry too much,and to be careful not to harm the gains that girls have made.

43.We can read this report most probably in aB.
A.magazine for boys              
B.well-known newspaper   
C.school announcement            
D.school advertisement
44.From Paragraph 1,we learn that in some people's opinionA.
A.efforts for American girls cause boys'trouble
B.American education does no good to boys.
C.American schools are more"girl friendly"
D.American boys are not really in tro uble
45.We can infer from the report thatD.
A.boys should be responsible for their crisis
B.some groups of boys are actually in trouble
C.policymakers disagree to reform public high schools
D.it's probably not good simply to expand single-sex schools.
46.The best title of the passage should beA
A.A report on a Boy Crisis in America         
B.A New Study on American Education.
C.Save American Boys in Trouble.
D.Why Are Girls Far Better Than Boys?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

18.根据对话情景和内容,从对话后所给的选项中选出能填人每一空白处的最佳选项,并在 答题卡上将该选项涂黑.选项中有两个为多余选项.
Brian:Morning,Alice.Did you enjoy your holiday in the countryside?
Alice:Yes,thanks.(6)BAnd some friends went with us.
Brian:(7)C In a hotel?
Alice:No.We camped in the mountains.We cooked all our meals on an open fire and ate outside.
Brian:(8)AWas the weather good?
Alice:The sun shone nearly every day and it didn't rain once.
Alice:Yes,they were great.We met some farmers and had tea in their houses.
Alice:We came back this morning.We got up at 4:30,left at 5and arrived here at 9.I'm so tired.
Brian:Oh,I can see.Have a good rest.

A.Sounds wonderful.
B.We had a great time.
C.Where did you stay?
D.How was your holiday?
E.When did you get back?
F.What places did you visit?
G.Did you like the people there?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.W:Merry Christmas,John.
W:Has your family got a Christmas tree?
M:Of course we have.My father bought a tree the day before yesterday,and it is much more beautiful than the one we had last year.(52)F
W:We have one,too.Yesterday my family decorated it with all kinds of presents.
M:We have also hung a lot of small colored lamps on it.(53)E.They say Santa Claus will put his presents to me in them.
W:But my grandma tells me Santa Claus always puts toys in your stockings.
W:It's true.My grandma never tells lies.I'll put my stockings near the pillow tonight.
M:That's a good idea.
W:I have to go now.Good luck!
A.The same to you.
B.Have you received any present?
D.Merry Christmas,Sally.
E.My parents put many boxes under the tree.
F.And you?
G:I'll put stockings under the tree,too.

